单词 | 此时 |
释义 | 〔smolt〕A young salmon at the stage intermediate between the parr and the grilse, when it becomes covered with silvery scales and first migrates from fresh water to the sea.幼鲑,三龄鲑:一种小的大马哈鱼,处于幼鲑和首次溯河产卵的鲑之间的阶段,此时它身上开始覆满了银鳞,并且首次从淡水游向海洋〔spring〕The season of the year, occurring between winter and summer, during which the weather becomes warmer and plants revive, extending in the Northern Hemisphere from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice and popularly considered to comprise March, April, and May.春季:一年中在冬天与夏天之间的一个季节,此时天气渐暖、植物发芽,从春分到夏至日在北半球为春,一般认为应包括三、四、五月〔tennis〕Surprisingly, the origin of the wordtennis is not precisely known, even though much is known about the history of this sport. The word in the formtenetz is first recorded in a work written around 1400. The game referred to is what is now calledcourt tennis, or real tennis, which is played on a large indoor court with a specially marked-out floorand high cement walls off which the ball may be played.It seems likely that the Middle English formtenetz is from tenetz, an Anglo-Norman variant of the Old French word tenez, the imperative oftenir, "to hold,” and meaning "receive,” said by the server to his opponent.As this evidence indicates, tennis originated in medieval France,but the French called the game, then as now,la paume. Bytennis we do not mean what tenetz or la paume meant but rather lawn tennis, a term first recorded around 1874, shortly after an early form of lawn tennis, descended from court tennis, was introduced. Unlike court tennis, which is traditionally associated with the rich and the royal, tennis is open to players from a wide spectrum of society,although it certainly is not unconnected with the rich and the royal.令人惊讶的是,尽管人们对这项运动的历史知之甚多,但tennis 一词的起源却不被人所详细了解。 在约1400年,此词以tenetz 的形式第一次出现在书面上。 其所指的运动就是现在所谓的court tennis 或 real tennis , 这是一种在有标记的地板的室内场地上进行的运动,场地四周有很高的泥灰墙。而中古英语的tenetz 有可能是从 tenetz 这个古法语中的盎格鲁-诺曼变体 tenez 得来的。 而该古法语词又是tenir 一词的祈使式, 意为“抓住,握住”,而发球人对其对手说时意义为“接住”。这一例子似乎说明网球运动起源于中世纪的法国,但是在法语中,这项运动从古至今一直被称为la paume 。 我们用tennis 这一词其实指代的不是 tenetz 或者 la paume 指代的事物,而是 lawn tennis 这一在1874年前后第一次被记录的词语所指代的事物,此时由庭院网球演变而来的草地网球的一种早期形式正在被介绍开来。 不象传统上与富人和贵族联系紧密的庭院网球,网球运动适合社会各阶层的人,当然这并不是说这一运动就与富人和贵族没有联系〔tableau〕An interlude during a scene when all the performers on stage freeze in position and then resume action as before.场景:一幕场景中的一个插曲,此时舞台上所有演员都在他们各自的位置上静止下来,片刻后再次恢复先前的动作〔preseason〕The period immediately before the start of a new season, in which athletes undergo intensive training and participate in exhibition games.旺季前,活跃季节前:紧挨着新赛季开始前的一段时间,此时运动员进行高强度训练并参加表演性比赛〔phallic〕Of or relating to the third stage of psychosexual development in psycholanalytic theory during which the genital organs first become the focus of sexual feeling.性器期的:在精神分析理论中性变态发展的第三个阶段,此时生殖器官首次成为性感受的焦点;或与之有关的〔Gupta〕A Hindu dynasty that ruled most of northern India from 320?-520?, under which the arts flourished and a unified code of laws was promulgated.笈多王朝:自320?年至520?年统治大部分印度北部的印度王朝,在其统治之下艺术蓬勃发展,也在此时公布统一的法典〔someday〕This sense can also be conveyed bysome day and some time. The two-word forms are always usedwhensome is an adjective modifying and specifying a more particular day or time (used as nouns): 这个意思也可以由some day 和 some time 来表达。 这种两个单词分开的形式总是在下列情况时被使用,即当some 作为形容词修饰或限制一个比较特定的 day 或 time 时(此时这两个词用作名词): 〔boycott〕Charles C. Boycott seems to have been forced by his strong sense of duty into becoming a household word.Boycott was the estate agent of the Earl of Erne in County Mayo, Ireland.The earl was one of the absentee landowners who as a group held most of the land in Ireland.Boycott was chosen in the fall of 1880 to be the test case for a new policy advocated by Charles Parnell, an Irish politician who wanted land reform.Any landlord who would not charge lower rents or any tenant who took over the farm of an evicted tenant would be given the complete cold shoulder by Parnell's supporters.Boycott, a former British soldier, refused to charge lower rents and ejected his tenants.At this point members of Parnell's Irish Land League stepped in,and Boycott and his family found themselves isolated—without servants, farmhands, service in stores, or mail delivery.Boycott's name was quickly adopted as the term for this treatment,not just in English but in other languages such as French, Dutch, German, and Russian.查理斯·C·博伊考特看来是因为其强烈的责任感而成为一个家喻户晓的词。博伊考特是爱尔兰麦奥县俄内伯爵的房地产经纪人。俄内是占有爱尔兰大部分土地的不在地主集团中的一员。博伊考特于1880年秋季被选为一项新政策的试点,此项政策是由一个企图进行土地改革的爱尔兰政治家──查理斯·帕内尔提出的。那些不愿降低地租的地主或接管被驱逐佃户土地的佃农都被帕内尔的支持者疏远。作为原英军士兵的博伊考特,拒绝收取低地租并且驱逐佃户。此时帕内尔爱尔兰土地联盟成员插手了,博伊考特及其家人发现他们被孤立了──没有仆人,农业工人,得不到商店服务,也没有人送信。博伊考特的名字很快就被用作这种对待方法的专有名词,不仅用于在英语中,而且也用于如法语、荷兰语、德语和俄语的其他语言中〔observe〕"It [July 2, 1776] ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance . . . It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade . . .from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore" (John Adams).See also Synonyms at see 1“它[1776年7月2日] 应作为诞生之日来纪念…… 应用壮观的典礼和游行来隆重庆祝……从这片大陆的这头到那头,从此时到永远” (约翰·亚当斯) 参见同义词 see1 |
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