单词 | 泰勒 |
释义 | 〔Tyler〕American scholar and educator who was a founder (1884) of the American Historical Association.泰勒,摩西·科伊特:(1835-1900) 美国学者和教育家,是美国历史协会的创立者(1884年)〔dollar〕Low German Daler [taler] 低地德语 Daler [泰勒] 〔seatmate〕"His seatmate was a gray-haired woman with glasses"(Anne Tyler)“他的同座乘客是个戴眼镜的灰发女士”(安妮·泰勒)〔Xanadu〕After Xanadu, , a place in "Kubla Khan,” a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge 源自 美丽的庄园 ,撒母尔·泰勒·柯尔雷基诗作《忽必烈汗》中的一处地名 〔equation〕"The world was full of equations . . . there must be an answer for everything, if only you knew how to set forth the questions"(Anne Tyler)“世界充满了复杂的事物;假使你知道如何提出问题的话,那么也许事事就会有答案了”(安妮·泰勒)〔Fillmore〕The 13th President of the United States (1850-1853), who succeeded to office after the death of Zachary Taylor. He struggled to keep the nation unified but lost the support of his Whig Party by attempting to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act in the North.菲尔莫尔,密拉德:(1800-1874) 美国第13任总统(1850-1853年),在扎卡里·泰勒死后继任总统。他为保持国家的统一而斗争,但因试图使《逃亡奴隶法》在北方生效而失去了他所在的辉格党的支持〔Monterrey〕A city of northeast Mexico east of Matamoros. Founded in 1579, the city was captured (September 1846) by Zachary Taylor's forces during the Mexican War. Population, 1,090,099.蒙特雷:墨西哥东北部一城市,位于马塔莫罗斯东部。建于1579年,墨西哥战争中被扎卡里·泰勒的军队攻占(1846年9月)。人口1,090,099〔Taylor〕British-born American actress. A childhood star after her appearance inNational Velvet (1944), she later won an Academy Award for Butterfield 8 (1960) and for Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966). 泰勒,伊丽莎白:(生于 1932) 英裔美国女演员。1944年她出演《玉女神驹》 后成为童星,她后来凭影片 《巴特菲尔德第八》 (1960年)和 《谁怕弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫》 (1966年)两获奥斯卡金像奖 〔Taylor〕American actress best known for her portrayal of Amanda Wingfield in Tennessee Williams'sThe Glass Menagerie. 泰勒,劳雷特:(1884-1946) 美国女演员,她因在田纳西·威廉的《玻璃动物园》 中扮演阿曼达·温菲尔德而著名 〔Taylor〕American composer and critic. He composed the suite for chamber ensembleThrough the Looking Glass (1918) and wrote The Well-Tempered Listener (1940). 泰勒,(约瑟夫)迪穆斯:(1885-1966) 美国作曲家和评论家。他曾为室内合奏乐《透过镜子》 编写组曲(1918年),并写了 《脾气好的听众》 (1940年) 〔albatross〕Sense 2, after the albatross in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, which the mariner killed and had to wear around his neck as a penance 第二种释义,源自 albatross 在 古舟子咏 中,其作者为萨谬·泰勒·柯勒律治,诗中的水手杀了信天翁后不得不将其吊在脖子上以示赎罪 〔brave〕"a coat of brave red lipstick on a mouth so wrinkled that it didn't even have a clear outline"(Anne Tyler)“涂在皱得几乎没有清晰轮廓的嘴上的一层艳红色唇膏”(安妮·泰勒)〔wallow〕"The car wallowed back through the slush, with ribbons of bright water trickling down the windshield from the roof"(Anne Tyler)“汽车艰难地在雪泥里倒车,一条条白亮的水带从车顶沿挡风窗滴淌下来”(安妮·泰勒)〔Taylor〕American writer known especially for his travel books and his translation (1870-1871) of Goethe'sFaust. 