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释义 〔pepper〕The podlike fruit of any of these plants, varying in size, shape, and degree of pungency, with the milder types including the bell pepper and pimiento, and the more pungent types including the cherry pepper.豆荚状胡椒:任何一种有豆荚状果实的此类植物,大小、形状和辛辣程度不等,味道较温和的包括花椒和西班牙辣椒,较刺激的有樱桃椒〔hydrozoan〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the class Hydrozoa.水螅水母类动物的:水螅水母类的动物特性的,或属于此类的,或有这类动物有关系的〔hall〕The large room in which such events are held.用于此类活动的大的房间〔xanthophyll〕A yellow carotenoid pigment, C40H 56O 2, found with chlorophyll in green plants and identical with lutein. 叶黄素:一种黄色类胡萝卜素的色素,C40H 56O 2,常见于绿色植物中的叶绿素和与此类似的黄体素中 〔amphibian〕A cold-blooded, smooth-skinned vertebrate of the class Amphibia, such as a frog or salamander, that characteristically hatches as an aquatic larva with gills. The larva then transforms into an adult having air-breathing lungs.两栖动物:一种两栖纲的皮肤光滑的冷血脊椎动物,如蛙或蝾螈,此类动物的特征是有鳃的幼虫在水中孵化,然后逐渐转变成用肺呼吸的成虫〔perimeter〕The length of such a boundary.周长:此类边界的长度〔orbit〕One complete revolution of such a body.轨道的一周:此类天体或卫星的环行一周〔chalcid〕Any of various minute wasps of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, many of whose larvae parasitize the larvae of other insects.小蜂:小蜂总科的一种体态微小的蜂虫,许多此类昆虫的幼虫寄生于其他昆虫的幼虫内〔moneyed〕Representing or arising from the possession of money or wealth:拥有金钱或财富的或代表此类的:〔cereal〕The grain of such a grass.粮食:此类作物的谷粒〔hongi〕The act or an instance of making such a greeting.进行此类问候的行为或是例子〔bottomless〕Featuring such dancers as entertainment:裸体舞的:带有以此类舞蹈者为娱乐的特点的:〔spoof〕When a comedian spoofs a television show or someone watches such a spoof,one is indebted to Arthur Roberts (1852-1933),a British comedian who invented a game calledSpoof, which involved trickery and nonsense.The first recorded reference to the game in 1884refers to its revival.It was not long beforethe wordspoof took on the general sense "nonsense, trickery,” first recorded in 1889. The verbspoof is first recorded in 1889 as well, in the sense "to deceive.” These senses are less widely used now than the noun sense "a light parody or satirical imitation,” first recorded in 1958,and the verb sense "to satirize gently,” first recorded in 1927.In the 1969American Heritage Dictionary the Usage Panel found both usages acceptable in writing at all levels,which seems the obvious finding since these senses had come to be so important to the use of the term.当一个喜剧演员在电视剧里表演滑稽讽刺剧或者当人们看到此类表演时,人们应当感激亚瑟·罗伯茨(1852-1933年),一个发明了叫做Spoof 剧的英国喜剧家。 此剧包括打趣和滑稽言辞。1884年第一次记载此类剧,表明它的兴起。不久以后,spoof 一词有了“傻话,哄骗”的一般意义,1889年第一次记载下来。 动词spoof 也首次记载于1889年,是“欺骗”的意义。 这些意思现在不如该词首次记载于1958年的名词意思“轻浮地讽刺模仿品和滑稽模仿作品”使用广泛,“轻浮地讽刺”的动词意义首次记载于1927年。1969年,美国词源字典 词语用法专家发现, 两种用法在许多情况下都可以接受。由于这些意思的使用已经变得相当重要,因而似乎很容易发现此种情况〔pardon〕An official document or warrant declaring such an exemption.赦免状:宣布此类赦免的官方文件〔fishnet〕A mesh fabric resembling such netting.网眼织物:织出的与此类网相似的网状物〔ritual〕A ceremonial act or a series of such acts.正式的仪式:仪式举行的活动或一系列此类活动〔nonfiction〕The category of literature consisting of works of this kind.写实文学:包括此类作品的文学种类〔chamois〕A piece of such leather, or a cotton fabric made to resemble it, used as a polishing cloth or in shirts.充羚羊皮:一块此类的皮革或仿此制作的一块棉织物,用作打磨上光布或用在衬衫上〔inventory〕The process of making such a list, report, or record.财产目录的编制:此类目录、报告或记录的编制过程〔fruit〕A part or an amount of such a plant product, served as food:水果食物:部分或大量的此类植物产品,用作食物:〔calcareous〕Composed of, containing, or characteristic of calcium carbonate, calcium, or limestone; chalky.