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单词 欧洲
释义 〔grosbeak〕Any of various finches of the family Fringillidae of Europe and America, having a thick, conical bill.松雀,大嘴雀,锡嘴雀:任一种产于欧洲和美洲的雀科鸣鸟,有厚且呈圆锥形的喙〔Tartu〕A city of northwest European U.S.S.R. in Estonia southeast of Tallinn. Founded in 1030, it was a member of the Hanseatic League and became part of Russia in 1704. Population, 111,000.塔图:原苏联欧洲部分西北部一城市,位于爱沙尼亚境内,塔林东南部。它建城于1030年,曾是汉萨同盟的成员国,在1704年成为俄国的一部分。人口111,000〔Atlantic〕Of or concerning countries bordering the Atlantic Ocean, especially those of Europe and North America.大西洋沿岸国家的:大西洋沿岸国家的或与之有联系的,尤指这那些欧洲及北美国家〔betony〕Any of several plants of the widespread genusStachys in the mint family, especially S. officinalis, native chiefly to Europe and having spikes of usually reddish-purple flowers. It was once popular in herbal medicine. Also called woundwort 水苏属:一种广泛种植的唇形科植物水苏 属,尤指 厚朴 主要原产于欧洲,有通常为浅红紫色的花穗。曾广泛用于草药 也作 woundwort〔Alcuin〕Anglo-Saxon prelate and scholar who was a leader in the revival of learning in medieval Europe.阿尔昆:盎格鲁-撒克逊高级教士及学者,为中世纪欧洲文化复兴的一个领袖〔Kirovabad〕A city of southern European U.S.S.R. southeast of Tbilisi. An important textile and wine center in medieval times, Kirovabad was annexed by Russia in 1804. Population, 261,000.基洛瓦巴德:苏联欧洲部分南端一城市,位于第比利斯东南。中世纪时代它是重要的纺织品和葡萄酒生产中心。1804年被俄罗斯吞并。人口261,000〔Mackinder〕British geographer who established geography as an academic field and maintained that Europe was the logical geographic center of world government, a theory used to support Nazi geopolitics.麦金德,霍尔福德·约翰:(1861-1947) 英国地理学家,他把地理学引入学术界,坚持认为欧洲是逻辑地理上的世界政府中心,这是一种用来支持纳粹地理政治的理论〔slow〕We took a leisurely trip around Europe.我们从容地周游了欧洲〔cuckoo〕A grayish European bird(Cuculus canorus) that has a characteristic two-note call and lays its eggs in the nests of birds of other species. 杜鹃:一种产于欧洲的浅灰色鸟(杜鹃属 大杜鹃) ,其特征是能发出双音节的叫声并把蛋产于其它种类的鸟巢中 〔Drava〕A river rising in the Carnic Alps of southern Austria and flowing about 724 km (450 mi) eastward into and across northern Yugoslavia to the Danube River.德拉瓦河:欧洲起源于奥地利南部卡尼克阿尔卑斯山的一条河流,流程724公里(450英里),向东流经南斯拉夫注入多瑙河〔ever〕Have you ever been to Europe?你曾经去过欧洲吗?〔bund〕Often Bund A European Jewish socialist movement founded in Russia in 1897. 常作 Bund 1897年在俄国发起的欧洲犹太人社会主义运动〔cappuccino〕The history of the wordcappuccino exemplifies how words can develop new senses because of resemblances that the original coiners of the terms might not have dreamed possible.The Capuchin order of friars, established after 1525,played an important role in bringing Catholicism back to Reformation Europe.Its Italian name came from the long, pointed cowl,orcappuccino, derived fromcappuccio, "hood,” that was worn as part of the order's habit.The French version ofcappuccino was capuchin (now capucin ), from which came EnglishCapuchin. The name of this pious order was later used as the name (first recorded in English in 1785) for a type of monkey with a tuft of black, cowllike hair.In Italiancappuccino went on to develop another sense, "espresso coffee mixed or topped with steamed milk or cream,”so called because the color of the coffee resembled the color of the habit of a Capuchin friar.The first use ofcappuccino in English is recorded in 1948 in a work about San Francisco. cappuccino 一词的历史很好地说明了词语如何可以因一些相似性而发展出新的意思, 而这些词的创造者也许做梦都没想过这些相似性是可能的。