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单词 特别指
释义 〔petrous〕Of, relating to, or resembling rock, especially in hardness; stony.坚硬的,石质的:岩石的,与岩石有关的,或岩石状的,特别指硬度方面;坚硬的〔muster〕A gathering, especially of troops, for service, inspection, review, or roll call.为仪式、检阅或者点名而集合,特别指部队〔butternut〕butternuts Clothing dyed with butternut extract, especially the uniforms of Confederate soldiers in the Civil War. butternuts 一种制服:用灰胡桃提炼物染制的衣服,特别指南北战争时南联邦军队的制服〔range〕An extended group or series, especially a row or chain of mountains.山脉:延展的一组或一系列,特别指一座方向固定的山脉〔split〕To become broken or ripped apart, especially from internal pressure.爆开或撕开,特别指由于内部压力〔vested〕Dressed or clothed, especially in ecclesiastical vestments.穿着衣服的:穿好衣服的,特别指圣装〔Jehovah〕God, especially in Christian translations of the Old Testament.耶和华:指上帝,特别指基督教《圣经·旧约》中的上帝〔chrysalis〕"All that is gold does not glitter" we may say when confronted withkhrus- or khruso-, the combining form of the Greek word khrusos, "gold.” We find this form,for example, in the Greek wordkhrusallis, "chrysalis,” which refers specifically to a gold-colored pupa.This Greek word gave us ourchrysalis, first recorded in English in the 17th century. As Modern Englishchrys- or chryso- the Greek formkhrus- or khruso- has also been used to make words that did not exist in Greek. Among the more interesting of these arechrysocracy, "rule of the wealthy,” andchrysotherapy, "the treatment of disease with gold compounds.”“闪光的不都是金子”,当我们面对khrus- 或 khruso- ,即希腊词 khrusos 的结合形式时(意为“金子”),我们可以这样说。 我们发现这种形式,如希腊词khrusallis 意为“蛹”, 特别指金色的蛹。这个希腊词产生的chrysalis 首次于17世纪以英文记载。 作为现代英语中的chrys- 或 chryso- , 希腊形式的khrus- 或 khruso- 也被用来组成希腊语中不存在的词。 其中最有趣的有chrysocracy , 意为“富裕的法则”,和chrysotherapy , 意为“用金化合物治病”〔snort〕A drink of liquor, especially when swallowed in one gulp.一口饮下的烈酒:一种烈酒,特别指一盅就喝完的烈酒〔chimere〕A loose sleeveless robe worn especially by Anglican bishops.主教法衣:宽松无袖的长袍。特别指英国国教的主教所穿的〔drought〕A long period of abnormally low rainfall, especially one that adversely affects growing or living conditions.干旱:长时期的过低降雨量,特别指妨碍生长或生存的这样一段时期〔snakefish〕Any of several fishes having some resemblance to a snake, especially the lizardfishTrachinocephalus myops of the eastern Atlantic and western Pacific. 大头狗母鱼:与蛇有些相像的一种鱼类,特别指产于大西洋东部和太平洋西部的歧须鮠大头狗母鱼 〔topology〕Topographic study of a given place, especially the history of a region as indicated by its topography.地志学:对某地区的地形、地貌等进行的研究,特别指根据地志对该地历史的研究〔torchwood〕Any of several tropical American trees of the genusAmyris, especially A. balsamifera, having resinous wood that burns with a torchlike flame. 火炬木,松明木:一种产于美洲的热带乔木,脂檀 属,特别指 榄香紫檀 ,其树枝可燃,形成火把一样的光芒. 〔dramaturgy〕The art of the theater, especially the writing of plays.戏剧艺术:戏剧艺术,特别指戏的写作〔hike〕To increase or raise in amount, especially abruptly:提高,抬高,增加:数量上的增加或提高,特别指突然性地:〔baroreceptor〕A sensory nerve ending that is stimulated by changes in pressure, especially one in the walls of blood vessels such as the carotid sinus.压力感受器:一种感觉神经末梢,被压力变化所刺激,特别指血管壁(例如颈动脉窦)上的压力感受器〔pipsissewa〕Any of several evergreen plants of the genusChimaphila, especially the Eurasian species C. umbellata, having white or pinkish flowers grouped in a terminal corymb. Also called prince's pine 梅笠草:一种鹿蹄草科梅笠草 属的长青植物,特别指欧亚种类的 伞形梅笠草 ,有白色或粉白色的簇生伞状花序 也作 prince's pine〔ironist〕A notable user of irony, especially a writer.反语者:明显使用反语的人,特别指作家〔bachelor〕A male animal that does not mate during the breeding season, especially a young male fur seal kept from the breeding territory by older males.