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释义 〔chuff〕A noisy puffing or explosive sound, such as one made by a locomotive.噗噗声:一种嘈杂的噗噗或爆炸声,比如火车头发出的声音〔iconoclast〕An iconoclast can be unpleasant company,but at least the modern iconoclast only attacks such things as ideas and institutions.The original iconoclasts destroyed countless works of art.Eikonoklastēs, the ancestor of our word, was first formed in Medieval Greek from the elements eikōn, "image, likeness,” and -klastēs, "breaker,” fromklan, "to break.” The images referred to by the word are religious images,which were the subject of controversy among Christians of the Byzantine Empire in the 8th and 9th centuries, when iconoclasm was at its height.Those who opposed images did not, of course, simply destroy them, although many were demolished;they also attempted to have the images barred from display and veneration.During the Protestant Reformationimages in churches were again felt to be idolatrous and were once more banned and destroyed.It is around this time thaticonoclast, the descendant of the Greek word, is first recorded in English (1641), with reference to the Greek iconoclasts.In the 19th centuryiconoclast took on the secular sense that it has today, as in "Kant was the great iconoclast" (James Martineau).亵渎偶像者可能令人生厌,但至少现代的偶像毁坏者只是攻击思想和制度这类东西。最初的偶像破坏者却毁掉了无数的艺术作品。Eikonoklastes 最早见于中世纪希腊语,是我们现代词的前身,由 eikon 意为“图象,相象”和 -klastes 意为“毁坏者”组成, 它又来源于klan “打碎”的意思。 此词所说的肖像是指宗教的肖像,8至9世纪当毁坏偶像主义在拜占庭帝国盛行时,宗教偶像成为基督教徒中争执的焦点。反对宗教肖像的人尽管销毁了不少画像,但这并不是他们唯一的形式,他们也试图禁止偶像展览和偶像崇拜。在新教改革时期,教堂里的宗教画像再次被认为是盲目崇拜而遭到禁止和毁灭。正是在这一时期iconoclast 一词开始作为希腊语的衍生词在英语中出现, 第一次记录于1641年。到19世纪,iconoclast 一词开始有了现代的含意, 比如在“康德是一位伟大的传统叛逆者”(詹姆士·马提诺)〔workhorse〕Something, such as a machine, that performs dependably under heavy or prolonged use:重负荷机器:某物,比如机器,在过强或延长的作用下运行得很可靠:〔timepiece〕An instrument, such as a clock or watch, that measures, registers, or records time.计时器:一种用来测定、登记或记录时间的器具,比如钟或表〔pseudocyesis〕A usually psychosomatic condition in which physical symptoms of pregnancy, such as weight gain and amenorrhea, are manifested without conception. Also called pseudopregnancy 假妊娠:通常为一种身心状态,在没有怀孕的情况下,出现妊娠症状,比如体重增加和停经等 也作 pseudopregnancy〔prophylactic〕Acting to defend against or prevent something, especially disease; protective.预防的:防范或预防某物的,比如疾病;保护性的〔ponder〕 Meditate implies serious consideration,as of undertaking a course of action or of implementing a plan;the term can also denote engagement in deep reflection: Meditate 暗指严肃的思考,比如对于采取一项行动或执行一项计划所做的考虑;这个词还可表示陷入深深的思考: 〔murrain〕Any of various highly infectious diseases of cattle, as anthrax.牛疫:发于牛身上的各种恶性传染病,比如炭疽〔negotiate〕To sell or discount (assets or securities, for example).折价出售:出售或折价(比如,财产或证券)〔Parkinsonism〕Any of a group of nervous disorders similar to Parkinson's disease, marked by muscular rigidity, tremor, and impaired motor control and often having a specific cause, such as the use of certain drugs or frequent exposure to toxic chemicals. Also called Parkinson's syndrome 巴金森氏神经机能障碍:类似巴金森氏病的一组神经机能障碍中的任意一种,其症状为肌肉僵硬、颤抖和运动控制失调,通常有某一特定的病因,比如使用了某种药物或长期接触有毒化学物品 也作 Parkinson's syndrome〔lull〕A relatively calm interval, as in a storm.