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单词 毛发
释义 〔horripilation〕pilāre [to grow hair] from pilus [hair] pilāre [留头发] 源自 pilus [毛发,头发] 〔bonobo〕An anthropoid ape(Pan paniscus) of north-central Congo (formerly Zaire), having black hair and more arboreal habits than the common chimpanzee (P. troglodytes). Also called pygmy chimpanzee 倭黑猩猩:刚果(原扎伊尔)中北部的一种黑猩猩(倭黑猩猩) ,有黑色毛发,比普通黑猩猩 (黑猩猩) 更喜树栖生活 也作 pygmy chimpanzee〔jute〕from Sanskrit jūṭaḥ [twisted hair] 源自 梵文 jūṭaḥ [捻搓在一起的毛发] 〔haired〕Having a specified kind of hair. Often used in combination:有某种特征的头发或毛发的,常用于复合词中:〔indument〕A covering of fine hairs or scales.(毛状)外被,全羽:极好的毛发或鳞片状的覆盖层〔pile〕Soft, fine hair, fur, or wool.软毛,细毛茸毛:软而细的毛发、毛皮或羊毛〔pilar〕from Latin pilus [hair] 源自 拉丁语 pilus [毛发] 〔anthrax〕An infectious, usually fatal disease of warm-blooded animals, especially of cattle and sheep, caused by the bacteriumBacillus anthracis. The disease can be transmitted to human beings through contact with contaminated animal substances, such as hair, feces, or hides, and is characterized by ulcerative skin lesions. 炭疽,脾脱疽,脾瘟:一种传染病,对温血动物尤其牛羊通常是致命性的,由炭疽杆菌 感染引起。通过与带病毒的动物部位如毛发、粪便、毛皮接触后可以传染给人,病症为皮肤溃烂损伤 〔pile〕both from Latin pilus [hair] 都源自 拉丁语 pilus [毛发] 〔depilate〕To remove hair from (the body).脱毛:从(身体)移走毛发〔gastrotrich〕Greek -trikha [neuter pl. of] -trikhos [-trichous] 希腊语 -trikha -trikhos的中性复数 [后缀,表“特殊种类的毛发”] 〔breeching〕The short wool or hair on the rump and hind legs of a sheep, goat, or dog.短毛:绵羊、山羊或狗的臀部及后腿上的短羊毛或毛发〔villous〕from villus [shaggy hair] 源自 villus [浓密的毛发] 〔whistler〕A marmot(Marmota caligata) of the mountains of northwest North America, having a grayish coat and a shrill, whistling cry. 花白旱獭:一种北美洲西北部山区的旱獭,(暗旱獭 土拨鼠属) 属,具有灰色毛发,其叫声尖厉、高亢 〔beard〕The hair on a man's chin, cheeks, and throat.胡子:男人下颚、两颊及喉头的毛发〔pile〕From Middle English piles [hair, plumage] 源自 中古英语 piles [毛发,羽毛] 〔sack〕The wordsack may seem an odd candidate for preserving a few thousand years of history, but this word for an ordinary thing probably goes back to Middle Eastern antiquity.Sack owes its long history to the fact that it and its ancestors denoted an object that was used in trade between peoples. Thus the Greeks got their wordsakkos, "a bag made out of coarse cloth or hair,” from the Phoenicians with whom they traded. We do not know the Phoenician word,but we know words that are akin to it,such as Hebrewsaq and Akkadian saqqu. The Greeks then passed the sack, as it were, to the Latin-speaking Romans, who transmitted their wordsaccus, "a large bag or sack,” to the Germanic tribes with whom they traded, who gave it the form .sakkiz (other peoples as well have taken this word from Greek or Latin, including speakers of Welsh, Russian, Polish, and Albanian).The speakers of Old English, a Germanic language, used two forms of the word,sæc, from .sakkiz, and sacc, directly from Latin; the second Old English form is the ancestor of oursack. sack 这个词具有几百年的历史看起来可能很奇怪, 但这个词用来指一件普通的物品大概可追溯到古代中东。Sack 的长久历史归功于它和它的前身,即指用于人们之间贸易的一个物品。 