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单词 满意
释义 〔like〕 Like, the least forceful, suggests mere interest, approval, or favor: Like 是强度最弱的一个,表示单纯的兴趣、满意或好感: 〔aah〕Used to express pleasure, satisfaction, surprise, or great joy.啊:用来表示快乐、满意、惊奇或狂喜〔aah〕To exclaim in pleasure, satisfaction, surprise, or great joy:啊:因快乐、满意、惊奇或狂喜而发出“啊”的声音:〔placid〕Satisfied; complacent.满意的;满足的〔difficult〕Hard to please, satisfy, or manage:不满的:难以满意、满足或管理的:〔ooh〕To exclaim in pleasure, satisfaction, surprise, or great joy:以高兴,满意、惊喜或兴奋的语调说话:〔content〕To make content or satisfied:使…满意或满足:〔smug〕Exhibiting or feeling great or offensive satisfaction with oneself or with one's situation; self-righteously complacent:沾沾自喜的,自鸣得意的:表现出或感到对自己或自己的处境十分或令人反感的满意;自以为是的自大:〔chuckle〕A quiet laugh of mild amusement or satisfaction.轻笑声:由于高兴或满意而轻笑〔roof〕A roof on prices is needed to keep our customers happy.最好使最高物价能让我们的顾客满意〔counterfactual〕"Cold war historiography vividly illustrates how the selection of the counterfactual question to be asked generally anticipates the desired answer"(Timothy Garton Ash)“冷战史学著作生动地描述了被选出作答的与事实相悖的问题是如何总是期待着满意的回答的”(提摩太·加顿·阿什)〔ah〕Used to express various emotions, such as satisfaction, surprise, delight, dislike, or pain.啊:用来表示各种情绪,如满意、惊讶、愉悦、厌恶或痛苦等〔welcome〕Giving pleasure or satisfaction; agreeable or gratifying:令人愉快的:给予欢乐或满意的;令人愉快的或满意的:〔reparation〕 Amends, less forceful thanredress, usually implies the giving of satisfaction for a minor grievance or lesser injury: Amends, 语义比redress 稍弱, 通常指的是对较小的冤屈或伤害作出满意的补偿: 〔holdout〕One that withholds agreement or consent upon which progress is contingent.坚持不让步的人,不让步的人:拒绝同意或满意与进程有关事项的人〔bow〕To incline the body or head or bend the knee in greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission, or veneration.鞠躬,点头:在问候、满意、谦恭、感谢、屈服或崇拜时屈身低头或屈膝〔bravo〕To express approval of by shouting "bravo.”叫好,喝彩:通过叫好来表达满意〔bow〕An inclination of the head or body, as in greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission, or veneration.鞠躬:在问候、满意、谦恭、感谢、屈服或崇敬时俯首或屈身〔pride〕Pleasure or satisfaction taken in an achievement, a possession, or an association:引以为豪:因成绩,占有或联系而引起的愉悦或满意〔pride〕A cause or source of pleasure or satisfaction; the best of a group or class:精华:引起高兴或满意的起因或缘由;一群或一个等级当中最好的:〔saturation〕The condition of being full to or beyond satisfaction; satiety.饱和:充分满足或过于满意的状态;饱和〔content〕Desiring no more than what one has; satisfied.满意的:不再有所求的;满意〔rub〕To experience or display pleased anticipation, self-satisfaction, or glee.经历或表现出满意的期望,自我满足或欢快〔complacent〕Contented to a fault; self-satisfied and unconcerned:自满的:对缺点的满意;自我满足且不关心:〔solitude〕"an elegant sufficiency, content,/Retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books" (James Thomson). “一种优雅高尚的充足、满意/退隐、乡村宁静、友谊、书籍” (詹姆士·汤姆逊)〔satisfied〕Filled with satisfaction; content:满意的;满足的:〔fair〕The history of the wordfair illustrates how words can weaken in meaning over time. In Old English the ancestor offair, fæger, had senses such as "lovely, beautiful, pleasant, agreeable,” a far cry from our modern sense "mildly good or satisfying.”The Old English senses passed into Middle English,where the wordfair started to take a slight turn in the direction already alluded to. Fair could mean "highly to be approved of, splendid, good,”but it could also be used ironically,as in Chaucer's observation after a horse threw the Cook on the pilgrimage to Canterbury:"that was a fair feat of horsemanship by the Cook.”This ironic use was probably not responsible for the semantic weakening offair, but it shows how a positive word can have its meaning reversed.The weakening offair was most likely caused by "the determined optimism which led to the use of fair . . . rather than direct expression of discontent,”in the words of George H. McKnight.One might add as another cause the desire to avoid hurting other people's feelings.单词fair 的历史表明随岁月的流逝单词的语意变弱。 在古英语中fair,f?ger 本意是“可爱的,漂亮的,愉快的”, 与我们现在的“比较好或满意的”大相径庭。古英语传到中世纪英语时,fair 已开始在引申的方向上有微小的转变。 Fair 可以表达“被高度赞许的,辉煌的,好的,”但也可用作反语,如在往坎特伯雷朝圣的途中马将科克摔下时后,乔尔斯评论道:“那是科克精湛骑术的体现”。这种反语用法也许对fair 语义学上的弱化没有联系, 但它表明了一个褒义的单词可以变得意思完全相反。fair 的弱化很大程度上缘于“坚决的乐观主义导致 fair 的用法改变, 而不是直接表达不满意的意思,”乔治赫·马克奈特如此评论。人们可以再添上其它原因以免伤害别人的感情〔compensate〕To make satisfactory payment or reparation to; recompense or reimburse:报酬;偿还:对…作满意的支付或补偿;赔偿或补偿:〔joy〕To fill with ecstatic happiness, pleasure, or satisfaction.使…感到狂喜、快乐或满意〔ooh〕Used to express pleasure, satisfaction, surprise, or great joy.哦:用来表达高兴,满意,惊喜的心情〔passing〕Allowing one to pass a test, a course of study, an inspection, or an examination; satisfactory:及格的,令人满意的:允许某人通过测验、学习的课程、审查或考试的;满意的:〔far〕seems far from content; a test of strength that was far from a failure.一点也不满意;绝对谈不到失败的力量考核〔service〕provides full catering service.提供满意的服务〔victory〕"If [a man] has a talent and learns somehow to use the whole of it, he has gloriously succeeded,and won a satisfaction and a triumph few men ever know" (Thomas Wolfe). “如果 具有才干并学会了如何充分利用它, 他已经大大的成功了,并获得了只有极少数人才知道的满意和成功” (托马斯·沃尔夫)〔suit〕a choice that suits us all.一个让我们大家都满意的选择〔pat〕A pat answer is not going to satisfy an inquisitive audience.敷衍了事的答复不会让追根究底的观众满意〔please〕To have the will or desire; wish:想要,满意:具有意愿或愿望;希望:〔rationalize〕To devise self-satisfying but incorrect reasons for one's behavior.自圆其说:制造一个自我满意,但实际上错误的理由为自己的行为辩护〔contented〕Satisfied with things as they are; content:满足的:对事物现状满意的;满足的:〔gamut〕a face that expressed a gamut of emotions, from rage to peaceful contentment.一张表情丰富的脸,能表现从极其愤怒到平和的满意




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