泰勒,(詹姆斯)拜尔德:(1825-1878) 美国作家,以他的旅游书和对歌德《浮士德》 的翻译(1870年到1871年)而闻名 〔careen〕"He careened through foreign territories on a desperate kind of blitz"(Anne Tyler)“在孤注一掷地闪电战中他急冲过外国领地”(安妮·泰勒)〔Taylor〕English-born American Puritan cleric and poet. Although his works were unpublished until 1939, he is now recognized as one of colonial America's finest poets. His poems include "God's Determinations Touching His Elect" (c. 1685).泰勒,爱德华:(1645?-1729) 英裔美国清教徒牧师和诗人。尽管他的作品直到1939年才出版,现在他还是被认为是殖民地美国的最优秀诗人。他的诗包括《上帝的决心感化了他的选民》(作于1685年)〔carapace〕"He used to worry that Sarah would age the same way, develop the same brittle carapace"(Anne Tyler)“他过去常担忧莎拉也同样会苍老,外表变得同样冷漠”(安妮·泰勒)〔Taylor〕A city of southeast Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. Population, 70,811.泰勒:美国密歇根州东南部一城市,底特律的一郊区。人口70,811〔Tyler〕American jurist and writer considered the founder of American drama. His plays includeThe Contrast (first produced 1787). 泰勒,罗亚尔:(1757-1826) 美国法官和作家,被认为是美国戏剧的奠基人。他的戏剧包括《对比》 (最早写于1787年) 〔cruise〕"A whole cache of babies . . . cruised imperiously in their strollers, propelled by their mothers or by pairs of grandmothers"(Anne Tyler)“到处都看得到婴儿…在婴儿车里悠闲自在,母亲或祖母则推着走来走去”(安妮·泰勒)〔betweentimes〕"She took such tiny bites and set her fork down on her plate betweentimes"(Anne Tyler)“她小口小口地吃饭并不时把叉子放在盘子上”(安妮·泰勒)〔Still〕American physician who founded osteopathy (1874).斯蒂尔,安德鲁·泰勒:(1828-1917) 美国医生,他创立了疗骨术(1874年)〔Tyler〕English revolutionary who led the Peasants' Revolt against Richard II's poll tax in June 1381. The uprising ended when he was killed.泰勒,沃特:(卒于 1381) 英国革命者,1381年六月领导了反抗理查德二世的人头税的农民起义。起义在他被杀后结束〔Taylor〕English bishop and writer whose most important works areThe Rule and Exercises of Holy Living (1650) and The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying (1651). 泰勒,杰里米:(1613-1667) 英国基督教主教和作家,他最重要的作品是《圣洁生活的规则和习尚》 (1650年)和 《圣洁死亡的规则和习尚》 (1651年) 〔Caldwell〕British-born American writer of popular novels, includingDynasty of Death (1938). 考德威尔,(珍尼特)泰勒:(1900-1985) 英裔美国通俗小说作家,其作品包括《王朝之死》 (1938年) 〔cluster〕"She held out her hand, a small tight cluster of fingers"(Anne Tyler)“她举起手,手指紧紧地握在一起”(安妮·泰勒)〔Taylor〕The 12th President of the United States (1849-1850). An army officer in the Black Hawk War (1832) and the Second Seminole War (1835-1837), he became a national hero during the Mexican War (1846-1848) and was elected President in 1848. He died after less than two years in office.泰勒,扎迦利:(1784-1850) 美国第十二任总统(1849-1850年)。在黑鹰战争(1832年)和第二次西米诺尔战争(1835-1837年)中任陆军军官,在墨西哥战争(1846-1848年)期间成为民族英雄,1848年被选为总统。上任不到两年他死在任上〔bargain〕"I never bargained for this tearing feeling inside me"(Anne Tyler)“我从来没想到自己内心有如此激烈的感情”(安妮·泰勒)〔return〕"Not the poem which we have read, but that to which we return . . . possesses the genuine power, and claims the name of essential poetry ” (Samuel Taylor Coleridge). “不是我们已读 过的诗,而是我们 重新阅读的那些诗, …获得真正的力量并主张 本质诗的名称 ” (塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治)。 