单词 | 正当 |
释义 | 〔fit〕Meet applies to what is precisely suitable and often suggests the sense of being right or just: Meet 意指完全符合,常暗含正当的或正义的意味: 〔base〕 Ground may denote an actual working surface,as in art(a white design on a blue ground) ; more often it is used figuratively in the sense of a justifiable reason: Ground 表示一种实际的起作用的表面,如在艺术中(蓝底上的白色图案) ; 经常更多地用作比喻,表示合理的原因、正当的依据或理由: 〔justifiable〕Having sufficient grounds for justification; possible to justify:无可非议的:有足够的理由证明为正当的;可能为…辩护的:〔just〕Consistent with what is morally right; righteous:正义的:在道义上坚持合法的;正当的:〔hook〕By whatever means possible, fair or unfair.不择手段:采用任何正当或不正当的手段〔justification〕The condition or fact of being justified.无过时,无咎:被证明为正当的状态或事实〔justify〕To demonstrate or prove to be just, right, or valid:论证或证明…正当、正确或有效:〔accept〕To regard as proper, usual, or right:相信,接受:被认为是正当的、一般的或正确的:〔vindicable〕a vindicable claim; vindicable objections.正当的要求;可证明为正确的反对〔transgression〕The exceeding of due bounds or limits.越界:超过正当的界限或限制〔justice〕The overcharged customer was angry, and with justice.被多收了钱的顾客很生气,这是正当的〔justification〕Something, such as a fact or circumstance, that justifies:正当的理由,借口:可为…辩护的东西,如事实或环境:〔intention〕It has been said that the end justifies the means.据说目的正确即手段正当。〔get〕The detective got the suspect as he came out of the restaurant.正当嫌疑犯走出饭店时,侦探抓住了他〔hopefully〕Writers who usehopefully as a sentence adverb, as inHopefully the measures will be adopted, should be aware that the usage is unacceptable to many critics,including a large majority of the Usage Panel.But it is not easy to explain why critics dislike this use ofhopefully. It is justified by analogy to the unexceptionable uses of many other adverbs,as inMercifully, the play was brief or 当作者们把hopefully 用作句中副词, 如在但愿这些措施能被采用 中时, 应当意识到很多批评家并不接受这一用法,其中包括用法专题小组的大多数成员。但是批评家们为什么不喜欢hopefully 的这个用法却并不容易解释。 与许多其他副词无可指摘的使用进行类比,它有着充分正当的理由,比如幸好,这出戏很短 或 〔righteous〕Morally justifiable:正当的,合理的:道德上公正的:〔lynch〕To execute without due process of law, especially to hang, as by a mob.以私刑处死:不经过正当法律程序处死,尤指被暴民绞死〔unblemished〕an unblemished peach; an unblemished political record.没有瑕疵的梨;没有污点的正当记录〔excuse〕To serve as justification for:证明为正当的:〔contact〕in contact with the right people.和正当的人来往〔right〕That which is just, morally good, legal, proper, or fitting.正确,正当,公正,正义:公正的、在道德上好的、合法的、合适的或恰当的东西〔righteous〕righteous anger.See Synonyms at moral 正当的愤怒 参见 moral〔turn〕Not in the proper order or sequence.未按照正当的次序或顺序地〔right〕Conforming with or conformable to justice, law, or morality:正当的,正直的:与正义,法律或道德相符合的或可相符合的:〔excessive〕These adjectives mean exceeding a normal, usual, reasonable, or proper limit.这些形容词意思是超过了正常的、平常的、合理的或正当的限制。〔right〕 Right refers to a legally, morally, or traditionally just claim: Right 指合法的,符合道德规范的或传统上的正当权力: 〔rightful〕Right or proper; just.正确的,正当的;公正的〔even〕Just; fair:公正的,公平的;正当的:〔save〕Reclaim, applied to people,means to bring back,as from error to virtue or to right or proper conduct;it can also mean to return a thing to usefulness or productivity: Reclaim 适用于人,意思是改过,如从谬误到美德或正义或正当的行为的改过;也指将某物转变为有用的或有生产能力的事物: 〔excessive〕 Excessive describes a quantity, an amount, or a degree that is more than what is justifiable, tolerable, or desirable: Excessive 用来形容数量或程度超过了正当的、可忍受的或想要的限度: 〔proud〕 Proud can suggest dignity or justifiable self-respect or self-satisfaction,but it often implies conceit or vanity: Proud 可表示尊严或正当的自尊或自我满足感,但这个词又经常含有自满或虚荣的意思: 〔kosher〕To make proper or ritually pure.使正当或在仪式上洁净〔challenge〕A demand for explanation or justification; a calling into question:质疑:要求解释或证明为正当;质疑:〔unwarranted〕Having no justification; groundless:无理的:未被证明是正当的;没有根据的:〔allege〕from Old French alegier [to vindicate, justify] influenced by aleguer [to give a reason] 源自 古法语 alegier [证明…无辜,证明…正当] 受 aleguer的影响 [提出一个理由] 〔bear〕"A decent . . . examination of the acts of government should be not only tolerated, but encouraged" (William Henry Harrison).See also Synonyms at convey ,produce “对于政府就工作而做的正当检查,我们不仅应该认可,而且应该鼓励” (威廉·亨利·哈里森) 参见同义词 convey,produce〔rhetoric〕The wordrhetoric was once primarily the name of an important branch of philosophy and an art deserving of serious study. In recent yearsthe word has come to be used chiefly in a pejorative senseto refer to inflated language and pomposity.Deprecation of the term may result from a modern linguistic puritanism,which holds that language used in legitimate persuasion should be plainand free of artifice—itself a tendentious rhetorical doctrine,though not often recognized as such.But many writers still prefer to bear in mind the traditional meanings of the word.Thus, according to the newer use of the term,the phraseempty rhetoric, as in The politicians talk about solutions, but they usually offer only empty rhetoric, might be construed as redundant. But in fact only 35 percent of the Usage Panel judged this example to be redundant.Presumably, it can be maintained that rhetoric can be other than empty.单词rhetoric 曾主要是哲学的一个重要分支的和一种值得严肃研究的艺术的名称。 近年来,这个词已开始主要用于贬义,指夸大的语言和虚夸。这个词的改变可能源于一种现代语言的刻板做法,认为用于正当劝说中的语言应是朴素,没有人工雕饰的——它自身便是一种宣传性的修辞教条,虽然未常常被如此认为。但许多作家仍愿意记住这个词的传统含义。这样,根据这个词较新的含义,在The politician talk about solutions, but they usually offer only empty rhetoric 中,短语 empty rhetoric 可能被分析为多余的。 但事实上,用法委员会成员中只有百分之三十五的人认为在这个例子中是多余的。大概该词除了空的以外还有其他的意思吧〔regionalism〕Political division of an area into partially autonomous regions.地方分权制:部分自治区域的正当划分〔exorbitant〕Exceeding all bounds, as of custom or fairness:不合法的:超过了习惯或正当的限度的:〔encroach〕To advance beyond proper or former limits:侵入,侵蚀:侵入到正当的或原有的限制外: |
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