嘉布遣会建于1525年后,在将天主教带回经历宗教改革的欧洲的过程中发挥了重要作用。它的意大利语名称来自一种长而尖的蒙斗篷,或称cappuccino, 这个词又来自coppuccio, 意为“风帽”, 蒙头斗篷是这一派修士所穿衣服的一部分。Cappuccino 在法语中成了 capuchin (现在是 capucin ), 英语中的Capuchin 就来自这个法语词。 这一虔诚教派的名字后来被用来作一种带一撮黑色的、蒙面斗篷似毛发的驴子的名字(于1785年首次用英语记录)。在意大利语中,cappuccino 接着又发展出一个新的意思, 意为“混以或加入煮过的牛奶或奶油的浓别啡,”这样叫是因为这种咖啡的颜色类似于嘉布遣会修士所穿衣服的颜色。Cappuccino 在英语中的第一次使用记载于1948年一本关于旧金山的著作中 〔Dada〕A European artistic and literary movement (1916-1923) that flouted conventional aesthetic and cultural values by producing works marked by nonsense, travesty, and incongruity.达达主义运动:欧洲文学艺术界的运动(1916-1923年),通过随意涂写、嘲讽、不和谐的作品,来藐视传统的艺术和文化价值〔Ciboney〕A member of an American Indian people formerly inhabiting the Greater Antilles. Of unknown origin and linguistic affiliation, the Ciboney were largely displaced by Taino settlers prior to European contact and were extinct by the end of the 16th century.席伯尼族:美国印第安民族的成员之一。曾居住在大安地列斯群岛。席伯尼族历史及语言背景均不明,在欧洲与美洲产生联系之前,该民族大部分成员就被泰诺人强迫离开其居住地并在16世纪末灭绝〔shuttle〕business people who shuttle between European capitals.在欧洲各首都间往来穿梭的商人们〔black〕Use of the capitalized form has the advantage of acknowledging the parallel with other ethnic groups and nationalities,such asItalian and Sioux. It can be argued thatblack is different from these other terms because it was derived from an adjective rather than from a proper name.However, a precedent exists for the capitalization of adjectives used to denote specific groups,as in theReds and the Whites (of the Russian Civil War) or the Greens (the European political party). The capitalization ofBlack does raise ancillary problems for the treatment of the term white. Orthographic evenhandedness would seem to require the use of the uppercase formWhite, but this form might be taken to imply that whites constitute a single ethnic group,an issue that is certainly debatable.On the other hand, the use of the lowercase formwhite in the same context as the uppercase form Black will obviously raise questions as to how and why the writer has distinguished between the two groups.There is no entirely happy solution to this problem.In all likelihood, uncertainty as to the mode of styling ofwhite has dissuaded many publications from adopting the capitalized form Black. See Usage Note at color 大写字母的好处在于对于其他种族和民族平等关系的承认,如意大利人 和 苏人。 有人可以争辩说black 与其他词不同, 因为他是由一个形容词而不是专有名词派生而成的。但是,大写形容词意指一组人已有前例,如Reds 和 Whites (俄国内战中)或 Greens (欧洲政党)。 大写的Black 确实引起了该如何对待 White 一词的有关问题。 正字法的公正要求使用White 的大写形式White, 但这种形式可能被认为暗示白人组成了单独的种族,这是会引起争论的问题。另一方面,在有black 大写形式White出现的相同语境中使用 White 的小写形式white, 显然会引起如何及为什么作者要对这两组人区别对待的问题。这一问题尚无令人满意的解决办法。White 书写方式的不确定性很可能已经使许多出版物不再采用大写形式的 Black 参见 color〔Minsk〕A city of western European U.S.S.R. southwest of Moscow. First mentioned in 1067, it was ruled from the 13th to the 18th century by various powers, including Lithuania, Russia, Poland, and Sweden. Minsk passed finally to Russia in 1793 and is now the capital of Belorussia. Population, 1,472,000.明斯克:俄罗斯欧洲部分西部的城市,位于莫斯科西南。