单词 | 特别是在 |
释义 | 〔bed〕A rock mass of large horizontal extent bounded, especially above, by physically different material.地层:一个水平的大岩石区域,特别是在它的上面邻接的是不同物质的材料〔snowy〕Resembling or suggesting snow, especially in whiteness:似雪的:和雪相似或暗指雪的,特别是在白色方面:〔same〕The expressionssame and the same are sometimes used in place of pronouns such as it or one, as inWhen you have filled out the form, please remit same to this office. As this example suggests, the usage is associated chiefly with commercial and legal language,and some critics have suggested that it should be reserved for such contexts.But though the usage often does sound stilted,it occurs with some frequency in informal writing, particularly in the phraselack of same, as inIt is a question of money, or lack of same. And blind conformity to the critical injunction would have deprived us of the famously laconic radio message sent by a U.S. Navy officer during World War II: Same 和 the same 这两个表达法有时用作代词以替代 it 或 one, 如句子When you have filled out the form,please remit same to the office(填完表格后请提交给办公室)。 正如这个例子所表示的,这种用法主要出现于商业和法律用语,有些评论家认为应当把这种用法限制于此。尽管这种用法常听起来不太自然,但它有时也会出现在非正式的书面语中,特别是在短语lack of the same 中, 如句子It's a question of money,or lack of same。 并且,如果盲目地遵从评论家的禁令,我们将不会听到二次世界大战期间以简洁著称的美国海军军官的无线电口令: 〔governessy〕Fastidious, especially about matters of learning; prim.一本正经的:过分讲究的,特别是在学习时;一本正经的〔superintendent〕A janitor or custodian in a building, especially in an apartment house.看门人:在一幢房子里,特别是在一座公寓里,照管楼房的工友或管理员〔aerothermodynamics〕(used with a sing. verb)The study of the thermodynamics of gases, especially at high relative velocities.(与单数动词连用)空气热力学:关于空气的热力学,特别是在高相对速状态下空气的热力学研究〔which〕The antecedent ofwhich can sometimes be a sentence or clause, as opposed to a noun phrase,as inShe ignored him, which proved to be unwise. They swept the council elections,which could never have happened under the old rules. Such examples are unexceptionable,but care should be taken that this usage does not cause ambiguities.The sentenceIt emerged that Edna made the complaint, which surprised everybody may mean either that the complaint was surprising or that it was surprising that Edna made it. The ambiguity can be avoided with paraphrases such asIt emerged that Edna made the complaint, a revelation that surprised everybody. ? In its use to refer to the contents of sentences and clauses,which should be used only when it is preceded by its antecedent. When the antecedent follows,what should be used, particularly in formal style: Still, he has not said he will withdraw, which is more surprising but Still, what (not which ) is more surprising, he has not said he will withdraw. See Usage Note at that ,what ,whose which 的先行词有时可为一个句子或一个从句, 与名词短语相对立,如在句子她忽视了他,结果证明这是不明智的。 他们在委员会选举中一举获胜,这在旧体制下是永远不会发生的。 这样的例子是无懈可击的,但应该小心谨慎以使这种用法不致于引起模棱两可。句子It emerged that Edna made the complaint, which surprised everybody(埃德娜发出了使每个人都很吃惊的怨言) 既可以指怨气让人吃惊也可以指抱怨的是埃德娜而让人吃惊。 用例如It emerged that Edna made the complaint, a revelation that surprised everybody.(埃德娜大加抱怨,这发现让大家都很吃惊) 这样的句子就可以避免模棱两可。 在它被用来指句子或从句内容时,which 只用在先行词在其前面时。 当先行词跟在后面时,就应该用what ,特别是在正式文体中: Still, he has not said he will withdraw, which is more surprising(他依然还是没说他将退出,这更让人吃惊) 但另外一种形式 Still, what (不用 which ) is more surprising, he has not said he will withdraw.(然而,更让人吃惊的是他还是没说他将退出) 参见 that,what,whose〔Tyner〕American jazz pianist who introduced complex harmonies, scales, and African rhythms into American jazz, especially during his time with John Coltrane's quartet (1960-1965).