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单词 灾难性
释义 〔cataclysm〕A devastating flood.灾难性的大洪水〔aftermath〕A period of time following a disastrous event:灾后时期:灾难性事件后的一段时期:〔shake〕She was shaken by the news of the disaster.她被那个灾难性的消息震惊了〔calamitous〕Causing or involving calamity; disastrous.灾难的:导致或涉及灾难的;灾难性〔catastrophic〕a catastrophic illness.一场灾难性的疾病〔tragedy〕A disastrous event, especially one involving distressing loss or injury to life:惨剧:灾难性事件,尤指涉及到生命遭受不幸损失或伤害的事情:〔visitation〕A calamitous event or experience; a grave misfortune.See Synonyms at trial 苦难:灾难性的事件或经历;重大的不幸 参见 trial〔term〕"facilities planned and programmed in terms of their interrelationships, instead of evolving haphazardly"(Wharton Magazine)“按照其内在的关系来营造设施以防止其产生灾难性的进展”(沃顿杂志)〔portent〕An indication of something important or calamitous about to occur; an omen.预告,为…的征兆:预示着重大事情或灾难性事情即将发生的预兆;预告〔hemorrhage〕a gubernatorial candidate whose popularity hemorrhaged after a disastrous debate.一位在一次灾难性的辩论之后其受欢迎度大大下降的州长侯选人〔debacle〕A sudden, disastrous collapse, downfall, or defeat; a rout.崩溃:指突然的、灾难性的倒塌、衰败或失败;溃败〔precipice〕The brink of a dangerous or disastrous situation:濒危点:一危险或灾难性情况的边缘:〔hemorrhage〕To undergo a rapid and sudden loss:灾难性损失:遭受突如其来的损失:〔tragedy〕A play, film, television program, or other narrative work that portrays or depicts calamitous events and has an unhappy but meaningful ending.悲剧式作品:刻画或描写灾难性事件的剧作、电影、电视节目或其它叙事作品,有不幸的但意味深长的结局〔Vaasa〕A city of western Finland on the Gulf of Bothnia northwest of Helsinki. Chartered in 1606, it was rebuilt after a devastating fire in 1852. Population, 54,497.瓦萨:芬兰西部一城市,临近波的尼亚湾,在赫尔辛基的西北。于1606年获得自治权,在1852年在一场灾难性大火之后重建。人口54,497〔unfortunate〕Causing misfortune; disastrous.不吉利的,不祥的:引起不幸的;灾难性〔adversity〕A calamitous event.See Synonyms at misfortune 灾祸:灾难性的事件 参见 misfortune〔catastrophic〕Involving or resulting in substantial, often ruinous medical expense:灾难性的:陷于或导致大量通常是毁灭性的医疗开销的:〔suicidal〕Dangerous to oneself or to one's interests; self-destructive or ruinous:灾难性的:危及自己或自身利益的;毁灭性的或自毁:〔sinister〕Attended by or causing disaster or inauspicious circumstances.灾难性的:伴随着或造成灾难或不祥的气氛〔Pinatubo〕A volcano, 1,699 m (5,771 ft) high, of the Philippines, in the west-central part of Luzon Island northwest of Manila. It erupted catastrophically in June 1991 after 600 years of dormancy, killing hundreds of people and burying hundreds of square miles under volcanic ash.宾纳杜部火山:菲律宾的火山,位于马尼拉西北部的吕宋岛中西部,海拔1,699米(5,771英尺)。在休眠600年后于1991年灾难性地喷发,数百人死于这次火山喷发并有数百平方英里的土地被火山灰覆盖〔apocalyptic〕Characterized by usually exaggerated predictions of or allusions to a disastrous outcome:夸张地预言的:通常以夸张地对灾难性结果作预言或暗示为特征的:〔regret〕The child's devastating problems are a source of untold heartache to the parents.孩子灾难性的问题是父母无数的痛苦的源泉。〔Pickett〕American Confederate general known for leading the disastrous Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg (1863), in which three fourths of his troops were lost.皮克特,乔治·爱德华:(1825-1875) 美国南方邦联军将军,因在葛底斯堡战役(1863年)中领导了灾难性的“皮克特冲锋”而闻名,在此战斗中他丧失了其部队的四分之三〔Fukui〕A city of central Honshu, Japan, north-northwest of Nagoyo. A major textile center since the tenth century, it was rebuilt after a disastrous earthquake in June 1948. Population, 250,261.福井:日本本州岛中部、名古屋西北偏北一城市。从10世纪起一直是主要纺织中心,于1948年6月一场灾难性大地震后重建。人口250,261〔disastrous〕Accompanied by or causing distress or disaster; calamitous.灾难性的,造成灾难的:由灾难或不幸带来的,引起灾难或不幸的;不幸的




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