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单词 树干
释义 〔monopodium〕A main axis of a plant, such as the trunk of a spruce, that maintains a single line of growth, giving off lateral branches.单轴:植物的主轴,如云杉的树干,维持树木的生长并长出旁枝〔voluminous〕a voluminous trunk; a voluminous cloud.巨大的树干;巨大的云团〔knur〕A bump or knot, as on a tree trunk; a gnarl.木节,木瘤:隆起物或结节,如树干上的;树瘤〔ring〕To remove a circular strip of bark around the circumference of (a tree trunk or branch); girdle.环剥:绕着(树干或树枝)的圆周移走一圈树皮;剥去(树木的)一圈皮〔scald〕A superficial discoloration on fruit, vegetables, leaves, or tree trunks caused by sudden exposure to intense sunlight or the action of gases.表皮变色:由于突然曝露于强光下或毒气中造成的植物果实、蔬菜、叶子或树干的表皮变色〔toon〕A tall tree(Cedrela toona) of tropical Asia and Australia, having dark red, aromatic wood. 红椿,马兰香椿:一种产于亚洲和澳大利亚热带的高大乔木(红椿 洋椿属) ,树干黑红色,有芬芳的香味 〔walk〕saw a woodpecker walking up the tree trunk.看见一个啄木鸟沿着树干上行〔stump〕To reduce to a stump.截去…的干:截去树干而使成为树桩〔stock〕The trunk or main stem of a tree or another plant.树干:树或其它植物的主干或主要部分〔bough〕A tree branch, especially a large or main branch.树干:树枝,尤指粗大的树枝或树干〔trench〕from truncus [trunk] * see terə- 2源自 truncus [树干] * 参见 terə- 2〔girdler〕Any of several insects that chew circular bands around twigs or stems in preparing a nesting site.天牛甲虫:一种在树枝或树干上食取树皮以准备筑巢地点的昆虫〔sago〕A powdery starch obtained from the trunks of certain sago palms and used in Asia as a food thickener and textile stiffener.西谷米:从某些西谷椰子树干提取的一种粉状淀粉类食物,在亚洲用作食品增稠剂和纺织品加固剂〔palm〕Any of various chiefly tropical evergreen trees, shrubs, or woody vines of the family Palmae (or Arecaceae), characteristically having unbranched trunks with a crown of large pinnate or palmate leaves having conspicuous parallel venation.棕榈科植物:棕榈科(或槟榔科)的各种主要的热带常绿树、灌木或木质藤本植物,特点为有无分支的树干,其顶端集生羽状或掌状的树叶,并带有明显的平行叶脉〔stock〕from Old English stocc [tree trunk] 源自 古英语 stocc [树干] 〔cacao〕An evergreen tropical American tree(Theobroma cacao) having leathery, ellipsoid, ten-ribbed fruits borne on the trunks and older branches. Also called chocolate tree 可可:一种美国的热带常绿树木(可可树 可可树属) ,果实呈椭球形,有坚韧外壳,壳上有十道棱,果实结在树干上和老的枝条上 也作 chocolate tree〔bollard〕probably from bole [tree trunk] * see bole 1可能源自 bole [树干] * 参见 bole1〔prone〕"the prostrate trunk of a coconut tree" (Herman Melville).The word often implies that a prone or a supine position has been assumed out of humiliation, submission, helplessness, or physical or emotional incapacity: “椰子树的直树干” (海默·梅尔维尔)。这个词经常暗示被认为是屈辱、驯服、无助或身体或感情的无能的一种俯卧或仰卧姿势: 〔banyan〕A tropical Indian fig tree(Ficus benghalensis), often widely spreading because of the many aerial roots that descend from the branches and develop into additional trunks. It is planted for ornament and shade. 孟加拉榕:一种热带的印度无花果树(孟加拉榕 榕属) 因其枝上生有气根,垂入土中并长成另外的树干,所以覆盖面积很大。因装饰性和树荫而被种植 〔truncate〕from truncus [trunk] * see terə- 2源自 truncus [树干] * 参见 terə- 2〔camphor〕An aromatic crystalline compound, C10H 16O, obtained naturally from the wood or leaves of the camphor tree or synthesized and used as an insect repellent, in the manufacture of film, plastics, lacquers, and explosives, and in medicine chiefly in external preparations to relieve mild pain and itching. 