单词 | 标准 |
释义 | 〔stringent〕Imposing rigorous standards of performance; severe:严格的:对行为要求标准严格的;严厉的:〔decent〕Meeting accepted standards; adequate:象样的,足够的:达到了可接受的标准的;足够的:〔Tao〕In Confucianism, the right manner of human activity and virtuous conduct seen as stemming from universal criteria and ideals governing right, wrong, and other categories of existence.(儒家的)道:儒家中人类行为与道德操守的正确态度,被认为是发展自放诸四海用以左右对、错及其它生活范畴的规范标准〔unprofessional〕Not conforming to the standards of a profession:不合格的:不符合一个职业的标准的:〔uplift〕An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.(道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步:提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动〔precision〕precision components.标准的组成部分〔ideal〕"He is indeed the perfect exemplar of all nobleness" (Jane Porter).Astandard is an established criterion or recognized level of excellence regarded as being proper, fitting, or right: “他的确是所有贵族学习的最好榜样” (简·波特)。standard 一词是指已建立起来的标准或公认的称得上是正确、恰当或合适的标准: 〔form〕Performance considered with regard to acknowledged criteria:表现:以公认技术为评判标准的表现:〔preselect〕To select beforehand, usually according to a specific criterion.预选:预先选择,通常根据特定标准〔norm〕A standard, model, or pattern regarded as typical:模范:作为典型的标准,模型,或式样:〔acrolect〕The variety of language in an area undergoing decreolization that is closest to the standard variety of a major international language, such as standard Jamaican English.上层方言:一地区的方言在变化中最接近一主要的国际通用语言的标准形式,如标准牙买加英语〔calorie〕Abbr. calAny of several approximately equal units of heat, each measured as the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C from a standard initial temperature, especially from 3.98°C, 14.5°C, or 19.5°C, at 1 atmosphere pressure. Also called gram calorie ,small calorie 缩写 cal卡:热量的几种大致相等的单位之一,每种单位均表示在一个大气压下将1克水从某标准起始温度加热到温度升高1°C所需的加热量,特别地是从3.98℃、14.5℃或19.5°C开始加热 也作 gram calorie,small calorie〔trivial〕 Paltry especially describes what falls so far short of what is required or desired that it arouses contempt: Paltry 尤其用来形容那些完全没有达到要求的或希望的标准而引起鄙视的情绪的: 〔cowslip〕A Eurasian primrose(Primula veris), usually having fragrant yellow flowers, widely cultivated as an ornamental, and long used in herbal medicine. 连香报春花:一种产于亚欧大陆的报春花(报春花属 标准报春) ,通常开有芳香的黄色花,作为一种饰物被广泛种植,很早以前就被用于草药中 〔improper〕These adjectives mean not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper.这些形容词的意思是和被接受的正确或合适的标准不符的。〔normal〕Correspondence to a norm.平均量:与标准一致〔subjectivism〕The theory that individual conscience is the only valid standard of moral judgment.主观感情论:认为个人良心是道德判断之唯一有效标准的理论〔protest〕A formal declaration made by a taxpayer stating that the tax demanded is illegal or excessive and reserving the right to contest it.抗议书:纳税人所作的正式声明,指出他所要缴纳的税为非法或超出正常标准,并保留对此提出质疑的权利〔yardstick〕A test or standard used in measurement, comparison, or judgment.See Synonyms at standard 尺度:在衡量、比较或判断中所用的评判标准或标准 参见 standard〔Tarbell〕American muckraking writer and editor remembered for her investigations of industry, includingHistory of the Standard Oil Company (1904). 塔尔贝尔,艾达·密涅瓦:(1857-1944) 美国黑幕发掘派作家和编辑,因她对工业所做的调查报告,包括《标准石油公司发家史》 (1904年)而为后世所铭记 〔rate〕Level of quality.等级:质量的等级标准〔diapason〕A standard indication of pitch.音高的标准指示〔ease〕ease credit terms; eased the entrance requirements.