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单词 构成
释义 〔formal〕Being or relating to essential form or constitution:形式的:属于事物的基本形式或构成的:〔line〕One of the horizontal scans forming a television image.水平画质线:构成电视图象的平行的扫描线〔amylopectin〕The outer portion of a starch granule consisting of insoluble, highly branched polysaccharides of high molecular weight.支链淀粉,淀粉粒纤维素:淀粉粒的外层部分,由不溶于水且高分支的高分子量多糖构成〔nongraded〕Consisting of particles of essentially the same size, as soil.同样的:由最基本的同样大小的微粒所构成的,如土壤〔doorjamb〕Either of the two vertical pieces framing a doorway and supporting the lintel. Also called doorpost 门框边框:门框两边构成门口和支撑过梁的两竖直架中任一个 也作 doorpost〔bipartite〕Having or consisting of two parts.两部分的:两部分的或由两部分构成〔ethmoid〕Of, relating to, or being a light spongy bone located between the orbits, forming part of the walls and septum of the superior nasal cavity, and containing numerous perforations for the passage of the fibers of the olfactory nerves.筛骨的:属于或关于位于眼窝之间的轻质多孔骨的,它构成了上鼻腔的部分壁和膜,并包含数量众多的孔,用于嗅神经通道〔data〕But whiledata comes from a Latin plural form, the practice of treatingdata as a plural in English often does not correspond to its meaning, given an understanding of what counts as data in modern research.We know, for example, what "data on the homeless" would consist of—surveys, case histories, statistical analyses, and so forth—but it would be a vain exercise to try to sort all of these out into sets of individual facts,each of them a "datum" on the homeless. (Does a case history count as a single datum,or as a collection of them?Is a correlation between rates of homelessness and unemployment itself a datum, or is it an abstraction over a number of data?)Since scientists and researchers think of data as a singular mass entity like information,it is entirely natural that they should have come to talk about it as such and that others should defer to their practice.Sixty percent of the Usage Panel accepts the use ofdata with a singular verb and pronoun in the sentenceOnce the data is in, we can begin to analyze it. A still larger number, 77 percent, accepts the sentence 但是当data 来源于一拉丁复数形式, 在英语中把data 当作复数来对待的运用常常和它的意义不相符合, 给了我们在现代研究中算作数据事物的一种理解。例如,我们知道,“无家可归人的资料”将由调查、个人历史,数据分析等等构成——但是试着把这些都分类到一套个人事实将会是一次无用的尝试,他们中的每一个都为无家可归人的资料。 (个人历史是算作一个简单的资料,还是作为其中的一个收集?无家可归人的比率和失业之间的联系是一个资料,还是一系列资料中的一个提取?)既然科学家和研究工作者认为资料和信息一样是一个单一的团体,他们就应该这样地来谈论它并且其他的人应当服丛他们的说法,这是完全自然的,百分之六十的用法专题使用小组成员接受把data 和单数动词和代词连用, 如在句子一旦资料来了,我们就能开始分析了 中, 更大的比例,即百分之七十七的成员接受了句子 〔niello〕Any of several black metallic alloys of sulfur with copper, silver, or lead, used to fill an incised design on the surface of another metal.黑银镶嵌:由硫和铜、银或铅构成的深墨色合金,用来注入另一金属表面所雕刻的花纹图案中〔group〕Two or more figures that make up a unit or design, as in sculpture.群像:构成一个完整单元或设计的两个或两个以上塑像,如在雕塑中〔testaceous〕Composed of a shell or shell-like material:介壳构成的:由介壳或介壳状物质构成的:〔ether〕The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets.天体要素:在古代和中古时代被认为是充满于月球空间并且是构成恒星和行星的元素〔sensillum〕A simple sensory receptor consisting of one cell or a few cells, especially a hairlike epithelial cell projecting through the cuticle of arthropods.感觉器:由一个或少数细胞构成的简单的感受器,尤指突出于节肢动物表皮的发状的上皮细胞〔pointillism〕A postimpressionist school of painting exemplified by Georges Seurat and his followers in late 19th-century France, characterized by the application of paint in small dots and brush strokes.