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释义 | 〔participle〕The "dangling participle" is quite common in speech,where it often passes unremarked;but its use in writing can lead to unintentional absurdities,as in He went to watch his horse take a turn around the track carrying a copy of the breeders' guide under his arm. Even when the construction occasions no ambiguity,it is likely to distract the reader,who will ordinarily be operating on the assumption that a participle or other modifying phrase will be associated with the noun phrase that is immediately adjacent to it.Thus the sentenceTurning the corner, the view was quite different would be better rewritten as The view was quite different when we turned the corner or Turning the corner, we saw a different view. · A number of expressions originally derived from active participles are now well established as prepositions of a kind,and these may be used freely to introduce phrases that are not associated with the immediately adjacent noun phrase.Such expressions includeconcerning, considering, failing, granting, judging by, and speaking of. Thus one may writeSpeaking of politics, the elections have been postponed or Considering the hour, it is surprising that he arrived at all. “不连结分词”在口语中十分常见,只是常常被忽略;但它在书面中却会无意地导致语义模糊,如:他胳膊下夹着一本饲养员指南书去看他的马转过跑道的拐弯处。 即使这种结构不会产生语义不清,它也很可能迷惑读者,他们通常会假定分词或其它的修饰性短语会跟其紧接的名词性短语相联系。这样,最好把句子转弯后,景色大为不同 写成 我们一转弯就发现景色大为不同 或 转弯后我们看到景色大为不同。 · 一些最初由主动分词派生出来的表达方式现在已经作为某类介词而被固定下来,这些表达方式可以用来引入一些与紧接的名词短语没有联系的短语,这些表达方式包括concerning,considering,failing,granting,judging by 和 speaking of。 由此我们就可以这样写考虑到政治因素,将选举延期了 或 就时间来说,他在任何情况下到来都令人惊讶 〔unreligious〕Not related to religion.和宗教没有联系的〔absolute〕Something regarded as independent of and unrelated to anything else.独立:被认为是独立的或和其它事物没有联系的事物〔connection〕There appeared to be no connection between the two crimes.显然这两件犯罪案没有联系〔testy〕To the casual eyetesty and heady seem to have no connection until one becomes less casual and notes that both words refer to the head.Thehead in heady is easy to see both in the form of the word and in the meanings of the word. The earliest sense,first recorded in a work composed before 1382,is "headlong, headstrong,”which is clearly a "head" sensebut so is the better known current sense "apt to go to the head, intoxicating.”To see thehead in testy, we must look back to the Old French wordtestu, the source of our word. Testu is derived from the Old French word teste, "head" (Modern French tête ). In Englishtesty developed another sense, "aggressive, contentious,” which passed into the sense we are familiar with, "irritable.” 粗看testy 和 heady 似乎没有联系, 直到一个人较为仔细才注意到两个词都指头部。heady 中的 head 很容易看出在形式与意义上均相似。 其最早的意义,首次记录于1382年以前的一部著作中,指“轻率的,顽固的”,显然是“头部”的意思,但现在更为人知的意思是“能入脑的;陶醉的”。而要看head 在 testy 中, 我们必须追溯到古法语testu ,我们这个词的词源。 Testu 源于古法语词 teste ,“头部”(现代法语 tete )。 在英语中,testy 所发展的另一层意思(“好战的,争论的”)转化成了我们熟悉的意思(“暴躁的”) 〔fair〕The history of the wordfair illustrates how words can weaken in meaning over time. In Old English the ancestor offair, fæger, had senses such as "lovely, beautiful, pleasant, agreeable,” a far cry from our modern sense "mildly good or satisfying.”The Old English senses passed into Middle English,where the wordfair started to take a slight turn in the direction already alluded to. Fair could mean "highly to be approved of, splendid, good,”but it could also be used ironically,as in Chaucer's observation after a horse threw the Cook on the pilgrimage to Canterbury:"that was a fair feat of horsemanship by the Cook.”This ironic use was probably not responsible for the semantic weakening offair, but it shows how a positive word can have its meaning reversed.The weakening offair was most likely caused by "the determined optimism which led to the use of fair . . . rather than direct expression of discontent,”in the words of George H. McKnight.One might add as another cause the desire to avoid hurting other people's feelings.单词fair 的历史表明随岁月的流逝单词的语意变弱。 在古英语中fair,f?ger 本意是“可爱的,漂亮的,愉快的”, 与我们现在的“比较好或满意的”大相径庭。古英语传到中世纪英语时,fair 已开始在引申的方向上有微小的转变。 Fair 可以表达“被高度赞许的,辉煌的,好的,”但也可用作反语,如在往坎特伯雷朝圣的途中马将科克摔下时后,乔尔斯评论道:“那是科克精湛骑术的体现”。这种反语用法也许对fair 语义学上的弱化没有联系, 但它表明了一个褒义的单词可以变得意思完全相反。fair 的弱化很大程度上缘于“坚决的乐观主义导致 fair 的用法改变, 而不是直接表达不满意的意思,”乔治赫·马克奈特如此评论。人们可以再添上其它原因以免伤害别人的感情〔tennis〕Surprisingly, the origin of the wordtennis is not precisely known, even though much is known about the history of this sport. The word in the formtenetz is first recorded in a work written around 1400. The game referred to is what is now calledcourt tennis, or real tennis, which is played on a large indoor court with a specially marked-out floorand high cement walls off which the ball may be played.It seems likely that the Middle English formtenetz is from tenetz, an Anglo-Norman variant of the Old French word tenez, the imperative oftenir, "to hold,” and meaning "receive,” said by the server to his opponent.As this evidence indicates, tennis originated in medieval France,but the French called the game, then as now,la paume. Bytennis we do not mean what tenetz or la paume meant but rather lawn tennis, a term first recorded around 1874, shortly after an early form of lawn tennis, descended from court tennis, was introduced. Unlike court tennis, which is traditionally associated with the rich and the royal, tennis is open to players from a wide spectrum of society,although it certainly is not unconnected with the rich and the royal.令人惊讶的是,尽管人们对这项运动的历史知之甚多,但tennis 一词的起源却不被人所详细了解。 在约1400年,此词以tenetz 的形式第一次出现在书面上。 其所指的运动就是现在所谓的court tennis 或 real tennis , 这是一种在有标记的地板的室内场地上进行的运动,场地四周有很高的泥灰墙。而中古英语的tenetz 有可能是从 tenetz 这个古法语中的盎格鲁-诺曼变体 tenez 得来的。 而该古法语词又是tenir 一词的祈使式, 意为“抓住,握住”,而发球人对其对手说时意义为“接住”。这一例子似乎说明网球运动起源于中世纪的法国,但是在法语中,这项运动从古至今一直被称为la paume 。 我们用tennis 这一词其实指代的不是 tenetz 或者 la paume 指代的事物,而是 lawn tennis 这一在1874年前后第一次被记录的词语所指代的事物,此时由庭院网球演变而来的草地网球的一种早期形式正在被介绍开来。 不象传统上与富人和贵族联系紧密的庭院网球,网球运动适合社会各阶层的人,当然这并不是说这一运动就与富人和贵族没有联系 |
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