单词 | 果皮 |
释义 | 〔genip〕A tropical American tree(Melicoccus bijugatus) having small, fragrant, greenish-white flowers and small fruits with a green, leathery rind and a juicy, yellowish, translucent pulp. 格尼帕:美洲的一种热带树(蜜果 蜜果属) ,具有小而香的白绿色花和带有绿色、坚韧果皮以及多汁、半透明的黄色果肉的果实 〔durian〕The fruit of this plant, having a hard, prickly rind and soft pulp with an offensive odor but a pleasant taste.榴莲果:榴莲树的果实,果皮有硬刺,果肉柔软,有刺激性气味,但味道可口〔peeling〕A piece or strip, as of skin or vegetable rind, that has been peeled off.削下或剥下的蔬菜的皮或果皮〔kumquat〕The fruit of these plants, having an acid pulp and a thin, edible rind. It is the smallest of the citrus fruits.金桔:这些植物的果实,有酸的果肉和薄而可食的果皮。它是柑橘果中最小的一种〔indehiscent〕Not splitting open at maturity:不开裂的:成熟时果皮不裂的:〔cherimoya〕A tropical American tree(Annona cherimola) having heart-shaped, edible fruits with green skin and white, aromatic flesh. 切里墓亚番荔枝:美洲热带地区乔木(毛叶番荔枝), 结可食的心形果实,果皮为绿色,果肉白色且有香气 〔septifragal〕Dehiscing by the breaking away of the valves from its partitions. Used of a seed capsule.室间开裂的:通过裂片与它的其它部分脱离的开裂。用于果皮〔cortex〕An external layer, such as bark or rind.外层:外层,如树皮或果皮〔butternut〕An eastern North American walnut(Juglans cinerea) having light-brown wood, pinnately compound leaves, and a deeply furrowed nut enclosed in an egg-shaped, sticky, aromatic husk. Also called white walnut 灰胡桃:北美洲东部的一种胡桃,(灰核桃 核桃属) 具有浅褐色木质、羽状复叶和具尖头的卵形芳香果皮包裹的带脊核果 也作 white walnut〔tangelo〕A hybrid citrus tree derived from grapefruit and tangerine, having aromatic fruit with a thin, smooth, moderately loose rind.橘柚:一种由葡萄柚和柑橘杂交而成的柑橘属果树,结有香味的果实,其果皮光滑薄嫩,且较为松软〔quercetin〕A yellow, powdered crystalline compound, C5H 15O 2(OH) 5, synthesized or occurring as a glycoside in the rind and bark of numerous plants, and used medicinally to treat abnormal capillary fragility. 槲皮苷,栎皮酮:一种黄色粉末状的晶体化合物C5H 15O 2(OH) 5,人工合成或以糖苷存在于许多植物的果皮及树皮中,在医药中用来治疗不正常的毛细血管脆弱 〔mace〕An aromatic spice made from the dried, waxy, scarlet or yellowish covering that partly encloses the kernel of the nutmeg.肉豆蔻衣:一种香料,由干燥的、蜡状的、猩红或黄色的果皮制成,这层皮部分地包住了肉豆蔻核〔endocarp〕The hard inner layer of the pericarp of many fruits, such as the pit or stone of a cherry, a peach, or an olive.内果皮:许多水果果皮的坚硬的内层,例如樱桃、桃子或橄榄的核〔exocarp〕The outermost layer of the fruit wall. Also called epicarp 外果皮:果皮的最外层 也作 epicarp〔wrap〕wrap a package; wrapped up the peelings.打包;把果皮包起来〔marmalade〕A clear, jellylike preserve made from the pulp and rind of fruits, especially citrus fruits.橘子果酱:用水果的果肉或果皮制成的透明、果冻状的果酱,尤指用柑橘属水果制成〔rind〕A tough outer covering such as bark, the skin of some fruits, or the coating on cheese or bacon.皮,树皮,(熏肉,干酪等的)外皮:一种粗糙的外层覆盖物,如树皮、一些水果的果皮或奶酪或熏物品上的外壳〔Macoun〕A variety of apple having medium fruit with a red skin and white, crisp flesh.玛康苹果:苹果的变种,果实中等大小,果皮红色,果肉白色松脆〔citron〕The fruit of this plant, whose rind is often candied and used in confections and fruitcakes.