1067年始有记载。从13世纪至18世纪它分别被立陶宛、俄罗斯、波兰和瑞典统治过。最后于1793年归属俄罗斯,现为白俄罗斯首都。人口1,472,000〔palmer〕A medieval European pilgrim who carried a palm branch as a token of having visited the Holy Land.圣地朝圣者:中世纪欧洲的朝圣者,其带着一个棕榈枝作为到过圣地的标记〔daisy〕A low-growing European plant(Bellis perennis) having flower heads with pink or white rays. Also called English daisy 雏菊:一种低矮的欧洲植物(雏菊 雏菊属) ,长有粉色或白色放射状的花头 也作 English daisy〔Barbary〕A region of northern Africa on the Mediterranean coast between Egypt and the Atlantic Ocean. Settled by Berbers in the 2nd millenniumb.c. , it fell to the Arabs in the 7th century a.d. From the 16th to the 19th century it was used as a base by pirates who raided ships in the Mediterranean Sea and extracted tribute from the European powers trading in the area. 巴巴里:北非一地区,濒地中海海岸,在埃及与大西洋之间。公元前 2000年时柏柏尔人定居于此。 公元 7世纪时被阿拉伯人占领。从16至19世纪成为海盗的据点。海盗们在地中海上洗劫船只,并从在此地区从事贸易的欧洲列强那里勒索钱财 〔white〕Also White Of, relating to, or belonging to a racial group having light skin coloration, especially one of European origin: 也作 White 白人的:白人的,与白人相关的,或属于拥有浅淡肤色的种族人群,尤指具有欧洲血缘的人的:〔blackcap〕A small European warbler(Sylvia atricapilla), the male of which is gray with a black crown. 黑顶林莺:欧洲一种体形小的鸣禽(黑顶林莺), 其雄性为灰色并有黑色肉冠 〔goliard〕A wandering student in medieval Europe disposed to conviviality, license, and the making of ribald and satirical Latin songs.放纵派吟游诗人:在中世纪的欧洲追崇享受和不受拘束的生活,作一些通俗或讽刺的拉丁歌谣的流浪学者〔polecat〕A chiefly nocturnal European carnivorous mammal(Mustela putorius) of the weasel family that ejects a malodorous fluid to mark its territory and ward off enemies. Also called fitch 鸡貂,臭鼬:鼬鼠科中的一种主要在夜间活动的欧洲肉食性哺乳动物(鼬属 欧洲艾鼬) ,能排出一种有臭味的液体以划分其所占区域并驱走敌人 也作 fitch〔Nordau〕Hungarian-born German writer and Zionist leader in Europe (1895-1923) whose written works concern social and moral questions.诺尔道,马克斯·西蒙:(1849-1923) 匈牙利裔的德国作家,欧洲犹太复国主义者领导人(1895-1923年),其作品关注社会和道德问题〔Bartram〕American botanist who established the first botanical garden in the colonies (1728) and corresponded with European botanists, thus introducing many American species to Europe. His sonWilliam Bartram (1739-1823) was also a botanist. 巴川姆,约翰:(1699-1777) 美国博物学家,于1728年在殖民地建立了第一个植物园,并与欧洲博物学家合作,将许多美国物种引入欧洲。他的儿子威廉姆·巴川姆 (1739-1823年)也是一个博物学家 〔chaffinch〕A small European songbird(Fringilla coelebs), the male of which has predominantly reddish-brown plumage. 花鸡,苍头燕雀:欧洲一种小型鸣鸟(苍头燕雀 燕雀属) ,雄鸟的羽毛主要为红棕色 〔gowan〕A yellow or white wildflower, especially the Old World daisy.雏菊:一种黄色或白色野花,尤指欧洲的雏菊〔snowflake〕Any of several bulbous European herbs of the genusLeucojum, having white or whitish flowers and fleshy fruit. 雪花莲:一种欧洲球茎草木植物雪花莲 ,开白色或淡白色花,结肥果 〔watt〕One might well ask how many European scientists it takes to turn on a light bulb.If we think in terms of the names used for various units in the International, or meter-kilogram-second, System,a fair number are involved.Alphabetically arranged, these units are theampere, named for the French scientist Andr? Marie Ampère (1775-1836); thecoulomb, after the French scientist Charles A. de Coulomb (1736-1806); thefarad and the faraday, after the British scientist Michael Faraday (1791-1867); thejoule, after the British scientist James P. Joule (1818-1889); thenewton, after the British scientist Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727); theohm, after the German scientist Georg S. Ohm (1789-1854); thevolt, after the Italian scientist Count Alessandro Volta (1745-1827); and thewatt, after the British scientist James Watt (1736-1819). Definitions such as that ofohm, "a unit of electrical resistance equal to that of a conductor in which a current of one ampere is produced by a potential of one volt across its terminals,” take on more human connotations when we think of how human contributions to the study of electricity are memorialized in them.The dates of first recorded use of the terms in English are as follows:ampere, 1881; coulomb, 1881; farad, 1861; faraday, 1904; joule, 1882; newton, 1904; ohm, 1870 (suggested in 1861); volt, 1873; and watt, 1882. 有人可能会问经过了多少位欧洲科学家才点亮了灯泡。如果我们以国际单位制或米—千克—秒单位制中各种单位之名称的形式来考虑的话,相当数量的人被包括了。这些单位按字母顺序排列是安培, 以法国科学家安德烈·马里耶·安培(1775—1836年)命名; 库仑, 以法国科学家夏尔·埃·德库仑(1736-1806年)命名; 法拉 和 法拉第, 以英国科学家迈克尔·法拉第(1791—1867年)命名; 焦耳 以英国科学家詹姆斯·皮·焦耳(1818—1889年)命名; 牛顿, 以英国科学家伊萨克·牛顿爵士(1642—1727年)命名; 欧姆, 以德国科学家格奥尔格·斯·欧姆(1789—1854年)命名; 伏特, 以意大利科学家亚历山德罗·沃尔塔伯爵(1745—1827年)命名; 瓦特, 以英国科学家詹姆士·瓦特(1736—1819年)命名。 定义诸如欧姆, “电阻单位,等于一伏特电压加于导体两端在导体内部产生一安培电流之导体电阻”, 当我们想到人们对电学做出的贡献是怎样在这之中得到纪念的时候,就带上了更多的人文内涵。英语中首次有记录的使用这些说法的时间如下:安培, 1881; 库仑, 1881; 法拉, 1861; 法拉第, 1904; 焦耳, 1882; 牛顿, 1904; 欧姆, 1870(在1861年建议使用); 伏特, 1873;和 瓦特, 1882 〔chiffchaff〕A small European warbler(Phylloscopus collybita) with yellowish-green plumage. 棕柳莺:一种原产欧洲羽毛为黄绿色、形小的啭鸣鸟(棕柳莺) 〔Gotha〕A city of central Germany west of Erfurt. First mentioned in the tenth century, it is an industrial and cultural center. TheAlmanach de Gotha, a record of Europe's aristocratic and royal houses, was first published here in 1763. Population, 57,662. 哥达:德国中部一城市,埃尔富达的西面。第一次有该市名称是在10世纪,是工业和文学中心。《哥达的建筑》 ,一本对欧洲贵族和皇家建筑进行记载的书,于1763年第一次在这儿出版。人口57,662 〔zander〕A common European pikeperch(Stizostedion lucioperca) valued as a food fish. 梭鲈:一种普通的欧洲梭鲈鱼(梭鲈) ,作为食用鱼极有价值 〔Meillet〕French linguist and Indo-Europeanist. He was the author of over two dozen books and reference works that are still widely consulted, includingThe Comparative Method in Historical Linguistics (1925). 梅里特,安东尼:法国语言学家及印度欧洲学家,他是超过24本以上书籍及持续广为使用参考作品的作者,包括《历史语言学的比较方法》 (1925年) 〔Oka〕A river, about 1,488 km (925 mi) long, of central European U.S.S.R. flowing north, east, and northeast to join the Volga River near Gorky.奥卡河:流程约1,488公里(925英里)位于苏联欧洲部分的中部的河,先流向北,而后向东,然后向东北汇入靠近高尔基市的伏尔加河〔Weber〕Russian-born American painter whose abstract works helped introduce the European avant-garde movements of the early 20th century to American art.韦伯,马克斯:(1881-1961) 俄裔美籍画家。他的抽象派作品有助于引进20世纪初期欧洲的先锋派运动到美国艺术〔Althing〕The parliament of Iceland. It is the oldest assembly in Europe, first convened in 930.冰岛国会:冰岛的议会。它是欧洲最古老的集会,最早于930年召开〔maraschino〕from marasca [marasca] 源自 marasca [欧洲酸樱桃] 〔Peipus〕A lake of northwest European U.S.S.R. southwest of Leningrad. Alexander Nevski defeated the Teutonic Knights on the frozen lake in 1242.派普斯湖:欧洲苏联西北一湖,位于列宁格勒西南。1242年此湖结冰时亚历山大·涅夫斯基在其上打败鞑靼骑兵




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