单词 | 特区 |
释义 | 〔Beltway〕The political establishment of Washington, D.C., including federal officeholders, lobbyists, consultants, and media commentators.环城快道人:华盛顿特区的政治权贵,包括联邦官员、说客、顾问以及媒体评论员〔Fairfax〕An independent city of northeast Virginia, a residential suburb of Washington, D.C. Population, 19,622.费尔法克斯:美国弗吉尼亚东北部的自治市,华盛顿特区近郊的住宅区。人口19,622〔Annandale〕A city of northeast Virginia, a suburb of Alexandria and Washington, D.C. Population, 50,975.安南达尔:弗吉尼亚东北部一城市,是亚历山大和华盛顿特区的郊区。人口50,975〔Potomac〕A community of central Maryland, a residential suburb of Washington, D.C. Population, 22,800.波托马克:美国马里兰州中部社区,是华盛顿特区的郊外住宅区。人口22,800〔franchise〕The territory or limits within which immunity, a privilege, or a right may be exercised.特区:可以享有豁免权、特权或权利的区域范围〔Alexandria〕An independent city of northern Virginia on the Potomac River opposite Washington, D.C. Primarily a residential suburb of the capital, the city has many historic buildings, including Gadsby's Tavern, built in 1752. George Washington helped lay out the streets in 1749. Population, 111,183.亚历山大:美国弗吉尼亚州北部的独立市,隔波托马克河与华盛顿特区相望。基本上是首都的一个郊外居住区,市内有许多具有历史意义的建筑,包括建于1752年的加兹比旅馆。1749年乔治·华盛顿曾帮助设计该市的街道布局。人口111,183〔Wheaton〕An unincorporated community of central Maryland, a residential suburb of Washington, D.C. Population, 53,720.惠顿:美国马里兰州中部的末被允许自治的社区,是华盛顿特区的居住郊区。人口53,720〔Gaithersburg〕A city of west-central Maryland north-northwest of Washington, D.C. It is a residential city with light industries. Population, 39,542.盖瑟斯堡:美国马里兰州中西部的一座城市,位于华盛顿特区西北偏北,是一座拥有轻工业的居住城市,人口39,542〔Mills〕American architect and engineer who designed a number of government buildings in Washington, D.C., including the General Post Office and the Washington Monument.米尔斯,罗伯特:(1781-1855) 美国建筑家及工程师,曾为华盛顿特区设计了数座政府大厦,包括联邦邮局和华盛顿纪念碑〔Rostropovich〕Russian cellist and conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington, D.C. (since 1977).罗斯托波维奇,米斯蒂斯拉夫:(生于 1927) 俄国大提琴手,曾任华盛顿特区的国家交响团指挥(始于1977年)〔Lin〕American sculptor and architect whose public works include the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. (1982).林,马雅:(生于 1959) 美国雕塑家和建筑家,其公共工程有位于华盛顿特区的越战老兵纪念碑(1982年)〔Washington〕The capital of the United States, on the Potomac River between Virginia and Maryland and coextensive with the District of Columbia. It was designed by Pierre L'Enfant and became the capital in 1800. In the War of 1812 the British captured and sacked (1814) Washington, burning most of the public buildings, including the Capitol and the White House. Population, 609,909.华盛顿特区:美国首都,位于弗吉尼亚和马里兰之间的波多马克河畔,与哥伦比亚特区具有同等范围。它由皮埃尔·L·昂方设计,于1800年成为首都。在1812年战争中,英军占领并洗劫了华盛顿(1814年),烧毁了大部分公共建筑,包括国会大厦及白宫。人口609,909〔Greenhow〕American Confederate spy. A prominent Washington, D.C., socialite, she obtained and disseminated information on Union troop movements (1861-1862). Exiled to the South, she continued her activities and ultimately drowned while attempting to evade the Union blockade of Wilmington, North Carolina.葛琳皓,罗斯·奥尼尔:(1815?-1864) 美南北战争时期南方著名的间谍,华盛顿特区的社交界名人。