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单词 猜测
释义 〔indicate〕The central meaning shared by these verbs is "to give grounds for supposing or inferring the existence or presence of something": 这些动词共同的中心意思是“为猜测或推断某事物的存在提供基础” : 〔calculate〕"I cal'late she's a right smart cook"(Dialect Notes)“我猜测她是一位手艺精巧的厨师”(方言注释)〔conjecture〕To infer from inconclusive evidence; guess.猜测:根据非结论性的证据所作的推测;猜测〔dentist〕“Dentist figures [appears] now in our newspapers, and may do well enough for a French puffer [a writer of inflated advertisements];but we fancy Rutter is content with being called atooth-drawer. ” In this quotation from the September 15, 1759, issue of theEdinburgh Chronicle we seedentist in its infancy as an English word, trailing evidence of its French origin.If we had formed a word in English likedentist, which comes from the French word dent, "tooth,” we would havetoothist, a word that does not exist. Buttoothist and tooth-drawer lack the elegance of the French borrowing dentist, an elegance that is shared by other borrowings from French during the past four centuries,such asballet, champagne, coquette, coterie, and negligee. “Dentist 现在在我们的报纸里出现了, 可能常是法国吹嘘者宣传的对象;但是,我们猜测鲁特会对被称为tooth-drawer 的东西感到满意”。 在这段引自1759年9月15日的杂志爱丁堡年记 的话中, 我们看到dentist 最初是作为一个英语单词产生的, 它却起源于法语。如果我们当时在英语中构造了象dentist (它源于法语 dent )的这样一个英语词"tooth", 我们将会得到一个根本就不存在的形式:toothist 。 但是toothist 和 tooth-drawer 缺乏法语借用词 dentist 的高雅, 这种高雅为其他在这四百年里从法语中借用的词所共有,如ballet,champagne,coquette,coterie 和 negligee 〔guess〕A conjecture arrived at by guessing.推断:通过猜测而得出结论〔jaundice〕To affect with envy, jealousy, prejudice, or hostility.See Synonyms at bias 使不满:使心怀怨恨、妒嫉、猜测、偏见或敌对 参见 bias〔conjecture〕Inference or judgment based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence; guesswork.推测:基于非结论性的或不完全的证据作出的推论或判断;猜测〔speculate〕To engage in a course of reasoning often based on inconclusive evidence.See Synonyms at conjecture See Synonyms at think 推测,猜测:根据不确定的证据所进行的推理过程 参见 conjecture 参见 think〔shot〕A wild, unsubstantiated guess.瞎猜:胡乱的、没有根据的猜测〔guess〕To assume, presume, or assert (a fact) without sufficient information.猜测,臆测:没有足够的材料而推断、假设或断言(某一事实)〔conjecture〕Scientists speculate on the origin of the universe.科学家们猜测宇宙的起源。〔educated〕an educated guess.根据事实或经验作出的猜测〔scent〕To suspect or detect as if by smelling:察觉:犹如通过嗅觉猜测或发现:〔raconteur〕aconter [to count up, reckon] * see account aconter [认为,猜测] * 参见 account〔guesswork〕The process of making guesses.猜测:进行猜测的过程〔talk〕Hearsay, rumor, or speculation:传闻、谣言或猜测〔quiz〕Although we do not know the origin of the wordquiz, just as we may not know the answers to all the questions on a quiz,we can say that its first recorded sense has to do with people,not tests.The term, first recorded in 1782,meant "an odd or eccentric person.”From the noun in this sense came a verbmeaning "to make sport or fun of" and "to regard mockingly.”In English dialects and probably in American Englishthe verbquiz acquired senses relating to interrogation and questioning. This presumably occurredbecausequiz was associated with question, inquisitive, or perhaps the English dialect verb quiset, "to question" (probably itself short for obsoleteinquisite, "to investigate"). From this new area of meaning came the noun and verb senses all too familiar to students.The second recorded instance of the noun sense occurs in the writings of no less an educator than William James,who in a December 26, 1867, letter proffers the hopethat "perhaps giving ‘quizzes’ in anatomy and physiology . . . may help along.”虽然我们不知道quiz 这个词的来源, 正象我们可能并不清楚测试中所有问题的答案一样,但我们可以肯定的是这个词最初被记录时的意义与人有关,而不是测试,这个词第一次被记录下来是在1782年,意思为“一个古怪或行为怪诞的人”。从这种意义的名词派生出一个动词,意思为“嘲笑或戏弄…”和“以嘲讽的态度对待”。在英语并且很可能是在美国英语中,quiz 这个动词形成了有关审问或提问的意思, 据猜测,这一现象的发生是因为quiz 使人联想起 question , inquisitive 或者可能 quiset 这个英国方言中的动词, 意思为“提问”(很可能是inquisite 这个过时用语的缩写形式,意思为“调查”)。 从这个意思中派生出学生们再熟悉不 过的名词和动词意思。记录下这个名词意义的第二个例子恰好出现在教育家威廉·詹姆斯的笔下。在1867年12月26日写的一封信中,他提出一条希望:或许在解剖学和物理学方面进行测试…可能有些独特的帮助。”〔whereabouts〕His whereabouts is a matter of conjecture. Her whereabouts are still unknown.他的所在地是个大家猜测的问题。