尚未交配的小雄兽:在繁殖季节中未交配的雄性动物,特别指被较年长的雄性拒于交配领地之外的年轻的雄性海豹〔allude〕Allude and allusion are often used where the more general terms refer and reference would be preferable. Allude and allusion apply to indirect references in which the source is not specifically identified: "Well, we'll always have Paris,” he told the travel agent, in an allusion to Casablanca. Refer and reference, unless qualified, usually imply specific mention of a source: I will refer to Hamlet for my conclusion: As Polonius says, "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.” See Usage Note at refer Allude 和 allusion 在使用时经常可以被更普遍的词 refer 和 reference 所代替。 Allude 和 allusion 用在来源没有特别指明的间接引用语中: “对,我们将永远拥有巴黎,”他对旅行社服务员说。这句话引自卡萨布兰卡。 Refer 和 reference 通常指明确提到出处,除非有所限制: 我将引用 哈姆雷特 里的话作为我的结论: 正如波洛涅斯所说,“尽管这是发疯,但其中颇有理性。” 参见 refer〔imagery〕Representative images, particularly statues or icons.像:代表其它物品的图象,特别指塑像或肖像〔spot〕To detect or discern, especially visually; spy.辩认,认出:辩认或认出,特别指用眼睛看出;详查〔omentum〕One of the folds of the peritoneum that connect the stomach with other abdominal organs, especially:网膜:使胃和其他腹腔器官联系起来的腹膜皱襞。特别指〔lynx〕Any of several wildcats of the genusLynx, especially L. canadensis of northern North America or L. lynx of Eurasia, having soft thick fur, a black-tipped short tail, and tufted ears. 猞猁:任何一种猞猁 属的几种野猫,特别指原产于北美的 加拿大猞猁 或生活于欧亚大陆的 普通猞猁 ,它有柔软而厚的皮,一端黑尖的短尾,和长成簇状的耳朵 〔downfall〕A fall of rain or snow, especially a heavy or unexpected one.大阵雨(雪):特别指很大的意料之外的大阵雨或大雪〔totalizator〕A machine for computing and showing totals, especially a pari-mutuel machine showing the total number and amounts of bets at a racetrack.总额计算器:计算和显示总额的机器,特别指赛马中计算赌金总额的同注分彩计算器〔pinworm〕Any of various small nematode worms of the family Oxyuridae that are parasitic on horses, rabbits, and other mammals, especiallyEnterobius vermicularis, a species that infests the human intestines and rectum. Also called threadworm 蛲虫:一种蛲虫科的小线虫,是马、兔和其它哺乳动物的寄生虫,特别指 Enterobius vermicularis, 能侵入人的大肠和直肠 也作 threadworm〔spot〕To cause a spot or spots to appear on, especially:使有污渍或引起污渍或使污渍出现,特别指〔zapper〕A destructive device, especially one that destroys by means of electric current or radiation:微波清除器:清除器具,特别指用电流或射线破坏的那种:〔tonsil〕A small oral mass of lymphoid tissue, especially either of two such masses embedded in the lateral walls of the opening between the mouth and the pharynx, of uncertain function, but believed to help protect the body from respiratory infections.扁桃体:圆形团状的小淋巴细胞组织,特别指连结于口与喉开口联接处后壁上的两个这样的组织,其作用尚未完全确定,但一般认为能防止上呼吸道感染〔institutional〕Characteristic or suggestive of an institution, especially in being uniform, dull, or unimaginative:单调为主的:为机构特有或暗含的,特别指统一,枯燥,缺乏想象力的:〔farebeat〕To avoid paying the fare for public transportation, especially subway transportation.逃票:逃避支付公共交通工具的费用,特别指地铁〔burnout〕Physical or emotional exhaustion, especially as a result of long-term stress or dissipation.耗尽,精疲力尽:体力或感情的枯竭,特别指因长期压抑或放荡而造成的后果〔senate〕An assembly or a council of citizens having the highest deliberative and legislative functions in a government, specifically:最高的立法机构:在政府中拥有最高审议和立法功能的公民的议会或理事会,特别指〔refectory〕A room where meals are served, especially in a college or other institution.食堂:特别指学院或其它机构中供应饮食的屋子〔amorist〕One dedicated to love, especially sexual love.谈情说爱的人:奉献于爱情的人,特别指追求性爱的人〔anabiosis〕A state of suspended animation, especially one in which certain aquatic invertebrates are able to survive long periods of drought.失水休眠:一种休眠状态,特别指某些水生非脊椎动物能够经受长时间干旱的状态〔button〕Any of various objects resembling a button, especially:钮扣似的东西:各种类似钮扣的东西,特别指〔plague〕A highly infectious, usually fatal, epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.瘟疫,传染病:一种高度传染且经常是致命的瘟疫,特别指淋巴腺鼠疫




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