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单词 染色体
释义 〔pentaploid〕A pentaploid individual.一个五倍体染色体〔prophage〕The latent form of a bacteriophage in which the viral genes are incorporated into the bacterial chromosomes without causing disruption of the bacterial cell.原噬菌体:抗菌体的潜在形体,在这种形体中病毒基因和细菌染色体结合,而对细菌细胞不能造成分裂〔heterogametic〕Producing dissimilar gametes, such as those of human males, who produce two types of spermatozoa, one bearing the X-chromosome and the other bearing the Y-chromosome.产生异形配子的:产生不同的配子,如产生含有X型染色体和含有Y型染色体的两种类型的精子的人类男性配子的〔nondisjunction〕The failure of paired chromosomes or sister chromatids to separate and go to different cells during meiosis.(染色体的)不分开,不分离:在减数分裂过程中,成对的染色体或同型的染色单体不分离到不同的细胞中〔amitosis〕Direct cell division by simple cleavage of the nucleus, without spindle formation or the appearance of chromosomes.无丝分裂,直接核分裂:仅由神经核分裂直接完成的细胞分裂,而无需纺垂体的形成或染色体的出现〔telophase〕The final stage of mitosis or meiosis during which the chromosomes of daughter cells are grouped in new nuclei.末期:有丝分裂或成熟分裂的最后阶段,在此期间子细胞的染色体被聚集在新细胞核中〔dihybrid〕The hybrid of parents that differ at only two gene loci, for which each parent is homozygous with different alleles.而性杂种:只有二对染色体遗传基因的亲体杂交,每个亲体都是不同等位基因的结合体〔McClintock〕American genetic botanist. She won a 1983 Nobel Prize for discovering that genes are mobile within the chromosomes of a plant cell.麦克林托克,芭芭拉:(生于 1902) 美国遗传植物学家,她因发现基因存活于植物细胞的染色体内而获得1983年诺贝尔奖〔operon〕A unit of gene activity consisting of a sequence of genetic material that functions in a coordinated manner by means of an operator, a promoter, and one or more structural genes.操纵子:一个由一系列基因物质组成的基因活动单位,它的作用是通过DNA中的染色体、促进剂和一个或多个有机基因来调制类型〔prokaryote〕An organism of the kingdom Prokaryotae, constituting the bacteria and cyanobacteria, characterized by the absence of a nuclear membrane and by DNA that is not organized into chromosomes.原生物核:原生物王国的组织,它组成细菌和藻青菌,其特点是缺乏一个核细胞膜以及没有组织成染色体的脱氧核糖核酸〔tetraploid〕Having four times the haploid number of chromosomes in the cell nucleus:四倍体的:细胞核中有四倍单数染色体的:〔euploid〕Having a chromosome number that is an exact multiple of the haploid number for the species.整倍体的:恰好是单倍体数的倍数的染色体〔polycentric〕A polycentric chromosome.多着丝点的染色体〔heterozygous〕Having different alleles at one or more corresponding chromosomal loci.杂合的:在一个或更多的相应的染色体基因座上有不同的等位基因的〔mutation〕The process by which such a sudden structural change occurs, either through an alteration in the nucleotide sequence of the DNA coding for a gene or through a change in the physical arrangement of a chromosome.突变,变种:突变发生的过程,是通过基因的脱氧核糖核酸密码的核苷酸顺序的改变或者通过染色体内部的物理重新排列〔holandric〕Relating to a trait encoded by a gene or genes located on the Y-chromosome and therefore occurring only in males.伴雄性遗传:由一个基因或几个非同种的Y染色体传递因而只在雄性中遗传的〔monosome〕A chromosome having no homologue, especially an unpaired X-chromosome.单染色体:没有同系物的饿染色体,尤指不配对X-染色体〔acrocentric〕Having the centromere located near one end of the chromosome so that one chromosomal arm is long and the other is short.近端着丝的:着丝粒位于接近染色体一端的,因此染色体一臂长而另一臂短〔autopolyploid〕Having more than two sets of chromosomes all derived from the same species.