她在什么地方依旧还没人知道〔scarce〕The phrasescarce excerpt, if it ever should occur to one, is an excellent example of how two intimately related words can diverge from one another in form while passing from one language to another over the centuries.Both words can be traced back to the Latin wordexcerpo (past participle stem excerpt- ), meaning "to pick out,” "to pick out mentally,” and "to select a passage for quotation.”This is clearly the ultimate source of our nounexcerpt (first recorded before 1638) and verb (first recorded around 1536), a past participle usage already being recorded in the 15th century. A more tangled path leads to our wordscarce. It is assumed that side by side with Latinexcerpere existed the Vulgar Latin form .excarpere. .Excarpsus, an adjective formed with the past participle of .excarpere in Vulgar Latin, meant "narrow, cramped,” and from this Vulgar Latin form came the Old French wordéchars, "insufficient, cramped,” and "stingy.” The Old French word, which existed in a variety of forms in Old French,includingscars and the chiefly Old North French form escarse, was borrowed into Middle English asscarse, being first recorded in a manuscript written around 1300.如果人们能够想到scarce excerpt 这个词语, 是一个说明两个关系密切的词语如何历经几个世纪,在一种语言转化到另一种语言的同时从一种形式转化到另一种形式的极佳例子。两个词可追溯到拉丁词excerpo (过去分词词根为 excerpt- ), 意为“选出”、“在思想上进行选择”和“为了引用而选择一个段落”。很清楚,名词excerpt (第一次记录于1638年前)和动词(首次记录于约1536年)及过去分词用法的最终词源,在15世纪时就已经被记录下来。 词语scarce 的变化更为复杂。 据猜测与拉丁文中excerpere 同时存在的有拉丁俗语形式 excarpere。 Excarpsus在拉丁俗语中是由 excarpere 的过去分词形成的,意为“狭窄的、受限制的”, 从这一拉丁俗语形式形成了古法语词echars ,意为“不足的、受限制的”及“吝啬的”。 这些在古法语中以多种形式存在的古法语词,包括scars 和北部古法语的主要形式 escarse , 被引入中世纪英语中成为scarse , 在1300年左右第一次被记载在一手稿本中〔romance〕We have been given speculation and romance instead of the facts.给我们的全是猜测和胡诌而不是事实〔guess〕An act or instance of guessing.猜测猜测的例子或行为〔guesswork〕An estimate or judgment made by guessing.推断:由猜测而得来的估计或判断〔scheme〕Latin schēma [figure] 拉丁语 schēma [猜测] 〔venture〕"I would venture to guess that Anon., who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman"(Virginia Woolf)“我冒昧地猜测,那个写下如此多诗歌的无名氏多半是个女人”(弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫)〔Jew〕It is widely recognized that the attributive use of the nounJew, in phrases such as Jew lawyer or Jew ethics, is both offensive and vulgar. In such contextsJewish is the only acceptable possibility. But some people have become so wary of this constructionthat they have overgeneralized the anathema to any use of the noun,a practice that carries risks of its own.In a sentence such asThere are now several Jews on the council, which is unexceptionable, the substitution of a circumlocution likeJewish people or persons of Jewish background may unwittingly suggest an unwarranted and hence suspect delicacy.通常认为名词Jew 用作定语的用法是无礼的和粗俗的,例如 犹太人律师 或 犹太种族 。 在这样的上下文中,Jewish 是唯一可能被接受的。 但一些人对这种构词方式已变得极为小心,以至他们将针对这个名词任何用法上的厌恶过于一般化,这是一种给这个词带来危险的作法。例这句话在现在的内阁里有一些犹太人 就是无懈可击的, 一种迂回的替换说法象犹太人 或 有犹太背景的人 可以无意之中表明这只是一个未证实的事, 因此只是一种微妙的猜测〔stochastic〕from stokhazesthai [to guess at] 源自 stokhazesthai [对…猜测] 〔paranoid〕a paranoid suspicion that the phone might be bugged.怀疑电话可能被窃听的多疑猜测〔guess〕To make an estimate or conjecture:猜,猜测:做出判断或猜想:〔will〕Used to indicate probability or expectation:可能,大概:用于表示可能性、猜测〔if〕If Hamlet was really written by Marlowe, as many have argued, then we have underestimated Marlowe's genius.如果就象很多人猜测的那样,《哈姆雷特》一剧是由马洛写的,那我们就一直低估了马洛的才能。〔psych〕To anticipate or guess the intentions of:预料或猜测…的目的:〔harass〕"How she would have pursued and pestered me with questions and surmises" (Charlotte Brontë).“她怎么会用那些疑问和猜测来纠缠我呢?” (夏洛蒂·勃朗特)。〔conjecture〕A statement, an opinion, or a conclusion based on guesswork:猜想:基于猜测的声明、观点或结论:〔conjecture〕It was impossible to conjecture from the expression on his face what his reaction was.从他脸上的表情来猜测他的反应是不可能的。〔camlet〕A rich cloth of Asian origin, supposed originally to have been made of camel's hair and silk and later made of goat's hair and silk or other combinations.驼毛呢:起源于亚洲的一种华美的布料,据猜测,最初是用骆驼的毛和绒制成,而后来则由山羊的毛和绒或其它结合物制成〔Anaximander〕Greek philosopher and astronomer who speculated that the universe arose out of the separation of opposite qualities from one primordial substance.阿那克西曼德:希腊哲学家和天文学家,他猜测宇宙由一个原生质的相反品种分裂产生〔consider〕These verbs refer to holding opinions or views that are based on evaluation.这些动词指抱有基于猜测的意见或观点。〔practical〕Of, relating to, governed by, or acquired through practice or action, rather than theory, speculation, or ideals:实践的,实际的:实践或行动的,而不是理论、猜测或理想的,与实践或行动有关的,由实践和行动控制的,通过实践和行动获得的:〔wild〕wild accusations; a wild guess.胡乱指控;胡乱猜测




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