单词 | 有趣 |
释义 | 〔witty〕Quick to discern and express amusing insights or relationships.灵敏的,敏捷的:迅速识别并表达有趣的见识或关系的〔fun〕The corporation believes that a spelling bee is a fun way to emphasize the critical importance of good basic communication skills in America's workplace. 公司认为拼字比赛是强调美国工作场所中良好而起码的交际本领的重要性的一种有趣可行的手段。 〔tartine〕A French open-faced sandwich, especially one with a rich or fancy spread.法式三明治:一种馅朝外的法式三明治,尤指上面浇有一层味道浓烈或新奇有趣的酱汁的那种〔story〕An incident, experience, or subject that furnishes or would be interesting material for a narrative:小说素材:可丰富叙事体文章的内容或可成为其有趣的素材的事件、经历或话题:〔insidious〕Beguiling but harmful; alluring:有趣但有害的;诱人的:〔joke〕An amusing or ludicrous incident or situation.可笑的事:有趣的或滑稽可笑的事情或局面〔zap〕Something that imparts excitement or great interest.刺激有趣的东西:能够引起人们兴奋或浓厚兴趣的东西〔Geisel〕American writer and illustrator of children's books. His works, known for their humorous verse and playful illustrations, includeThe Cat in the Hat (1957) and Green Eggs and Ham (1960). 盖泽尔,狄奥多·索伊斯:(1904-1991) 美国作家和儿童书籍的插图画家。他的作品因其幽默的笔法和有趣的插图而出名,包括《帽中猫》 (1957年)和 《绿蛋和火腿》 (1960年) 〔nauseous〕Traditional critics have insisted thatnauseous is appropriately used only to mean "causing nausea" and that it is incorrect to use it to mean "affected with nausea,”as inRoller coasters make me nauseous. In this example,nauseated is preferred by 72 percent of the Usage Panel. What is curious, however,is that 88 percent of the Panelists indicated that they would prefernauseating in the sentenceThe children looked a little green from too many candy apples and nauseous rides. Thus it appears that like a handful of other words such astranspire, nauseous is actively used mainly in the sense in which it is considered incorrect. · While the use ofnauseous to mean "affected with nausea" may incur critical displeasure, it should be pointed out in its defense not only that it is quite common among educated speakersbut that it is subtly distinct fromnauseated in this sense. Nauseated is a passive participle, and hence suggests a condition induced by a specific external cause.By contrast,nauseous is an adjective that refers to an occurrent state whose cause may be nonspecific or unknown.The person who reports thatI woke up this morning feeling nauseous might not be willing to accept that he or she had beennauseated by any external agent. 传统的评论家坚持认为nauseous 只适合用于“引起人厌恶的”意思, 而用于指“患恶心症的”是不正确的,就像在巨浪滑行者使我感到恶心 中一样。 在这个例子中,nauseated 被72%的用法专题使用小组成员认为是合适的。 然而,有趣的是,88%的成员认为他们会选用nauseating 这个词, 用在句子太多的苹果糖和令人恶心的骑乘使得孩子们的脸色有点绿 中。 因此似乎像许多别的词如transpire那样,nauseous 积极地主要用于被人认为是不正确的意思中。 然而用nauseous 来指“患恶心症”可能引起评论的不愉快, 作为防卫我们应该指出不仅在受过教育的演说者中此种用法普遍,而且在这个意思上它和nauseated 有细微的区别。 Nauseated 是过去分词, 因此意味着由特殊的外部原因引导的条件。相反nauseous 是形容词指偶发的状态, 可能是非特殊的或不知道的。