分色主义;点描派:后期印象主义绘画,以19世纪后期法国的乔治·修拉和他的同好为典范,特征为运用颜料以小点或涂绘方式构成画面〔tibiotarsus〕A long bone in the leg of a bird between the femur and the tarsometatarsus, consisting of the tibia fused with the proximal bones of the tarsus.胫跗骨:鸟腿位于股骨和跗庶骨之间由胫骨与邻近的跗骨熔合构成的长骨〔myxoma〕A benign tumor, most often found in the heart, that is composed of connective tissue embedded in mucus.粘液瘤:一种良性肿瘤,最常见于心脏,它由黏液里的胶状结缔组织构成〔paragraph〕A distinct division of written or printed matter that begins on a new, usually indented line, consists of one or more sentences, and typically deals with a single thought or topic or quotes one speaker's continuous words.段,段落:在书写或排印时新提一行开头的一个独立的部分,通常缩进一些,由一个或多个句子构成且常是解决某一单一问题或引用说话人接下去的话〔poleax〕A battle-ax used in the Middle Ages consisting of a long shaft ending in an ax or a combination of an ax, a hammer, and a pick.长柄战斧:在中世纪使用的一种战斧,由末端为一把斧头或是斧头、锤和凿的结合物的一根长杆构成〔poisonwood〕A poisonous dioecious tree(Metopium toxiferum) of southern Florida and the West Indies, having pinnately compound leaves, yellow-green flowers clustered in axillary panicles, and yellow-orange drupes. It causes a rash on contact. 毒漆树:一种有毒的雌雄异株的树木(毒漆树 毒漆树属) ,产于美国佛罗里达南部和西印度群岛,有羽状复叶、构成腋生圆锥花序的黄绿色花簇和黄橙色的核果。它在接触皮肤后能诱发皮疹 〔population〕The total number of inhabitants constituting a particular race, class, or group in a specified area.人口分布:构成某地区的人种、类群或种群的居住者的总数〔Texarkana〕A city of southwest Arkansas on the Texas border southwest of Little Rock. Population, 22,631. It is adjacent toTexarkana, Texas, in the northeast part of that state. Population, 31,656. The twin cities form a trade and transportation center for the surrounding region. 苔克斯卡那:美国阿肯色西南城市,位于得克萨斯边界小石城西南。人口22,631,它的东北部与得克斯卡那 ,得克萨斯二城市相邻。人口31,656,这一对城市构成了周边地区的贸易和运输中心 〔phenomenalism〕The doctrine, set forth by David Hume and his successors, that percepts and concepts actually present in the mind constitute the sole object of knowledge, with the objects of perception themselves, their origin outside the mind, or the nature of the mind itself remaining forever beyond inquiry.现象主义:由大卫·休谟和他的继承者提出的学说,认为实际存在于人们意识中的感知和概念,连同被感知事物本身,它们在意识外的起源,或是意识本身的不可知性一同构成了人们对某一对象的认识〔encyclopedia〕The wordencyclopedia, which to us usually means a large set of books, descends from a phrase that involved coming to grips with the contents of such books.The Greek phrase isenkuklios paideia, made up of enkuklios, "cyclical, periodic, ordinary,” and paideia, "education,” and meaning "general education, literally the arts and sciences that a person should study to be liberally educated.”Copyists of Latin manuscripts took this phrase to be the Greek wordenkuklopaedia, with the same meaning, and this spurious Greek word became the New Latin wordencyclopaedia, coming into English with the sense "general course of instruction,” first recorded in 1531.In New Latin the word was chosen as the title of a reference work covering all knowledge.The first such use in English is recorded in 1644.单词encyclopedia 对我们而言通常是指一大套书, 来源于一个涉及掌握这类书内容的短语。希腊片语enkuklios paideia 是由下列两个词组成的 enkuklios “循环的,周期性,平常的”以及 paideia “教育”, 含义是“普通教育,从字面上说就是一个想接受通才教育的人所应该学习的艺术和科学知识”。拉丁文手稿的抄录者将此片语当成了带有相同词义的希腊词enkuklopaedia , 而该谬传的希腊词又构成为新拉丁语词encyclopaedia , 带着其“指导教育的普遍课程”之语意又进入英语,最先记载于1531年。