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单词 海港
释义 〔Myra〕An ancient Lycian city of southern Asia Minor. A major seaport, it was one of the chief cities of the region.米拉:小亚细亚南部的一座吕西亚古城,一个重要的海港,是该地区的主要城市之一〔Tacoma〕A city of west-central Washington on an arm of Puget Sound south of Seattle. A major seaport and railroad center, it is one of the chief industrial cities in the Northwest. Population, 176,664.塔科马:美国华盛顿州中西部一城市,位于普吉特湾畔,西雅图南部。它是一个重要的海港和铁路枢纽,是美国西北部的主要工业城市之一。人口176,664〔Syzran〕A city of south-central European U.S.S.R. on the Volga River west of Kuibyshev. It is a major river port and rail center. Population, 173,000.塞兹兰:苏联欧洲部分中南部一城市,位于古比雪夫以西的伏尔加河畔是重要的海港与铁路交通中心。人口173,000〔Piraeus〕A city of east-central Greece on the Saronic Gulf southwest of Athens. Its port was built in the 5th centuryb.c. and after extensive development in the mid-19th century became the principal seaport of the country. In ancient times it was connected with Athens by the Long Walls, two parallel walls some 183 m (600 ft) apart. Population, 196,389. 比雷埃夫斯:希腊中东部的一座城市,位于雅典西南的萨罗尼克湾上。其港口在公元前 5世纪建成,后来经过扩充发展,到19世纪中叶已成为国家的主要海港。在古代,该城与雅典城以一条长墙相连,长墙由两道平行的相距约183米(600英尺)的墙壁组成。人口196,389 〔Tallinn〕A city of northwest European U.S.S.R. on the Gulf of Finland opposite Helsinki. A major port, Tallinn was a possession of the Livonian Knights (1346-1561) and Sweden (1561-1710) before being formally ceded to Russia (1721). It is the capital of Estonia. Population, 464,000.塔林:原苏联欧洲部分西北部一城市,位于芬兰湾畔,与赫尔辛基隔海相望。塔林是一个重要海港,在被正式移交给俄罗斯(1721年)以前曾先后被里文爵士(1346-1561年)和瑞典(1561-1710年)统治过。它是爱沙尼亚的首都。人口464,000〔Takamatsu〕A city of northeast Shikoku, Japan, on the Inland Sea. It is a major seaport. Population, 327,001.高松:日本四国岛东北部一城市,位于濑户内海沿岸,是一个重要的海港。人口327,001〔Chennai〕A city of southeast India on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal. Founded in 1639 as Fort St. George by the British East India Company, Chennai was held by the French from 1746 to 1748. It is today a major industrial, commercial, and cultural center with a thriving harbor (constructed 1862-1901). Population, 4,382,100陈奈:印度东南部城市,位于孟加拉国湾的科罗曼德尔海岸。1639年英国东印度公司在此建成圣乔治堡,1746至1748年法国占领陈奈。现今为拥有繁荣海港(1862-1901年间建成)的主要工业、商业及文化中心。人口4,382,100〔Tralee〕An urban district of southwest Ireland at the head ofTralee Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean. Tralee is a seaport and manufacturing center. Population, 16,495. 特拉利:爱尔兰西南部的城市地区,位于大西洋小海湾特拉利湾 上游。特拉利是海港和制造业中心。人口 16,495 〔seaport〕A harbor or town having facilities for seagoing ships.海港:拥有远洋船舶服务设施的港口或城市〔Haikou〕A city of southern China on Hainan Island in the South China Sea. It is a seaport and an industrial center. Population, 266,302.海口:中国南部一城市,位于海南岛,临南中国海,是海港和工业中心。人口266,302〔perceptible〕Appreciable amounts of noxious waste are still being dumped into the harbor.可以估算的大量有害废物仍被倾倒入海港〔Naples〕Also [näʹpô-lē] A city of south-central Italy on theBay of Naples, an arm of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Founded by Greeks c. 600 b.c. , Naples was conquered by the Romans in the fourth century b.c. and eventually became an independent duchy (eighth century a.d. ) and capital of the kingdom of Naples (1282-1860). It is a major seaport and a commercial, cultural, and tourist center. Population, 1,210,503. 也作 [näʹpô-lē] 那不勒斯:意大利中南部的一座城市,位于第勒尼安海的一个海湾那不勒斯湾 。于 公元前 600年由希腊人建立, 公元前 4世纪罗马人征服那不勒斯,后成为独立的公国( 公元 8世纪)并成为那不勒斯王国的首都(1282-1860年),是重要海港和商业,文化和旅游业中心。人口1,210,503 〔Dandong〕A city of northeast China on the Yalu River opposite North Korea. It is a seaport and manufacturing center. Population, 400,000.