单词 | 法官 |
释义 | 〔unexceptionable〕Unexceptional and unexceptionable are sometimes confused. Unexceptionable is derived from the word exception in the sense "objection,” as in the idiomtake exception. Thusunexceptionable means "not open to any objection,” as inA judge's ethical standards should be unexceptionable. Unexceptional, in contrast, is related to the common sense of exception and generally means "not exceptional, not varying from the usual,” as inSome judges' ethical standards have unfortunately been unexceptional. Unexceptional 与 unexceptionable 有时被混淆了。 Unexceptionable 是由词 exception 引出的,有“反对”的意思, 如在成语take exception。 而unexceptionable 表示“不会有任何反对,” 如在A judge's ethical standards should be unexceptionable.(法官的伦理标准应该是无懈可击的)。 Unexceptional,相比之下,是有关 exception 的一般意义,通常表示“无例外的,不从通常改变的," 如在Some judge's ethical standards have unfortunately been unexceptional.(某些法官的伦理标准不幸地是不容许有例外的) 〔throw〕The convicted judge was thrown out of office. The headwaiter threw the disorderly guest out.被认定有罪的那位法官被逐出了办公室。服务生领班把乱嘈嘈的客人赶了出去〔paladin〕from Late Latin palātīnus [palatine] * see palatine 1源自 后期拉丁语 palātīnus [法国的最高法官] * 参见 palatine1〔glum〕the saturnine faces of the judges. 法官们那阴沉的脸色 〔McKinley〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1837-1852).麦金利,约翰:(1780-1852) 美国法学家,曾担任美国最高法院的陪审法官(1837-1852年)〔Blatchford〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1882-1893).布拉奇福特,塞缪尔:(1820-1893) 美国法官,曾任美国最高法院陪审法官(1882-1893年)〔judicator〕One that acts as judge.仲裁人:行事如法官的人,作为仲裁人行事的人〔Strong〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1870-1880).斯特朗,威廉:(1808-1895) 美国法官,曾担任美国最高法院的陪审法官(1870年-1880年)〔sustain〕The judge has sustained the prosecutor's objection.法官确认原告反对为有效〔Minos〕A king of Crete, the son of Zeus and Europa, who was made one of the three judges in the underworld after his death.弥诺斯:克里特岛之王,宙斯和欧罗巴之子,死后成为地府的三个法官之一〔Byrnes〕American politician who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1941-1942). As secretary of state (1945-1947) he tried unsuccessfully to ease postwar tensions between the United States and the U.S.S.R.贝尔纳,詹姆斯·弗朗西斯:(1879-1972) 美国政治家,1941年至1942年任美国最高法院陪审法官。1945年至1947任美国国务卿,他试图缓和战后美国和苏联之间的紧张关系,但未能见效〔rescript〕A reply from a Roman emperor to a magistrate's query about a point of law.罗马皇帝回答法律问题的复文:罗马皇帝对地方法官提出的就法律的某一点的质疑的答复〔Chase〕American jurist who served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1864-1873). He presided over the trial of President Andrew Johnson (1868).蔡斯,萨蒙·波特兰:(1808-1873) 美国法官,1864至1873年间任美国最高法庭大法官,曾于1868年主持对安德鲁·约翰逊总统的审判〔Peckham〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1896-1909).佩卡姆,鲁富斯·惠勒:(1838-1909) 美国法学家,曾任美国最高法院的陪审法官(1896-1909年)〔Blackmun〕American jurist who was appointed an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1970.布莱克门,哈里·安德鲁:(生于 1908) 美国法官,于1970年被任命为美国联邦最高法院陪审法官〔Sutherland〕British-born American jurist and politician. He served as a U.S. representative (1901-1903) and senator (1905-1917) from Utah and was an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1922-1938).萨瑟兰,乔治:(1862-1942) 英裔美国法学家及政治家,曾任代表犹他州的众议员(1901-1903年)和参议员(1905-1917年)以及美国最高法院的陪审法官(1922-1938年)〔praise〕The judge commended the jury for their patience and hard work. Toextol is to praise highly; the term suggests exaltation or glorification: 法官赞扬了陪审团耐心及辛勤的工作。 Extol 指高度赞扬; 该词表达了一种赞扬和赞颂的意思: 〔Baldwin〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1830-1844).鲍德温,亨利:(1780-1844) 美国法官,曾任美国最高法院陪审法官(1830-1844年)〔Wilson〕American Revolutionary patriot and jurist. A signer of the Declaration of Independence, he later served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1789-1798).威尔逊,詹姆斯:(1742-1798) 美国独立战争时的爱国者和律师,曾参加签署《独立宣言》,后来任美国最高法院的陪审法官(1789-1798年)〔Cushing〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1789-1810).