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单词 每队
释义 〔curling〕A game originating in Scotland in which two four-person teams slide heavy, oblate stones toward the center of a circle at either end of a length of ice.冰上溜石游戏:一种源于苏格兰的游戏,两队比赛,每队四人,将沉重的椭圆形石头滑向位于冰道两端的圆圈的中心〔volleyball〕A game played by two teams on a rectangular court divided by a high net, in which both teams use up to three hits to ground the ball on the opposing team's side of the net.排球:一种运动,两队在长方形场地上被一个高网隔开,每队击球三次后将球打入对方一边的场地〔baseball〕A game played with a bat and ball by two opposing teams of nine players, each team playing alternately in the field and at bat, the players at bat having to run a course of four bases laid out in a diamond pattern in order to score.棒球游戏:一种用球棒和球由两队进行的比赛,每队各九个队员,每队在场地内轮流击球,为了得分,击球的球手必须在内场沿着设置有四垒的路线上跑〔basketball〕A game played between two teams of five players each, the object being to throw the ball through an elevated basket on the opponent's side of the rectangular court.篮球运动:一种球类运动,由两队组成,每队五个球员进行比赛,目的是把球投进长方形球场内对方的升高的篮网里〔football〕A game played by two teams of 11 players each on a rectangular, 100-yard-long field with goal lines and goal posts at either end, the object being to gain possession of the ball and advance it in running or passing plays across the opponent's goal line or kick it through the air between the opponent's goal posts.橄榄球,足球:一种在由11位球员组成的两个队之间进行的运动,每队在两端带有球门线和球门柱的100码长的场地上占据一个长方形,目的是尽量控制球并带球前进或将球传过对方球门线或将球射入对门的二球门柱之间




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