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释义 | 〔tragic〕Having the elements of tragedy; involving death, grief, or destruction:有悲剧成分的;涉及到死亡、痛苦或毁灭的:〔general〕Involving only the main features rather than precise details:大体上的:只涉及到主要特征,而不是精细细节的:〔regard〕This item regards their liability.这一项涉及到他们的可靠性〔canny〕Careful and shrewd, especially where one's own interests are concerned.谨慎的:小心而精明的,特别是当涉及到某人自己的利益时〔cahier〕A report, especially one concerning the policy or proceedings of a parliamentary group.会议记录之类的报告:报告,尤指涉及到议会团体的政策和进程的报告〔psychosocial〕Involving aspects of social and psychological behavior:心理社会的:涉及到社会行为和心理行为方面的:〔multisport〕Composed of, involving, or accommodating several sports:多种运动的:涉及到几种运动的、提供几种运动的或者由多种运动组成的:〔examine〕A student who is being examined might prefer at times to deal with a swarm of bees rather than be weighed in the balance once again.The history of the wordexamine involves both phenomena. Examine, first recorded in English in a work composed before 1338,goes back to the Latin wordexāmināre, which in turn is derived fromexāmen, meaning both "a swarm of bees" and "the apparatus or process of weighing, balance.” Exāmen has these senses because it is formed from the prefixex-, "out of,” and the root .ag-, "to drive, force.” The semantic possibilities of this combination are shown by the senses of the related verbexigere, which meant "to drive out,” "to exact payment,” "to demand,” and "to inquire after or into.”The verbexāmināre derived from exāmen has the sense "to swarm" as well as the senses "to weigh, balance,” and "to consider critically.”一个正在考试的学生有时宁愿去对付一群蜜蜂也不愿再一次参加考试。examine 这个词的历史涉及到以上两种现象。 Examine 在英文最早的记录是出现于1338年以前的一本书中,回溯到拉丁文中的examinare, 其源自examen, 意思不但包括“蜂群”,还包括“衡量和平衡的程序或装置”。 Examen 具有这些含义是因为它由前缀ex-, 意为“超出”,和词根 ag-, 意为“驱使,强迫”组成的。 这个组合在语义上包含的几种可能被相关动词exigere 的意义表达出来, 它的含义有“赶出”、“要求支付”、“需要”和“问候或调查”。examinare 这个动词源自 examen, 含有“云集”的意思, 同时也有“衡量、平衡”和“吹毛求疵地考虑”等含义〔gather〕The new legislature will assemble in January. With respect to thingsassemble implies gathering and fitting together components, as of a structure or machine: 立法院将于一月召集会议。 涉及到事物,assemble 表示收集并把各成分安装在一起, 作为一构造或机器: 〔hydraulic〕Of, involving, moved by, or operated by a fluid, especially water, under pressure.水力的,水压的:压力下的液体(尤指的水)的、涉及到液体的、靠液体移动或操作的〔transaction〕Communication involving two or more people that affects all those involved; personal interaction:交流:涉及到两个或更多的人并影响到所有当事人的交流;个人反应:〔Johnson〕Swedish writer whose works, notably four semiautobiographical novels collectively titledNovels of Olaf (1934-1937), concern his impoverished youth and sociopolitical issues. He shared the 1974 Nobel Prize for literature. 约翰逊,埃温德:(1900-1976) 瑞典作家,他最重要的作品是合称为《奥拉夫的小说》 (1934-1937年)的四部半自传性小说,他的作品涉及到他贫困的青年时期以及社会政治问题。1974年获得诺贝尔文学奖 〔multiservice〕Involving, relating to, or composed of members of various branches of the armed forces.