声称我早上起来时感到恶心 的人, 可能不情愿接受他或她被任何外界力量所恶心到 〔fluid〕"Everyone seems to . . . share in an intricate set of lore from the past and present whose deliciousness somehow would be ruined if Britain were a truly fluid society"(Nicholas Lemann)“每个人看上去…都拥有这样一套从过去和现在的经历中得来的复杂的知识,而如果英国社会动脉真的不流畅的话,这种知识的有趣就将或多或少地遭到破坏”(尼古拉斯·里曼恩)〔inkling〕One of the more fascinating journeys in the histories of words is the one that linksnest and inkling. We begin this journey with the Indo-European rootnizdo-, which by way of Germanic.nist- will give us nest but also leads to Latinnīdus, "nest.” From Latinnīdus may come Old French (and modern French) niche, meaning "niche.” It is possible that in Old French a variant form existed that was borrowed into Middle English asnik, meaning "a notch, tally.” This word seems related to the Middle English wordnikken, which may mean "to mark a text for correction,”andnikking, "a hint, slight indication,” or possibly "a whisper, mention.” The wordnikking appears only once, in a Middle English text composed around 1400, as does the wordningkiling, found in another copy of the same text. It is possible thatningkiling is from nikking. Furthermore, it is probable that people divideda ninkling incorrectly and got an inkling, just as they did witha napron, getting an apron. If all this has indeed happened,inkling has come a long way from the nest. 在单词的演变史中,从nest 到 inkling 是一个有趣的过程。 我们从印欧语系词根nizdo- 开始, 通过日耳曼语的nist- 变为我们的 nest , 也衍生出拉丁语的nidus ,“巢”之意。 从拉丁语的nidus 有了古法语(和现代法语)中的 niche ,表示“壁龛”。 有可能在法语中有一个变体是从中古英语的nik (刻痕,计分)变化而来。 这个词看来与中古英语中的nikken 一词有关, 它的意思是“为改正一篇文字而做记号”,也与nikking 有关,意为“暗示,轻微指示”或也可能是“低声说话,提及”之意。 在一篇1400年左右所作的中古英语文章中,hikking 只出现了一次, 在同样内容的另一份版本中ningkiling 也只出现了一次。 所以有可能ninkiling 是由 nikking 变化而来。 此外,很有可能人们错误地将a ninkling 分开从而得到 an inkling , 就象人们错误地处理a napron 从而得到 an apron 一样。 如果所有这些真的发生了,inkling 一词从其巢穴走了一条长长的演变之路 〔life〕An animated, amusing person who is the center of attention at a social gathering.聚会的灵魂人物:在社交场合是人们注意的焦点的活跃的、有趣的人〔rent〕When young people talk about theirrents, that is, their parents, they are using a slang term that is of interest to language historians, if not necessarily thrilling for parents themselves. The term is a prime example of one of the fundamental characteristics of slang, which continually creates novel ways of expressing what are often rather ordinary things (if parents may be considered ordinary things). Slang has recently produced two expressions for "parents" that have gained wide currency— rents and parental units. Both expressions demonstrate slang's use of unusual or creative linguistic means to achieve novelty of expression. While there are many slang terms, such as bod for body or rad for radical, that result from the clipping of unstressed syllables, rents is a clipping that drops a stressed syllable, much like the similar term za, "pizza.” The desire to coin new ways of referring to things also leads speakers of slang to use circumlocutions like knuckle sandwich for "punch.” Parental units falls into this category. It plays on the jargon of bureaucrats and social science, in which the world is viewed as so much data waiting to be quantified. The appearance of terms such as rents and parental units also shows that all available styles and levels of language can be grist for slang's mill—so long as the material is perceived as irreverent, funny, or just plain cool. 年轻人谈论他们的rents (即父母)时,即使肯定不会令他们的父母感到兴奋,他们却使用了一个令语言历史学家很感兴趣的俚语。Rents是俚语一个基本特色的典范,这一基本特色就是不断创造新颖词汇来表示通常极为普通的事物(如果父母会被认为是普通事物的话)。最近俚语中产生了两个"父(母)亲"的词语并被普遍使用── rents 和 parental units 。这两个词语表明俚语用不同寻常的或创造性的语言工具来获取表达上的新颖。虽然因省略非重读音节产生了许多俚语词汇,如用 bod 指body、用 rad 指radical,但 rents 却是省略重读音节后的部分,非常类似相近词汇 za "pizza(比萨饼)"。