单词 | 独裁者 |
释义 | 〔only〕 Dictators only respect force;独裁者只重视权力;〔only〕Dictators respect only force;独裁者只认同暴力;〔milk〕"The dictator and his cronies had milked their country of somewhere between $5 billion and $10 billion"(Russell Watson)“独裁者及他的亲信从他们的国家榨取大约50亿到100亿美元”(拉塞尔·沃森)〔Boulanger〕French military and political leader who after serving in the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) envisioned himself dictator and was accused of treason. He committed suicide in exile.博兰格尔,乔治斯·欧内斯特·简·玛丽:(1837-1891) 法国军事和政治领袖,参加普法战争(1870-1871年)后,企图成为一个独裁者,但被起诉为叛逆,后在流放中自杀〔rant〕a dictator who ranted his vitriol onto a captive audience.一个向驯服的听众们大声兜售尖刻观点的独裁者〔subversive〕"Sex and creativity are often seen by dictators as subversive activities"(Erica Jong)“性与创造常常被独裁者们看作是颠覆性的活动”(埃丽卡·荣)〔ruler〕One, such as a monarch or dictator, that rules or governs.统治者,管理者:统治或管理的人,如君主或独裁者〔Holmes〕American physician and writer. A professor of anatomy and physiology at Harvard (1847-1882), he wrote humorous conversational pieces, includingThe Autocrat of the Breakfast Table (1858). 霍姆斯,奥利弗·温德尔:(1809-1894) 美国医生和作家,哈佛的解剖学及生理学教授(1847-1882年),他写过一些幽默的会谈式文章,其中有《早餐桌上的独裁者》 (1858年) 〔Caxias〕Brazilian general and statesman who commanded the Brazilian army that drove the Argentine dictator Juan Manuel de Rosas from Buenos Aires (1851).凯克西亚斯:巴西将领及政治家,曾指挥巴西军队把阿根廷独裁者朱安·曼纽·德罗萨斯赶出了布宜诺斯艾利斯(1851年)〔delegitimize〕an attempt to delegitimize the Vichy government; delegitimized the dictator in the eyes of the world.试图宣告维希政府的合法性的无效;当着全世界宣告独裁者的权威已丧失〔dictatorship〕The office or tenure of a dictator.独裁者的职位或任期〔czar〕The wordczar can also be spelled tsar. Czar is the most common form in American usageand virtually the only one employed in the extended senses "any tyrant" or informally, "one in authority.”Buttsar is preferred by most scholars of Slavic studies as a more accurate transliteration of the Russian and is often found in scholarly writing with reference to one of the Russian emperors.单词czar 也能拼写为 tsar。 Czar 是最普遍的美国用法,并且实际上是唯一引申为“任何独裁者”或者非正式指“当权者”的词语。但是tsar 是大多数斯拉夫语研究学者更多地用作俄语的更加正确的翻译, 并且经常在学术文章中指其中的一位沙皇〔unctuous〕gave the dictator a fulsome introduction;谄媚而又令人作呕地介绍了独裁者;〔Mussolini〕Italian Fascist dictator and prime minister (1922-1943) who conducted an expansionist foreign policy, formalized an alliance with Germany (1939), and brought Italy into World War II (1940). Dismissed by Victor Emmanuel III (1943), he led a puppet Nazi government in northern Italy until 1945, when he was assassinated.墨索里尼,贝尼托:(1883-1945) 意大利法西斯独裁者和总理(1922-1943年),他实行扩张主义的对外政策,与德国结成盟军(1939年),使意大利卷入第二次世界大战(1940年),后被维克多·伊曼纽尔三世革职(1943年)。在1945年他被刺杀之前,一直在意大利北部领导纳粹傀儡政府〔cruel〕a cruel tyrant.残暴的独裁者。〔Carranza〕Mexican revolutionary politician who was the first president (1915-1920) of the new Mexican Republic after the overthrow of dictator Porfirio Díaz (1911).卡兰萨,维纳斯蒂安纳:(1859-1920) 墨西哥革命政治家,在独裁者波菲里奥·狄亚兹(1911年)被推翻后任新墨西哥共和国的第一任总统(1915-1920年)〔Salazar〕Portuguese dictator (1932-1968) known for his programs of fiscal austerity and his attempts to repress growing opposition in Portugal's African colonies.萨拉查,安东尼奥·德·奥利弗拉:(1889-1970) 葡萄牙独裁者(1932-1968年),在任期间因其财政紧缩方案和试图镇压葡萄牙属非洲殖民地日益增长的反抗而闻名〔effigy〕The deposed dictator was burned in effigy by the crowd.群众焚烧退位独裁者的模拟像〔czar〕A person having great power; an autocrat:有无上权力者;独裁者:〔autarch〕Greek autarkhos [self-governing, autarch] * see autarchy 1希腊语 autarkhos [自治,独裁者] * 参见 autarchy1〔autarch〕An absolute ruler; a despot.