同源多倍体的:有着衍生于同一种类的两套以上染色体〔karyotype〕A photomicrograph of chromosomes arranged according to a standard classification.染色体的显微照片,根据标准的分类法排列〔plasmagene〕A self-replicating hereditary structure thought to exist in cytoplasm and function in a manner analogous to, but independent of, chromosomal genes.细胞质基因:被认为存在在细胞质中,活动方式类似于染色体基因但独立于它的能自我复制的遗传结构〔sister〕sister chromatids.完全相同的染色体〔synteny〕The condition of two or more genes being located on the same chromosome whether or not there is demonstrable linkage between them.同线性:两个或多个基因,无论它们之间在遗传上是否表现为连锁,都位于同一染色体对的状态〔amphidiploid〕Having a diploid set of chromosomes derived from each parent.双二倍体的:具有从父母双亲获得的两套染色体〔kinetochore〕Either of two submicroscopic attachment points for chromosomal microtubules, present on each centromere during the process of cell division.着丝点:染色体微管的两个亚微观连接点,在细胞分裂过程中出现在各自的着丝粒上〔ploidy〕A multiple of the basic number of chromosomes in a cell.倍数性:一个细胞中染色体基本数目的倍数〔translocate〕To transfer (a chromosomal segment) to a new position; cause to undergo translocation.转移:把(一个染色体)转移到另一个新位置;使发生转移作用〔chromatid〕Either of the two daughter strands of a duplicated chromosome that are joined by a single centromere and separate during cell division to become individual chromosomes.染色单体:染色体复制产生的两个单体中的一个,由细胞分裂过程中染色体在一个着丝点上分裂形成单个染色体〔chromosome〕A circular strand of DNA in bacteria and cyanobacteria that contains the hereditary information necessary for cell life.染色体:细菌和含氰细菌中的环形DNA链,含有细胞生命必需的遗传信息〔chiasmatypy〕The meiotic twisting between paired chromatids that produces chiasmata.交叉型:产生交叉的成对染色体之间的减数分裂弯曲〔haploid〕Having the same number of sets of chromosomes as a germ cell or half as many as a somatic cell.单倍体的:具有和生殖细胞相同或体细胞一半对数染色体〔homozygote〕An organism that has the same alleles at a particular gene locus on homologous chromosomes.纯合子:在同源染色体上某一特定基因座有相同等位基因的生物体〔supergene〕A group of closely linked genes occupying a large chromosomal segment and frequently functioning as a genetic unit.超基因:占据一具较大的染色体片断,并且经常以单个基因单位起作用的一组紧密连接的基因〔plasmid〕A circular, double-stranded unit of DNA that replicates within a cell independently of the chromosomal DNA. Plasmids are most often found in bacteria and are used in recombinant DNA research to transfer genes between cells.质粒:在细胞中能独立于染色体DNA而复制的圆形的,双链的DNA单元质粒大多常发现于细菌中,在DNA重组体研究中用来在细胞间传递基因〔pentaploid〕Having five haploid sets of chromosomes.五倍体的:有五个单倍体组成染色体〔nonchromosomal〕nonchromosomal DNA.不涉及染色体的脱氧核糖核酸〔synapsis〕The side-by-side association of homologous paternal and maternal chromosomes during the early prophase of meiosis.接合,联合:在成熟分裂的前期时父方染色体与母方同源染色体的等同的联会〔octoploid〕Having eight haploid sets of chromosomes in a body cell.八倍体的:染色体数为染色体基数的八倍的〔allele〕One member of a pair or series of genes that occupy a specific position on a specific chromosome.等位基因,对偶基因:在一个特定染色体上占据特定位置的一对或一组基因中的一个〔mutation〕A sudden structural change within a gene or chromosome of an organism resulting in the creation of a new character or trait not found in the parental type.突变,变种:生物体的基因或者染色体的突变,产生一种父代所没有的新的特征或者特性




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