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释义 | 〔Skeena〕A river rising in western British Columbia, Canada, and flowing about 579 km (360 mi) generally south and west to the Pacific Ocean near Prince Rupert.斯基纳:发源于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的一条江,流程大约579公里(360英里),大致向南和向西在鲁珀特王子港附近汇入太平洋〔Oconee〕A river rising in the Blue Ridge of northern Georgia and flowing about 454 km (282 mi) generally south to join the Ocmulgee River and form the Altahama River.奥科尼河:一条源于美国北乔治亚蓝岭的河,它向南流约454公里(282英里)汇入奥克马尔吉河,形成阿尔塔哈马河〔Oise〕A river rising in the Ardennes Mountains of southern Belgium and flowing about 299 km (186 mi) generally southwest to the Seine River in northern France. It is an important commercial waterway.奥伊斯河:一条源于比利时南部阿尔登山脉的河,大体向西南方,流程约299公里(186英里)汇入法国北部的塞纳河,它是一条主要的商业水道〔Lomami〕A river of Zaire flowing about 1,448 km (900 mi) northward to the Congo River.洛马米河:扎伊尔境内的一条河,流程约1,448公里(900英里),向北汇入刚果河〔Sutlej〕A river, about 1,448 km (900 mi) long, flowing from southwest Xizang (Tibet) through northern India and eastern Pakistan, where it is joined by the Chenab River. It is one of the five rivers of the Punjab.苏特莱杰河:一条长约1,448公里(900英里)的河,从西藏西南经印度北部和巴基斯坦东部汇入奇纳布河。是旁遮普五条河流之一〔Pelly〕A river, about 531 km (330 mi) long, of central Yukon Territory, Canada, flowing generally northwest to the Yukon River.佩利河:加拿大育空地区中部的一条流程约531公里(330英里)的河流,大体向西北汇入育空河〔Jumna〕A river of northern India rising in the Himalaya Mountains and flowing about 1,384 km (860 mi) generally southeast to the Ganges River at Allahabad.朱木拿河:印度北部一河流,发源于喜马拉雅山脉,大体上向东南流出约1,384公里(860英里),在阿拉哈巴德汇入恒河〔Peribonca〕A river, about 451 km (280 mi) long, of central Quebec, Canada, flowing southward throughPeribonca Lake to Lake St. John. 佩里邦卡河:位于加拿大魁北克中部的一条河流,流长约451公里(280英里),向南流经佩里邦卡湖 汇入圣约翰湖 〔Urubamba〕A river of Peru rising in the Andes and flowing about 724 km (450 miles) north-northwest to join the Apurímac River and form the Ucayali River.乌鲁班巴河:秘鲁境内的河,发源于安第斯山脉。流程为724公里(450公里),向西北偏北方向汇入阿普里马克河从而形成乌卡亚利河〔Mur〕A river, about 483 km (300 mi) long, of south-central Austria and northern Yugoslavia flowing east, northeast, south, and southeast to the Drava River.穆尔河:奥地利中南部和南斯拉夫北部的河流,流程大约483公里(300英里),流向东、东北、南和东南汇入德瓦尔河〔Attawapiskat〕A river, about 748 km (465 mi) long, of northern Ontario, Canada, flowing fromAttawapiskat Lake east and northeast into James Bay. 阿塔瓦皮斯基特河:加拿大安大略湖北部的一条河流,流程约748公里(465英里),发源于阿塔瓦皮斯基特湖 向东及东北方向汇入詹姆斯湾 〔Kafue〕A river rising along the Zambia-Zaire border and meandering about 965 km (600 mi) through central Zambia to the Zambezi River.卡富埃河:发源于赞比亚一扎伊尔边境的一条河流,蜿蜒了大约965公里(600英里),穿过赞比亚中部,汇入赞比西河〔Chagres〕A river rising in central Panama, flowing southwest to Gatún Lake (formed by a dam on the river), then draining northwest to the Caribbean Sea.查格雷斯河:发源于巴拿马中部的一条河流,向西南汇入加顿湖(由在河上筑坝而形成),然后折向西北注入加勒比海〔Inn〕A river of eastern Switzerland, western Austria, and southeast Germany flowing about 515 km (320 mi) to the Danube River. Its lower course forms part of the German-Austrian border.因河:位于瑞士以东,奥地利以西,德国东南的一条河流,流程515公里(320英里),汇入多瑙河。其下游形成德奥边界的一部分〔Putumayo〕A river of northwest South America rising in southwest Colombia and flowing about 1,609 km (1,000 mi) along the Colombia-Peru border to the Amazon River in northwest Brazil.普特马由河:南美洲西北部河流,发源于哥伦比亚西南,流程约1,609公里(1,000英里)沿哥伦比亚与秘鲁边境于巴西西北部汇入亚马逊河〔Adige〕A river of northeast Italy rising in the Alps and flowing about 410 km (255 mi) generally south then east to the Adriatic Sea at the Gulf of Venice.阿迪杰河:意大利东北部一河流,发源于阿尔卑斯山,全长410公里(255英里),先向南流而后折向东,在威尼斯湾汇入亚得里亚海〔way〕"They had reached one of those very narrow passes between two tall stones" (George Eliot).Anartery is a main route for the circulation of traffic into which local routes flow: “他们已经到了两座高墙间的那些非常狭窄通道中的一个” (乔治·艾略特)。artery 是各地路线汇入其中的交通循环主干线: 〔afflux〕A flow to or toward an area, especially of blood or other fluid toward a body part:流向:流向或汇入某个区域的流动物,特指流向身体某个部位的血液或其他液体:〔Ghaghara〕A river rising in southwest Tibet and flowing about 965 km (600 mi) south through the Himalaya Mountains in Nepal then southeast into northern India, where it joins the Ganges River.