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单词 水平
释义 〔beam〕A squared-off log or a large, oblong piece of timber, metal, or stone used especially as a horizontal support in construction.梁、栋梁:建筑中用作水平支撑的,多为切成方形的圆木或长方形木材、金属或石头〔handicapped〕Althoughhandicapped is widely used in both law and everyday speech to refer to people having physical or mental disabilities, those described by the word tend to prefer the expressionsdisabled or people with disabilities. To say that people arehandicapped may imply that they cannot function on a par with others, while to say that they have adisability allows more readily for the possibility that they can so function, in spite of having to do some things in different ways.It is also felt that some stigma may attach to the wordhandicapped on account of its origin in the phrase hand in cap, actually derived from a game of chancebut sometimes mistakenly believed to involve the image of a beggar.The wordhandicapped is best reserved to describe a disabled person who is unable to function owing to some property of the environment. Thus people with a physical disability requiring a wheelchair may or may not behandicapped, depending on whether wheelchair ramps are made available to them. 尽管在法律上和在日常用语里handicapped 这个词被广泛使用以言指那些有生理缺陷的,智力低下的人, 那些被这个词描绘的人们更喜欢disabled 或 people with disabilities 这两种说法。 说人们是handicapped 可能暗示他们不可能象别的人那样水平的工作, 而当说他们只是disability 时,为他们能够如此工作提供了更大的可能性和余地, 尽管他们是用不同的方式去做同样的事情。一些附着于handicapped 这个词的一些特点是因为这个词来源于 hand in cap 这个短语, 它实际上起源于比赛中的机会,但有时被人误会加入了乞丐的形象。单词handicapped 这个词用来形容那些由于某些客观环境问题而无法工作的人是最好的了, 因此生理有缺陷的而需要轮椅的人,是否是handicapped 要看为他们准备的轮椅的坡道是否可以使用 〔trestletree〕One of a pair of horizontal beams set into a masthead to support the crosstrees.桅杆纵桁:两根插入桅顶的水平梁子中的任何一根,用于支撑桅杆横顶〔average〕An intermediate level or degree:平均水准:一种中等的水平或程度:〔senior〕"The interests of seniors tend to be . . . varied . . . Their energy levels . . . can be every bit as intense as those expended by younger people"(Elaine Sherman)“老年人的兴趣倾向于…多彩的…他们的精力水平…使用起来一点也不比年轻人逊色”(阿雷尼·谢尔曼)〔grade〕A mark indicating a student's level of accomplishment.成绩等级,分数:指示一个学生成绩水平的标记〔league〕A class or level of competition:比赛的种类或水平〔decibel〕A unit used to express relative difference in power or intensity, usually between two acoustic or electric signals, equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the two levels.分贝:通常表示两个声音信号或电力信号在功率或强度方面的相对差别的单位,相当于两个水平的比率的常用对数的十倍〔field〕A broad, level, open expanse of land.原野,旷野:一宽广的、水平的、开阔的土地〔trabeated〕Having horizontal beams or lintels rather than arches.横梁式的:具有水平梁或非拱的楣的〔transom〕A horizontal crosspiece over a door or between a door and a window above it.横楣:一个位于门上面或门和其上面窗户之间的水平横档〔yagi〕A directional radio and television antenna consisting of a horizontal conductor with several insulated dipoles parallel to and in the plane of the conductor.八木天线:一种定向的收音机或电视的天线,由与水平的避雷针平行的几个绝缘振子和绝缘平面组成〔clavichord〕An early keyboard instrument with a soft sound produced by small brass wedges striking horizontal strings.古钢琴:早期的键盘乐器,用小铜楔击打水平的弦发出柔和的声音〔underproduce〕To produce (goods, for example) at a level below full capacity or beneath the degree of demand.使生产不足:以低于全部能力的水平或低于需要的程度进行生产(例如商品)〔ledge〕A horizontal projection forming a narrow shelf on a wall.壁架,横档:一种水平的凸出物,在墙上形成一个狭窄的搁板〔transom〕The horizontal beam on a cross or gallows.横梁:十字架或绞架上的水平横梁〔joist〕Any of the parallel horizontal beams set from wall to wall to support the boards of a floor or ceiling.搁栅,托梁,桁,檩:架在墙与墙之间的平行水平横梁,用来支撑地板或天花板的木板〔straight〕Perfectly horizontal or vertical; level or even:平坦的:完全水平或垂直的;水平的或均匀的:〔plain〕A broad, level expanse, as a part of the sea floor or a lunar mare.广阔的区域:作为海底或月球阴暗部的平坦、水平或开阔的区域〔ground〕From the most basic level to the highest level; completely:完全地:从最基础的水平到最高的水平;彻底地:〔lapse〕To fall from a previous level or standard, as of accomplishment, quality, or conduct:退步:从先前的水平或标准降下来,如技能、质量或行为的退步:〔rotor〕An assembly of rotating horizontal airfoils, as that of a helicopter.旋翼:如直升飞机的旋翼等旋转的水平机翼的组合体〔keep〕To continue at the same level or pace.并行:按相同的水平或步伐继续下去〔lie〕To be or place oneself at rest in a flat, horizontal, or recumbent position; recline:躺:处于一种倒下的、水平的或斜卧姿式的休息状态;平卧:〔ladder〕A series of ranked stages or levels:一系列等级或水平〔runway〕A strip of level, usually paved ground on which aircraft take off and land.跑道:飞机起飞或登陆的一条水平道路,通常铺过地面〔vertical〕 Vertical and especiallyupright are often used to signify contrast with what is horizontal; the terms do not always imply an exact right angle: Vertical 和特别是upright 经常用来表达与水平相比; 这些词并不总是指确切的直角: 〔slant〕To give a direction other than perpendicular or horizontal to; make diagonal; cause to slope:使倾斜:引导向…非垂直或水平的方向;使斜;造成倾斜:〔true〕To position (something) so as to make it balanced, level, or square:摆正:决定(某物) 的位置以使其平衡、平稳或水平〔level〕leveled the gun at the target.将枪水平瞄向靶子〔frozen〕Kept at a fixed level:固定的:保持同一水平的:〔trapeze〕A short horizontal bar suspended from two parallel ropes, used for exercises or for acrobatic stunts.吊架:一根从两根平行的绳子悬挂下来的水平的短棍,用于体育锻炼或杂技表演〔flat〕Often flats A stretch of level ground: 常作 flats 平伸的土地:水平地面的延伸:〔up〕Being above a former position or level; higher:提高的,较高的:位于比先前更高的一个位置或水平的;更高的:〔reaccreditation〕The process of reviewing the accreditation of an institution.水平鉴定:检验某组织水平标准的行动〔esplanade〕from spianare [to level] 源自 spianare [使水平] 〔education〕A program of instruction of a specified kind or level:教育内容:特定种类或水平上的教导项目:〔soar〕To ascend suddenly above the normal or usual level:高涨:突然上升到超过正常或平常的水平〔planish〕from plan [level] 源自 plan [水平的] 〔upgrade〕upgrading their military defenses.提升他们的军事防务水平




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