丹东:中国东北部一城市,位于和朝鲜相对的鸭绿江畔。它是一个海港和制造中心,人口400,000〔Civitavecchia〕A city of west-central Italy on the Tyrrhenian Sea west-northwest of Rome. Its harbor is the chief port of Rome. Population, 45,836.奇维塔韦基亚:意大利中西部第勒尼安海边一座城市,位于罗马西北偏西。其港口为罗马的主要海港。人口45,836〔Iskenderun〕A city of southern Turkey on an inlet of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Founded by Alexander the Great to celebrate his victory over the Persians in 333b.c. , it is Turkey's chief port on the Mediterranean. Population, 124,824. 伊斯肯德仑,亚历山德拉塔:土耳其南部一城市,在地中海东部的一个小湾边。亚历山大大帝在公元前 333年建立该城以庆祝战胜波斯人。它是土耳其在地中海上的主要海港。人口124,824 〔Leith〕A district of Edinburgh, Scotland, on the southern shore of the Firth of Forth. It is a noted seaport and shipbuilding center.利斯:英国苏格兰爱丁堡市的一个区,位于福思湾的南岸。它是有名的海港和造船中心〔Caesarea〕 or Also Caesarea Pal.e.sti.nae [păl'ĭ-stīʹnē] An ancient seaport of Palestine south of present-day Haifa, Israel. It was founded (30b.c. ) by Herod the Great and later became the capital of Roman Judea. The city was destroyed by Moslems in 1265. 或 也作 Caesarea Pal.e.sti.nae [păl'ĭ-stīʹnē] 卡萨里亚:巴勒斯坦的一个古海港,位于今以色列海法的南部。由希律大帝建于(公元前 30年),后来成为罗马犹地亚的首都。该城于1265年被伊斯兰教徒摧毁 〔Ionia〕An ancient region of western Asia Minor along the coast of the Aegean Sea. Greek settlers established colonies here before 1000b.c. The seaports of Ionia flourished from c. 8th century b.c. until the Turkish conquest of the 15th century a.d. 爱奥尼亚:古代小亚细亚西部沿爱琴海海岸的一个地区。希腊人在公元前 1000年以前在这儿建立了殖民地。爱奥尼亚的海港从 公元前 8世纪开始繁荣起来,直到 公元 15世纪土耳其人的征服 〔inlet〕A recess, such as a bay or cove, along a coast.水湾:海岸边弯向大陆的凹进处,例如海港或水湾〔Miami〕A city of southeast Florida on Biscayne Bay south of Fort Lauderdale. Settled in the 1870's near the site of a fort built in 1836, it expanded greatly during the land boom of the 1920's and again after World War II. Today it is an important resort and cruise center for the Caribbean. Population, 358,548.迈阿密:佛罗里达州东南部的一座城市,濒临比斯开湾,位于劳德代尔堡南部,19世纪70年代在靠近一个1836年所建的海港附近建立该城,在20世纪20年代和二次世界大战后的土地繁荣期得到极大扩张,今天是加勒比地区重要的旅游胜地和航游中心。人口358,548〔Hakodate〕A city of southwest Hokkaido, Japan, on Tsugaru Strait. Its excellent harbor was first opened to foreign traders in 1854. Population, 319,190.函馆:日本北海道西南部一城市,位于津轻海峡边。1854年,这个城市优良的海港第一次对外国商人开放。人口319,1900〔Cirebon〕A city of south-central Indonesia on the northern coast of Java east-northeast of Bandung. It is a port on the Java Sea. Population, 223,776.西里汶:印度尼西亚中南部爪哇北海岸的一座城市,位于万隆东北偏东。为爪哇海海港。人口223,776〔balbriggan〕After Balbriggan , a seaport of eastern Ireland 源自 巴尔布里根 ,爱尔兰东部一海港 〔Hull〕Also King.ston-up.on-Hull [kĭngʹstən-ə-pŏn-hŭlʹ, -pôn-] A borough of northeast-central England on the northern shore of the Humber estuary at the influx of theHull River. Chartered in 1299, the city has been a major seaport since the late 1700's. Population, 272,500. 也作 King.ston-up.on-Hull [kĭngʹstən-ə-pŏn-hŭlʹ, -pôn-] 赫尔:英格兰中部偏东北的自治城市,位于寺尔河 哈姆伯三角洲的北岸。1299年获自治权,18世纪末开始成为重要海港。人口272,500 〔harbor〕A sheltered part of a body of water deep enough to provide anchorage for ships.海港,港口:一块有足够深度为船只提供安全停泊口岸的水域〔sand〕To fill up (a harbor) with sand.填以沙:使(海港)淤满沙子〔Adelaide〕A city of southern Australia northwest of Melbourne. A port of entry at the mouth of the Torrens River, it was founded in 1836. Metropolitan area population, 983,200.阿德莱德:澳大利亚南部的一座城市,位于墨尔本西北部。为托伦斯河口的海港,建于1836年,城市人口983,200〔Gdynia〕A city of northern Poland on the Gulf of Gda÷sk northwest of Gda÷sk. It has been a major Baltic port since the 1930's. Population, 243,100.