单词 | 有组织 |
释义 | 〔economy〕An orderly, functional arrangement of parts; an organized system:组织,结构:各部分有序的、功能明了的排列;有组织的体系:〔harass〕 Harass andharry imply systematic persecution by besieging with repeated annoyances, threats, demands, or misfortunes: Harass 和harry 意指通过反复的激怒、威胁、命令或不幸来包围而进行的有组织的困扰: 〔opposition〕Often Opposition A political party or an organized group opposed to the group, party, or government in power. 常作 Opposition 反对党,反对组织:反对执政党、团体或政府的政治党派或有组织的机构〔pogrom〕An organized, often officially encouraged massacre or persecution of a minority group, especially one conducted against Jews.集体迫害:对少数群体有组织的、常是受到官方鼓励的大屠杀或迫害,尤指针对犹太人的集体迫害或屠杀〔march〕To participate in an organized walk, as for a public cause.示威游行:参与有组织的行动,比如为了公共事业〔movement〕An organized effort by supporters of a common goal:运动团体:有共同目的的支持者所进行的有组织的集体努力:〔association〕Abbr. assn.,assoc.An organized body of people who have an interest, an activity, or a purpose in common; a society.缩写 assn.,assoc.协会:有共同兴趣、活动或目的的有组织的人群团体;学会〔genocide〕The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.种族屠杀:有组织地、蓄意地进行的对整个国家、种族、政治或文化群体的灭绝〔partisan〕A member of an organized body of fighters who attack or harass an enemy, especially within occupied territory; a guerrilla.游击队员:有组织的战斗团体中从事袭击和骚扰敌人的成员,尤指在被占领土内;游击队员〔structural〕Of, relating to, having, or characterized by structure:结构的:属于,关于结构的,有组织的,有结构特点的:〔terrorism〕The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.恐怖主义:对武力或暴力的非法使用或威胁使用,一个人或一个有组织的集团以威胁或胁迫社会或政府为目的而危害人类或财产常带有意识形态或政治原因〔fundraising〕The organized activity or an instance of soliciting money or pledges, as for charitable organizations or political campaigns.募捐活动:如为慈善机构或政治运动筹集资金或物品的有组织的活动或事件〔shoot〕An organized shooting activity, such as a skeet tournament or hunt.射猎会:一种有组织的射击活动,比如双向飞碟射击巡回赛或打猎〔pack〕An organized troop having common interests:一个团体:有共同兴趣的有组织的群体:〔manhunt〕An organized, extensive search for a person, usually a fugitive criminal.搜捕:对某人,通常是潜逃犯,所进行的有组织的仔细搜索追捕〔fundamentalism〕Often Fundamentalism An organized, militant Evangelical movement originating in the United States in 1920 in opposition to Liberalism and secularism. 常作 Fundamentalism 基要主义运动:1920年发起于美国的旨在反对自由主义神学和现世主义的有组织的激进福音主义教派运动〔polity〕An organized society, such as a nation, having a specific form of government:有组织体制的社会体制:具有一特定管理形式的有组织的社会,如一个国家:〔gather〕Tears collected (or gathered ) in her eyes. Frequently, however,collect refers to the careful selection of like or related things that become part of an organized whole: 眼泪在(或 gather ) 她眼中。 但是通常collect 指的是仔细选择相似或有联系的东西, 以变成有组织的整体的一部分: 〔camp〕A place in the country that offers simple group accommodations and organized recreation or instruction, as for vacationing children:乡间宿营区:位于乡村的一个地方,提供简单的成套设备以及有组织的娱乐和教育,比如为度假的孩子们:〔rebellion〕Open, armed, and organized resistance to a constituted government.造反:对某个宪制政府公开、武装及有组织的反抗〔syndicate〕A loose affiliation of gangsters in control of organized criminal activities.罪犯辛迪加:操纵有组织的犯罪活动的歹徒的松散的团〔system〕An organized set of interrelated ideas or principles.理论体系:有组织的一套相互作用的思想或原则〔club〕The building, room, or other facility used for the meetings of an organized group.会所,场所:一群有组织的人用于开会的建筑物、房间或其它设施〔social〕Living together in organized groups or similar close aggregates:群居的:生活在有组织的群体或相似的紧密集合体中的:〔choir〕An organized company of singers, especially one performing church music or singing in a church.唱诗班:尤指演唱教堂音乐或在教堂中歌唱的一支有组织的合唱团〔irregular〕Not belonging to a permanent, organized military force:非正规的:不属于永久的,有组织的军队的:〔bark〕The tough outer covering of the woody stems and roots of trees, shrubs, and other woody plants. It includes all tissues outside the vascular cambium.树皮,茎皮:包在树、灌木和其它木本植物的根部、茎部的硬皮,包括维管形成层外的所有组织〔institutionalism〕Adherence to or belief in established forms, especially belief in organized religion.现存制度优越论:固守或相信已有的形式,特别是对有组织的宗教的信仰〔gangster〕A member of an organized group of criminals; a racketeer.歹徒,暴徒:有组织犯罪团伙中的一员;诈骗犯〔front〕fronting for organized crime.为有组织的犯罪做掩护〔organized〕Functioning within a formal structure, as in the coordination and direction of activities.有组织的:在正式结构中起作用的,如在活动的协调和指导中〔mob〕Often Mob Organized crime. Often used withthe : 常作 Mob 有组织的犯罪。通常和the 用在一起: 〔gangbuster〕A law enforcement officer who works to break up organized criminal groups.扫荡集团犯罪者:取缔有组织犯罪团体的法律执行官员〔rebellion〕 Rebellion is open, armed, organized resistance to constituted political authority that often fails of its purpose: Rebellion 是指不能实现目的的那种对现政权威的公开、有组织的武力反抗: 〔frighten〕"premeditated and systematized terrorizing of the civil populations" (Edith Wharton).“有计划、有组织地控制国内人口” (伊迪丝·沃顿)。〔mob〕An organized gang of criminals; a crime syndicate.匪帮:一种有组织的犯罪团伙,一个犯罪集团〔march〕An organized walk or procession by a group of people for a specific cause or issue.游行示威:一群人为了某一特定的原因或理由而进行的有组织的行动〔choir〕An organized group:团队:一个有组织的团队:〔squadron〕An organized multitude:有组织的一个群体:〔asylum〕An institution for the care of people, especially those with physical or mental impairments, who require organized supervision or assistance.收容所,救济院,精神病院:为人们提供帮助的场所,尤指对身体或精神有缺陷的,需要有组织地管理或帮助的人 |
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