暂息:一个相对平静的间隔,比如在一场暴风雨中〔muzzle〕The forward, projecting part of the head of certain animals, such as dogs, including the mouth, nose, and jaws; the snout.鼻口部:某些动物(比如狗)的头部向前突出的部分,包括嘴、鼻和下巴;(动物的)口鼻部〔louver〕A slatted, ventilating opening, as on the hood of a motor vehicle.放气孔:有条板的换气口,比如在车辆的引擎盖上〔bookstall〕A stall where books are sold, as on a street.书亭:卖书的亭子,比如街道边的〔folio〕To number consecutively the pages or leaves of (a book, for example).编…页码:标出连续的张或页的数字(比如一本书)〔shot〕An amount to be paid, as for drinks; a bill.应付帐:应付的数目,比如酒钱;帐单〔acclimatization〕The physiological adaptation of an animal or a plant to changes in climate or environment, such as light, temperature, or altitude.适应气候:动物或植物在生理上对气候或环境的变化,比如光线,气温或高度变化的适应〔negotiate〕To transfer title to or ownership of (a promissory note, for example) to another party by delivery or by delivery and endorsement in return for value received.让渡:为取得价值,通过交货或交货并担保把权力或所有权(比如一张期票)转交给另一方〔shivaree〕Shivaree is the most common American regional form of charivari, a French word meaning "a noisy mock serenade for newlyweds"and probably deriving in turn from a Late Latin word meaning "headache.”The term, most likely borrowed from French traders and settlers along the Mississippi River,was well established in the United States by 1805;an account dating from that year describes a shivaree in New Orleans: "The house is mobbed by thousands of the people of the town, vociferating and shouting with loud acclaim . . . many[are] in disguises and masks; and all have some kind of discordant and noisy music, such as old kettles, and shovels, and tongs. . . . All civil authority and rule seems laid aside" (John F. Watson).The wordshivaree is especially common along and west of the Mississippi River, giving it an unusual north-south dialect boundary (most dialect boundaries run east-west in the United States).Alva L. Davis and Raven I. McDavid, Jr., callshivaree "one of the most widely distributed folk terms borrowed by American English from any European language.” Some regional equivalents arebelling, used in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio; horning, from upstate New York, Rhode Island, and western New England; andserenade, a term used chiefly in the South Atlantic states. Shivaree 是 charivari 这个词在美国的最普通的地方形式, charivari是个法语词,意思是“一种为新婚夫妇演奏的喧闹的嘲弄式小夜曲”,这个词本身可能是从一个意思为“头痛”的后期拉丁文演变而来。这个词极有可能是从密西西比河沿岸的法国商人和拓居者那儿借用而来,到了1805年这个词已经在美国深深地扎根了;一份可以追溯到这一年的记录描写了新奥良的演奏这种小夜曲的情况: “房子里挤满了成千从镇上来的人,喧嚷着,叫喊着,大声欢呼…许多人 化了装,带了面具,所有的人都搞出某种不和协、喧闹的音响,比如用旧水壶,铲子,钳子…一切世俗的权威和规则好象已经被放到了一边” (约翰F·华生) 。shivaree 这个词在密西西比河沿岸和该河以西尤为常见, 这样密西西比河就成了一个不寻常的方言区的南北分界线(而在美国大多数方言区的分界线都是东西向的)。阿尔瓦·L·戴维斯和小拉文·I·麦克戴维把shivaree 这个词称为“美国英语从欧洲语言中借来的民间用语中流传最广的一个”。 其它地方方言中相当于这个词的词有belling 在宾夕法尼亚州、弗吉尼亚西部和俄亥俄州流传; 纽约州上半部份,罗德岛州,新英格兰西部的horning , 而大西洋沿岸南部各州主要用serenade 这个词 〔busy〕Being in use, as a telephone line.