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单词 汤姆
释义 〔jink〕"He jinked every five seconds, and now brought his tank left again"(Tom Clancy)“他每五秒钟急转一次,现在他把坦克开到了右边”(汤姆·克兰西)〔dog〕"Watertight doors and hatches were dropped into place and dogged down to give the ship full watertight integrity"(Tom Clancy)“放下防水门和舱盖并用抓具固定以确保船舱滴水不进”(汤姆·克兰西)〔gamy〕"those considerable forces in America that appear to be tired of the old politics (particularly the gamy municipal variety)”(Tom Wicker)“那些显示出厌烦旧政治制度的美国重要的力量(尤指堕落的市政中的种种制度)”(汤姆·威克)〔Clark〕American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1949-1967).克拉克,汤姆·坎贝尔:(1899-1977) 美国法官,曾担任美国联邦最高法院陪审法官(1949-1967年)〔nimble〕"Tom Birch is as brisk as a bee in conversation" (Samuel Johnson).“汤姆·布切在会话中象蜜蜂一样轻快” (塞缪尔·约翰逊)。〔Hughes〕British jurist and reformer best known for his bookTom Brown's School Days (1857). 休斯,托马斯:(1822-1896) 英国法理学家、改革家,以其作品《汤姆·布朗的学生时代》 (1857年)而闻名 〔barratry〕"Gross misconduct of the officers is . . . barratry"(Tom Clancy)“这些船上官员的胡作非为是…重大失职”(汤姆·克兰西)〔far〕"That made him, far and away, the best known of the Democrats who started the presidential race this year"(Tom Wicker)“那使得他无疑成为今年开始总统竞选的最著名民主党党员”(汤姆·威克)〔Fielding〕British writer whose works include the novelsJoseph Andrews (1742) and Tom Jones (1749). He also wrote comedies for the stage and edited a number of periodicals. 菲尔丁,亨利:(1707-1754) 英国作家,其作品包括小说《约瑟夫·安德鲁斯》 (1742年)和 《汤姆·琼斯》 (1749年)。他还为舞台演出写喜剧剧本并编辑过几本期刊杂志 〔crater〕"The missiles did not . . . crater the airfield"(Tom Clancy)“导弹没有…炸平飞机场”(汤姆·克兰西)〔illusory〕"Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy"(Tom Wicker)“总统私下采取行动,给人这样一个虽诱人但却是虚幻的承诺:似乎总统可以避开冗长的辩论和公开表决这些繁复的民主成果,来达到外交政策的目的。”(汤姆·威克)〔plutography〕"It is the age of plutography, where the acts of the rich turn them into great stars"(Tom Wolfe)“它是一个描写富豪生活的时代,在那有钱人的举手投足使他们成为瞩目的巨星”(汤姆·沃尔夫)〔without〕"You don't know about me without you have read a book by the name ofThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer ” (Mark Twain)“如果你没有读过一本叫汤姆·索亚历险记 的书的话,你就不知道我” (马克·吐温)〔or〕Tom or Jack is coming.汤姆或杰克要来。〔obscenity〕"What had once been a gentle hill covered with lush grass turned into a brown obscenity of bare earth and smoke"(Tom Clancy)“以前曾是草木茂盛的小山丘,已经成为一片光秃秃的土地和烟雾,一片令人厌恶的土地了”(汤姆·克兰西)〔Taylor〕British playwright whose works includeOur American Cousin (1858). 泰勒,汤姆:(1817-1880) 英国剧作家,他的作品包括《我们的美国堂兄弟》 (1858年) 〔Clemens〕American author and humorist who drew on his childhood along the Mississippi River to create masterpieces of humor and sarcasm, includingTom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884). 