卡格拉河:发源于西藏西南的一条河流,流程965公里(600英里),在尼泊尔境内流经喜马拉雅山脉,然后向东南进入印度北部,并在此汇入恒河〔Aare〕A river of central and northern Switzerland rising in the Bernese Alps and flowing about 295 km (183 mi) to join the Rhine River at the Swiss-German border.阿勒河:瑞士中北部的一条河,发源于伯尔尼兹山,流程约295公里(183英里),在瑞士──德国的边境汇入莱茵河〔Doon〕A river, about 48 km (30 mi) long, of southeast Scotland flowing throughLoch Doon to the Firth of Clyde south of Ayr. The river is immortalized in the poetry of Robert Burns. 顿河:苏格兰东南一河流,流程约48公里(30英里),流经顿湖 汇入亚尔克莱德河口的福斯湾。该河因在罗伯特·柏恩的诗中而享有盛名 〔Om〕A river, about 724 km (450 mi) long, of western Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing westward to join the Irtysh River at Omsk.鄂木河:独联体西伯利亚西部的一条河,流程约724公里(450英里),向西流并在鄂木斯克汇入伊尔土什河〔Brahmaputra〕A river of southern Asia rising in the Himalaya Mountains of southwest Tibet and flowing about 2,896 km (1,800 mi) east then south and west through northeast India to join the Ganges River and form a vast delta in central Bangladesh.布拉马普特拉河:南亚河流,发源于西藏西南部的喜马拉雅山,流程约2,896公里(1,800英里),先向东后向南和西流经印度东北部汇入恒河,在孟加拉中部形成一个大三角洲〔Skagit〕A river, about 241 km (150 mi) long, of southwest British Columbia, Canada, and northwest Washington flowing intoSkagit Bay, an inlet of Puget Sound. 斯卡吉特:加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省西南部和华盛顿西北部的一河流,流程约241公里(150英里),汇入斯卡吉特海湾 ,是普吉特湾的分支 〔Escambia〕A river rising in southeast Alabama as the Conecuh River and flowing about 372 km (231 mi) southwest to joinEscambia Creek, about 121 km (75 mi) long, and then southward into northwest Florida, where it empties into Escambia Bay, an arm of the Gulf of Mexico near Pensacola. 埃斯坎比亚河:一条河流,其上游是位于美国阿拉巴马洲东南部的康尼考河,向西南大约372公里(231)流入埃斯坎比亚河 ,长约121公里(75mi),然后向南流入佛罗里达洲的西北部,在此汇入了潘萨克拉附近墨西哥海湾的分支 埃斯坎比亚湾 〔Liverpool〕A borough of northwest England on the Mersey River near its mouth on the Irish Sea. First colonized by Norsemen in the late eighth century, Liverpool received a charter from King John in 1207. Today it is highly industrialized and a major port. Population, 518,900.利物浦:英格兰西北部的一个自治城市,位于默西河汇入爱尔兰海的入海口。8世纪后期古代斯堪的纳维亚人首先殖民于此,1207年利物浦从国王约翰那里获取特权。今天它是高度发达的重要港口。人口518,900〔Purgatoire〕A river, about 299 km (186 mi) long, of southeast Colorado flowing northeast to the Arkansas River.普尔加托尔:美国科罗拉多州东南部一条流程约299公里(186英里)的河流,向东北汇入阿肯色河〔Oka〕A river, about 1,488 km (925 mi) long, of central European U.S.S.R. flowing north, east, and northeast to join the Volga River near Gorky.奥卡河:流程约1,488公里(925英里)位于苏联欧洲部分的中部的河,先流向北,而后向东,然后向东北汇入靠近高尔基市的伏尔加河〔Ocmulgee〕A river, about 410 km (255 mi) long, of Georgia rising near Atlanta and flowing southeast to join the Oconee River and form the Altahama River.奥克马尔吉河:一条流程约410公里(255英里)河,源于美国亚特兰大附近的乔治亚河口,向东南汇入奥科尼河,形成阿尔塔哈马河〔Kama〕A river of eastern European U.S.S.R. rising in the central Ural Mountains and flowing about 2,031 km (1,262 mi) to the Volga River. It is the chief tributary of the Volga.卡马河:苏联欧洲部分以东的一条河流,发源于乌拉山中部,流程大约2,031公里(1,262英里)汇入伏尔加河。该河为伏尔加河的主要支流〔Namoi〕A river, about 846 km (526 mi) long, of southeast Australia flowing generally northwest to a tributary of the Darling River.纳莫伊河:一条流经澳大利亚东南部的河流,长约846公里(526英里),基本是向西北汇入达令河的支流〔Tigris〕A river of southwest Asia rising in eastern Turkey and flowing about 1,850 km (1,150 mi) southeast through Iraq to the Euphrates River. It was a major transportation route in ancient times.底格里斯河:亚洲西南部一条发源于土耳其东部的流程约1,850公里(1,150英里)的河流,向东南方向贯穿伊拉克汇入幼发拉底河,在古代是一条重要的运输线〔Cimarron〕A river rising in northeast New Mexico and flowing about 1,123 km (698 mi) eastward across southwest Kansas to the Arkansas River in northern Oklahoma.西马隆河:发源于美国新墨西哥州东北的一条河流,向东流经堪萨斯州西南,在俄克拉荷马州北部汇入阿肯色河,流程约1,123公里(698英里)〔debouch〕a river into which a large stream debouches.一条有大的溪流汇入的河〔Negro〕A river rising in southern Brazil and flowing about 805 km (500 mi) generally southwest to the Uruguay River in central Uruguay.内格罗河:发源于巴西南部,大致向西南流到乌拉圭中部汇入乌拉圭河的一条流程约805公里(500英里)的河流 |
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