期望创造指代事物的新词也使得满口俚语的人运用赘语,如用 knuckle sandwich 指"punch(用拳击)"。 Parental units 也属于赘语的范围。它用作官僚主义者的行话以及科学术语,因为对于官僚主义者和科学工作者来讲世界就是等待量化的大量数据。诸如 rents 和 parental units 这些俚语的出现也表明语言现有的全部风格和水平都是俚语的有益补充──只要认为内容是不敬的、有趣的或者纯粹扮酷的 〔anecdote〕A short account of an interesting or humorous incident.轶事,趣闻:对有趣或幽默事件的短述〔historied〕Having an interesting history; storied:记载于历史的:有有趣历史的;有历史记载的:〔improv〕did a funny improv about looking for a job.即兴演出一场有趣的找工作过程〔fun〕"You're a real fun guy"(Margaret Truman)“你真是个有趣的人”(玛格丽特·杜鲁门)〔entry〕a diary full of interesting entries.一本充满了有趣记录的日记〔chrysalis〕"All that is gold does not glitter" we may say when confronted withkhrus- or khruso-, the combining form of the Greek word khrusos, "gold.” We find this form,for example, in the Greek wordkhrusallis, "chrysalis,” which refers specifically to a gold-colored pupa.This Greek word gave us ourchrysalis, first recorded in English in the 17th century. As Modern Englishchrys- or chryso- the Greek formkhrus- or khruso- has also been used to make words that did not exist in Greek. Among the more interesting of these arechrysocracy, "rule of the wealthy,” andchrysotherapy, "the treatment of disease with gold compounds.”“闪光的不都是金子”,当我们面对khrus- 或 khruso- ,即希腊词 khrusos 的结合形式时(意为“金子”),我们可以这样说。 我们发现这种形式,如希腊词khrusallis 意为“蛹”, 特别指金色的蛹。这个希腊词产生的chrysalis 首次于17世纪以英文记载。 作为现代英语中的chrys- 或 chryso- , 希腊形式的khrus- 或 khruso- 也被用来组成希腊语中不存在的词。 其中最有趣的有chrysocracy , 意为“富裕的法则”,和chrysotherapy , 意为“用金化合物治病”〔landscape〕It would seem that in the case of the wordlandscape we have an example of nature imitating art, in so far as sense development is concerned.Landscape, first recorded in 1598, was borrowed as a painters' term from Dutch during the 16th century,when Dutch artists were on the verge of becoming masters of the landscape genre.The Dutch wordlandschap had earlier meant simply "region, tract of land,” but had acquired the artistic sense, which it brought over into English, of "a picture depicting scenery on land.”The fascinating thing isthat 34 years pass after the first recorded use oflandscape in English before the word is used of a view or vista of natural scenery. This delay suggests that people were first introduced to landscapes in paintingsand then saw landscapes in real life.从landscape 这个词,我们似乎能看到一个模仿自然艺术的例子, 单就这个词的意思发展来说。Landscape 首次记载于1598年, 它是在16世纪期间作为一个绘画术语从荷兰传过来的,当时的荷兰艺术家正在成为自然风景绘画的大师。荷兰语中landscape 这个词早期仅仅意味着“地区,一片地”, 但它后来传入英国时已经有了艺术上的含义“描绘陆上风景的绘画”。有趣的是,从landscape 这个词第一次见于英语文字到这个词表示自然景色的风光,经历了34年。 这一时间上的延迟暗示了人们首先是在绘画时接触自然,然后才是在现实生活中去欣赏风景〔tangerine〕The nametangerine is like the skin of an orange, which when peeled off reveals something of interest.The name reflects the geographic source of the fruit, Tangier, Morocco,from which port the first tangerines were shipped to Europe in 1841.The wordtangerine, from Tangier or Tanger, was already an English word (first recorded in 1710), meaning "of or pertaining to Tangier.”This word had been formed with the suffix-ine, as in Florentine. The fruit was first called atangerine orange, later reduced simply totangerine. Confusion exists between the nametangerine and the name mandarin, and with good reason.The tangerine is a type of mandarin orange,so in fact the oranges shipped from Tangier could have been calledmandarins. However, although both names can be used interchangeably in a general sense,there does now exist a particular type of orange calledtangerine as distinguished from another type called specifically mandarin. The mandarin orange, which is native to China,is thought probably to have received its namebecause of its resemblance in color to the robes of a mandarin.