放宽贷款条件;降低入学标准〔behind〕Below the standard level; in or into an inferior position:不如:处于标准水平以下;处于低于他人的位置:〔ASCII〕A standard for defining codes for information exchange between equipment produced by different manufacturers.美国信息互换标准代码:一种在不同厂家生产的设备之间为信息交换而定义编码的标准〔ideal〕"It wouldn't be quite fair to test him by our standards" (William Dean Howells).Apattern serves as a model, plan, or guide in the creation of something: “用我们的标准来衡量他是不公平的” (威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯)。pattern 是指进行创作时遵循的样本、计划或向导: 〔ardeb〕A unit of dry measure in several countries of the Middle East, standardized in Egypt to equal 198 liters (5.62 U.S. bushels) but varying widely elsewhere.阿戴布:中东一些国家的干物计量单位,标准为在埃及等于198升(5.62美国蒲式耳),但在其它地方相差很大〔standard〕farm failures, a yardstick of federal banking policy. See also Synonyms at ideal 农业落后是衡量封建金融政策的标准 参见同义词 ideal〔pack〕A small package containing a standard number of identical or similar items:标准化包装:含标准数量的相同或类似东西的小包装:〔heptane〕A volatile, colorless, highly flammable liquid hydrocarbon, C7H 16, obtained in the fractional distillation of petroleum and used as a standard in determining octane ratings, as an anesthetic, and as a solvent. 庚烷:一种易挥发、无色、非常易燃烧的液状碳氢化合物,C7H 16,由石油的分级蒸馏而来,用作辛烷分级的标准,亦可作麻醉剂和溶剂 〔model〕To make conform to a chosen standard:以…作模范:使得与一个选定的标准一致:〔bohemia〕A community of persons with artistic or literary tastes who adopt manners and mores conspicuously different from those expected or approved of by the majority of society.放荡不羁的文化人:放荡不羁的文化界和艺术界人士,其行为方式与主流社会认知的标准不同〔neutralize〕 Counteract frequently implies the opposition of forces thought of as being desirable and undesirable;it may suggest action taken as a corrective measure: Counteract 通常指需要或不需要的相反力量,暗示一种作为修正标准的行为: 〔coin〕A mode of expression considered standard:表现方式:认为是标准的表达方式:〔subnormal〕One who is regarded as subnormal in some respect, such as in intelligence or coordination.弱智者:被认为在某些方面,例如智力或协调能力方面,不及常人的或低于正常标准的人〔transvalue〕To evaluate by a new standard or principle, especially by one that varies from conventional standards.重新评估:用新的标准或原则估价,尤指使用和传统标准不同的标准〔anymore〕In standard American English the wordanymore is often found in negative sentences: They don't live here anymore. Butanymore is widely used in regional American English in positive sentences with the meaning "nowadays": "We use a gas stove anymore" (Oklahoma informant in DARE).Its use, which appears to be spreading,is centered in the South Midland and Midwestern states—Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Oklahoma, and Iowa—and the Western statesthat received settlers from those areas.The earliest recorded examples are from Northern Ireland,where the positive use ofanymore still occurs. 在标准美国英语里anymore 一词常出现于否定句里: 他们再也不在这儿住了。 但anymore 在地方美国英语里广泛用于肯定句中,意思是“如今”: “我们现如今使用煤气炉” (美国区域英语词典的俄克拉何马州情报提供者)。它的用法似乎还正扩展,主要集中于中南部和中西部各州--田纳西州,肯塔基州,印第安纳州,俄克拉何马州和依阿华州——以及接收了这些地区移民的西部各州。最早记载的例子来自北爱尔兰,在那里anymore 一词的肯定用法仍在使用 〔declination〕A deviation, as from a specific direction or standard.偏离:如从某一特定方向或标准等的偏离〔hallmark〕A mark used in England to stamp gold and silver articles that meet established standards of purity.纯度标记:用于英国的标在金、银制品上的同设立的纯度标准相符的标记〔straight〕Not deviating from what is considered socially normal, usual, or acceptable; conventional.正统的:不背离社会所认可的正常,普通或可接受的标准的;遵循习俗的 |
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