碳酸钙的:由碳酸钙、钙或石灰石组成的、包含此类物质的或具有其性质的;白垩的〔hydronic〕Of or relating to a heating or cooling system that transfers heat by circulating a fluid through a closed system of pipes.蒸气管式的;水冷式的:加热或是冷却系统的或与其相关的,此类系统可以藉由将液体导入水管组成的密闭系统使其循环以传递热量〔diagnosis〕The conclusion reached by such analysis.结论:由此类分析获取的结论〔DHEA〕A synthetic preparation of this hormone used as a nutritional supplement.青春素,活力激素:用作营养补充的此类荷尔蒙的合成制剂〔workflow〕The rate at which such flow or progress takes place.此类流程或进程进行的速度〔grayanotoxin〕A neurotoxin found in the nectar of certain species of rhododendron(Rhododendron spp.) and laurel (Kalmia spp.) and in unprocessed foods produced from the nectar, such as unpasteurized honey, and causing temporary effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and irregular heartbeat if ingested. 木藜芦毒素,灰安毒:在某些种类的杜鹃花(拉丁杜鹃花种) 及月桂花 (北美山桂属植物) 花蜜或是产自花蜜的未处理食物中发现的神经毒素,例如未经巴氏杀菌的蜂蜜,会产生暂时性的影响例如在摄取此类食物时会有恶心、呕吐、晕眩及不规则心悸等症状 〔inventory〕The items listed in such a report or record.存货清单:列于此类报告或记录中的条款〔nonstandard〕The termnonstandard was introduced by linguists and lexicographers to describe usages and language varieties that had previously been labeled with terms such as vulgar and illiterate. Nonstandardis not simply a euphemism but reflects the empirical discoverythat the varieties used by low-prestige groups have rich and systematic grammatical structuresand that their stigmatization more often reflects a judgment about their speakersrather than any inherent deficiencies in logic or expressive power.Note, however, that the use of nonstandard forms is not necessarily restricted to the communities with which they are associated in the public mind.Many educated speakers freely use forms such ascan't hardly or ain't I to set a popular or informal tone. · Some dictionaries use the termsubstandard to describe forms, such asain't, associated with uneducated speech, while reservingnonstandard for forms such as irregardless, which are common in writingbut are still regarded by many as uneducated.Butsubstandard is itself susceptible of disparaging interpretation, and most linguists and lexicographers now use onlynonstandard, the practice followed in this Dictionary.词条nonstandard 被语言学家和词典编辑人引进用来描述以前已被词条,例如 vulgar 和 illiterate归类的用法和语言种类。 Nonstandand不只是委婉的说法, 而且反映了凭经验得到的发现:被具有权威的群体所用的语种有丰富而且系统的语法结构,而且这些误解被轻蔑描绘更经常地反映了对其说话者的判断,而不是对任何天生的逻辑和表达力的缺乏。然而,要注意,非标准语形式的运用并不必要限制于在公众心目中与其所联系的团体。许多受过教育的说话者自由地用这些形式如can't hardly 或者 ain't I 说流行或非正式的句子。 有些字典用substandard 来描述此类形式, 如ain't, 并与未受教育的言语相联系, 而同时保留nonstandard 用来形容 irregardless 这一类形式, 这些形式普遍用于写作中,但仍被许多人认为是未受教育的用法。但是substandard 本身很容易引起贬低含义的翻译, 大多数语言学家和词典编辑现在只用nonstandard, 在此词典后边有练习〔assist〕Official credit that is given for such an act.给予此类行为的官方荣誉〔mahogany〕The wood of any of these trees, especially that ofS. mahogani, used in making furniture. 桃花心木材:任一种此类树的木材,尤指桃花心木, 用于做家具 〔kludge〕The wordkludge is not "etymologist-friendly,” having many possible origins,none of which can be definitively established.This term, found frequently in the jargon of the engineering and computer professions,denotes a usually workable but makeshift system, modification, solution, or repair.Kludge has had a relatively short life (first recorded in 1962 although it is said to have been used as early as 1944 or 1945) for a word with so many possible origins. The proposed sources of the word, Germanklug, kluge, "intelligent, clever,” or a blend ofklutz and nudge or klutz and refudge, do not contain all the necessary sounds to give us the word,correctly pronounced at least.The notions thatkludge may have been coined by a computer technician or that it might be the last name of a designer of graphics hardware seem belied by the possibility that it is older than such origins would allow.It seems most likely that the wordkludge originally was formed during the course of a specific situation in which such a device was called for.The makers of the word,if still alive,are no doubt unaware that etymologists need informationso they can stop trying to "kludge" an etymology together.