泰纳,麦考依:美国爵士乐钢琴家,他把复杂的和声、音阶和非洲韵律引入美国爵士乐,特别是在与约翰·考尔特兰尼合作的四重奏期间(1960年-1965年)〔relive〕To undergo or experience again, especially in the imagination.再经历:再经受或再经历,特别是在想象当中〔Byzantine〕Of or belonging to the style of architecture developed from the fifth centurya.d. in the Byzantine Empire, characterized by a central dome resting on a cube formed by four round arches and their pendentives and by the extensive use of surface decoration, especially veined marble panels, low relief carving, and colored glass mosaics. 具有拜占庭风格的:公元 5世纪在拜占庭帝国发展起来的建筑风格的,这种建筑风格的主要特征是在由四个圆拱及其三角穹隆形成的立方体结构上有一中心圆顶,且在建筑物表面上大量装饰,特别是在大理石方格上镂出纹理、塑出低度浮雕以及用彩色玻璃镶嵌 〔descriptivism〕The practice or application of descriptive linguistics, especially in the analysis of grammar.描述主义:描述语言学的练习或应用,特别是在语法分析上〔amphictyony〕A league of neighboring ancient Greek states sharing a common religious center or shrine, especially the one at Delphi.近邻各邦联盟:共有一个宗教中心或神殿(特别是在特尔斐的)的古希腊邻近城邦的联盟〔Irving〕British Shakespearean actor whose productions, particularly those at London's Lyceum Theatre, won him the first knighthood awarded to a member of his profession (1895).欧文,亨利:(1838-1905) 英国莎剧演员,他的表演,特别是在伦敦兰心剧院的表演,为他赢得了授与演员的第一个爵士封号(1895年)〔cytotaxonomy〕The classification of organisms based on cellular structure and function, especially on the structure and number of chromosomes.细胞分类学:在细胞结构和功能基础上的,特别是在染色体的结构和数量上的微生物的分类〔introit〕A hymn or psalm sung when the ministers enter at the opening of a service, especially in the Anglican Church.圣餐礼开始时唱的赞美诗:牧师开始宗教仪式时,特别是在英国圣公会教堂中唱的圣歌或赞美诗〔gonfalon〕A banner suspended from a crosspiece, especially as a standard in an ecclesiastical procession or as the ensign of a medieval Italian republic.旌旗:挂在横梁上的旗帜,特别是在举行宗教仪式时的行进队伍中的旗帜,或者中世纪意大利共和国的旗帜〔gymnastics〕(used with a pl. verb)Physical exercises designed to develop and display strength, balance, and agility, especially those performed on or with specialized apparatus.(与复数动词连用)体操训练:那种用来提高和展示力量,平衡能力和灵敏性的体育训练,特别是在一些专门器械上进行或使用这些器械的训练〔chorea〕Any of various disorders of the nervous system marked by uncontrollable and irregular muscle movements, especially of the arms, legs, and face.舞蹈病:特别是在臂、腿及脸部出现的无法控制的、无规律的肌肉运动为症状的各种神经系统紊乱〔redcoat〕A British soldier, especially one serving during the American Revolution.英国士兵:英兵,特别是在美国独立战争中服役的英国士兵〔make〕To discern or see, especially with difficulty:辨明:辨明或看清,特别是在有困难的情况下:〔lyre〕A stringed instrument of the harp family used to accompany a singer or reader of poetry, especially in ancient Greece.里拉:竖琴家族中的一种弦乐器,用来为歌手或朗诵诗歌的人伴奏,特别是在古希腊〔orthodox〕Adhering to the accepted or traditional and established faith, especially in religion.正统的:坚持被接受的或传统的和业已建立的信念,特别是在宗教中〔basidium〕A small, specialized club-shaped structure typically bearing four basidiospores at the tips of minute projections. The basidium is unique to basidiomycetes and distinguishes them from other kinds of fungi.担子:一个小的以球棒形结构为特点的,特别是在微小凸起的尖端带有四个担孢子,担子菌是担子独有的,使它与区别于其它类的真菌〔verve〕Energy and enthusiasm in the expression of ideas, especially in artistic performance or composition:气势,神韵:在表达思想时的激情和勇气,特别是在文学表演或文章中:〔gymnasium〕[gĭm-näʹzē‹m'] An academic high school in some central European countries, especially Germany, that prepares students for the university.[gĭm-näʹzē‹m'] 高级中学:在中欧国家,特别是在德国,常见的学术性中学,用来培养学生升入大学〔fat〕A mixture of such compounds occurring widely in organic tissue, especially in the adipose tissue of animals and in the seeds, nuts, and fruits of plants.