单词tangerine 这个名称就好象桔子的皮, 当我们把它剥下来时就会发现有趣的东西。这个名称反映了它所指的水果的地理来源,即摩洛哥的丹吉尔;第一批柑橘就是在1841年从该港口用船运往欧洲的。源于Tangier 或 Tanger 的 tangerine 一词在这时已经是一个英语词汇(它第一次见于文献是在1710年), 意为“属于或关于丹吉尔的”。这个词是用加后缀-ine 的方法构成的,就象 Florentine 一词的构词法一样。 丹吉尔所产的这种水果一开始被称作tangerine orange , 后来被简化成tangerine。 在tangerine 和 mandarion 之间一直存在着混淆, 而这种混淆是有原因的。丹吉尔柑橘确为一种中国柑桔种类,所以事实上从丹吉尔运出的那批桔子在当时可能就被称为mandarin 。 然而,尽管这两个名称在一般的使用中是可以互换的,但世界上确实存在着与另一种被称为manderin 的类型不同的一种被称作 tangerine 的桔类。 中国柑桔原产于中国,它之所以被这样命名,可能是因为它的颜色类似清朝的高官所穿的官服的颜色〔joke〕Something said or done to evoke laughter or amusement, especially an amusing story with a punch line.笑话:为引人发笑或逗乐而说的话或做的事,尤指有一句妙语的有趣故事〔highlight〕An especially significant or interesting detail or event.最重要的或最有趣的细节或事件〔smart〕a smart quip; a lively, smart conversation.有趣的俏皮话;一次活泼,机敏的谈话〔joke〕 Joke especially denotes an amusing story with a punch line at the end: Joke 专门指结尾处有一句妙语的有趣故事: 〔gather〕The curator is devoting time and energy to assembling an interesting exhibit of Stone Age artifacts.保管员正在花费时间和精力组织一次有趣的石器时代艺术品展览。〔yarn〕To tell an entertaining tale or series of tales.讲故事:讲有趣的故事或连续的故事〔readable〕Pleasurable or interesting to read:可读的:读起来舒服或有趣的:〔appropriate〕arrogating to himself the most interesting tasks;为他自己取得最有趣的任务;〔merry〕Marked by or offering fun and gaiety; festive:快活的:以有趣和快乐为特征的或令人感到有趣和快乐的;欢乐的:〔joke〕An object of amusement or laughter; a laughingstock:笑柄,笑料:令人感到有趣或令人发笑的对象;笑柄:〔hot〕told a hot one about the neighbors' dog.讲一个有关邻居家的狗的有趣故事〔humor〕The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.See Synonyms at wit 1幽默感:看出、享受或表达有趣的、喜剧性的、离奇的或荒谬的东西的能力 参见 wit1〔piquant〕Charming, interesting, or attractive:迷人的,有趣的,动人的:〔possibility〕possibilities Potentiality for favorable or interesting results: possibilities 潜在价值:产生良好或有趣结果的潜力:〔secure〕Despite making several good jokes, he could not secure the goodwill of the audience.尽管他说了几个有趣的笑话,但是仍无法确定观众是否接受他〔postpose〕To place (a word or phrasal constituent) after other constituents in a sentence, as the direct object noun phraseall the interesting places he had visited in the sentence He described to them all the interesting places he had visited. 后置:将(一个词或词组)置于句中其他成分之后,如将作为直接宾语名词片语的all the interesting places he had visited(他去过的所有有趣的地方) 置于句子 He described to them all the interesting places he had visited(他向他们描述了他去过的所有有趣的地方) 中 〔contain〕The book contains some amusing passages.这本书里有一些有趣的章节。〔leave〕left out the funniest part of the story.省略了故事中最有趣的部分〔opinion〕"Responsible journalism is journalism responsible in the last analysis to the editor's own conviction of what, whether interesting or only important, is in the public interest" (Walter Lippmann).“有鉴别的新闻事业指的是那种编辑对于不论有趣的或重要的事都持有自己信念的作最后分析的新闻业,这种新闻对大众负责” (沃特·里普曼)。 |
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