单词 | 洛斯 |
释义 | 〔Barbados〕A country occupying the easternmost island of the West Indies. Probably first visited by the Portuguese, who named it Los Barbados ("the bearded") for its numerous bearded fig trees, the island gained its independence from Great Britain in 1966. Bridgetown is the capital and the largest city. Population, 248,983.巴巴多斯:占据西印度群岛最东端岛屿的一个国家。可能最先被葡萄牙人占领,并命名为洛斯巴巴多斯(意为“芒须国”),因为那里大量的无花果树上都带芒刺。该岛于1966年从英国手中获得独立。布里奇顿为首都和最大城市。人口248,983〔Venizelos〕Greek politician who served a number of terms as premier between 1910 and 1933 and aligned Greece with the Allies during World War I. He went into exile after an unsuccessful military and naval revolt in March 1935.凡尼济洛斯,埃留提利奥斯:(1864-1936) 希腊政治家,在1910年和1933年期间曾数任总理并在第一次世界大战期间使希腊与协约国结盟。他在1935年3月的一次失败的陆军和海军叛乱后过着流亡生活〔remainder〕"After elimination of all verbiage, this fact was the only residuum" (John Lothrop Motley).“在剔除所有的赘语之后,剩下的就只有这个事实了” (约翰·洛斯鲁普·穆特利)。〔Johnston〕American writer whose works include the popularLittle Colonel series (1896-1907). 约翰斯顿,安妮·费洛斯:(1863-1931) 美国作家,其作品包括畅销的《小长官》 系列(1896-1907年) 〔Proclus〕Greek philosopher and the last major Neo-Platonic teacher. He maintained that reality is fundamentally mental rather than material.普罗克洛斯:希腊哲学家,最后一个重要的新柏拉图主义的导师,他认为现实从基础上说是精神的而非物质的〔Schumpeter〕Czechoslovakian-born American economist known for his theories of the development of capitalism.顺彼得,约瑟夫·阿洛斯:(1883-1950) 捷克斯洛伐克裔美国经济学家,以其资本主义发展理论著名〔trivial〕"He . . . considered the prize too paltry for the lives it must cost" (John Lothrop Motley). “他…认为奖金与它所夺去的生命相比太微不足道了” (约翰·洛斯罗浦·莫特莱)。〔Eolus〕A peak, 4,295.3 m (14,083 ft) high, in the San Juan Mountains of southwest Colorado.伊奥洛斯山:座落于科罗拉多西南的圣胡安山脉中,海拔4,295.3米(14,083英尺)〔intrude〕"He wouldn't obtrude his assistance, if it were declined" (John Lothrop Motley). “如果他的援助被谢绝的话,他不会将此强加于别人的” (约翰·洛斯鲁普·莫特利)。 |
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