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单词 正直
释义 〔probity〕from probus [upright, good] * see per 1源自 probus [正直,好的] * 参见 per 1〔honesty〕The quality or condition of being honest; integrity.诚实:诚实的性质或状态;正直〔Alger〕American writer of inspirational adventure books, such asRagged Dick (1867), featuring impoverished boys who through hard work and virtue achieve great wealth and respect. 阿尔杰,霍拉萧:(1832-1899) 美国作家,其作品为鼓舞人心的历险小说,如《衣衫褴褛的狄克》 (1867),描述了贫穷的孩子如何因为努力工作和正直善良而获得巨大财富和人们的尊敬 〔right〕According to law, morality, or justice.正直地,正当地,公正地:符合法律,道德或正义地〔dark〕a dark, somber mood), or lack of rectitude: 不高兴、忧郁的情绪) 或缺乏正直〔honor〕Nobility of mind; probity.心灵的高贵;正直〔moral〕"The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous" (Frederick Douglass).“只有当国人都诚实、正直且高尚的时候,国家生活才能得以保证” (佛雷德瑞克·道格拉斯)。〔trust〕Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.信任:对某人或某事的正直、能力或性格的坚定依靠〔Stewart〕American actor known for his portrayals of incorruptible and modest heroes in motion pictures such asMr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) and It's a Wonderful Life (1946). 斯图尔特,詹姆斯:(生于 1908) 美国演员,因他在电影中扮演正直谦虚的人物而出名,如《史密斯先生去华盛顿》 (1939年)和 《美好的生活》 (1946年) 〔sanctimony〕Feigned piety or righteousness; hypocritical devoutness or high-mindedness.伪善:伪装的虔诚或假装的正直;虚伪的诚挚或品格高尚〔rightly〕With honesty; justly.正直地,公正地〔shady〕Of dubious character or honesty; questionable.See Synonyms at dark 可疑的:品质或正直可怀疑的;有问题的 参见 dark〔probity〕Complete and confirmed integrity; uprightness:德行正直笃实:完全无可怀疑的诚实;正直〔honesty〕"Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful" (Samuel Johnson).“没有知识的正直感软弱而无用,缺乏正直感的知识危险而可怕” (萨缪尔·约翰逊)。〔moral〕 Righteous emphasizes moral uprightness and especially the absence of guilt or sin;when it is applied to actions, reactions, or impulses,it often implies justifiable outrage: Righteous 强调道德方面的正直而且尤指没有罪恶或犯罪的;当它指行为、反应或欲望时,它常暗示有理由的愤怒: 〔corrupt〕To destroy or subvert the honesty or integrity of.使堕落,变坏:破坏或毁灭…的诚实或正直〔virtue〕Moral excellence and righteousness; goodness.正直,善良:道德上的优点和正直;美德〔paradise〕An intermediate resting place for righteous souls awaiting the Resurrection.天堂,天国:正直灵魂等待复活的中间休息场所〔honor〕Principled uprightness of character; personal integrity.正直:性格的原则性正直;个人正义感〔correctitude〕Appropriate manners and behavior; propriety.正直:正确的方式和行为;得体〔rectitude〕Moral uprightness; righteousness.See Synonyms at honesty 正直:思想上的严正;正义 参见 honesty〔honesty〕"The name of Brutus would be a guaranty to the people of rectitude of intention" (J.A. Froude).“布鲁特斯的名字对于具有正直愿望的人们将是个保证” (J·A·福劳德)〔Pelagianism〕The theological doctrine propounded by Pelagius, a British monk, and condemned as heresy by the Roman Catholic Church ina.d. 416. It denied original sin and affirmed the ability of human beings to be righteous by the exercise of free will. 贝拉吉乌斯主义:一种英国修道士贝拉吉乌斯首倡的神学学说,公元 416年被罗马天主教会指责为异端邪说。该学说否认原罪之说并且确信人类有能力通过不断的实践锻炼而使自我意志变得正直 〔cynical〕Scornful of the motives, virtue, or integrity of others:愤世嫉俗的,讽世的:对别人的动机、善行或正直鄙视的:〔negative〕"As voters get to know his liberal views, his negatives will rise"(Richard M. Nixon)"I'm known for being very forthright and honest in my opinions. If that's a negative, it's a negative"(Kitty Dukakis)“当投票者开始了解他的自由派言论后,他的消极之处便会显露出来”(理查德M.尼克松)“我因发表见解正直且诚实而闻名,如果那也是缺点的话,它就是一个缺点”(基蒂·杜卡基斯)〔honesty〕Honor implies principled uprightness of character and a worthy adherence to a strict moral or ethical code: Honor 表示性格上原则性的正直及对严格的道德和伦理准则的可敬坚持: 〔honesty〕 Probity is proven integrity: Probity 是被证明了的正直〔uncertainty〕 Suspicion is doubt as to the innocence, truth, integrity, honesty, or soundness of someone or something;the word often suggests an uneasy feeling that the person or thing is evil: Suspicion 表示对人或事的清白、真实、正直、诚实或公正等品质的怀疑;该词还经常暗示着认为该人或事邪恶的忧虑感: 〔honestly〕In an honest manner.诚实地,正直地:态度诚实地〔honor〕A code of integrity, dignity, and pride, chiefly among men, that was maintained in some societies, as in feudal Europe, by force of arms.社会礼法:在某些社会,象封建时期的欧洲以武力维护的正直、尊严和骄傲的准则,主要对男人而言〔offend〕Outrage implies the flagrant violation of a person's integrity, pride, or sense of right and decency: Outrage 暗含对一个人的正直、尊严或权利和正派的感觉的公然的违反、冒犯: 〔honor〕Under an obligation enforced by the personal integrity of the one obliged:道义上有责任做:由于受惠者个人的正直而迫使其承担某种责任:〔honesty〕These nouns denote the quality of being upright in principle and action.这些名词表示在原则和行动上的正直品质。




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