樟脑:一种芳香的晶体化合物,C10H 16O,通常可以从樟脑树的树干或叶子中获得或合成,用作防虫剂并用于电影、塑胶、瓷器和炸药的制造,在医药方面主要用作减轻轻微的疼痛和瘙痒的外服药 〔calabash〕A tropical American tree(Crescentia cujete) bearing hard-shelled, gourdlike fruits on the trunk and main branches. Also called calabash tree 炮弹果:美洲的一种热带树木(炮弹果 炮弹果属) ,其树干和主枝条上长带硬壳的、类似于葫芦的果实 也作 calabash tree〔ayahuasca〕A hallucinogenic brew made from the bark and stems of a tropical South American vine of the genusBanisteriopsis, especially B. caapi, mixed with other psychotropic plants, used especially in shamanistic rituals by certain Amazonian Indian peoples. 致幻饮料:致幻的酿制饮料,由热带南美洲金虎尾 属藤蔓植物(尤指 卡披藤 )的树皮和树干混合其它作用于神经的植物制成,用于某些亚马孙河流域印第安人民族类似萨满教的宗教仪式 〔cockboat〕cok [cockboat] from Anglo-Norman coque probably ultimately from Latin caudica from caudex caudic- [tree trunk] cok [小船] 源自 英法语 coque 可能最终源自 拉丁语 caudica 源自 caudex caudic- [树干] 〔flitch〕A longitudinal cut from the trunk of a tree.料板,板皮:从树干上纵切下的一块木材〔longhouse〕A long communal dwelling, especially of the Iroquois, typically built of poles and bark and having a central corridor with family compartments on either side.长屋:一种公共住宅,尤指易洛魁人的住宅。典型特点是用杆子和树干建成,中间有一条走廊,两侧有各家的房间〔windshake〕A crack or separation between growth rings in timber, attributed to the straining of tree trunks in high winds.风裂:强风引起树干绷紧而造成的成木生长轮的缝隙或裂开〔toon〕The wood of this tree.红椿木:用这种树干制成的木材〔baobab〕A tropical African tree(Adansonia digitata) having a swollen trunk that stores water, palmately compound leaves, and long, hanging, hard-shelled fruits. 猴面包树:一种热带非洲树木(猴面包树 猴面包树属) ,有储水的膨大树干、掌状复叶和长而下垂的硬壳果实 〔fruticose〕Resembling a shrub, especially in having woody stems and branches.灌木状的:类似灌木的,尤指有木质树干或树枝〔viga〕A rafter or roofbeam, especially a trimmed and peeled tree trunk whose end projects from an outside adobe wall.橼,木角:尤指用修剪过并剥去树皮的树干制作的橼或梁,树干的一端从土砖墙外面伸出〔log〕A usually large section of a trunk or limb of a fallen or felled tree.木材:倒下的或锯倒的树干或树枝的一段,通常很长〔burl〕A large, rounded outgrowth on the trunk or branch of a tree.树瘤:树干或枝上生出的大的圆形突出物〔micrometeorology〕The study of weather conditions in a very small area, such as the area immediately around the trunk of a tree, that can affect meteorological conditions.微气象学:研究一个非常小的区域内的可以影响气象的天气情况,例如一棵树树干周围的区域〔ninebark〕[From the many layers in its bark] [从它树干的薄层里] 〔bole〕The trunk of a tree.树干:树的主干〔zamia〕Any of various chiefly tropical American cycads of the genusZamia, having a thick, usually underground trunk, palmlike terminal leaves, and seeds borne in woody cones. 泽米:一种主要生长在美洲热带地区的泽米 属苏铁科植物,其树干很粗,通常长在地下,生有掌状顶生叶子,而且种子生于木本球果中 〔cep〕from Gascon cep [tree trunk, cep] 源自 加斯科尼语 cep [树干,(可供食用的)牛肝蕈] 〔buttress〕The flared base of certain tree trunks.某种树干的加固基〔leatherwood〕A deciduous shrub(Dirca palustris) of eastern North America, having tough flexible branches, pliable bark, and small yellow flowers. Also called moosewood ,wicopy 沼泽革木:一种生长于北美洲东部的落叶灌木(沼泽革木 麋木) ,树干坚硬有韧性,树皮柔韧,开黄色小花 也作 moosewood,wicopy




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