单词 | 某些 |
释义 | 〔hydrotherapy〕External use of water in the medical treatment of certain diseases.水疗法:对某些病症外用水的医疗方法〔crambe〕Any of certain Old World annual plants of the genusCrambe in the mustard family, cultivated for their seeds, which yield a useful oil similar to rape oil. 海甘蓝:任一种旧大陆十字花科两节荠属 的某些一年生植物,因其种子能榨出类似菜籽油的有用的油而被栽培 〔gapeworm〕A nematode worm(Syngamus trachea) that infects the tracheas of certain birds and causes gapes. 呵欠虫:一种危害某些鸟类的气官并引起张口病的线虫(气管比翼线虫 比翼属) 〔electrorheology〕The study of the changes in flow properties that occur in certain fluids exposed to electric fields.电子流变学:有关在电场中某些液体流动性质改变的研究〔blood〕The juice or sap of certain plants.汁,液:某些植物的汁或液〔particle〕In some systems of grammatical analysis, any short function word, including articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.小品词:某些语法分析系统中任意一类有功能的短词,包括冠词、介词和连词〔pup〕The young of certain other animals, such as the seal.如海豹等其他某些动物的幼崽〔diet〕A national or local legislative assembly in certain countries, such as Japan.议会:某些国家的国家或当地的立法机关,例如日本〔Mozarab〕One of a group of Spanish Christians who adopted certain aspects of Arab culture under Moslem rule but practiced a modified form of Christian worship.莫扎勒布:穆斯林统治时期的一些西班牙基督教徒,他们采用穆斯林戒律统辖的阿拉伯文化的某些方面但仍按修改过的基督教徒方式做礼拜〔tail〕The short closing line of certain stanzas of verse.诗的短小结尾短句:某些诗节的短小结尾诗行〔ayahuasca〕A hallucinogenic brew made from the bark and stems of a tropical South American vine of the genusBanisteriopsis, especially B. caapi, mixed with other psychotropic plants, used especially in shamanistic rituals by certain Amazonian Indian peoples. 致幻饮料:致幻的酿制饮料,由热带南美洲金虎尾 属藤蔓植物(尤指 卡披藤 )的树皮和树干混合其它作用于神经的植物制成,用于某些亚马孙河流域印第安人民族类似萨满教的宗教仪式 〔benzimidazole〕A crystalline compound, C7H 6N 2, that is used in organic synthesis and inhibits the growth of certain microorganisms. 苯并咪唑:一种晶体化合物,C7H 6N 2,用于有机合成和抑制某些微生物的生长 〔tyramine〕A colorless crystalline amine, C8H 11NO, found in mistletoe, putrefied animal tissue, certain cheeses, and ergot and also produced synthetically, used in medicine as a sympathomimetic agent. 酪胺:一种无色晶体氨,C8H 11NO,见于槲寄生、腐烂的动物组织、某些奶酪及麦角菌,也可以人工合成,在医学上用作类交感神经药剂 〔trimester〕One of three terms into which an academic year is divided in some universities and colleges.一学期:在某些大学和学院一学年分成的三个学期中的一个学期〔eyestalk〕A movable stalklike structure in certain crustaceans, such as crabs and shrimp, that bears an eye at the tip.眼柄:在某些甲壳类动物中,如蟹和虾,末端生有眼睛的可动的柄状结构〔retraction〕Something recanted or disavowed.撤回:某些被放弃或否认的东西〔toady〕A toady is not a pleasant individual,and the origin of the word makes being a toady even less pleasant.Toady is obviously derived from the word toad. The-y suffix can have diminutive force, and the earliest recorded sense (around 1690) oftoady (now obsolete), "a little or young toad,” illustrates this force. The sense we know has nothing to do with baby toadsbut rather with the practice of certain quacks or charlatans who claimed that they could cast out poison.Toads were thought to be poisonous,so these charlatans would have an attendant eat a toad or pretend to eat oneand then remove the poison from the attendant.Such an attendant is obviously a type of person who would do anything,and thustoadeater (first recorded 1629) was the perfect name for a flattering, fawning parasite. Toadeater and the verb derived from it, toadeat, influenced the sense of the noun and verb toad and the noun toady, so that both nouns could mean "sycophant"and the verbtoady could mean "to act like a toady to someone.” 拍马者并不是一个讨人喜欢的人,这个词的来源使做拍马者这种作法更加不令人喜欢。Toady 很显然是从 toad 这个词衍生而来。 后缀-y 可以有一种指小的效力, Toady 这个词最早有记载(1690年左右)的含义“一只小或幼年蟾蜍”(现已废弃)正说明了这种效力。 我们现在知道的含义与年幼的蟾蜍没有什么关系,而与某些宣称能够驱毒的冒牌医生或江湖郎中的某些做法有关。当时人们认为蟾蜍有毒,所以这些江湖朗中会叫一个手下人吃下一只蟾蜍或假装吃下一只蟾蜍,然后把毒物从他的手下人身体中驱除出去。很明显,这样一个帮手是一种什么事都会做的人,这样,用toadeater (最早记载于1629年)这个词来称呼奉承拍马的寄生者是再合适不过了。 Toadeater 和从它衍生而来的动词 toadeat 影响了作为名词或动词的 toad 和作为名词 toady 的含义, 于是二个名词都可以理解为“拍马者”的意思,而动词toady 有“在某人面前象一个拍马者一样行动”的意思 〔spermatium〕A nonmotile cell in red algae and certain lichens and fungi that functions as a male gamete.