涉及到或与武装部队的各个分支有关的、或者由其组成的〔trivial〕Trivial Pursuit is an etymologically sound name, because roads and traveling, which might involve pursuit, are involved in the origin of the wordtrivial. The history oftrivial begins with the Latin word trivium, formed from the prefixtri-, "consisting of three of the things named,” and via, "road.” Trivium meant "the meeting place of three roads, especially as a place of public resort.” Hence it also had a pejorative sense,which we express by the phrasethe gutter, as in "His manners were formed in the gutter.”The adjectivetriviālis, derived from trivium, meant "appropriate to the street corner, commonplace, vulgar.” Trivial entered Middle English in senses that need not detain us here,first being recorded in a sense identical to that oftriviālis in 1589. Shortly after thattrivial is recorded in the sense most familiar to us, "of little importance or significance.”Trivial Pursuit 从词源学的角度来看是合理的词, 因为可能涉及到追求的道路和旅行都与trivial 这个词的来源有关。 trivial 的历史从拉丁词 trivium 开始, 由前缀tri- 意思是“由三个给定的东西组成的”和 via “道路”构成。 Trivium 的意思是“三条路交汇的地方,尤指公众常去的地方”。 自此它又有了一层带贬意的意思,我们用短语贫民区里的 来表示这层意思, 如在句子”他的礼仪是在贫民区学成的”。从trivium 派生出来的形容词 trvialis 意思为“用于街道角落的,平凡的,粗俗的”。 Trvial 进入了中古英语, 当时的意思不会使我们停止不前。最早的记录是在1589年,意思与trivialis 相同。 不久以后,trivial 的意思变得与我们更接近了, 即“琐碎的,不重要的或无价值的”〔implicate〕evidence that implicates others in the plot.涉及到阴谋中其他人的证据〔quadripartite〕Involving four participants.涉及到四位参与者的〔dangerous〕Involving or filled with danger; perilous.危险的:涉及到或充满危险的;危机四伏的〔operational〕Of, intended for, or involved in military operations.军事行动的,计划军事行动的,涉及到军事行动的〔expect〕These verbs are related in various ways to the idea of looking ahead to something in the future.Toexpect is to look forward to the likely occurrence or appearance of someone or something: 这些动词在不同的方面涉及到前瞻将来之事物的意思。Expect 意思是期待某事或某人可能的发生或出现: 〔contentious〕Involving or likely to cause contention; controversial:有争议的:涉及到或可能引起争论的;有争议的:〔naysay〕They will naysay any policy that includes the use of nuclear weapons.他们将反对任何涉及到使用核武器的政策〔turn〕Revolve can have the same meaning asrotate, while in certain contexts it is distinguished from rotate as involving orbital movement: Revolve 的意思与rotate 大致一样,但在特定的语境中,它涉及到在轨道上的运动,因此与 rotate 有所区别: 〔forceful〕 may or may not involve the use of actual physical force.Forcible, by contrast, is most often used of actions accomplished by the application of physical force: 可能或可能不涉及到具体的物质力量的使用。相反,forcible 最常用来指由体能的应用而完成的动作: 〔malign〕Libel involves the communication of written or pictorial material injurious to the reputation of another: Libel 涉及到对别人名声有害的书面或图形材料的传播: 〔Chekhov〕Russian writer whose dramas, such asThe Seagull (1896, revised 1898), and stories, including "A Dreary Story" (1889), concern the inability of human beings to communicate with one another. 契诃夫,安东·巴甫洛维奇:(1860-1904) 俄国作家,著有海鸥 (1896年,1898年修改)等剧本以及包括《一个没有意思的故事》在内的小说,作品涉及到人们在沟通上的无力 〔ethical〕Of, relating to, or dealing with ethics.伦理学的:属于,关系或涉及到伦理学的〔Kafka〕Austrian writer whose stories, such as "The Metamorphosis" (1916), and novels, includingThe Trial (1925) and The Castle (1926), concern troubled individuals in a nightmarishly impersonal world. 卡夫卡,弗朗兹:(1883-1924) 奥地利作家,其短篇小说,如《变形记》(1916年),和长篇小说,包括《判决》 (1925年)和 《城堡》 (1926年),都涉及到荒诞离奇的异化世界里忧心忡忡的个人 〔transnational〕Relating to or involving several nations or nationalities:跨国的:与多个国家或民族有关的或涉及到多个国家或民族的:〔critical〕Being or relating to a grave physical condition especially of a patient.