单词 | 法定 |
释义 | 〔incapacitate〕To make legally ineligible; disqualify.使无资格:剥夺…的法定权力;使失去资格〔standard〕The set proportion by weight of gold or silver to alloy metal prescribed for use in coinage.硬币的法定含金或含银量:铸造货币时混合金属的含金或银的法定比例含量〔follow〕"The son of a mandarin has no prescriptive right to succeed his father" (H.G. Wells). “高级官员的儿子没有法定的权力继承他的父亲: (H.G.威尔斯)。 〔speeder〕One that speeds, especially a driver who exceeds a legal or safe speed.违章超速驾驶者:超速的人,尤指超过法定或安全速度的驾驶员〔holiday〕A day on which custom or the law dictates a halting of general business activity to commemorate or celebrate a particular event.节日:法定或习俗上能够停止通常的商业活动来纪念或庆祝某一特定事件的日子〔speed〕To drive at a speed exceeding a legal limit:超速驾驶:以超过法定极限的速度驾车:〔titleholder〕One that holds legal title to something, such as a motor vehicle.对一个东西,如一辆汽车持有法定拥有权的人〔infant〕Anyone who has ever responded to the cries of a howling infantmay find it difficult to believe the etymology of the wordinfant. The source of our word is the Latin wordīnfāns (stem form, or form to which inflections are added, īnfant- ), meaning "a little child; strictly, one who does not yet speak.”The noun is from the adjectiveīnfāns, meaning "not having the power of speech" and "newly born"and made up of the negative prefixin- and the present participle fāns, "speaking,” of the verbfārī, "to speak.” Latinīnfāns and its Old French descendant enfant could both be used to refer to a speaking child, and the earliest recorded use (around 1384) of their Middle English descendantinfaunte, the ancestor of our word, is in the sense "child.”This use gave rise to our legal sense ofinfant, "a minor,” thus reminding us of individuals who can be very talkative indeed.只要是听过婴儿啼哭声的人,就难以相信infant 的词源是这样来的: 这个词的词源是拉丁文infans (派生形式,即加了词尾的变体, infant- ), 意思是“一个小孩子;严格地说,是指还不会说话的幼儿”。名词是由形容词infans 演化而来的, 它的意思是“不会说话的”“新生的”,由反义前缀in 和现在分词 fans “说话的”构成的, 其动词原形为fari 意思是“说话”。 拉丁字infans 及它的古法语派生字 enfant 都可以用来指会说话的幼儿; 它们的派生词、我们这个字的鼻祖是中古英语字infaunte ,其最早的记载约在1384年左右, 那时的意思是“儿童”。这样,我们这个字的法定意义infant “未成年人”就出现了; 这使我们想起那些十分健谈的人〔proprietor〕One who has legal title to something; an owner.业主:对某物有法定所有权的人;主人〔light〕Of less than the correct, standard, or legal weight:分量不足的:少于正确的、标准的或法定的重量的:〔formalize〕To give formal standing or endorsement to; make official or legitimate by the observance of proper procedure.使正式,使有效:给予正式的认同;通过奉行正常的手续使成为法定的或合法的〔carload〕The official minimum weight necessary to ship freight at a reduced rate.法定整车货物最少吨数〔Julian〕Emperor of Rome (361-363) who attempted to restore the official dominance of paganism.朱利安:罗马皇帝(361-363年),曾试图恢复对异教徒的法定统治〔drunk〕drunk driver (a driver whose alcohol level exceeds the legal limit) and 饮酒过量的司机(其酒精含量超过法定限度的司机)与 〔shave〕To purchase (a note) at a reduction greater than the legal or customary rate.杀价买进:在比法定或传统的比例大得多的降价中购买(纸币)〔Baker〕American author and muckraking journalist who was the authorized biographer of Woodrow Wilson and wrote many books, includingOur New Prosperity (1900) and Native American (1941). He also wrote essays under the pen name David Grayson. 贝克,雷·斯坦纳德:(1870-1946) 美国作家和报道名人丑事的记者,他是伍德罗·威尔逊总统的法定传记作者,写过很多书,作品有《我们的新繁荣》 (1900年)和 《本土美国人》 (1941年),他也曾以笔名戴维·格雷森写小品文 〔par〕The established value of a monetary unit expressed in terms of a monetary unit of another country using the same metal standard.制定比:被确立的一种用另一使用相同法定含金量的国家的货币来表示的货币单位的价值量〔Essex〕A historical region and Anglo-Saxon kingdom of southeast England. Probably settled by Saxons in the early sixth century, the kingdom was long dominated by Mercia and later by Wessex before and after its inclusion in the Danelaw territories from 886 to 917. There are important Roman and Saxon remains in the area.东撒克斯:位于英国东南部一个历史悠久的地区,曾为盎格鲁-撒克逊族王国。大概由撒克逊人于6世纪早期建立的,长期被麦西亚王国统治,后来又为韦塞克斯统治,再后来于886年至917年占领了丹麦的法定地区。该地区有大量的罗马和撒克逊人遗迹〔nonsupport〕Failure to provide for the maintenance of one's legal dependents.不履行赡养义务:对某人法定的依靠人不尽赡养的义务〔technicality〕a legal technicality.法定的专门名称〔Amsterdam〕The constitutional capital and largest city of the Netherlands, in the western part of the country on the Ij, an inlet of the Ijsselmeer. Linked to the North Sea by a ship canal, the city has an important stock exchange and is a major center of the diamond-cutting industry. Population, 676,439.阿姆斯特丹:荷兰法定首都和最大城市,位于该国西部艾瑟尔湖的一个入口处,经过内河航道与北海相连。阿姆斯特丹有重要的股票交易所而且是主要的钻石切割业中心,人口676,439〔statutable〕Enacted, regulated, or authorized by statute; statutory.法定的:由法令提出、规定或认可的;有关法令的〔incest〕The statutory crime of sexual relations with such a near relative.乱伦罪:与这样一个近亲发生性关系的法定乱伦罪〔maximum〕An upper limit permitted by law or other authority.(法定的)最高极限:法律或其它权力可允许的最高限制〔official〕Authorized by or contained in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia or National Formulary. Used of drugs.(药)法定的:美国的药书或药典授权的或含有的。用于药物〔legal〕Authorized by or based on law:法定的:由法律授权的或基于法律之上的:〔Sranantongo〕A creole based on English, spoken in coastal Suriname and widely used as a lingua franca. Also called Sranan ,taki-taki 克里奥尔语:一种源于英语的克里奥尔语,为沿海一带的苏里南人使用, 也作为广泛应用的法定语言 也作 Sranan,taki-taki〔lawful〕Established, sanctioned, or recognized by the law:法定的:由法律建立、批准或认可的: |
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