不动精子:红藻或某些地衣及真菌中的非游动性细胞,起雄性配子的作用〔season〕A recurrent period characterized by certain occurrences, occupations, festivities, or crops:旺季:周期性的一段时间,以某些事件、工作、节日或庄稼为物征:〔perseverance〕"Again and again . . . with the inexorable pertinacity of a child intent upon some object important to itself, did he renew his efforts" (Nathaniel Hawthorne). “一次又一次…凭着孩童对某些本身重要的目标所持有的不屈不挠的顽强,他重新开始了努力” (纳撒尼尔·霍斯隆)〔Inderal〕A trademark used for a beta-adrenergic blocking agent for the treatment of certain cardiovascular conditions.英得罗:一种阻止β肾上腺素分配的药剂商标,用于治疗某些心血管疾病〔archduke〕In certain royal families, especially that of imperial Austria, a nobleman having a rank equivalent to that of a sovereign prince.大公:在某些皇族尤指奥地利帝国中,具有与有主权的王子相等地位的贵族〔cane〕The stem of a raspberry, blackberry, certain roses, or similar plants.某些植物的茎:悬钩子、黑莓、某些玫瑰或类似植物的主茎〔unsay〕To retract (something said).收回(说过的某些话)〔colonel〕An honorary nonmilitary title awarded by some states of the United States.上校:美国某些州授予的一种非军事荣誉称号〔AIDS〕A severe immunological disorder caused by the retrovirus HIV, resulting in a defect in cell-mediated immune response that is manifested by increased susceptibility to opportunistic infections and to certain rare cancers, especially Kaposi's sarcoma. It is transmitted primarily by venereal routes or exposure to contaminated blood or blood products.爱滋病:一种由逆转录酶病毒引起的严重免疫系统混乱,导致细胞介质免疫功能的缺失,表现为容易受感染和受某些罕见癌症的侵袭,尤其是卡波济氏肿瘤。主要经过性交渠道或接触受感染的血液或血液制品而传播〔war〕A concerted effort or campaign to combat or put an end to something considered injurious:斗争:为与某些被认为是有害之物作战或使其结束而作的齐心协调的努力或斗争:〔convolute〕Rolled or coiled together in overlapping whorls, as certain leaves, petals, or shells.盘旋的:某些叶、花瓣或贝壳等卷曲或盘绕成重叠的螺旋状物的〔heartsease〕A hybrid plant derived from crossing certain species of the genusViola and having small, spurred, variously colored flowers. 三色堇:一种由某些种类的萃菜 属植物杂交而成的植物,长有小且有花距的色彩多样的花 〔aorist〕A form of a verb in some languages, such as Classical Greek or Sanskrit, that in the indicative mood expresses past action.不定过去时:某些语言中动词的一种形式,如古希腊语或梵语,以直说法表示过去的动作〔hypermnesia〕Exceptionally exact or vivid memory, especially as associated with certain mental illnesses.记忆过强:极为确切的或生动的回忆,尤其是与某些精神病症有关联的时候〔spermatophore〕A capsule or compact mass of spermatozoa extruded by the males of certain invertebrates and primitive vertebrates and directly transferred to the reproductive parts of the female.精子包囊,精包:某些雄性无脊椎动物或低级脊椎动物射出的直接进入雌性生殖系统中的精子囊或紧密的精子团〔carotene〕An orange-yellow to red crystalline pigment, C40H 56, found in animal tissue and certain plants, such as carrots and squash. It exists in three isomeric forms and is converted to vitamin A in the liver. 胡萝卜素:一种桔黄色至红色的晶体色素,C40H 56,发现于动物细胞组织和某些植物中,如胡萝卜和南瓜。其存在于三种同质异构形式中并且可以在肝脏中转变为维生素A 〔predestination〕The doctrine that God has foreordained all things, especially that God has elected certain souls to eternal salvation.宿命论:上帝已经预先注定万物的教义,尤指上帝已经选择给予某些人永久的拯救〔burrow〕A hole or tunnel dug in the ground by a small animal, such as a rabbit or a mole, for habitation or refuge.地洞:某些小动物(如兔子或鼹鼠)在地下挖的、供居住或躲藏的洞或地道〔selenosis〕Poisoning, especially of livestock, caused by ingesting selenium found in some plants, in the soil, or in some microorganisms.硒中毒:因摄入某些植物、土壤或在某些微生物中发现的硒而引起的中毒,尤指家畜的中毒〔contraction〕A word, aswon't from will not, or phrase, as o'clock from of the clock, formed by omitting or combining some of the sounds of a longer phrase. 缩约词:通过省略或结合一个较长短语中的某些音素而形成的词,如从will not 来的 won't ,或短语如从 of the clock 来的 o'clock 〔conduplicate〕Folded together lengthwise, as certain leaves or certain petals in a bud.摺合的:纵向折叠的,如某些叶子或一些花朵的花瓣〔axion〕A hypothetical boson having no charge or spin and small mass, proposed to explain the existence of certain symmetries of the strong nuclear force.轴子:无电荷、自旋以及小质量的假定玻子,用来解释强核相互作用某些对称性的存在〔thurible〕A censer used in certain ecclesiastical ceremonies or liturgies.香炉:在某些宗教仪式中使用的香炉 |
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