动物油脂,植物油脂:此种成分的混合物,广泛存在于有机组织里,特别是在动物的脂肪组织、以及植物的种子、坚果以及水果里〔reinsure〕To insure again, especially by transferring in whole or in part a risk or contingent liability already covered under an existing contract.分保:再次保险,特别是在已存在的合同中已经受到保险的风险或意外责任全部或部分地转移出去〔mutual〕Mutual is uncontroversially used to describe a reciprocal relationship between two or more things, in which use it can be paraphrased by expressions involvingbetween or each other. Thustheir mutual animosity means "their animosity for each other" or "the animosity between them,” anda mutual defense treaty is one in which each party agrees to come to the defense of the other. Butmutual is also widely used where one might expect "common,” as inThe bill serves the mutual interests of management and labor and particularly in the expressionour mutual friend, which was widespread even before Charles Dickens used it as the title of a novel.Critics have often objected to this use,but it is well established in reputable writing.However,mutual in this latter sense is reserved to describe relations that hold between two or more specific parties and a third person or thing. It cannot be used as a substitute forcommon in the sense "general": Mutual 毫无争议地被用来描述两者或者更多事物之间的相互关系, 可以用一些包括between 或 each other 的表达来解释。 因此他们相互的敌意 意思为“他们彼此之间产生的敌意”或者“他们之间的敌意”, 相互防御条约 意为一个政党同意帮助另一政党进行防御的条约。 但是Mutual 也广泛地用来表示“共同的”, 就象在这个议案满足劳资双方的需要。 特别是在短语我们共同的朋友, 甚至在查理·狄更斯把它作为一本小说名之前就已经广泛应用。评论家们一直以来常常反对这种用法,但是在规范的写作中它已被完全确定下来了。但是mutual 后来产生的意思被用来描述两个或者更多特定元素及物和第三者之间的关系。 当意为“普遍的”时,它不能代替common 来表述“总体”的含义: 〔imprimatur〕Abbr. imp.Official approval or license to print or publish, especially under conditions of censorship.缩写 imp.出版许可:官方的出版或印刷的许可或执照,特别是在新闻审查的情况下〔emir〕A prince, chieftain, or governor, especially in the Middle East.酋长:王子、酋长或统治者,特别是在中东地区〔keiretsu〕A network of businesses that own stakes in one another as a means of mutual security, especially in Japan, and usually including large manufacturers and their suppliers of raw materials and components.经连:相互拥有利害关系以作为彼此间保障的企业组合,特别是在日本,而且通常包含大型制造商及他们原料及零组件的供货商〔Magadha〕An ancient kingdom of northeast India. It was especially powerful from the fourth centuryb.c. to the fifth century a.d. , particularly under the emperor Asoka (third century b.c. ). 摩揭陀:印度东北部的一个古国。它在公元前 4世纪到 公元 5世纪尤为强盛,特别是在皇帝阿育王统治时期( 公元 前3世纪) 〔palter〕To quibble, especially in bargaining.讨价还价:诡辩,特别是在讨价还价中〔different〕Butdifferent than is more acceptably used, particularly in American usage, where the object of comparison is expressed by a full clause: 但different than 的比较对象用一完整的句子表示,特别是在美语用法中,这种用法更能接受: 〔escort〕A man who is the companion of a woman, especially on a social occasion.护花使者:陪伴女子赴宴会的男人,特别是在公共场合〔cybernetics〕The theoretical study of communication and control processes in biological, mechanical, and electronic systems, especially the comparison of these processes in biological and artificial systems.控制论:在生物、机械和电子系统方面,联系和控制过程的理论研究,特别是在生物和人造系统这些过程的对比〔closing〕A meeting for completing a transaction, especially one at which contracts are signed transferring ownership of real estate.转移会议:要完成交易的会议,特别是在其中有签订合约来转移房地产的所有权〔smudge〕To make dirty, especially in one small area.弄脏:使变脏,特别是在一个小范围内〔intern〕To confine, especially in wartime.拘留,特别是在战争时期〔amputate〕To cut off (a part of the body), especially by surgery.截肢:砍掉、截去(肢体),特别是在外科手术中 |
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