单词kludge 不是“词源学家的朋友”, 有很多可能的来源,每一个都不能准确成立。这个词,经常在工程和电脑业的行话中找到,表示一个通常能工作但是临时凑合的系统、修改、解答或修理。作为一个有这么多可能的来源的词,kludge 却有一个相对小的年纪(1962年第一次有记载,尽管据说早到1944年或1945年就已经使用)。 该词被推荐的来源是德文klug, kluge “聪明的,灵巧的”, 或者klutz 和 nudge 的混合或 klutz 和 refudge 的混合, 没有包含能向我们给出这个词的所有必需的声音,至少是正确的发音。kludge 可能是由电脑技术人员杜撰的或者它可能是图形显示硬件的一名设计者的姓, 这些看法由于它比这些来源能允许的时间要早的可能性而被误解。看起来最可能的是单词kludge , 最早是在需要这样的设备的特定环境中形成的。这一单词的制造者,如果还健在的话,毫无疑问意识不到词源学家需要此类信息,这样他们才能终止“临时搭配”成一个词源的努力〔biohazard〕The potential danger, risk, or harm from exposure to such an agent or condition.生物危险:来自面临于此类制剂或状态的潜在危险、风险或伤害〔goth〕A performer or follower of this style of music.哥德摇滚乐者:此类音乐的表演者或是拥护者〔rite〕A ceremonial act or series of acts:仪礼,典礼:庆典活动或一系列此类活动:〔ferromagnetic〕Relating to or characteristic of substances such as iron, nickel, or cobalt and various alloys that exhibit extremely high magnetic permeability, the ability to acquire high magnetization in relatively weak magnetic fields, a characteristic saturation point, and magnetic hysteresis.铁磁的:具有类似铁、镍或钴以及各种合金性质的或与此类物质有关的,具有在相对较弱的磁场里获得极高磁性的能力和特有的饱和点及磁滞现象〔fish〕The flesh of such animals used as food.鱼肉:作食物用的此类动物的肉〔fig〕The fruit of such a plant.此类植物的果实〔Rachmaninoff〕Russian-born composer. A virtuoso pianist, he excelled at the interpretation of the late romantic composers. His own work is largely a continuation of that genre.拉赫曼尼诺夫,谢尔盖·瓦斯列维奇:(1873-1943) 俄裔作曲家。伟大的钢琴家,他对晚期浪漫主义作曲家有过人的理解,他个人的作品主要是对此类的延续〔kabbalah〕There are no less than two dozen variant spellings ofkabbalah, the most common of which include kabbalah, kabala, kabalah, qabalah, qabala, cabala, cabbala, kaballah, kabbala, kaballah, and qabbalah. This sort of confusion is frequently seen with Hebrew and Arabic words borrowed into English because there exist several different systems of transliterating the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets into Roman letters. Often a more exact or scholarly transliteration, such as Qur'an, will coexist alongside a spelling that has been heavily Anglicized ( Koran ). The fact that the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets do not as a rule indicate short vowels or the doubling of consonants compounds the difficulties. Spellings of kabbalah with one or two b 's are equally "correct,” insofar as the single b accurately reproduces the spelling of the Hebrew, while the double b represents the fact that it was once pronounced with a double b. kabbalah 有超过十二种以上不同的拼法,最常见的包括 kabbalah, kabala, kabalah, qabalah, qabala, cabala, cabbala, kaballah, kabbala, kaballah 及 qabbalah 。此类混淆情形最常见于自希伯来及阿拉伯文字转借给英语时,这是由于在希伯来及阿拉伯字母音译为罗马字母时有数种不同系统存在所致。通常较精确或是学究上的音译,例如 Qur'an ,会与已经偏重于英语化的拼法( Koran )共同存在。事实上,希伯来及阿拉伯字母并没有一种明确指出短元音及双子音为何的原则增加其困难度, kabbalah 有一到两个 b 的拼法都一样“正确”,到目前为止单 b 精确地重现希伯来文的拼法,而双 b 则表示它曾经以双 b 发音的事实 〔insulin〕Any of various pharmaceutical preparations containing this hormone that are derived from the pancreas of certain animals or produced through genetic engineering and are used in the medical treatment and management of diabetes mellitus (type I).胰岛素制剂:含有从动物胰腺提炼出的或通过基因工程制造的此类激素的各种药物制剂,用于药物治疗和控制糖尿病(糖尿病I型)




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