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单词 某一特定
释义 〔capability〕The capacity to be used, treated, or developed for a specific purpose:性能,容量:能够被某一特定目的而使用、处理或发展的能力:〔airspace〕The portion of the atmosphere above a particular land area, especially that of a political subdivision such as a nation.空域;领空:某一特定地区之上的空域,通常是政治划分区,如国家的领空〔bid〕past tense and past participle bid To make an offer to pay or accept a specified price:【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 投标:出价或接受某一特定的价格:〔convert〕To persuade or induce to adopt a particular religion, faith, or belief:使皈依:劝说或诱导…相信某一特定宗教、信仰或信念:〔phenotype〕The expression of a specific trait, such as stature or blood type, based on genetic and environmental influences.遗传环境互应结果:某一特定特征的表达,如由遗传或环境影响决定的身高或血型〔conditioned〕Prepared for a specific action or process.习惯…的:适于某一特定行为或过程的〔affectation〕A particular habit, as of speech or dress, adopted to give a false impression.矫情:给人以错觉的某一特定习惯,例如言语或服饰的习惯〔phobia〕A persistent, abnormal, or irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid the feared stimulus.恐惧症:对某一特定事物或情况持续的、不正常的或不合情理的恐惧,以致于要避开这些引起恐惧的刺激物〔tract〕A system of organs and tissues that together perform a specialized function:器官系统:一起执行某一特定功能的器官及组织系统:〔endemic〕Prevalent in or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people:地方性的:某一特定地方、地区或人群所特有的或普遍的:〔precipitation〕The quantity of such water falling in a specific area within a specific period.降水量:某一特定时期内特定区域的降水数量〔dedicated〕Designed for a particular use or function:专用的:为某一特定的用途或功能而设计的:〔native〕An animal or a plant that originated in a particular place or region.当地产的动(植)物:在某一特定地方或地区来源的动物或植物〔face〕To turn the face in a specified direction.将脸转向:脸转向某一特定的方向〔university〕The universe in the worduniversity is not the universe as we know it, thoughuniversity is derived from the ancestor of our word universe. This ancestor, Latinūniversus, was made up of ūnus, "one,” and versus, "in a specified direction.” Universus thus literally meant "in one specified direction" but actually meant "the whole of, entire,” and "regarded as a whole, regarded as a group.”Universum, the neuter singular of ūniversus, used as a noun, meant "the universe,”as did the derivativeūniversitās, which also meant "a corporate body of persons, community.” During the Middle Ages, when Latin continued to be used in areas such as government, religion, and education,the wordūniversitās was applied to the new corporate bodies of teachers and students, as at Salerno, Paris, and Oxford, that were the ancestors of our universities of today.Our worduniversity, going back to the Latin word, is first recorded around 1300, with reference to this corporate body.University 一词中的"universe"并不是我们所知道的宇宙这个词, 虽然university 是由我们的 universe 这个词的前身派生而来的。 这一前身,即拉丁文中的universus 是由表示“一”的 unus 和表示“沿着某一特定的方向”的 versus 构成的。 Universus 字面上的意思因此就是“沿着一个特定的方向”, 但它实际的意思却是“整个、全部”和“被视为一个整体的,被视为一个群体的”。Universum ,是 universus 的中性单数形式, 用作名词时指“宇宙”,同样派生词universitas 也指“一群个人的联合体,社团”。 在中世纪,拉丁文继续在诸如政府、宗教和教育等领域得到使用,universitas 这个词被用来指由教师和学生所构成的新联合体,比如在萨勒诺、巴黎和牛津出现的这种联合体, 而这类联合体即是我们今天的大学的最初形式。我们今天的university 这个词可以上溯到拉丁词, 它首次被记录下来是在大约1300年,当时就是用来指这种联合体〔day〕A specific, characteristic period in one's lifetime:一生中某段的时光:在人的一生中某一特定的、独特的一段时期:〔culture〕These patterns, traits, and products considered as the expression of a particular period, class, community, or population:特种文化:被视为表现某一特定阶段、阶级、社会或种族的这些方式、特点和产物:〔phonetics〕The system of sounds of a particular language.语音体系:某一特定语言的声音体系〔desk〕A department of a large organization in charge of a specified operation:部门:一个大型组织,主管某一特定事务的部门:〔heave〕To move in a certain direction or to a specified position:移动:朝某一方向或某一特定位置移动:〔assign〕To set apart for a particular purpose; designate.分派:为某一特定目的分开;指派〔incline〕To be disposed to a certain preference, opinion, or course of action.倾向,接近:赞同某一特定喜好、观点或行动〔fauna〕Animals, especially the animals of a particular region or period, considered as a group.动物群:尤指某一特定地区或某一特定时期的动物群〔hypermedia〕A computer-based information retrieval system that enables a user to gain or provide access to texts, audio and video recordings, photographs, and computer graphics related to a particular subject.超媒体:一种计算机信息检索系统,此系统能令使用者获得或存取某一特定主题的文本、视听记录、照片或计算机图象〔life〕A particular segment of one's life:人生阶段:一个人一生中的某一特定阶段:〔scant〕Falling short of a specific measure:将近的:离某一特定标准差一点点的:〔Parkinsonism〕Any of a group of nervous disorders similar to Parkinson's disease, marked by muscular rigidity, tremor, and impaired motor control and often having a specific cause, such as the use of certain drugs or frequent exposure to toxic chemicals. Also called Parkinson's syndrome 巴金森氏神经机能障碍:类似巴金森氏病的一组神经机能障碍中的任意一种,其症状为肌肉僵硬、颤抖和运动控制失调,通常有某一特定的病因,比如使用了某种药物或长期接触有毒化学物品 也作 Parkinson's syndrome〔parking〕The act or practice of temporarily leaving a vehicle or maneuvering a vehicle into a certain location.停车,泊车:暂时停车或把车开进某一特定的地方的行为或实践〔face〕To be turned or placed with the front toward a specified direction.面对着:使正面朝某一特定方向〔starve〕To force to a specified state by starving.饿死:用饥饿的手段强迫达到某一特定状态〔on〕Used to indicate the particular occasion or circumstance:用以表示某一特定场合:〔machinery〕The working parts of a particular machine.某一特定机器的运转部分〔petition〕A formal written application requesting a court for a specific judicial action:申请状,诉状:为某一特定的法律行为要求法庭审理而写的正式书面申请:〔point〕To be turned or faced in a given direction; aim.朝向,瞄准:被转向或面向某一特定的方向;瞄准〔department〕A section of a department store selling a particular line of merchandise:(百货商店)部:百货商店卖某一特定种类的商品的地方:〔king〕One that is supreme or preeminent in a particular group, category, or sphere.王:在某一特定集团、部门或领域中最高或最突出者〔resident〕One who resides in a particular place permanently or for an extended period, as:永久居住者,长期居民:永久地或长期地在某一特定地点居住的人,例如:〔low〕Characterized by a small degree, intensity, or amount of a specified attribute:低的:具有某一特定品质的低程度、低强度或低数量的特征的:〔place〕The specified stage in a list of points to be made, as in an argument:阶段:在一序列讨论话题中某一特定的阶段:〔genderlect〕A variety of speech or conversational style used by a particular gender.性别对话:为某一特定性别所使用的各种不同的演讲或者对话方式




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