占线的:正在使用的,比如电话线〔pocketbook〕The link between the senses "billfold, purse,” and "pocket-sized book" of the wordpocketbook can be clarified with a little historical information. The compound is first recorded in 1617 in the sense of "a small book designed to be carried in a pocket.”It is only recently that such books have looked like the paperbound books we are familiar with;these early paperbacks were bound like any book but were smaller in size.The next recorded use ofpocketbook (1685) is again for a book designed to fit in the pocket but this time used for notes or memoranda.The same word was then applied to a case that was shaped like a bookand in which money or papers could be kept.Finally, the wordpocketbook was transferred to yet another container for keeping things, a purse or handbag,rarely fitting in the pocketand not necessarily shaped like a book.Pocketbook 一词的两种词义“钱夹,手袋”和“口袋大小的书”之间的关联通过一点历史知识予以澄清。 这一复合词在1617年被首次记录为“被设计放在口袋里携带的一本小书”的意思。只是到不久前这种书看上去才象我们所熟悉的纸质封皮的书籍;这些早期的纸皮书装订得除了大尺寸上小点之外与其它书都一样。Pocketbook (1685年)的下一个记录下来的用法又是指设计的以适合口袋大小的书, 但这次它却被用来做笔记或便笺。这一词后来又被用来指定形为本书一样的盒子,并且里面可以存放钱或纸张。最后,pocketbook 这个词又转指另一种存放物品的容纳物, 比如一只手袋或手提包,它很少会放得进口袋,形状也不一定象书。〔unmanageable〕Difficult or impossible to manage, as:难于管理,难以驾驭的,比如〔acropetal〕Developing or maturing from the base toward the apex, as in those plant organs in which the younger tissues are nearer the apex.向顶的:从基部向顶端发展或成熟的,比如在一些植物的器官中较新生的组织更靠近顶端〔origin〕 Inception is the beginning,as of an action or process: Inception 意指开始,比如一个行动或过程: 〔prothesis〕The addition of a phoneme or syllable at the beginning of a word, as in Spanishespina, "thorn,” from Latin spina. 词首添音:在一个单词前面加一个音素或音节,比如在西班牙语中的espina “荆棘”就是由拉丁文 spina 添音而来 〔camp〕A place in the country that offers simple group accommodations and organized recreation or instruction, as for vacationing children:乡间宿营区:位于乡村的一个地方,提供简单的成套设备以及有组织的娱乐和教育,比如为度假的孩子们:〔branch〕Something that resembles a branch of a tree, as in form or function, as:枝状物:在结构或功能上类似于树枝的东西,比如〔Kramer〕American filmmaker whose dramatic, emotionally charged works, includingThe Defiant Ones (1958) and Inherit the Wind (1960), often concern social conflicts, such as racism and religious prejudice. 克雷默,斯坦利E.:(生于 1913) 美国电影制片人,他的作品充满戏剧性和激情,包括《反抗者》 (1958年)和 《风的遗产》 (1960年),经常关注一些社会矛盾,比如种族主义和宗教偏见 〔tip〕To dump (rubbish, for example).倾泻(比如,垃圾)〔hypogeum〕An ancient subterranean burial chamber, such as a catacomb.古代地下墓室:古代地下埋葬房间,比如陵寝〔groundswell〕A sudden gathering of force, as of public opinion:风潮,呼声:力量突然聚合,比如公众意见:〔hyperesthesia〕An abnormal or pathological increase in sensitivity to sensory stimuli, as of the skin to touch or the ear to sound.感官过敏症:对感官刺激的不正常或病理的敏感性的提高,比如皮肤之对触摸或耳朵之对声音〔provider〕One that makes something, such as a service, available:供给者:提供某物,比如一种服务的人:〔take〕To rise to deliver a formal speech, as to an assembly.站着发表演说:站起来发表一篇正式演说,比如对一个集会〔bonnet〕A removable metal plate over a machine part, such as a valve.阀帽:机器某部分上可移动的金属盘,比如阀上的〔unreeve〕To withdraw (a rope, for example) from an opening, such as a block or thimble.抽出:将(比如,一条绳索)从一个开口(比如一个龙骨墩或一个索端嵌环)抽出〔short〕Something short, as:比较短的事物,比如〔hysteria〕Excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic.歇斯底里:过度的或不可控制的情感,比如恐惧或恐慌〔shoe〕A part or device that is located at the base of something or that functions as a protective covering, as:底托:一个位于某个物体的底部或者作起保护作用的覆盖物的一个部份或装置,比如〔Munch〕Norwegian artist whose works include etchings, lithographs, and paintings, such asThe Scream (1893) and Frieze of Life (1897). 蒙克,埃德瓦:(1863-1944) 挪威艺术家,他的著作包括许多蚀刻画、平版画和油画,比如《呐喊》 (1893年)和 《弗里斯的一生》 (1897年)




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