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单词 机会
释义 〔spoiler〕A candidate for office whose chances of winning are slight but who may get enough votes to prevent one of the leading candidates from winning.拆台者:一个获胜机会很小却可以通过积极争取选票阻止另一有实力的候选人获胜的候选人〔fashion〕To adapt, as to a purpose or an occasion; accommodate.使适应:因某种目的或机会而适应;使适应〔turn〕waiting for her next turn at bat.在棒球比赛中等练她的下一次击球机会〔pass〕pass up a chance for promotion; an opportunity too good to pass up.放弃一次提升的机会;一次不能放过的好机会〔scope〕Breadth or opportunity to function.See Synonyms at room 机会,余地:发挥能力的余地或机会 参见 room〔contingency〕The condition of being dependent on chance; uncertainty.偶然性:取决于机会的情形;不确定性〔venture〕Middle English [chance] 中古英语 [机会] 〔handle〕An opportunity or a means for achieving a purpose.可乘之机:实现目的的机会或方式〔see〕"Their assemblies afforded me daily opportunities of remarking characters and manners" (Samuel Johnson).“他们的集会给了我每天观察其性格和礼仪的机会” (塞缪尔·约翰逊)〔input〕The nouninput has been used as a technical term for about a century in fields such as physics and electrical engineering, but its recent popularity grows out of its use in computer science,where it refers to data or signals entered into a system for processing or transmission.In general discourseinput is now widely used to refer to the transmission of information and opinion, as inThe report questioned whether a President thus shielded had access to a sufficiently varied input to have a realistic picture of the nation or The nominee herself had no input on housing policy. In this last sentence the meaning of the term is uncertain:it may mean either that the nominee provided no opinions to the policymakersor that she received no information about housing policy.This vagueness in the nontechnical use ofinput may be one reason that some critics have objected to it (including, in an earlier survey, a majority of the Usage Panel). Though the usage is well established,care should be taken not to use the word merely as a way of pretending to a scientific precision unwarranted by the facts of the case.名词input 作为一个专业名词在象物理和电子工程领域已经被用了大约一个世纪, 但是它在计算机科学上的最新流行超出了原来的用法,在计算机科学上它指输入系统进行运行或传送的信息和信号。总的来说,input 广泛地用来指信息和观点的传送, 就象在报告怀疑这样保护起来的总统是否能获得接近足够多样信息的机会,从而有一幅这个国家的现实图景 或 被提名人自己没有关于房产政策的任何信息 。 在后一句中单词的定义是不确定的:它既可以指被提名人未向决策者提供任何建议,也可以指她未收到任何有关房产政策的信息。这种模糊在input 的非专业用法中有可能是一些批评家反对它(在一个早期调查中,其中包括大部分用法专题小组成员)的一个原因。 尽管这种用法已完全确立,用这个词时也应谨慎,不能把这个词仅仅用来伪装一种科学的精确性,而在这样的情况下,如此的精确性是不被事实所证明的〔superstition〕A belief, practice, or rite irrationally maintained by ignorance of the laws of nature or by faith in magic or chance.迷信想法:因对自然法则的无知或对魔法或机会的信念,而形成的荒谬信念、习俗或仪式〔attack〕"Yet, only a few months after triumphantly storming the country, [the President] is obliged to storm Capitol Hill, with greater difficulty and with less than complete success" (Economist). “然而,胜利席卷乡村后只有几个月的时间, 就被迫去进攻坎皮特山,困难很大然而取得全面成功的机会很小” (经济学家)。〔mixer〕An informal dance or party arranged to give members of a group an opportunity to get acquainted.交谊会:一个非正式的舞蹈或聚会,用以给一群成员安排认识的机会〔lap〕an opportunity that dropped in his lap.一个机会落在他身上〔retire〕To cause (the opposing team) to end a turn at bat.封杀出局:使(对方球队)失去击球机会〔occasionalism〕The doctrine that God is the sole causal actor and that all events are merely occasions on which God brings about what are normally thought of as their effects.偶因论:神是唯一因果的参与者,所有被认为是自己努力成果的事物其实只是神带来的机会的学说〔inequality〕Lack of equality, as of opportunity, treatment, or status.不平等:在如机会、待遇或地位上的不平等〔better〕a better chance of success.更好的成功机会〔peg〕I pegged her as an opportunist. Why do you have me pegged as the rowdy one?我把她视为机会主义者。为什么你认为我是行为粗暴的那一类人呢〔mount〕An opportunity to ride a horse in a race.机会:赛马中骑马的机会〔call〕To be an appropriate occasion for:适合采取:是一恰当的机会〔room〕Suitable opportunity; occasion.合适的机会;时机〔underprivileged〕Lacking opportunities or advantages enjoyed by other members of one's community; deprived.被剥夺基本权力的,社会地位低下的:缺乏所在社团其他成员享受的机会或利益的〔satisfaction〕The opportunity to avenge a wrong; vindication.报仇的机会;雪耻〔long〕Involving substantial chance; risky:需要很多机会的;冒险的:〔inning〕Often innings (used with a sing. or pl. verb)An opportunity to act or speak out; a chance for accomplishment. 常作 innings (与单数或复数动词连用)显身手的机会:做或说的机会;完成某事的机会〔lease〕An opportunity to improve one's circumstances or outlook.改进某人状况或前景的机会〔opportunity〕I seized the occasion to set the record straight. Anopening is an opportunity affording a good possibility of success: 我抓住时机清理了记录。 Opening 是一种提供成功可能性的机会〔sale〕An opportunity for selling or being sold; demand.销路:卖的或被出售的机会;需要〔blur〕"For street children . . . drugs offer the chance to blur their hopeless poverty"(Alma Guillermoprieto)“对街上的孩子来说…毒品提供了一个机会,使他们对毫无希望的贫穷感到麻木”(阿尔马·吉耶尔蒙皮瑞托)〔cause〕"Such were the causes; but the immediate occasion of his departure . . . was the favorable opportunity . . . of migrating in a pleasant way" (Thomas De Quincey). “这就是原因;但使得他离开的直接动因…是能够舒服地移居的诱人机会。” (托马斯·德·昆西)。〔speculate〕To engage in the buying or selling of a commodity with an element of risk on the chance of profit.投机:冒一定的风险从事商品买卖以求获利的机会〔slim〕slim chances of success.很小的成功机会〔throw〕"could afford up to forty-five bucks a throw to wax sentimental over their heritage"(John Simon)“花四十五元获得享受传统文化熏陶的机会”(约翰·西蒙)〔botch〕fumbled my chance for a promotion;失掉我一次提升的机会〔interview〕To obtain an interview from.对…进行面试:获得一个被面试机会〔forum〕A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program.提供公开讨论的媒体:提供公开讨论机会的宣传媒介,如报纸或广播电视的专题讨论节目〔actualize〕"More flexible life patterns could . . . nurture and renew our spirits through opportunities to actualize personal dreams"(Fred Best)“更多灵活的生活方式能…通过实现个人梦想的机会滋养和更新我们的精神”(弗雷德·贝斯特)〔shot〕gave him a fair shot at the part in the play.给他一个出演剧中角色公平的机会〔chance〕A favorable set of circumstances; an opportunity:机遇,机会:有利的状况或环境;机会




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