单词 | 激起 |
释义 | 〔spawn〕tyranny that spawned revolt.残暴统治激起了叛乱〔exercise〕an injustice that exercised the whole community.一项不公正的行为激起了整个社会的愤怒〔excite〕odd noises that excited our curiosity.古怪的噪音激起了我们的好奇心〔ghastly〕 Ghastly applies to what inspires shock or horror because it suggests death: Ghastly 用于因为使人联想到死而激起的恐惧或震惊: 〔lash〕To drive or goad; sting:激起:驱使或刺激,激励:〔draw〕To bring on oneself as a result; provoke:激起:使自己遭受后果;激起:〔strange〕Curious suggests strangeness or novelty that excites interest: Curious 指能够激起兴趣的奇异或新奇: 〔provoke〕 rouse, the stronger term,often implies incitement to vigorous or animated activity or excitement of strong emotion: rouse 在语气上较强一些,指激发进行有活力或生机的活动或激起强烈的感情: 〔provoke〕"Let my presumption not provoke thy wrath" (Shakespeare). “希望我的揣测不会激起你的怒气” (莎士比亚)。 〔shaker〕One that impels, encourages, or supervises action.鼓励者:激起、鼓励或监管行为的人〔decrease〕The wild enthusiasm the team's victory aroused did not subside. 那支球队的胜利所激起的狂热之情没有消退 〔rattle〕A large proportion (86 percent) of the Usage Panel approved the use of the verbrattle in the sense "to unnerve" in the first edition ofThe American Heritage Dictionary, published in 1969. But we may ask how the verbrattle came to have such a sense. The earliest use of the word is found in a name,Johannes Ratellebagg, recorded in a document of around 1273; the earliest use of the word as a common noun (in the sense "to flap, used of a banner") is found in a work written about 1300and copied in manuscript around 1330.It is thought that the word probably comes from Middle Dutchratelen, which may be imitative in origin. In any case,the wordratelen was used mainly in intransitive senses such as "to make a rattling sound.”Already in Middle English, however, the transitive sense "to babble something" existed,and other transitive senses,as in "to make something rattle,” "to stir up, rouse,” "to drive in a rapid, rattling manner,” came into existence from the 16th century on.The transitive sense "to unnerve,”that is, "to make somebody rattle,” is first found in an American work of 1869.词语用法专题小组中有相当一部分人(百分之八十六)都同意rattle 这个词有“使人不安”的意思, 1969年出版的美国经典辞书 第一版收录了这一意思。 但人们不禁要问动词rattle 为何有了这个意思。 该词最早的使用发现于1273年前后记载的一个文件中的Johannes Ratellebagg 这个名字中; 1300年这个词第一次被用作普通名词(意为“飘扬,用于旗帜”),1330年又见于手抄的印本中。人们认为这个词可能来自原来可能是拟声词的中古德语ratelen 。 不过无论怎样,ratelen 这个词本来只是作为不及物动词来使用, 如发出嘎嘎声等意思。在中古英语中,“含糊不清地说出”这一及物动词的意思就已存在,该词其它的及物意思,如“使发出嘎嘎声”、“激起,唤醒”“嘎嘎响地急速向前拖”从16世纪开始就形成了。及物意思“使不安,”即“使某人惊慌”首先出现于1869年的美国作品中〔kindle〕To arouse (an emotion, for example):激起(如感情):〔kittle〕To tickle; arouse.激起:抓痒;激起〔agitate〕To stir up public interest in a cause:鼓动;煽动:激起对公众事业的兴趣:〔inflame〕To arouse to passionate feeling or action:激起,鼓动:激起强烈的感情或行动:〔exasperation〕The state of being exasperated; frustrated annoyance.恼怒,激怒:被激怒的状态;因受挫而激起的恼怒〔weird〕"There is a weird power in a spoken word" (Joseph Conrad).Somethingeerie inspires inexplicable fear or uneasiness that seems to result from a sinister influence: “在所说的字词中有一种奇异的力量” (约瑟夫·康拉德)。Eerie 的东西可激起一种似乎因不吉利的影响而产生的无法解释的恐惧或不安: 〔moving〕These adjectives mean arousing or capable of arousing deep, usually somber emotion.这些形容词意指能激起或能够激起深深的、通常为悲伤的感情的。〔elate〕From Latin ēlātus [past participle of] efferre [to bring out, exalt] 源自 拉丁语 ēlātus efferre的过去分词 [激起,使振奋] 〔sic〕To urge or incite to hostile action; set:唆使:唆使或激起敌对行动;使…做某事:〔provoke〕"A situation which in the country would have provoked meetings" (John Galsworthy).Toincite is to provoke and urge on: “一种要是在乡下会激起讨论的状况” (约翰·高尔斯华绥)。Incite 是激起和激励前进的意思: 〔rapt〕Deeply moved or delighted; enraptured:着迷的,痴迷的:被深深打动或激起兴奋的;极为高兴的:〔Otis〕American Revolutionary politician and publicist whose speeches and pamphlets influenced American sentiment against the British.奥蒂斯,詹姆斯:(1725-1783) 美国独立革命时期的政治家、政论家,他的演讲和宣传小册子激起美国人民的反英情绪〔Weld〕American abolitionist whose pamphletSlavery As It Is (1839) inspired Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. 魏尔德,狄奥多尔·德怀特:(1803-1895) 美国废奴主义运动者。他的宣传小册子《奴隶制度现状》 (1839年)激起了哈丽雅特·比彻·斯托创作了小说 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 〔ignite〕The insults ignited my anger.这些侮辱激起了我的愤怒〔jolt〕To make suddenly active or effective:激起,唤起:使…突然活跃或有力:〔vivid〕Evoking lifelike images within the mind; heard, seen, or felt as if real:生动的,逼真的:在脑海中激起逼真图像的;如真实的一般听到、看到或感觉到的:〔affecting〕Inspiring or capable of inspiring strong emotion; moving.See Synonyms at moving 动人的:激起或能够激起强烈情感的;令人感动的 参见 moving〔intrigue〕To arouse the interest or curiosity of:激起…的兴趣或好奇心:〔adrenalize〕To stir up and spur to action.刺激:激起并刺激使行动〔affect〕 Touch usually means to arouse a tender response, such as love, gratitude, or compassion: Touch 通常指激起一种温柔的反应,例如爱,感激或激情: 〔fester〕To be or become an increasing source of irritation or poisoning; rankle:激起怨忿,引起创痛:是或成为激起怒气或怨恨的原因;使怨恨:〔fuel〕To support or stimulate the activity or existence of:激起:支持或刺激活力与存在:〔uprush〕The rush of water from a breaking wave onto a beach. Also called swash 上冲浪,上涌浪:波涛拍岸激起的浪 也作 swash〔move〕To prompt to an action; rouse:激起,奋起:导致行为的发生;惹起:〔infatuation〕An object of extravagant, short-lived passion.令人痴迷之物:激起强烈而又短暂感情的物体〔ridicule〕Words or actions intended to evoke contemptuous laughter at or feelings toward a person or thing:嘲笑,愚弄:有意激起对某人或某事的蔑视的笑或看不起的感情而说的话或做的事:〔swell〕The governor's full public disclosure only swelled the chorus of protests.州长对公众的详尽透露反而激起一片更强烈的抗议〔beautiful〕Exciting intellectual or emotional admiration.美好的:激起理智和感情上赞美的 |
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