香橼:这种植物的果实,其果皮常制成蜜饯并可用于糖果和水果蛋糕〔plum〕Any of several shrubs or small trees of the genusPrunus, bearing smooth-skinned, fleshy, edible fruit with a single hard-shelled stone that encloses the seed. 李树:一种李 属灌木或小树,结有果皮光滑、多肉可食的果实,这种果实有一个包着种子的硬壳果核 〔Empire〕A variety of apple having medium fruit with waxy, dark red skin and white flesh.帝国苹果:中等大小的苹果,果皮为蜡质的深红色,果肉为白色〔Rome〕A variety of apple having round firm fruit with tough red skin.罗米苹果:苹果的一种,结实的圆形果实外包有坚韧的红色果皮〔Ugli〕A trademark used for a citrus fruit produced by a cross of a grapefruit, an orange, and a tangerine and having a loose, wrinkled yellowish rind.牙买加丑橘:用作由葡萄柚、柑和橘杂交产生的一种柑橘属水果的商标,果皮呈黄色,松散起皱〔hull〕The dry outer covering of a fruit, seed, or nut; a husk.果皮,外皮:水果、种子或坚果的干外皮;果皮〔Baldwin〕An American variety of apple with red or yellow and red skin.鲍德温苹果:一种美国苹果,果皮呈红色或红黄色〔cucumber〕A tendril-bearing, climbing or sprawling annual plant(Cucumis sativus) widely cultivated for its edible cylindrical fruit that has a green rind and crisp white flesh. 黄瓜藤:一种有卷须的、一年生攀缘或蔓生植物(香瓜属葫芦科 黄瓜或胡瓜) ,因其结有可食用的圆柱形果实而被广泛培植,该果皮呈绿色且有松脆的白色果肉 〔tangerine〕The small, loose-skinned fruit of this tree. Also called mandarin orange 柑橘:这种树所结的个体较小、果皮松软的果实 也作 mandarin orange〔hull〕Middle English hulle [husk] 中古英语 hulle [果皮] 〔paring〕Something, such as a skin or peel, that has been pared off.削皮,剥皮,削下物:如皮肤或果皮等削下来的东西〔pomegranate〕The fruit of this tree, having a tough reddish rind, and containing many seeds, each enclosed in a juicy, mildly acidic, red pulp.石榴:这种树的果实,有坚韧的浅红色果皮,并含有许多种子,每粒种子都包在多汁、微酸的红色果浆中〔Comice〕A cultivated variety of pear having greenish-yellow skin blushed with russet-red and yellowish, juicy, fine-textured flesh.世纪梨:一种栽培广泛的梨子,有被红黄褐色和黄色多液汁的质地良好的果肉映红的黄绿果皮〔orange〕Any of several southeast Asian evergreen trees of the genusCitrus, widely cultivated in warm regions and having fragrant white flowers and round fruit with a yellowish or reddish rind and a sectioned, pulpy interior, especially C. sinensis, the sweet orange, and C. aurantium, the Seville or sour orange. 柑桔:一种东南亚柑属 常绿乔木,广泛种植于温暖地区,长有带香味的白色的花、果皮为红色或黄色的圆形果实和多汁的果肉,尤指 甜橙 和 酸橙 〔avocado〕A tropical American tree(Persea americana) having oval or pear-shaped fruit with leathery skin, yellowish-green flesh, and a large seed. Also called alligator pear 鳄梨树:一种热带美洲乔木,(美国鳄梨 鳄梨属) 有椭圆形或梨形果实,果皮坚韧,果肉黄绿色,核大 也作 alligator pear〔panettone〕A festive Italian yeast cake flavored with candied fruit peels and raisins.节日果子面包:意大利节日果子面包,配有水果干和果皮蜜饯〔mesocarp〕The middle, usually fleshy layer of a fruit wall.中果皮:果皮中间通常含肉较多的那一层〔morello〕A variety of the sour cherry(Prunus cerasus var. austera) having double flowers and fruit with dark red skin. 黑樱桃:一种酸樱桃(欧洲酸樱桃 变种 酸樱桃) 开有双层花朵,结有黑红色果皮的果实 |
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