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单词 滑雪
释义 〔schuss〕A fast straight downhill run in skiing.滑雪中的直线下滑〔fun〕The use offun as an attributive adjective, as ina fun time, a fun place, most likely originated in a playful reanalysis of the use of the word in sentencessuch asIt is fun to ski, wherefun behaves syntactically like an adjective such as amusing or swell. The usage became popular in the 1950's and 1960's, though there is some evidence to suggest that it has 19th-century antecedents.Certainly the sense of this word makes it particularly susceptible to jocular treatment.But as with other such reanalyses (for example, in the expressiona whole 'nother ), the usage appears to have persisted after the original flavor had been lost.Thus there is no intimation of humorous intent in a press release that announces: fun 作为定语形容词使用, 如一段愉快的时光,一个娱乐场所, 极有可能源于对此词在某些句中用法的玩笑性再分析,如滑雪真好玩 从句法功能来讲, fun 在这里的用法象 amusing 或 swell 之类的形容词。 尽管有证据表明19世纪就出现这种用法了,但开始变得流行却在19世纪50,60年代。当然,此词的这层含义尤令人怀疑对方是否在打趣。但正如其他这类再分析词(例如,在句子a whole 'nother 中一样), 此用法在最初的含义都失去之后,还一直坚持使用下来。因此当报界发布以下消息时就从中找不出任何滑稽意味了: 〔wedeln〕A snow skiing style in which the skier executes a series of short, quick, parallel turns by moving the backs of the skis from side to side at a constant speed.双板平行摆动转弯术:一种滑雪方法,即通过把滑橇的后部按同样的速度左右摆动来完成一系列短而快的平行转变〔traverse〕To go up, down, or across a slope diagonally or in a zigzag manner, as in skiing.Z形移动:斜向或按Z字形攀登、爬下或横穿一个山坡,如在滑雪〔snowmaking〕Production of artificial snow in the form of granular ice particles for use on ski slopes.人工造雪:以小冰粒形式的人工造雪,用于滑雪斜坡〔ski〕To travel or glide on skis, especially as a sport.滑雪,滑冰:在滑雪板上旅行或滑行,尤其是做为一种运动〔freestyle〕A competition, as in figure skating, skiing, or surfing, in which any maneuver or movement is allowed and competitors are judged on their artistic expression, acrobatic skill, and athletic expertise.自由式比赛:一种允许任何动作或姿势并且通过运动员的艺术性的动作、特技和技能评判的比赛,如花式溜冰赛、滑雪或冲浪等的此种比赛〔mogul〕A small hard mound or bump on a ski slope.小坡,雪坡:滑雪斜坡上的一个小而硬的丘或冲撞〔tuck〕A position in skiing in which the skier squats while holding the poles parallel to the ground and under the arms.蜷缩:一种滑雪姿势,滑雪者下蹲,同时把滑杆置于臂下并使其与地面平行〔slalom〕The act or sport of skiing in a zigzag course.弯道滑雪比赛:沿着曲折的路线滑雪的活动或运动〔disinterested〕Despite critical disapproval, disinterested has come to be widely used by many educated writers to mean "uninterested" or "having lost interest,”as inSince she discovered skiing, she is disinterested in her schoolwork (a sense it had at an earlier stage of English, but which had in the interim become outmoded).Many maintain that the word can legitimately be used only in its sense of "having no stake in (an outcome or issue),”as inSince the judge stands to profit from the sale of the company, she cannot be considered a disinterested party in the dispute. In our most recent survey,89 percent of the Usage Panel rejected the sentence 尽管批评界的不赞成, disinterested 已逐渐成为许多有学识的作家们广泛用来指“不感兴趣的”或“失去兴趣的”,如在因为发现了滑雪这一运动,她就对功课失去了兴趣 (该词在英语的早期阶段就有这个词义,但在过渡时间,该词义已不再用)许多人认为在法律上该词只可用来表示“与(结果或事件)无利害关系,”如因为法官站在这一方是为了从公司所售物品中获利,她不能被看作是在这场争论中无任何关系的一方。 