单词 | 波斯帝国 |
释义 | 〔Susa〕A ruined city of southwest Iran south of Hamaden. It was the capital of the kingdom of Elam and a capital of the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great.苏萨:伊朗西南一城市遗址,位于哈马丹南部,它是埃兰王国以及普鲁士大帝统治下的波斯帝国的首都〔Iberia〕An ancient country of Transcaucasia roughly equivalent to the eastern part of present-day Georgia. Iberia was allied to Rome and later ruled by a Persian dynasty. It became a Byzantine province in the sixth centurya.d. 伊比利亚:外高加索的一个古代国家。大体相当于现在的格鲁吉亚的东部;伊比利亚曾经和罗马联盟,后来被波斯帝国统治。在公元前 6世纪成为拜占庭的一个省 〔Achaemenid〕Of or relating to the dynasty that ruled the Persian Empire.阿契美尼德的,阿开民王朝的:统治波斯帝国的王朝的,或与该王朝有关的〔satrap〕A governor of a province in ancient Persia.总督:波斯帝国一省之统治者〔Cappadocia〕An ancient region of Asia Minor in present-day east-central Turkey. Heart of a Hittite state and later a Persian satrapy, it was annexed by the Romans ina.d. 17. 卡帕多西亚:小亚细亚的一个古老地区,位于今土耳其中东部。起先是赫梯族的心脏地带,后来又成为波斯帝国的一个总督管辖区,于公元 十七年被罗马人吞并 〔Fars〕A historical region of southern Iran along the Persian Gulf. It was more or less identical with the ancient province of Pars, which formed the nucleus of the Persian Empire. The Arabs changed the name after they conquered the region in the seventh century.法尔斯:波斯湾沿岸南部伊朗一个历史上著名的地区。大约与波斯帝国的核心,古代珀斯省处于同一位置,7世纪阿拉伯人征服了这一地区之后更改了它的名字〔Media〕An ancient country of southwest Asia in present-day northwest Iran. Settled by an Indo-European people, it became part of the Assyrian Empire and was conquered c. 550b.c. by Cyrus the Great, who added it to the Persian Empire. 米堤亚:亚洲西南部的一个古国,位于今天伊朗的西北处。该国居民为一印欧部落。该国于公元前 550年被居鲁士大帝征服,从而被其并入波斯帝国之中 〔Parthia〕An ancient country of southwest Asia corresponding to modern northeast Iran. It was included in the Assyrian and Persian empires, the Macedonian empire of Alexander the Great, and the Syrian empire. A Parthian kingdom lasted from c. 250b.c. to a.d. 226, reaching the height of its influence and land holdings at the beginning of the first century b.c. Its people, of Scythian stock, were noted as horsemen and archers. 帕提亚:亚洲西南部的一个古国,位于现在的伊朗东北部。它曾被亚述帝国和波斯帝国,亚历山大大帝的马其顿帝国及叙利亚帝国统治。存在于公元前 250年到 公元 226年间的帕提亚王国在 公元前 1世纪初时影响和版图都达到其顶峰。其居民为锡西厄族人,以骑手和射手而著称 |
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