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单词 激烈
释义 〔astringent〕Sharp and penetrating; pungent or severe:严峻的:尖锐的,有刺透性的;严厉的或激烈的:〔cataclysm〕A violent upheaval that causes great destruction or brings about a fundamental change.See Synonyms at disaster 巨变:引起巨大破坏或重大改变的激烈变动 参见 disaster〔encounter〕a tense naval encounter.激烈的海军遭遇战〔conflagrant〕Burning intensely; blazing.燃烧剧烈的;激烈〔provoke〕Excite especially implies the provoking of a strong reaction or powerful emotion: Excite 特指引起强烈的反应或激烈的情感: 〔spontoon〕s- [intensive pref.] * see sforzando s- [前缀,表示“激烈的”] * 参见 sforzando〔like〕 Relish applies to what moves one to keen or zestful appreciation: Relish 用于那些使人激烈或狂热欣赏的: 〔violence〕Vehemence of feeling or expression; fervor.激烈,狂热行为:感觉或表达的激烈程度;狂热〔horserace〕"The election appears now to be a horse race"(New York Times)“现在,选举看起来象一场激烈的竞赛”(纽约时报)〔uproar〕A heated controversy.吵闹,喧器:激烈的争吵〔break〕To put an end to by force or strong opposition, especially to end (a strike) by means other than negotiation.终止,结束:动用武力或通过激烈的反对使…结束,尤指通过谈判以外的方式结束(罢工)〔collision〕The central meaning shared by these nouns is "violent forcible contact between two or more things": 这些名词共同的中心意思是“两个或两个以上物体的激烈的强力接触”: 〔discord〕Contention in this sense is largely limited to dispute in the form of heated debate or quarreling: Contention 在这个意义上主要限于争论,表现为激烈的辩论或争吵: 〔tumultuous〕Confusedly or violently agitated.狂暴的,激烈的:极其激动的;疯狂激动的〔charivari〕barus [heavy] * see g werə- 1barus [重的,激烈的] * 参见 g werə- 1〔vengeance〕With great violence or force.猛烈的;激烈的:带有极大的暴力或力量的〔sedition〕Middle English sedicioun [violent party strife] 中古英语 sedicioun [激烈的政党之争] 〔acrimonious〕Bitter and sharp in language or tone; rancorous:刻薄的,激烈的:言词或语调尖刻,刻薄;充满仇恨的:〔Cassino〕A town of central Italy in the Apennines northwest of Naples. In World War II the town and nearby Benedictine monastery of Monte Cassino were reduced to rubble during fierce German-Allied fighting (February-May 1944). Population, 26,300.卡西诺:意大利中部亚平宁山脉腹地的一座城镇,位于那不勒斯西北部。在第二次世界大战中,该城和附近的蒙特卡罗·卡西诺本尼迪克特修道院在激烈的德国联盟战斗中(1944年2月-5月)沦为瓦砾。人口26,300〔tirade〕A long angry or violent speech, usually of a censorious or denunciatory nature; a diatribe.长篇抨击激烈演说:一种愤怒的或激烈的长篇言辞,通常为挑剔或谴责性质;抨击〔downspin〕An extremely swift, acute downturn, as in market activity.下跌:极度迅速而激烈的下跌,如市场活动〔contention〕The teams met in fierce contention for first place.各队为取得第一名在激烈的竞争中遭遇〔peppery〕Sharp and stinging in style or content; vivid or fiery:强烈的,激烈的,尖刻的:形式或内容尖锐、尖刻的;强烈的或激烈的:〔moderate〕To lessen the violence, severity, or extremeness of.使和缓:减少…的激烈、严厉或极端的程度〔physical〕a physical dance performance.激烈的舞蹈表演〔furioso〕from Latin furiōsus [furious] * see furious 源自 拉丁语 furiōsus [激烈的] * 参见 furious〔warm〕Characterized by liveliness, excitement, or disagreement; heated:激烈的:以活泼、激动或异议为特征的;激烈的:〔explosion〕A sudden, often vehement outburst:迸发:突然通常是激烈的突发:〔Davis〕American jazz musician acclaimed for his warm, often muted trumpet style.戴维斯,小迈尔斯·杜威:(1926-1991) 美国爵士乐家,因其激烈的、常常弱音器的小号风格而受人欢迎〔commotion〕An agitated disturbance; a hubbub:喧闹:激烈干扰;喧哗:〔Somme〕A river, about 241 km (150 mi) long, of northern France flowing west and northwest to the English Channel. Tanks were first used in warfare during the devastating Battle of the Somme (1916).索姆河:一条河流,流程约241公里(150英里),位于法国北部,流向西和西北方向,注入英吉利海峡。坦克就是首次在激烈的索姆河战役中投入使用的(1916年)〔polemic〕A controversial argument, especially one refuting or attacking a specific opinion or doctrine.辩论,激烈的争辩:一场争辨性的讨论,尤指用来驳倒或攻击某一特定观点或信条的争论〔vehement〕Characterized by forcefulness of expression or intensity of emotion or conviction; fervid:激烈的;热烈的:以表达的有力或感情、说服力的强烈为特征的;热情的,热诚的:〔piece〕He pieced together the vase. She pieced together an account of what had gone on during the stormy meeting.他把花瓶的碎片粘起来。她把在那场激烈的会议上所发生的一切拼凑起来,并把他们陈诉出来〔melee〕A violent free-for-all.See Synonyms at brawl 激烈的论战:激烈的可自由参加的论战 参见 brawl〔violence〕Intensity or severity, as in natural phenomena; untamed force:猛烈,激烈:强度或厉害程度,如在自然现象中;不易驾御的力量:〔hot〕Violent; raging:猛烈的,激烈的:〔sulfurous〕Also sul.phur.ous Fiery; hellish. 也作 sul.phur.ous 激烈的;地狱似的〔surge〕A heavy, billowing, or swelling motion like that of great waves.汹涌:象巨浪中那样地颠簸或起伏的激烈动作〔blitz〕An intense campaign:激烈的竞选运动:




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