单词 | 注释 |
释义 | 〔Beard〕American historian and educator who explored the economic aspects of history in works such asAn Economic Interpretation of the Constitution (1913). His view that the document was based on its formulators' economic self-interests profoundly affected the study of American history. 比尔德,查尔斯·奥斯丁:(1874-1948) 美国历史学家和教育家,其著作从历史的角度研究经济问题,如《美国宪法的经济学注释》 (1913年)。他认为该文件是建立于制宪者们自身的经济利益基础上的观点,深刻影响了美国的历史研究 〔scholium〕An explanatory note or commentary, as on a Greek or Latin text.批注:在希腊或拉丁文中解释性或评论性的注释〔passim〕Throughout or frequently; here and there. Used in textual annotation to indicate that something, such as a word or passage, occurs frequently in the work cited.各种;到处:普遍地或经常地;用于正文的注释,表示一些事物,如一个单词或段落在所提到的书中经常出现〔exegesis〕Critical explanation or analysis, especially of a text.解释,注释,评注:对原文批评的解释或分析〔promptbook〕An annotated script used by a theater prompter.提词者所用剧本:剧院提词者所用的注释剧本〔scholium〕A note amplifying a proof or course of reasoning, as in mathematics.附注:(如在数学中)进一步阐发证据或推理过程的注释〔Midrash〕Late Hebrew midrāš [commentary, explanation, Midrash] 后期希伯来语 midrāš [注释,评讲,米德拉西] 〔exegetic〕Of or relating to exegesis; critically explanatory.注释的:注释的或同注释有关的;批评性的解释〔gloss〕A brief explanatory note or translation of a difficult or technical expression usually inserted in the margin or between lines of a text or manuscript.注释,注解:简短的说明注释或翻译,常关于较难的或技术性的表达词句,一般插在备注栏或课文或稿件的行间〔timeline〕A representation or exhibit of key events within a particular historical period, often consisting of illustrative visual material accompanied by written commentary, arranged chronologically.大事记年代表:依照年代时间顺序排列,将一特定历史年代阶段中的重要事件做一呈现或展示,通常包含辅以文字注释的图标〔scan〕In the 1969 edition ofThe American Heritage Dictionary a dead issue was buried by our Usage Panel, 85 percent of whom thought it was acceptable to usescan in the sense "to look over quickly,” though the note stated that this was less formal usage.The usage issue was raised becausescan in an earlier sense meant "to examine closely.” From a historical perspective it is easy to see how these two opposite senses ofscan developed. The source of our word, Latinscandere, which meant "to climb,” came to mean "to scan a verse of poetry,” because one could beat the rhythm by lifting and putting down one's foot.The Middle English verbscannen, derived from scandere, came into Middle English in this sense (first recorded in a text composed before 1398). In the 16th century this highly specialized sense having to do with the close analysis of verse developed other senses,such as "to criticize, examine minutely, interpret, perceive.” From these senses having to do with examination and perception,it was an easy step to the sense "to look at searchingly" (first recorded in 1798),perhaps harking back still to the careful, detailed work involved in analyzing prosody.But a thorough search can change into a quick one, as it seems to have done in the case of the verbscan. 在1969年版的美国传统词典 中,我们的用法委员会放弃了一个已废弃的争议, 其中85%的人认为scan 意为“快速浏览”是可接受的, 虽然注释上说这是非正式的用法。之所以这么用是因为scan 在较早的意义上表示“仔细检查”。 从历史的角度了解scan 的两个相反意思如何发展是容易的。 这个单词的词源是拉丁语scandere ,意为“攀登”,后又演化为“标出诗之格律”, 因为人们可以通过抬起或放下脚来打拍子。中世纪英语动词scannen 即是在这个意义上从 scandere 转化而来的(首次被记载在一本1398年之前编辑的教科书上)。 在16世纪这个已经高度专门化并且用来表示仔细分析诗歌的词语又发展出了其它的意项,如“批评、细致入微地检查、翻译或理解”。从这些表示检查和察觉的意思,很容易就过渡到“细察”(1798年首次被记载)的意义,也可能返回到仔细分析诗体的细微工作。但就象这个动词scan 一样,彻底地搜查可能变成快速地浏览 〔rubric〕A short commentary or explanation covering a broad subject.注释,说明:涉及很广泛题目的较短的评论或解释〔note〕from Latin nota [annotation] * see gnō- 源自 拉丁语 nota [注释] * 参见 gnō- 〔annotation〕The act or process of furnishing critical commentary or explanatory notes.