克莱门斯,塞缪尔·兰霍恩:(1835-1910) 美国作家、幽默作家,他曾回顾其密西西比河边的童年时光,创作了杰出的幽默和讽刺小品,包括《汤姆·索亚历险记》 (1876年)和 《虎克尔佰瑞·芬恩历险记》 (1884年) 〔sashay〕"sashays in tight black pants and harlequin shoes across the patio"(Tom Ashbrook)“裹着黑色的紧身裤,穿着花哨儿的鞋子大摇大摆穿过庭院”(汤姆·阿什布鲁克)〔centerpiece〕"Now comes decontrol, the centerpiece of[the President's] energy program" (Tom Alexander)“现在到了解除[总统的] 能源项目管制的最重要的一环” (汤姆·亚历山大)〔militate〕"All these factors militated to a different targeting priority"(Tom Clancy)"The chaste banality of his prose . . . militates against the stories' becoming literature"(Anthony Burgess)“所有这些因素导致了一个不同的重点”(汤姆·克兰西)“他行文中那种平铺直叙,故作高雅的陈词滥调…妨碍了这些小说成为真正的文学作品”(安东尼·伯吉斯)〔tight〕"me and the D.A., who happen to be very tight with one another"(Tom Wolfe)“我和那位文学博士碰巧关系很密切”(汤姆·沃尔夫)〔pariah〕"Shortly Tom came upon the juvenile pariah of the village, Huckleberry Finn, son of the town drunkard"(Mark Twain)“不一会儿,汤姆碰上了村里的少年弃儿,镇上醉鬼的儿子哈克贝利·费恩”(马克·吐温)〔snob〕"A snob is someone who judges all things, from shoes and dinner parties to love and beauty, according to their social rating"(Tom Wolfe)“势利小人就是衡量一切事情都从他们的社会地位出发的人,从穿鞋和晚餐聚会到爱情和审美”(汤姆·沃尔夫)〔gazillion〕"The crowd cheered wildly . . . as gazillions of balloons poured down from the rafters"(Tom Shales)“群众疯狂欢呼…当无数的汽球自椽中倾泄而出”(汤姆·夏乐)〔factor〕"Surprise is the greatest factor in war"(Tom Clancy)See Synonyms at element “战争中出其不意是主要战术”(汤姆·克兰西) 参见 element〔prosecute〕"He held a dispatch saying that[they] had prosecuted and probably killed an Echo-class missile submarine" (Tom Clancy)“‘他坚持传媒的说法’,即[他们] 已追踪而且极可能消灭了一艘回声类导弹潜水艇” (汤姆·克兰西)〔friendly〕"If I read this right, you're the only friendly we have there right now"(Tom Clancy)“如果我理解正确的话,你是我们目前唯一的支持者”(汤姆·克兰西)〔or〕Tom or his sisters are coming.汤姆或其姐妹要来。〔hurt〕"It never hurt to have a friend at court"(Tom Clancy)“有个在法院工作的朋友没什么不好”(汤姆·克兰西)〔interact〕"More than a dozen variable factors could interact, with their permutations running into the thousands"(Tom Clancy)“一打以上的可变因素可以相互作用,使它们的排列成成千上万”(汤姆·克兰西)〔Solomonic〕"The court also will have to make the Solomonic determination whether any age limit applies"(Tom Wicker)“法院将就是否适用任何年龄限制而作出明智的决定”(汤姆·威克)〔picket〕"The outlying sonar picket. . . . was to detect, localize, and engage any submarine trying to close the convoy"(Tom Clancy)“外部声纳警戒队的任务是…发现、定位和掌握任何企图靠近护卫舰的潜水艇”(汤姆·克兰西)〔thing〕"Beneath the smooth surface of things, something was wrong"(Tom Wicker)“平静的表面下有一些麻烦事”(汤姆·威克)〔Perrault〕French writer. HisContes de ma Mère l'Oye (c. 1697) includes "Tom Thumb" and "Sleeping Beauty.” 佩罗,查尔斯:(1628-1703) 法国作家。他的《鹅妈妈故事集》 (1697年)包括“大拇指汤姆”和“睡美人” 〔plateau〕"The tension seemed to grow by degrees, then it plateaued"(Tom Clancy)“压力看来逐级增加,然后它达到稳定水平”(汤姆·克兰西)〔or〕Either Tom is coming or his sisters are.不是汤姆就是她的姐妹们要来。〔effective〕"The ‘company’ was no more than two platoons of effectives"(Tom Clancy)“‘连’是不超过两排的步兵”(汤姆·克兰西)〔interphone〕"The sergeant lifted the interphone and told the pilot that the door was properly sealed"(Tom Clancy)“士官拿起闭路电话告诉驾驶员门已经关紧了”(汤姆·克兰西)〔certainty〕"On the field of battle there are no certainties"(Tom Clancy)“战场没有肯定的事”(汤姆·克兰西)〔chivvy〕"had spent two weeks chivvying this division toward combat readiness"(Tom Clancy)“已用了两个星期来使这个师做好作战准备”(汤姆·克兰西)




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