格丁尼亚:波兰北部一城市,位于格但斯克海湾内,在格但斯克西北部。自从20世纪30年代以来,它一直是波罗的海一个重要海港口。人口243,100〔Moulmein〕A city of southern Burma on the Gulf of Martaban east of Rangoon. The chief town of British Burma from 1826 to 1852, it is a port and commercial center. Population, 219,991.毛淡棉:缅甸南部城市,位于仰光以东的马达班湾畔。1826到1852年英属缅甸的主要城镇,是海港兼商业中心。人口219,991〔Durban〕A city of eastern South Africa onDurban Bay, an inlet of the Indian Ocean. First visited by Vasco da Gama in 1497, the site was settled after the arrival of the British in 1824. Durban is a major seaport and year-round resort. Population, 677,760. 德班:南非东部城市,滨临印度洋的一个海湾,德班湾 ,1497年瓦斯科·达加马首次到达这里,1824年英国人到达后,德班成为殖民地,德班是一个主要海港和四季旅游城市,人口677,760 〔fade〕The lights and music faded as we set sail from the harbor.当我们从海港起航时,光线逐渐变暗,音乐声逐渐减弱〔Bellingham〕A city of northwest Washington onBellingham Bay south of the British Columbia, Canada, border. It is a port of entry with shipbuilding and processing industries. Population, 52,179. 贝灵汉:美国华盛顿州西北部城市,位于加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚省边界南面的贝灵汉湾 。是拥有造船业和加工业的入海港。人口52,179 〔Sydney〕A city of southeast Australia on an inlet of the Tasman Sea. The largest city in Australia, it is the country's chief port and main cultural and financial center. Metropolitan area population, 3,358,550.悉尼:澳大利亚东南部一城市,位于塔斯曼海入海口处是澳大利亚最大的城市,也是该国的重要海港和主要的文化和金融中心市区人口3,358,550〔Blyth〕A municipal borough of northeast England on the North Sea at the mouth of theBlyth River. It is an industrial center and a seaport. Population, 78,200. 布莱斯:英格兰东北部的自治市镇,位于北海海滨,在布莱斯河 河口。为一个工业中心和海港。人口78,200 〔Portland〕The largest city of Oregon, in the northwest part of the state on the Willamette River near its junction with the Columbia River. Founded in 1845, it grew as a lumber-exporting port and supply point for the California and Alaska goldfields. Population, 437,319.波特兰:美国俄勒冈州最大城市,位于该州西北部,威拉米特河沿岸与哥伦比亚河的汇合处。该市建于1845年,作为出口木材的海港而发展起来,并成为加利福尼亚及阿拉斯加的金矿供给点。人口437,319〔Auckland〕The largest city of New Zealand, on an isthmus of northwest North Island. It is a major port and an industrial center. Metropolitan area population, 860,000.奥克兰:新西兰最大的城市,位于北岛西北部地峡。是主要海港及工业中心。市区人口860,000〔Hoboken〕A city of northeast New Jersey on the Hudson River opposite Manhattan. Now a railroad hub and busy seaport, it was a resort and amusement center for New Yorkers before the mid-19th century. Population, 33,397.霍波肯:美国新泽西州东北部一城市,位于哈得孙河畔且与曼哈顿对望。现在是铁路中枢和繁忙海港,19世纪中期前是纽约人的渡假胜地和娱乐中心。人口33,397〔Narbonne〕A city of southern France near the Mediterranean coast southwest of Montpellier. Thought to have been the first Roman colony established in Transalpine Gaul (118b.c. ), it was an important seaport until its harbor silted up in the 14th century. It is now the commercial center of a wine-growing region. Population, 41,565. 纳巴达:法国南部的一座城市,与蒙彼利埃西南的地中海海岸相临,被认为是在外阿尔派恩高卢(公元前 118年)建立的第一个罗马人殖民地,它是一个重要海港,直到14世纪由于淤泥阻塞而停止使用,现今是葡萄种植的商业中心。人口41,565 〔Phocaea〕An ancient Ionian Greek city of western Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea in present-day Turkey. It was an important maritime state c. 1000 to 600b.c. but declined after a Persian siege in 540. 福西亚:小亚细亚西部的一个古代爱奥尼亚希腊城市,位于爱琴海上、今天的土耳其境内,从公元前 1000年到600年是一个重要的海港城邦。但在540年被波斯人围攻后败落 〔Flensburg〕A city of northern Germany onFlensburg Fjord, an arm of the Baltic Sea at the Danish border. Founded c. 1200, the city is a port and shipbuilding center. Population, 86,873. 弗伦斯堡:德国北部一城市,位于德国与丹麦交界处波罗的海的一个海湾弗伦斯堡 湾内。建于公元1200年,该城市是一个海港和造船中心。人口86,873




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