注解,注释,评注:评注或注解的行为或过程〔aback〕"You run your business that way and first thing you know you're all aback"(Dialect Notes)“如果你这样做事的话,首先应知道的就是你将毫无进展”(方言注释)〔edition〕a paperback edition of a novel; an annotated edition of Shakespeare.平装本小说;莎士比亚作品的注释版〔annotate〕To furnish (a literary work) with critical commentary or explanatory notes; gloss.注释,给…作注解:给(文学作品)作评论或注释;给…作注解〔footnote〕Abbr. fn.A note placed at the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.缩写 fn.脚注:放在书或手稿的页底的注释,对文中的标明的一部分加以评论或引出参考书目〔admire〕"I just admire to get letters, but I don't admire to answer them"(Dialect Notes)“我只是喜欢收到信件,而不喜欢回信”(方言注释)〔Gesner〕Swiss encyclopedist and naturalist who published an annotated bibliography of all known books in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew (1545-1549). HisHistoria Animalium (1551-1558) is considered the basis of modern zoology. 格斯勒,康拉德·冯:(1516-1565) 瑞士百科全书编纂者和博物学家。他出版了一本以拉丁、希腊和希伯来语写的所有知名书籍的有注释参考目录(1545-1549年)。他的《历史上的动物》 (1551-1558年)被认为是现代动物学的基础 〔fill〕filled the blank spaces on the page with notes.在书页空白处写满了注释〔calculate〕"I cal'late she's a right smart cook"(Dialect Notes)“我猜测她是一位手艺精巧的厨师”(方言注释)〔annotation〕A critical or explanatory note; a commentary.注文,释文:重要的或解释性的注释;评论〔collogue〕"I'm satisfied they're colloguing to beat me out of my place"(Dialect Notes)“我相信他们正在密谋推翻我”(方言注释)〔photojournalism〕Journalism in which a news story is presented primarily through photographs with supplementary written copy.摄影新闻(工作),摄影图片报道:主要通过照片和附加书面注释来报导新闻的报刊杂志〔commentary〕Often commentaries An expository treatise or series of annotations; an exegesis. 常作 commentaries 注释,训诂:说明性的论述或一系列注解;注解〔Gothic〕The combinationGothic romance represents a union of two of the major influences in the development of European culture, the Roman Empire and the Germanic tribes that invaded it.The Roman origins ofromance must be sought in the etymology of that word, but we can see clearly thatGothic is related to the name Goth used for one of the Germanic tribes that invaded the Roman Empire.The wordGothic, which is first recorded in 1611 in a reference to the language of the Goths, was extended in sense in several ways, meaning "Germanic,” "medieval, not classical,” "barbarous,”and also an architectural style that was not Greek or Roman.Gothic, originally in the sense "medieval, not classical,” was applied by Horace Walpole to his novelThe Castle of Otranto, a Gothic Story, published in 1765. From this novel,filled with scenes of terror and gloom in a medieval setting,have descended the Gothic romances of today.Gothic romance 的组合代表对欧洲文化发展起主要作用的两个事物的联合, 这两个事物就是罗马帝国和侵犯它的日耳曼部落。romance 的罗马语源必须从这个词的词源里去找, 但我们也很清楚Gothic 是跟 Goth 有关的, 这个词被侵犯罗马帝国的一个日耳曼人部落所使用。Gothic 1611年第一次出现在一本描绘哥特语的注释书里, 有几个意思:“日耳曼人的”,“中世纪的,非古典的,”“野蛮的,”和非希腊和罗马的建筑风格。Gothic 最初意思是“中世纪的,非古典的,” 在霍勒斯·沃波尔1765年出版的小说奥特朗托的城堡,哥特的故事 中出现。 这本小说里,在中世纪的背景衬托下,充满了恐怖、阴暗的画面,它开创了哥特式浪漫主义并流传至今〔exegete〕A person skilled in exegesis.注释者;评注者:专精于注释及评注的人〔annotate〕notāre [to write] from nota [note] * see gnō- notāre [写] 源自 nota [注释,笔记] * 参见 gnō- 〔clever〕"Oxen must be pretty clever to be bossed around the way they are"(Dialect Notes)“牛必须要很驯服才能接受指挥”(方言注释)〔gloss〕from Late Latin glōssa [foreign word requiring explanation] 源自 后期拉丁语 glōssa [需加注释的外来语] 〔note〕A comment or an explanation, as on a passage in a text.注释:补充或解释,如在课文的一段中的注释〔comment〕A written note intended as an explanation, an illustration, or a criticism of a passage in a book or other writing; an annotation.注释,评论:打算作为一本书或其他书面形式里一段解释、说明或批评的文字记录;注解 |
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