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单词 活动性
释义 〔hyperactive〕Highly or excessively active:活动过度的,活动性过度的:高度或过度活跃:〔hyperactive〕a hyperactive new drug; a hyperactive thyroid gland.一种活动性极强的新药;分泌过多的甲状腺〔industry〕A clear indication of the way in which human effort has been harnessed as a force for the commercial production of goods and services is the change in meaning of the wordindustry. Coming from the Latin wordindustria, meaning "diligent activity directed to some purpose,”and its descendant, Old Frenchindustrie, with the senses "activity,” "ability,” and "a trade or occupation,”our word (first recorded in 1475) originally meant "skill,” "a device,” and "diligence" as well as "a trade.”As more and more human effort over the course of the Industrial Revolution became involved in producing goods and services for sale,the last sense ofindustry as well as the slightly newer sense "systematic work or habitual employment" grew in importance, to a large extent taking over the word.We can even speak now of the Shakespeare industry,rather like the garment industry.The sense "diligence, assiduity,” lives on, however,perhaps even to survive industry itself.industry 有一个明显的含义,即指将人力组织转化成进行货物商业性生产和进行商业性服务的方法,而在有此含义前,这个词经历了多次变化。 这个词来源于拉丁文industria , 意思是“为某种目的而进行的勤奋的活动”;后来这个拉丁字发展成古法语单词industrie , 其意思是“活动性”、“能力”和“一种行业和职业”。英文单词(最早的记载是1475年)原意是“技巧”、“方法”、“勤奋”,也有“一种行业”之意。随着产业革命的开展,越来越多的人力被用于进行货物生产和商业服务,industry 最新的含义及其较新的意思“有组织的劳动或习惯性的雇佣”变得重要起来, 并逐渐成为这个词最主要的意思。现在,我们甚至在提到莎士比亚研究时,就象提及成衣制造业。不过,“勤劳、勤奋”这层含义仍在使用,也许只要这个单词存在,这层含义就不会消失




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