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单词 淡紫色
释义 〔lilac〕Any of various shrubs of the genusSyringa, especially S. vulgaris, widely cultivated for its clusters of fragrant purplish or white flowers. 丁香,欧洲丁香:一种丁香 属灌木,尤指 欧洲丁香 ,因其芳香的淡紫色或白色花簇而广为栽培 〔bluecurls〕Any of several North American plants of the genusTrichostema in the mint family, having clusters of mostly bluish or purplish flowers with long, curved stamens. 蓝卷花,夏枯草:一种美国北部唇形科毛茎 属植物,大多为淡蓝色或淡紫色花簇和长而卷曲的雄蕊 〔Popsicle〕“[He] likes blue and lavender lighting and finds lots of excuses to use it in the neon Popsicle landscape whose unrealness he celebrates" (Boston Globe)“[他] 喜欢蓝色和淡紫色的灯光,并想尽借口将它们使用于霓虹灯广告牌中,他喜欢这种招牌的不真实性” (波士顿环球)〔catnip〕Any of various other mostly aromatic plants in the genusNepeta, cultivated for their ornamental foliage and clusters of blue, lavender, or white flowers. 香草:一种十分芳香的荆芥属 植物,因其装饰性的叶和大团蓝色、淡紫色或白色的花朵而被栽培 〔caper〕A usually spiny Mediterranean shrub(Capparis spinosa) having white to pale lilac flowers and dehiscent fruits with reddish pulp. 马槟榔,刺山柑:一种产于地中海地区通常多刺的灌木(刺山柑 山柑属) ,花朵从白色到淡紫色,果实内含淡红色果浆 〔Perkin〕British chemist who produced mauve, the first synthetic dye (1856).帕金,威廉·亨利:(1838-1907) 制成第一种合成淡紫色染色剂 (1856年)的英国化学家〔paulownia〕Any of several Chinese deciduous trees of the genusPaulownia, having large, heart-shaped, opposite leaves and pyramidal panicles of purplish or white flowers with a spotted interior. Also called princess tree 泡桐属:一种中国产的泡桐属 落叶乔木,具有心形的大对生叶片,淡紫色或白色锥状花冠,内部具有花斑 也作 princess tree〔houseleek〕Any of various plants of the genusSempervivum native to the Old World, especially S. tectorum, having a persistent, basal rosette of fleshy leaves and a branching cluster of pinkish or purplish flowers. Also called live-forever ,old-man-and-woman 长生草属植物:长生草属 植物,产于欧洲大陆,尤指 屋顶长生草 ,具有不落的肥厚叶片,叶片的底部呈莲座型,有淡粉色或淡紫色的分枝花簇 也作 live-forever,old-man-and-woman〔spearmint〕An aromatic Eurasian plant(Mentha spicata) having clusters of small purplish flowers and yielding an oil used widely as a flavoring. 留兰香:一种产于欧亚大陆的一种芳香植物(留兰香) ,开串状淡紫色小花,广泛用于能增添香味的油 〔mezereon〕A poisonous Eurasian ornamental shrub(Daphne mezereum) having fragrant lilac-purple flowers and small scarlet fruit. 欧亚瑞香:一种有毒的欧洲装饰灌木(瑞香属 欧亚瑞香) 花朵芬香,淡紫色,结小红果实 〔worsleya〕A bulbous Brazilian plant(Worsleya rayneri) having lilac-colored, dark-spotted flowers and black seeds. 球茎植物:一种球茎状巴西植物(Worsleya raneri) ,开淡紫色带深色斑点的花,结黑色籽 〔butterbur〕Any of several perennial herbs of the genusPetasites in the composite family, native to northern temperate regions and having large basal leaves and dense clusters of usually whitish or purplish flower heads. 蜂斗叶属植物:一种菊科蜂斗菜属 多年生草本植物,产于北温带,有宽大的底部叶片和通常为淡色或淡紫色花瓣的密生花簇 〔coreopsis〕Any of various plants of the genusCoreopsis in the composite family, especially the North American species, having showy radiate flower heads with yellow or, rarely, purplish flowers. Also called tickseed 金鸡菊属:菊科金鸡菊属 的一种植物,尤其是北美的品种,有富丽堂皇的花冠,花色常为黄,少数的呈淡紫色 也作 tickseed〔spodumene〕A greenish to pinkish or lilac mineral, LiAlSi2O 6, used as a source of lithium and in transparent varieties as a gemstone. 锂辉石:一种淡绿到淡粉或淡紫色矿石,化学式是LiALSi2O 6,是锂元素的主要来源和因其透明的特性用如宝石 〔anhydrite〕A colorless, white, gray, blue, or lilac mineral of anhydrous calcium sulfate, CaSO4, occurring as layers in gypsum deposits. 硬石膏,无水石膏:一种无色,白色,灰色,蓝色或淡紫色无水硫酸钙矿物,CaSO4,出现在石膏沉积岩层中 〔kunzite〕A lilac-colored spodumene used as a gemstone.紫锂辉石:一种淡紫色的锂辉石,用作宝石〔hepatica〕Any of several woodland plants of the genusHepatica, especially H. americana of eastern North America, having three-lobed leaves and white or lavender flowers. Also called liverleaf 獐耳细辛:任一种獐耳细辛属 ,尤指北美东部的 美洲獐耳细辛属 的林生植物,叶为三裂片状,花为白色或淡紫色 也作 liverleaf〔jacaranda〕Any of several tropical American trees or shrubs of the genusJacaranda, having pinnately compound, opposite leaves and panicles of pale purple flowers with funnel-shaped corollas. 蓝花楹:生长在热带美洲的几种蓝花楹 属的树木或灌木,有羽状对生复叶和淡紫色的圆锥花序的花,其花冠呈漏斗状




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