严重的:尤指病人处于或涉及到严重的身体状况的〔oculogyric〕Of or relating to the turning of the eyeballs in the sockets.关系到或涉及到眼球的环形运动的〔multistate〕Of, relating to, or involving several states:多阶段的:多个阶段的、涉及到或与多阶段有关的:〔menu〕An enormous menu might be considered an oxymoronif one were to restrict the word etymologically.Menu can be traced back to the Latin word minūtus, meaning "small in size, amount, or degree"and also "possessing or involving minute knowledge.”Latinminūtus became Old French menut and Modern French menu, "small, fine, trifling, minute.” The French adjective came to be used as a nounwith the sense of "detail, details collectively,” and "detailed list.”As such, it was used in the phrasemenu de repas, "list of items of a meal,” which was shortened tomenu. This word was borrowed into English,being first recorded in 1837.The French word had been borrowed before,perhaps only briefly,as a shortening of the French phrasemenu peuple, "the common people.” This usage, however, is recorded in only one text, in 1658.“一个庞大的菜单”这一说法可能会被看成是一种矛盾的修辞法,如果人们从语源学角度对这个词进行限制的话。Menu 这个词的词源可上溯到拉丁词 minutus, 意为“尺寸、数量或程度小的”,或者“具备或涉及到精细知识的。”这个拉丁词minutus 而后又成为古法语单词 menut 和现代法语单词 menu, 意为“小的、精巧的、琐碎的、详细的。” 这个法语形容词逐渐被用作名词,意为“细节、诸多细节”及“详细的名单”。就这样,它被用于词组menu de repas, 意为“一张菜肴明细单”, 后来这个词组又被简略为menu。 这个简略词被引入英语中,最早出现于1837年。这个法语单词以前也曾被英语借用过,但也许只用了很短一段时间,而且是作为意为“普通民众”的法语词组menu peuple 的简略词。 然而这一用法仅在1658年的一篇文章中出现过〔considered〕my considered opinion; a considered policy involving a measured response to provocations.我经过深思熟虑得出如下意见:一项涉及到对挑衅所作出的审慎反应的经过深思熟虑的政策〔foregoing〕Refer to the foregoing figures.涉及到前面所讲的数字〔touch〕some remarks touching recent events.一些言论涉及到近期的事件〔trilateral〕Having or involving three sides, countries, or parties.三边的:有三条边的或涉及到三条边、三个国家或三方的〔gorilla〕Two traditions of exploration come together in the history of the wordgorilla, which also illustrates how knowledge of the classics has influenced scientific terminology.Dr. Thomas S. Savage, an American missionary to western Africa,first described the gorilla in 1847, giving it the New Latin nameTroglodytes gorilla. In doing so he was using his knowledge of Greek literature,in which there exists a fourth-centuryb.c. translation of a report written by Hanno, another visitor to western Africa. This Carthaginian navigator,who voyaged before 480b.c. , went as far as Sierra Leone in his explorations.In the Greek translation of his reporthe tells of seeingGorillai, the name of which he allegedly learned from local informantsand which he thought were members of a tribe of hairy women.In fact they were probably the same creatures that Thomas Savage described about 24 centuries later.在涉及到gorilla 这个词的历史时,传说中的两次探险可以联系在一起, 这同样也证明了古典文学对科学术语命名的影响。汤姆斯·S·萨维奇医生,到西非传教的美国传教士,在1847年第一次描述了大猩猩并给它起了个新拉丁语名字Troglodytes gorilla 。 在命名时他就用了希腊文学知识,这个命名也同样出现在一本公元前 4世纪安诺写的见闻译本里,安诺也到过西非。 这位迦太基航海家,公元前 480年之前开始出航, 在他的探险过程中,最远到达过塞拉利昂。在他写见闻的希腊译本里,他说他见到了Gorillai , 据他自己声称他是从当地向导那儿学到这个名字的,并认为它是指多毛女人部落的成员。实际上他们可能是大约24世纪以后汤姆斯·萨奇所描述的同样的动物〔tragedy〕A disastrous event, especially one involving distressing loss or injury to life:惨剧:灾难性事件,尤指涉及到生命遭受不幸损失或伤害的事情: |
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