独裁者:一个绝对统治者;专治君主〔state〕a monarch dealing with state matters; the department that handles state security.处理国家事务的独裁者;处理国家安全事务的部门〔Franco〕Spanish soldier and political leader who directed the Nationalist government and rebel armed forces that defeated the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). He ruled as dictator (1939-1975) until his death, upon which the Bourbon monarchy was restored.佛朗哥,弗朗西斯科:(1892-1975) 西班牙军人和政治领袖,领导民族主义政府在反对西班牙内战中(1936-1939年)击退共和党员的武装力量。他在(1939-1975年)年期间以独裁者姿态统治直到死,其后波旁皇室君主政体复位〔Agathocles〕Sicilian despot and tyrant of Syracuse (317-289).阿加索克利斯:西西里暴君,锡拉库萨(公元前317-289年)的独裁者〔despise〕contemned the actions of the dictator;蔑视独裁者的法令;〔arbitrary〕the arbitrary rule of a dictator.独裁者的专制统治〔dictator〕An absolute ruler.独裁者:绝对统治者〔now〕goods now on sale; the now aging dictator.现售货物;现在正在衰老下去的独裁者〔Rienzi〕Italian revolutionary leader who installed himself as dictator of Rome (1347) but was quickly ousted at the bidding of the pope. In his second attempt to rule (1354), he was killed by a mob.里恩基,科拉·迪:(1313?-1354) 意大利革命领导人,他曾于1347年任罗马独裁者,但在教皇的要求下很快被推翻。在第二次企图统治中(1354年),被暴民杀死〔Sulla〕Roman general and dictator (82-79) who marched on Rome and seized power from his political rival Marius (88).苏拉,卢西乌斯·科内利乌斯:(138-78) 罗马统帅和独裁者(82-79年),他率领军队进入罗马城,从他的对手玛略手中夺取了政权(88年)〔Hitler〕Austrian-born founder of the German Nazi Party and chancellor of the Third Reich (1933-1945). His fascist philosophy, embodied inMein Kampf (1925-1927), attracted widespread support, and after 1934 he ruled as an absolute dictator. Hitler's pursuit of aggressive nationalist policies resulted in the invasion of Poland (1939) and the subsequent outbreak of World War II. His regime was infamous for the extermination of millions of people, especially European Jews. He committed suicide when the collapse of the Third Reich was imminent (1945). 希特勒,阿道夫:(1889-1945) 奥地利裔德国纳粹党的创始人,曾任第三帝国(1933-1945年)的总理,他的法西斯哲学主要体现在《我的奋斗》 (1925-1927年)一书中,并得到广大的支持,1934后成为全权独裁者。他执行的侵略性民族主义国家政策,造成了对波兰的入侵和随后的第二次世界大战的爆发,他因对尤其是欧洲犹太人等数百万人口的灭绝政策而臭名昭彰,并于第三帝国即将崩溃时(1945年)自杀 〔heel〕under the heel of Stalinism; the heel of an autocrat.斯大林主义暴政之下;独裁者的专制统治〔Caxias〕Brazilian general and statesman who commanded the Brazilian army that drove the Argentine dictator Juan Manuel de Rosas from Buenos Aires (1851).卡西亚斯公爵:巴西军队将领和政治家,1851年指挥巴西军队将阿根廷独裁者罗萨斯·胡安·曼奴埃尔赶出布宜诺斯艾利斯〔Duvalier〕Haitian dictator. Elected president in 1957, he declared himself president for life in 1964 and ruled in an authoritarian manner until his death. His sonJean-Claude (born 1951), known as "Baby Doc,” succeeded him in 1971 but fled the country in 1986 after widespread civil unrest. 杜瓦利埃,弗朗索瓦:(1907-1971) 海地独裁者。1957年当选总统,1964年他宣布自己任终身总统并实行独裁统治直到去世。他的儿子杰·克劳德 (生于1951年),人称“多克宝贝”,1971年继承父位,在大规模的民众动乱之后,1986年逃离海地 〔Castro〕Cuban revolutionary leader who overthrew the corrupt regime of the dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1959 and established a socialist state. He has supported other liberation struggles in Latin America and Africa and maintained close ties with the Soviet Union.卡斯特罗,菲德尔:(生于 1927) 古巴革命领导者,在1959年推翻了独裁者弗尔根西欧·巴蒂斯塔的腐败统治并建立了社会主义国家。他曾支持拉丁美洲和非洲一些其他解放运动,并和苏联保持着密切的联系〔dictatorial〕 Dictatorial stresses the inclination to exercise authority in the highhanded, peremptory manner characteristic of a dictator: Dictatoral 强调了那种爱国、独裁者行使权力时特有的傲慢专横的方式: |
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