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单词 每秒
释义 〔baud〕A unit of speed in data transmission usually equal to one bit per second.(电信)波特:发报、数据传输速率单位,每秒传输一个比特〔dyne〕A centimeter-gram-second unit of force, equal to the force required to impart an acceleration of one centimeter per second per second to a mass of one gram.达因:以厘米每克每秒计量的单位,等于一克质量的物体每秒中产生每秒一厘米的加速度所需要的力〔cusec〕A volumetric unit for measuring the flow of liquids, equal to one cubic foot per second.立秒:一种测量液体流量的体积单位,等于立方英尺每秒〔gal〕The centimeter-gram-second unit of acceleration, equal to one centimeter per second per second.盖尔:公分/克/秒的加速度单位,等于每秒每克一公分〔octave〕The interval of eight diatonic degrees between two tones, one of which has twice as many vibrations per second as the other.八度音程:两个音程之间有八个音度的间隔,其中一个每秒的振动是另一个的两倍〔hertz〕A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. See table at measurement 赫兹:频率的单位,等于每秒一周 参见 measurement〔becquerel〕The International System unit of radioactivity, equal to one nuclear decay or other nuclear transformation per second.贝克:辐射能的国际度量衡单位,等于每秒1核衰变或其它核转变〔ampere〕A unit in the International System specified as one International coulomb per second and equal to 0.999835 ampere. See table at measurement 安培:一种国际系统单位,指每秒中流过一国际标准库仑的电量,相当于0.999835安培 参见 measurement〔henry〕The unit of inductance in which an induced electromotive force of one volt is produced when the current is varied at the rate of one ampere per second. See table at measurement 亨,亨利:电感单位,当电流以每秒一安培的速度变化,产生一伏特的感应电动势 参见 measurement〔gigaflop〕A measure of computing speed equal to one billion floating-point operations per second.每秒十亿次浮点运算:计算速度单位,此速度为一秒钟可以执行十亿次浮点运算〔high〕Having a pitch corresponding to a relatively large number of sound-wave cycles per second:高音的:声调与每秒较大数量的声波循环相对应的:〔kmps〕Kilometers per second.千米/秒,公里/秒:每秒行驶的千米数〔poundal〕A unit of force in the foot-pound-second system of measurement, equal to the force required to accelerate a standard one-pound mass one foot per second per second (approximately 0.138 newton).磅达:英尺-磅-秒制中力的单位,相当于使1磅的自由质量得到一英尺每秒加速度的力(大约等于0.138牛顿每秒〔rutherford〕A unit expressing the rate of decay of radioactive material, equal to one million disintegrations per second.卢瑟福:反应放射性材料衰变率的单位,等于每秒一百万次衰变〔megaflop〕A measure of computing speed equal to one million floating-point operations per second.每秒百万浮点运算:运算速度单位,等于每秒钟一百万个浮点运算〔teraflop〕A measure of computing speed equal to one trillion floating-point operations per second.百万兆次浮点运算:计算速度单位,等于每秒百万兆次浮点运算〔megahertz〕One million cycles per second. Used especially as a radio-frequency unit. Also called megacycle 百万赫:每秒一百万周。尤用作无线电频率的单位 也作 megacycle




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