她获取并传递了关于北方军队行动的情报(1861-1862年)。被驱逐回南方后她继续从事谍报活动。 在企图逃离被北方围困的北卡罗来纳州的威明顿时被抓获并淹死〔Pearson〕American journalist famous for exposing political corruption in Washington, D.C. He was the coauthor ofWashington Merry-Go-Round (1931). 皮尔逊,安德鲁·拉塞尔:(1897-1969) 美国记者,以揭露华盛顿特区的政治腐败现象闻名,他是《华盛顿旋转木马》 (1931年)一书的著者之一 〔Bethesda〕An unincorporated city of west-central Maryland, a residential suburb of Washington, D.C. The National Institutes of Health and Naval Medical Center are here. Population, 62,936.贝塞斯达:美国马里兰州中西部一无法人地位的城市,是华盛顿特区的居住郊区。它是国家健康研究所和海军医疗中心所在地。人口62,936〔Baltimore〕A city of northern Maryland on an arm of Chesapeake Bay northeast of Washington, D.C. It has been a busy port since the 18th century. Population, 736,014.巴尔的摩:美国马里兰州北部一城市,位于华盛顿特区东北面的切萨皮克湾的一个分支处。自18世纪以来一直是繁忙的港口。人口736,014〔Greenbelt〕A city of central Maryland, a residential suburb of Washington, D.C. It was planned and built by the federal government as an experimental model community. Population, 21,096.格林贝尔特:美国马里兰州中部的城市,为华盛顿特区的一个住宅区。它是被联邦政府做为试验性现代社区来规划和建设的。人口21,096〔Hoban〕Irish-born American architect who designed and supervised the construction (1793-1801) and renovation (1815-1829) of the White House in Washington, D.C.霍本,詹姆斯:(1762?-1831) 爱尔兰裔美国建筑师,设计并监督制造了华盛顿特区的白宫(1793-1801年)并对其作了修复(1815-1829年)〔Renwick〕American architect who designed the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. (1848), and Saint Patrick's Cathedral in New York City (1853).兰威克,詹姆斯:(1818-1895) 美国建筑师,曾设计了华盛顿特区的史密森学院(1848年)和纽约城内的圣帕屈克大教堂(1853年)〔Robert〕American army engineer and parliamentary authority. He designed the defenses for Washington, D.C., during the Civil War and later wroteRobert's Rules of Order (1876). 罗伯特,亨利·马丁:(1837-1923) 美国军械师和议会掌权人,他在美国内战期间为华盛顿特区设计了防御工事,后来著有《罗伯特的治安条例》 (1876年)一书 〔Ayr〕A burgh of southwest Scotland at the mouth of theAyr River on the Firth of Clyde. It is a resort and a fishing port. Population, 48,600. 埃尔:苏格兰西南部特区,在克莱德湾的艾尔河 河口处,是一个旅游胜地和渔港。人口48,600 〔Suitland〕An unincorporated community of central Maryland, a suburb of Washington, D.C. Population, 35,111.休特兰:马里兰州中部的一个非自治社区,位于华盛顿特区的郊外。人口35,111〔Eskilstuna〕A city of southeast Sweden west of Stockholm. It was chartered in 1659. Population, 88,664.埃斯基尔斯土纳:瑞典东南部位于斯德哥尔摩西面的一座城市,659年被特许为特区。人口88,664〔Rotterdam〕A city of southwest Netherlands on the Rhine-Meuse delta south-southeast of The Hague. Chartered in 1328, it was a major commercial power during the 16th and 17th centuries and is today a thriving port accessible via canal to oceangoing vessels. The city was heavily bombed during World War II. Population, 555,341.鹿特丹:荷兰西南部一城市,位于莱因河-默兹河的三角洲地带,在海牙东南以南。该市于1328年为特区,16和17世纪时曾是主要的商业区,现为通过运河可容纳江洋航船的繁荣港口之一,该市曾在第二次世界大战期间受到严重的轰炸。人口555,341〔Reston〕A community of northeast Virginia, a suburb of the Washington, D.C.-Alexandria, Virginia, area. Population, 48,556.雷斯顿:弗吉尼亚东北部的一社区,是弗吉尼亚地区的华盛顿特区一亚历山大的郊区。人口48,556〔Hoxie〕American sculptor known especially for her marble statue of Abraham Lincoln (unveiled 1871) in the rotunda of the Capitol in Washington, D.C.