在新拉丁语中该词被选中作为一本覆盖各科知识的参考著作的书名。在英国首次这样的用法记载于1644年〔glockenspiel〕A percussion instrument with a series of metal bars tuned to the chromatic scale and played with two light hammers.钟琴:按半音阶调准的分级金属棒构成的打击乐器,用两个轻槌击奏〔comet〕A celestial body, observed only in that part of its orbit that is relatively close to the sun, having a head consisting of a solid nucleus surrounded by a nebulous coma up to 2.4 million kilometers (1.5 million miles) in diameter and an elongated, curved vapor tail arising from the coma when sufficiently close to the sun. Comets are thought to consist chiefly of ammonia, methane, carbon dioxide, and water.彗星:一种天体,仅能在它比较接近于太阳的那一部分轨道才能看到,有一个包括固体核、由直径达到两千四百万公里(一千五百万英里)的星云状的彗发围绕的头部 ,当足够接近太阳时一个拉长的曲线气尾从彗发升起。人们认为彗星主要有氨、甲烷、二氧化碳和水构成〔metropolitan〕Of or constituting a large city or urbanized area, including adjacent suburbs and towns:大城市的:属于或构成一个大城市或城市地区,包括临近郊区和城镇的:〔synoptic〕Of or constituting a synopsis; presenting a summary of the principal parts or a general view of the whole.大纲性的,概要的:大纲的或构成大纲的;展示主要部分的总结或整体概况的〔trichocyst〕A stinging or grasping organ in the outer cytoplasm of certain protozoans, especially ciliates, consisting of a threadlike or bristlelike filament that can be discharged suddenly from a minute capsule.丝泡,线泡:某些原生动物,尤指纤毛虫的外胞质中的叮咬或执握器官,由线状的或鬃毛状的细丝构成,可突然从一个小囊中释放出来〔unctuous〕Containing or composed of oil or fat.含油(脂)的,由油(脂)构成〔marble〕Composed of metamorphic rock:由变质岩构成的:〔form〕To constitute or compose a usually basic element, part, or characteristic of.构成:组成或作为…通常的基本要素、成分或特性〔Talmud〕The collection of ancient Rabbinic writings consisting of the Mishnah and the Gemara, constituting the basis of religious authority in Orthodox Judaism.犹太教法典:古代拉比著作的合集,包括《密西拿》和《革马拉》,构成了正统犹太教中宗教权威的基础〔cartilaginous〕Of, relating to, or consisting of cartilage.软骨的:软骨组织的、与软骨组织相关的或由软骨组织构成〔mixture〕The essential oil in the perfume contains a large admixture of alcohol. Acompound is a combination of elements or parts that together constitute a new and independent entity: 这种香水里的香精油含有大量酒精。 Compound 是构成一个新的独立实体的元件或部分的合成物。 〔tribe〕A unit of social organization consisting of a number of families, clans, or other groups who share a common ancestry, culture, and leadership.部落,宗族:由具有同一祖先、文化和领导集团的许多家庭、氏族或其他集团构成的社会组织单位〔Yuman〕A language family constituting the languages of the Yuma and Mohave peoples and other Native American languages of western Arizona and adjacent parts of California and Mexico.尤马语组:一种语族,由尤马人和莫哈维人的语言与亚利桑那州西部及加利福尼亚和墨西哥邻接地区的其他美洲土著语言构成〔praemunire〕The offense under English law of appealing to or obeying a foreign court or authority, thus challenging the supremacy of the Crown.蔑视王权罪:英国法律中因求助于或遵从于外国法庭或权威而冒犯国王统治权所构成的违法行为〔wood〕The secondary xylem of trees and shrubs, lying beneath the bark and consisting largely of cellulose and lignin.木质:位于树皮下的树和灌木的次木质部,主要由纤维质和木质构成〔slow〕Slow is also the established idiomatic form with certain senses of common verbs: Slow还与一些常用动词一起构成被众人接受的成语形式: 〔Kshatriya〕The second of the four Hindu classes, responsible for upholding justice and social harmony. In ancient India this was the royal or warrior class; in modern India, the professional, governing, or military class.刹帝利:四个印度种姓中的第二级,负责执法和维护社会安定。在古代印度,它由皇族和武士阶层构成;在现代印度,它表示职业、统治和军事阶层




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