因此希腊人从与他们做买卖的腓尼基人处得到sakkos 这个词,指“用粗布或毛发制成的袋子”。 我们不懂腓尼基语指什么,但知道一些与它相关的词,如希伯莱语中的Saq 和阿卡德语中的 Saqqu。 希腊人于是又把这个词传到说拉丁语的罗马人中,罗马人把他们的词saccus (“大袋子,大麻袋”)传给与他们做贸易的日耳曼人部落,他们用 Sakkiz 这种形式 (其他民族也从希腊语或拉丁语中得到这个词,其中包括说威尔士语、俄语、波兰语和阿尔巴尼亚语的人们)。讲古英语(一种日耳曼语言)的人用这个词的两种形式:源自sakkiz 的 sæc 和源自拉丁语的 sacc ; 这第二种古英语的形式是我们现在的sack 的前身 〔kwashiorkor〕Severe protein malnutrition, especially in children after weaning, characterized by lethargy, growth retardation, anemia, edema, potbelly, depigmentation of the skin, and loss of hair or change in hair color.严重营养不良病:严重的蛋白质缺乏症,尤见于刚断奶的儿童,症状为嗜睡、生长迟缓、贫血、水肿、腹部肿大、皮肤色素消失、脱发或毛发变色〔shave〕To remove beard or hair with a razor or shaver.剃须,剃毛:用剃胡刀或剃刀除去胡须或毛发〔pelage〕The coat of a mammal, consisting of hair, fur, wool, or other soft covering, as distinct from bare skin.生皮,毛皮,毛:由毛发、毛皮、绒毛或其他软的覆盖物组成的区别于裸露皮肤的哺乳动物的皮毛〔piliferous〕Bearing or producing hair.有毛的:长毛发或产毛发〔forelock〕A lock of hair that grows from or falls on the forehead, especially the part of a horse's mane that falls forward between the ears.额发,前发,额毛:由额头生出或披在额头上的毛发,尤指垂在马耳之间的那部分马鬃〔trichina〕from thrix trikh- [hair] 源自 thrix trikh- [毛发,毛] 〔sideburns〕Growths of hair down the sides of a man's face in front of the ears, especially when worn with the rest of the beard shaved off.连鬓胡子:在耳朵前面沿着人脸侧部向下生长的毛发,尤指胡子刮去之后留下的残茬〔herl〕Middle English herle [a strand or twist of hair] 中古英语 herle [一缕或一捻毛发] 〔motte〕A tuft of human or animal hair standing up on the head or body.直立于头上或身体上的一束人或者动物的毛发〔capillary〕from capillus [hair] 源自 capillus [毛发] 〔cornification〕The conversion of squamous epithelial cells into a keratinized, horny material, such as hair, nails, or feathers.角质化:鳞状的上皮组织转化为角质化,角质样的物质,例如毛发、指甲或羽毛〔hair〕A filamentous projection or bristle similar to a hair, such as a seta of an arthropod or an epidermal process of a plant.茸毛:与毛发相似的细丝状突出物或刺毛,比如节肢动物的刚毛,或植物表面细胞的生成〔flock〕A tuft, as of fiber or hair.毛束,棉束:如纤维或毛发等的一束〔combings〕Small loose pieces of material, such as hairs or wool, removed with a comb.梳下的毛发:一小缕如头发或毛一样的东西,随梳子移动〔dingleberry〕A piece of dried feces caught in the hair around the anus.屎疤:黏在肛门附近毛发的干燥排泄物〔ragged〕Unkempt or shaggy.不整洁的,参差不齐的:不整洁的或毛发长而参差不齐的〔whisker〕One of the long stiff tactile bristles or hairs that grow near the mouth and elsewhere on the head of most mammals; a vibrissa.刚毛,触须,嘴须:绝大多数哺乳动物的长在嘴附近或头部其它位置的长而硬的触觉硬髭或毛发〔hairball〕A small mass of hair located in the stomach or intestine of an animal, such as a cat, resulting from an accumulation of small amounts of hair that are swallowed each time the animal licks its coat.毛团:存在于动物(如猫等)的胃或肠中的一团毛发,这是由于动物每次舔毛时吞下的少量毛发积聚而成〔piliferous〕Latin pilus [hair] 拉丁语 pilus [毛发] 〔glabrous〕a glabrous scalp; glabrous leaves.无毛发的头皮;光滑的叶子〔trichome〕Greek trikhōma [growth of hair] 希腊语 trikhōma [毛发的生长] 〔velutinous〕Covered with dense, soft, silky hairs.天鹅绒状的有短绒毛的:有浓密而柔软的丝状毛发覆盖的〔tragus〕Any of the hairs growing at the entrance to the meatus of the external ear.长在通向外耳耳道入口处的毛发




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