库欣,威廉:(1732-1810) 美国法学家,曾担任美国最高法院的副职法官(1789-1810年)〔prefer〕To file, prosecute, or offer for consideration or resolution before a magistrate, court, or other legal authority:提出(控告):向地方法官、法院或其它法律机构申请、控告或提出…以求得到考虑或解决:〔Waite〕American jurist who served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1874-1888).韦特,莫里森·雷米克:(1816-1888) 美国法官,曾任美国最高法院首席法官(1874-1888年)〔magistrate〕A local member of the judiciary having limited jurisdiction, especially in criminal cases.地方法官:拥有有限司法权,尤其是在刑事案件中有司法权的司法官中的地方成员〔disinterested〕Despite critical disapproval, disinterested has come to be widely used by many educated writers to mean "uninterested" or "having lost interest,”as inSince she discovered skiing, she is disinterested in her schoolwork (a sense it had at an earlier stage of English, but which had in the interim become outmoded).Many maintain that the word can legitimately be used only in its sense of "having no stake in (an outcome or issue),”as inSince the judge stands to profit from the sale of the company, she cannot be considered a disinterested party in the dispute. In our most recent survey,89 percent of the Usage Panel rejected the sentence 尽管批评界的不赞成, disinterested 已逐渐成为许多有学识的作家们广泛用来指“不感兴趣的”或“失去兴趣的”,如在因为发现了滑雪这一运动,她就对功课失去了兴趣 (该词在英语的早期阶段就有这个词义,但在过渡时间,该词义已不再用)许多人认为在法律上该词只可用来表示“与(结果或事件)无利害关系,”如因为法官站在这一方是为了从公司所售物品中获利,她不能被看作是在这场争论中无任何关系的一方。 在最近的统计中,用法专题使用小组中百分之八十九的成员不接受下面的句子 〔Nelson〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1845-1872).尼尔森,塞缪尔:(1792-1873) 美国法官。担任过美国最高法院陪审法官(1845-1872年)〔Livingston〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1806-1823).利文斯通,亨利·布罗克霍尔斯特:(1757-1823) 美国法官,曾任美最高法院的陪审法官(1806-1823年)〔jury〕A committee, usually of experts, that judges contestants or applicants, as in a competition or an exhibition; a panel of judges.评判委员会,专家评奖团:在竞赛或展览会上评判参赛选手或申请人的委员会,通常是专家委员会,由法官组成的评判小组〔Cobb〕American humorist known for his books and short-story collections, especiallyOld Judge Priest (1915). 科布,欧文·施鲁斯伯里:(1876-1944) 美国幽默作家,以他的书和短篇小说集尤以《老法官普里斯特》 (1915年)出名 〔Lurton〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1910-1914).乐顿,霍勒斯·哈莫:(1844-1914) 美国法官,曾任美国联邦最高法院陪审法官(1910-1914年)〔Hughes〕American jurist and politician who was appointed an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1910) but resigned to make an unsuccessful bid for the presidency (1916). He served as secretary of state (1921-1925) and later as the chief justice of the Supreme Court (1930-1941).休斯,查尔斯·埃文斯:(1862-1948) 美国法理学家和政治学家,1910年被任命为美国最高法院陪审法官,1916年辞职参加总统选举失败。1921年至1925年任国务卿,1930年至1941年任最高法院首席大法官〔Douglas〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1939-1975).道格拉斯,威廉·奥尔维勒:(1898-1980) 美国法学家,曾任美国最高法院陪审法官(1939-1975年)〔Hastie〕American jurist who served on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (1949-1971), the first Black American to do so.黑斯蒂,威廉·亨利:(1904-1976) 曾任职于美国联邦上诉法院的第一位美国黑人法官(1949-1971年)〔Day〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1903-1922).戴,威廉·卢富斯:(1849-1923) 美国法学家,曾任美国高级法院陪审法官(1903-1922年)〔Brown〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1890-1906).布朗,亨利·比林斯:(1836-1913) 美国法官,曾任美国最高法院陪审法官(1890-1906年)〔Areopagite〕A member of the council of the Areopagus.最高法院法官:古雅典最高法院理事会的一员〔Ellsworth〕American jurist and politician. A U.S. senator from Connecticut (1789-1796), he worked on the legislation that created the federal court system (1789) and later served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1796-1800).埃尔思沃思,奥利弗:(1745-1807) 美国法官和政治家。作为一名来自康涅狄格州的参议员(1789-1796年),他致力于立法工作,创立了联邦法院系统(1789年),后来成为美国最高法院首席大法官(1796-1800年)〔judicial〕in judicial robes.穿着法官的长袍〔award〕A decision, such as one made by a judge or arbitrator.判定,判决:决定,如法官或仲裁者所作出的〔set〕The judge set bail for the defendant at $50,000.法官要求被告保释金为50,000美元〔Barbour〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1836-1841).巴布尔,菲利普·彭德尔顿:(1783-1841) 美国法官,1836至1841年间任美国最高法院陪审法官 |
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