〔starchy〕"this starchy, old-fashioned hotel room"(Anne Tyler)“这外古板、老式的旅馆房间”(安妮·泰勒)〔Johnson〕First Lady of the United States (1963-1969) as the wife of President Lyndon Johnson. She directed a nationwide beautification project.约翰逊,克劳德·阿尔塔·泰勒:(生于 1912) 美国第一夫人(1963-1969年),林顿·约翰逊总统的妻子。她曾主持一个全国性美化工程〔focus〕"He was forever taken aback by[New York's] pervasive atmosphere of purposefulness—the tight focus of its drivers, the brisk intensity of its pedestrians" (Anne Tyler)“他久久地惊诧于[纽约] 所弥漫的那种目的性很强的气氛——司机们的高度集中以及行人的步伐紧凑快速” (安妮·泰勒)〔personify〕"Stalin now personified bolshevism in the eyes of the world"(A.J.P. Taylor)“在整个世界看来,现在斯大林象征着布尔什维克主义”(A.J.P.泰勒)〔sneak〕"He had snuck away from camp with a cabinmate" (Anne Tyler). “他已经和一个同伴溜出了帐篷” (安·泰勒)。 〔mix〕"He diffuses a tone and spirit of unity, that blends, and (as it were) fuses, each into each" (Samuel Taylor Coleridge).“他创造了一种团结的气氛和精神,他们相互合并交融(正如它原本应该的情况) (塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治)〔exuberant〕"Threads of her exuberant hair showed up at the bottom of the sink"(Anne Tyler)See Synonyms at profuse “她的垂到洗涤槽底的浓密的头发”(安妮·泰勒) 参见 profuse〔mote〕"Dust motes hung in a slant of sunlight"(Anne Tyler)“斜阳中悬浮着尘埃”(安妮·泰勒)〔Taylor〕American choreographer whose avant-garde work includesThree Epitaphs (1956) and Orbs (1966). 泰勒,保罗:(生于 1930) 美国舞蹈指导,他的先锋派作品包括《三个墓志铭》 (1956年)和 《球体》 (1966年) 〔Saltillo〕A city of northeast Mexico southwest of Monterrey. It was founded in 1575 and occupied by Zachary Taylor's forces during the Mexican War. Population, 284,937.萨尔提略:墨西哥东北部一城市,位于蒙特雷西南,1575年建立,墨西哥战争时被扎迦礼·泰勒的军队占领。人口284,937〔damned〕There are many regional variants, mostly euphemisms, fordamned, both as an oath and as a mild intensive. Southern exclamations and intensives tend to begin withdad-, a euphemism for "god"—hencedadblamed, dadblasted, dadburn, and dadgum. Dadgum can be combined withit in the interjection dadgummit. Another such euphemism is the better knowndoggone, probably originally Southern but now widespread.Likedadgum, doggone is used as a mild intensive: "The best doggone deals in Alabama" (billboard in Montgomery). Doggone likewise appears in phrasal interjections: Doggonit, I dropped my hammer. A common regional variant ofdamned is durn, also euphemistic and relatively mild,as in this snatch of Baltimore dialogue: "If that's not just the weirdest durn thing I ever laid eyes on" (Anne Tyler).作为诅咒和轻度的加强语气词,damned 有许多宗教上的替换形式,其中大多为委婉语。 南方人的感叹词和加强语气词倾向于以dad- 作为开始, “上帝”的一种委婉说法——因而出现dadblamed,dadblasted,dadburn 和 dadgum。 Dadgum 在感叹词dadgummit 中,可与 it 结合在一起。 另一个这样的委婉词比doggone 知道的人更多, 可能最初为南方人使用而现在已普遍应用了。象dadgum,daggone 被用作轻度的加强语气词: “亚拉巴马最好的交易” (蒙哥马利的大型广告牌)。 Daggone 同样也出现在短语感叹词: 他妈的,我弄掉了锤子。 dammed 是 durn 的一个常见局部性的变体, 它也是一个委婉语且相对较轻,正如巴尔的摩的几句对话中出现的: 如果那不是最奇特的东西,我绝不会看一眼的 (安妮·泰勒) |
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