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单词 独裁
释义 〔Long〕American politician. As governor of Louisiana (1928-1932) and U.S. senator (1930-1935) he established dictatorial control over the state.朗,休伊·皮尔斯:(1893-1935) 美国政治家。曾任路易斯安那州州长(1928-1932年)和国会参议员(1930-1935年),在该州建立了独裁专制〔monocracy〕Government or rule by a single person; autocracy.独裁政治:一人的政府或统治;独裁〔interlude〕"Kerensky has a place in history, of a brief interlude between despotisms"(William Safire)“克伦斯基在独裁专制之间短暂时期的历史中占有一席之地”(威廉·萨菲尔)〔absolute〕an absolute ruler.一个独裁统治者〔Butenandt〕German chemist. He shared a 1939 Nobel Prize for his work on sexual hormones but declined the honor following a Nazi edict prohibiting acceptance.布特南特,阿道夫·弗雷德里希:(生于 1903) 德国化学家。因对性激素的研究成果而获1939年诺贝尔奖,但遵从纳粹独裁的禁令他拒绝接受此项荣誉〔ornate〕rococo notions of an imperial presidency;个人独裁的狂妄幻想;〔dictatorial〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of a dictator or dictatorship; autocratic.独裁的:具有专制独裁者特征的或独裁的;独断专行的〔fascism〕A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.法西斯政权:一种以一人独裁下的中央集权为特征的统治方式,对社会经济实行严格控制,通过恐怖活动和新闻书刊的检查强力镇压反对党,典型的是好战的大国民族主义和种族主义〔Ceausescu〕Romanian politician who was the absolute ruler after 1965. His regime was overthrown in December 1989, and Ceausescu was executed for crimes against the state.齐奥塞斯库,尼科列:(1918-1989) 罗马尼亚政治家,1965年后罗马尼亚独裁统治者。其统治在1989年12月被推翻,齐奥塞斯库因叛国罪而被处决〔autarchy〕Absolute rule or power; autocracy.独裁:绝对的统治或统治权;专制〔Dollfuss〕Austrian politician who as chancellor (1932-1934) established an authoritarian, one-party state. He was assassinated by Austrian Nazis.陶尔斐斯,恩格尔伯特:(1892-1934) 奥地利政治家,任职总理(1932-1934年)期间建立了独裁的一党专政。被奥地利纳粹分子杀害〔Bonapartist〕A follower or supporter of Napoleon I and his policies and dynastic claims or of the Bonaparte family.波拿巴主义者:拿破仑一世和他的独裁政策及其帝王专断以及波拿巴家族的支持者或追随者〔fascist〕A reactionary or dictatorial person.一个反动的或独裁的人〔complicit〕newspapers complicit with the propaganda arm of a dictatorship.新闻界与独裁统冶的宣传机构串通一气〔license〕"When liberty becomes license, dictatorship is near"(Will Durant)“当自由变成放纵,独裁也就临近”(威尔·杜兰特)〔Metaxas〕Greek general and dictator (1936-1941) who joined the Allies after Greece was invaded by Italy in 1940.迈塔克萨斯,琼妮斯:(1871-1941) 希腊将军和独裁领导人(1936-1941年),1940年意大利侵入希腊后加入盟军〔stiff〕"under the dictates of a rigid disciplinarian" (Thomas B. Aldrich). “在一个严厉的厉行纪律者的独裁下” (汤姆斯·B·阿尔德里奇)。 〔absolute〕Unconstrained by constitutional or other provisions:不受限制的,独裁的:不受宪法或其它修正案的限制的:〔Ebert〕German politician who as president of the German Republic (1919-1925) attempted to unite his country after its defeat in World War I and suppressed Hitler's attempt to establish a dictatorship in Bavaria (1923).艾伯特,弗雷德里希:(1871-1925) 德国政治家,任德意志共和国总统(1919-1925年)期间曾试图统一第一次世界大战中的国土,并遏制了希特勒在巴伐利亚建立独裁的企图(1923年)〔command〕A general commands), whileorder can sometimes imply an autocratic or highhanded quality ( 将军发布命令), 而order 有时可以暗示一个独裁的或高压的性质( 〔autocrat〕A ruler having unlimited power; a despot.独裁统治者:一个有着无限权利的统治者;专制者〔Castro〕Venezuelan soldier and politician who was president from 1902 to 1908, when he was suspended by the congress for his dictatorial policies.卡斯特罗,奇普里亚诺:(1858?-1924) 委内瑞拉军人和政客,1902年至1908年任总统,1908年因其独裁政策而被国会停职〔Carmona〕President of Portugal (1928-1951) who was a largely symbolic leader during the dictatorial reign of Antonio de Oliveira Salazar.卡莫纳,安东尼奥·奥斯卡·德·弗拉格索:(1869-1951) 葡萄牙总统(1928-1951年),在安东尼奥·德·奥立维勒·萨拉查的独裁统治期间,他大体上只是一个象征性的领导人〔jealous〕Intolerant of disloyalty or infidelity; autocratic:容不得抗争的,专横的:因不忠实或背信弃义而不能忍受的;独裁的:〔cult〕A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.异教,邪教:一般被视为走极端或伪造的宗教或宗教派别,其追随者们通常在一个独裁的、极有性格魅力的领袖领导下过着不循惯例的生活〔pathetic〕"If when the chips are down, the world's most powerful nation . . . acts like a pitiful, helpless giant, the forces of totalitarianism and anarchy will threaten free nations and free institutions throughout the world" (Richard M. Nixon). “如果当情况危急时,世界上最强大的国家…象一个可怜的无助的巨人,那么集权主义和独裁势力将会威胁到全世界的自由国家和组织机构” (理查德·M·尼克松)。 〔Marcos〕Philippine president (1965-1986) who maintained close ties with the United States and exercised dictatorial control over his country. After a fraudulent presidential election against Corazon Aquino (1986) he fled the Philippines with his wife,Imelda (born 1930). 马科斯,费迪南德·爱达林:(1917-1989) 菲律宾总统(1965-1986年),他与美国建立了密切的联系,并对他的国家采取独裁式的统治。在一次针对科拉松·阿基诺的欺骗性选举(1986年)之后,他和他的妻子伊梅尔达 (生于1930年)逃离菲律宾 〔Christophe〕King of Haiti (1811-1820) who before proclaiming himself monarch had been instrumental in the liberation of Haiti from France (1804).克里斯托夫,亨利:(1767-1820) 海地国王(1811-1820年),将海地从法国手中解放后(1804年),宣告独裁




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