在最近的统计中,用法专题使用小组中百分之八十九的成员不接受下面的句子 〔bung〕fell on skis and bunged up my leg.滑雪时摔了一跤,摔伤了腿〔dayhop〕It was just a dayhop from New York City to the Berkshires for skiing.从纽约城到波克夏滑雪只需要一天的时间〔christie〕A usually high-speed ski turn used for changing the direction of descent or stopping, performed by shifting the weight forward and turning with the skis kept parallel.作制动转弯:在转变下滑方向或停止时的高速滑雪旋转,通过向前转移重量并平行地旋转滑雪板来完成〔bib〕Bibbed overalls worn while skiing.滑雪时紧身裤的胸前部分〔skibob〕A vehicle for gliding downhill over snow, consisting of two skis one behind the other on a metal frame, steering handlebars connected to the shorter forward ski, and a low seat attached to the longer rear ski for the rider who wears small skis for balance.连橇:一种在雪上滑下山的器械,由两个短雪橇在金属框上一前一后连成,前面较短的雪橇装有一个驾驶的把手,后面较长的雪橇上装有一个带软垫的低座,以供乘雪橇的人穿滑雪板在滑雪下山时保持平衡〔Grenoble〕A city of southeast France on the Isère River south-southwest of Chambéry. An ancient Roman city, Grenoble is a noted tourist and skiing center and was the site of the 1968 Winter Olympics. Population, 156,637.格勒诺布尔:法国东南部一城市,位于伊泽尔河上,在尚贝里西南偏南。格勒诺布尔是一座罗马时期就已建立的古城,现在是闻名的旅游和滑雪胜地。1968 年冬季奥运会在此召开。 人口156,637〔ski〕To travel or glide over on skis:滑雪,滑冰:在滑雪板上旅行或滑过…:〔dream〕I wouldn't dream of trick skiing on icy slopes.我不能想象在结冰的斜坡上滑雪〔vorlage〕A posture assumed in skiing in which the skier leans forward from the ankles, usually without lifting the heels.前倾:滑雪中的一种姿式,滑雪者从踝部向前倾,通常不提脚跟〔next〕Next to skiing, she likes hiking.除了滑雪,她最喜欢徒步旅行〔telemark〕To execute a telemark turn or to ski using this turn.作弓步式转弯:进行弓步式转弯或滑雪时使用这种转弯方式〔league〕The ski jump was out of his league.滑雪跳不是他的强项〔fledgling〕a fledgling enterprise; a fledgling skier.新学徒;滑雪新手〔Aspen〕A city of west-central Colorado in the Sawatch Range of the Rocky Mountains. Founded c. 1879 by silver prospectors, it is now a fashionable ski resort. Population, 5,049.阿斯彭:科罗拉多中西部的一座城市,位于落基山脉的萨沃奇岭。约在1879年由银矿勘探者建立,现为一流行的滑雪圣地。人口5,049〔touring〕Travel, as on a bicycle or on skis, for pleasure rather than competition.观光旅游:娱乐性而不是比赛性的旅行,如骑车或滑雪〔snowplow〕To perform a snowplow maneuver in skiing.犁式滑降:在滑雪时用犁式滑降〔assorted〕well-assorted accessories; an ill-assorted set of ski equipment.很匹配的附件;一套不合适的滑雪器材〔outside〕My outside interests are skiing and sailing.我的业余爱好是滑雪和航海〔outfit〕This store outfits skiers.See Synonyms at furnish 这家商店有滑雪设备 参见 furnish〔life〕He can't ski to save his life.他无论如何也不会滑雪〔schuss〕To make a fast straight downhill run in skiing.滑雪中直线下滑:沿山坡直线下滑〔skiwear〕Clothing appropriate for various types of skiing.滑雪服装:适合各种各样滑雪种类的服装总称〔wedel〕To ski on snow by means of wedeln.滑雪中作双板平行摆动转弯滑〔runout〕a snowy runout at the bottom of the ski slope.滑雪下坡底部的雪的弯曲面〔breather〕took a breather after skiing for two hours.滑雪两个小时后稍作休息〔since〕She's been skiing since childhood.她从幼时起就开始滑雪




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