霍克西,温尼尔·里姆:(1847-1914) 美国雕塑家,尤以其大理石雕像“亚伯拉罕·林肯”(1871年揭幕)而著名,此像存放于华盛顿特区美国国会大厦的圆形大厅中〔Madison〕First Lady of the United States (1809-1817) as the wife of President James Madison. She earlier served as White House hostess for the widowed Thomas Jefferson. During the British invasion of Washington, D.C. (1814), she heroically carried important government papers and a portrait of George Washington to safety.麦迪逊,多尔雷·佩恩·托德:(1768-1849) 美国的第一夫人(1809-1817年),詹姆士·麦迪逊总统之妻。早期她替丧妻的托马斯·杰弗逊担当白宫的女主人。英军入侵华盛顿特区的时候(1814年),她曾英勇地将一些重要的政府文件及一幅乔治·华盛顿的肖像转移到安全的地方〔Taft〕First Lady of the United States (1909-1913) as the wife of President William Howard Taft. She arranged for the planting of several thousand cherry trees around Washington, D.C.塔夫脱,海伦:(1861-1943) 美国的第一夫人(1909-1913年),她是威廉姆·霍华德·塔夫脱总统的妻子。她曾组织在华盛顿特区周围种植了数千株樱桃树〔Rockville〕A city of central Maryland north-northwest of Washington, D.C. It is the site of several research laboratories. Population, 44,835.罗克维尔:美国马里兰州中部一城市,位于华盛顿特区西北偏北。是几个科研实验室的所在地。人口44,835〔quarter〕Often Quarter A specific district or section, as of a city: 常作 Quarter 特区:一特定地区或区域,如城市的:〔Clinton〕An unincorporated community of west-central Maryland southeast of Washington, D.C. Andrews Air Force Base is nearby. Population, 19,987.克林顿区:美国马里兰州中西部、华盛顿特区东南部的一个未合并社区。安德鲁斯空军基地位于附近。人口19,987〔Vienna〕A town of northeast Virginia, a residential suburb of Washington, D.C. Population, 15,469.维也纳:美国弗吉尼亚东北部一城镇,华盛顿特区的居住郊区。人口15,469〔Mellon〕American financier and public official who served as U.S. secretary of the treasury (1921-1932) and endowed the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.梅隆,安德鲁·威廉:(1855-1937) 美国金融家及政府官员,曾任美国财政部长(1921-1932年)并向华盛顿特区的国家美术馆捐赠基金〔Bowie〕A city of west-central Maryland northeast of Washington, D.C. It is primarily residential. Population, 37,589.鲍威:美国马里兰州中西部一城市,位于华盛顿特区东北部。基本上是住宅区。人口37,589〔Greenough〕American sculptor whose principal work is the neoclassical statue of George Washington at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.格里诺,霍拉肖:(1805-1852) 美国雕刻家,其最重要的作品为存放在华盛顿特区史密森学会,有新古典主义风格的乔治·华盛顿的雕像〔Woodbridge〕A community of northwest Virginia, a suburb of Alexandria and Washington, D.C. Population, 26,401.伍德布里奇:美国弗吉尼亚西北部一社区,亚历山大和华盛顿特区的郊区。人口26,401〔Beltway〕The beltway surrounding Washington, D.C.环城快道:环绕华盛顿特区的环形公路〔Coxey〕American businessman and reformer who led a march on Washington, D.C., to protest unemployment and recommended the use of fiat money to finance a work program.考克西,雅格布·塞奇勒:(1854-1951) 美国商人和社会改革家,他在华盛顿特区组织游行抗议失业,并提议把不兑现纸币用于资助一项工作计划〔Stone〕American architect who was an exponent of the International Style. Among his notable designs is the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. (1964).斯通,爱德华·杜雷尔:(1902-1978) 美国建筑师,国际风格的倡导者,他的著名设计之一是华盛顿特区的供艺术表演用的肯尼迪中心(1964年)〔capitol〕Capitol The building in Washington, D.C., where the Congress of the United States meets.See Usage Note at capital 1 Capitol 美国国会大厦,国会山庄:华盛顿特区的一幢建筑,美国国会在此举行会议 参见 capital1 |
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