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单词 特拉
释义 〔Tlalnepantla〕A city of south-central Mexico north of Mexico City. It is a communications and industrial center. Population, 778,173.特拉内帕后拉:墨西哥中南部一城市,位于墨西哥城以北。它是通讯和工业中心。人口778,173〔Trafalgar〕A cape on the southwest coast of Spain northwest of the Strait of Gibraltar. The British navy under Adm. Horatio Nelson defeated the French and Spanish fleets off Cape Trafalgar in 1805.特拉法尔加角:位于西班牙西南海岸的海角,在直布罗陀海峡西北。1805年由霍雷肖·纳尔逊海军上将率领的英国海军在特拉法尔加角击败了法国和西班牙联合舰队〔Hamtramck〕A city of southeast Michigan surrounded by Detroit. The city is known primarily for automobile manufacturing. Population, 18,372.哈姆特拉米克:美国密歇根州东南部被底特律环绕的一个城市, 这座城市主要由于其汽车制造业而闻名。人口18,372〔Godoy〕Spanish politician whose alliance with Napoleon I against Great Britain led to the defeat of French and Spanish naval forces at Trafalgar (1805).戈多伊,曼纽尔·德:(1767-1851) 西班牙政治家,他同拿破仑一世结盟反对大英帝国,致使法国和西班牙海军1805年在特拉法尔加失败〔Trappist〕A member of the main, reformed branch of Cistercian monks, characterized by austerity and a vow of silence, established in 1664 at La Trappe Monastery in northwest France.特拉比斯教会的修道士:经过改革的天主教西妥修道会的主要一支的成员,以苦行和发誓沉默为特征,1664年建立于法国西北部的拉特拉比斯修道院〔Aegisthus〕The son of Thyestes and lover of Clytemnestra. He helped Clytemnestra kill her husband Agamemnon upon Agamemnon's return from the Trojan War.埃癸斯托斯:梯厄斯忒斯的儿子,克吕泰墨斯特拉的情人。协助克吕泰末丝特拉在其夫阿伽门农从特洛伊战争中返回时将他杀害〔Tlaquepaque〕A city of west-central Mexico southeast of Guadalajara. Tlaquepaque is noted for its folklore and crafts. Population, 133,500.特拉凯帕凯:墨西哥中西部一城市,位于瓜达拉哈拉东南方,以其民间传说和手工业闻名。人口133,500〔anxiety〕"Animosity had given way first to grudging concessions of admiration and then to worried solicitude for Lindbergh's safety" (Warren Trabant).“敌意首先向敬意做了不情愿的妥协,接着对林柏格安全的担心做了让步。” (华伦·特拉班特)〔NutraSweet〕A trademark for a brand of aspartame.努特拉代糖:阿斯巴甜糖的商标〔Pergamum〕An ancient Greek city and kingdom of western Asia Minor in modern-day western Turkey. It passed to Rome in the second centuryb.c. and was noted for its sculpture and its library, which Mark Antony gave to Cleopatra. 帕加马:古希腊城市,西亚次大陆的一个王国,在今土耳其西部。在第二个世纪时,它归于罗马公元前 ,以雕塑和马克·安东尼给女王克里奥培特拉的图书馆而著名 〔trudgen〕A swimming stroke in which an alternating overarm movement is combined with a scissors kick.特拉真式游泳法:前臂交替运动及剪水动作互为配合的泳姿〔Clytemnestra〕The wife of Agamemnon who, with the assistance of her lover Aegisthus, murdered him on his return from the Trojan War and was later murdered by her son Orestes.克莱登妮丝特拉:亚格门农的妻子,在情人埃癸斯托斯的帮助下,在其从特洛伊战争返回中将其谋杀,之后她自己也为其子奥瑞提斯所杀〔Whitehall〕A wide thoroughfare in London, England, running north and south between Trafalgar Square and the Houses of Parliament. Named after Whitehall Palace (1529-1698), the chief residence of the Court of London, it is noted for its government offices.白厅:英国伦敦的一条宽阔大道,南北走向,位于特拉法尔加广场与议会大厦之间,根据怀特霍尔宫而命名(1529年-1698年),是英国法庭的主要所在地,以其为政府办公机构所在地而著名〔Natal〕A region of southeast Africa on the Indian Ocean. First sighted by Vasco da Gama on Christmas Day 1497 and namedTerra Natalis, it was acquired by the British in the 1820's and 1830's and settled by the Boers after 1836. Natal became a British colony in 1843 and was later a separate colony (after 1856) and then a founding province of the country of South Africa (1910). 纳塔尔省:印度洋边非洲东南部的一个地区。最先被凡斯科·达·伽马于1497圣诞节那一天发现,并且命名为特拉· 纳塔利斯 ,在19世纪20年代和30年代归于英国。1836年后被伯尔斯占据,纳塔尔在1843年成为英国的殖民地,不久成为一个独立的殖民地(1856年以后),以后又成为南非国家的基础省(1910年) 〔Agamemnon〕The king of Mycenae and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, who was the son of Atreus and the father of Orestes, Electra, and Iphigenia. He was killed by his wife Clytemnestra upon his return from Troy.阿伽门农:迈锡尼的国王,特洛伊战争中的希腊联军统帅,阿特柔斯的儿子,俄瑞斯忒斯、伊莱克特拉以及依菲琴尼亚的父亲。他刚从特洛伊返回就被其妻克吕泰尼丝特拉杀害〔trudgen〕After John Trudgen (1852-1902), British swimmer 源自约翰 特拉真 (1852-1902年),英国游泳者 〔Varuna〕The god of the ocean, often considered king of the gods and frequently paired with Mitra as an upholder of the world, inflicter of disease on sinners, and bringer of rain.伐楼拿:海神,常被视为众神之首,并且常与密特拉共同被当作世界的维护者,他使罪人染病,而且能带来雨水〔Orestes〕The son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, who with his sister Electra avenged the murder of his father by murdering his mother and her lover Aegisthus.俄瑞斯忒斯:阿加曼农和克莱德姆内斯特拉的儿子,和其姐姐埃勒克特拉通过杀其母及其母情人艾吉其塞斯而为其父报仇〔Trabzon〕A city of northeast Turkey on the Black Sea. Founded in the eighth centuryb.c. , the city was part of the Roman, Byzantine, Trebizond, and Ottoman empires. Population, 108,403. 特拉布宗:土耳其东北部一城市,濒临黑海。始建于公元前 8世纪。这一城市是罗马、拜占庭、特拉彼宗特及奥特曼帝国的一部分。人口108,403




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