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单词 有毒
释义 〔sparteine〕A bitter, poisonous, liquid alkaloid, C15H 26N 2, obtained from the broom Cytisus scoparius or the lupin Lupinus luteus, whose sulfate has been used in medicine as a heart stimulant and as a way of inducing contraction of the uterus during labor. 金雀花碱:一种味苦有毒的液体生物碱,C15H 26N 2,从 金雀科金雀花 植物或 羽扇豆类植物 中取得,其中的硫酸酯用作强心剂成分,孕妇生产时可导致子宫收缩 〔aniline〕A colorless, oily, poisonous benzene derivative, C6H 5NH 2, used in the manufacture of rubber, dyes, resins, pharmaceuticals, and varnishes. 苯胺:一种无色多油有毒的苯衍生物,C6H 5NH 2,用于制造橡胶,染料,凝脂,药物和油漆 〔oleander〕A poisonous Eurasian evergreen shrub(Nerium oleander) having fragrant white, rose, or purple flowers, whorled leaves, and long follicles containing numerous comose seeds. Also called rosebay 欧洲夹竹桃:一种有毒的欧亚长青灌木(欧洲夹竹桃 夹竹桃属) ,有白色、玫瑰色或紫色的芳香花朵,轮生体叶和含有许多具毛丛种子的长的小囊 也作 rosebay〔actinomycin〕Any of various red, often toxic, polypeptide antibiotics obtained from soil bacteria.放线菌素:一种从土壤细菌中提取的红色的,通常是有毒的多肽抗生素〔bioaccumulation〕The accumulation of a substance, such as a toxic chemical, in various tissues of a living organism:生物体内积累:聚积在生物体各组织内的物质,如有毒化学物质:〔upas〕Malay (pōhun) upas [poison (tree)] 马来语 (pōhun) upas [有毒的(树)] 〔silvex〕A solid, toxic, selective herbicide, C9H 7O 3Cl 3, used primarily against woody plants. 三氯苯氧丙酸:一种有毒的固体选择性除草剂,C9H 7O 3Cl 3,主要用于除去木本植物 〔colchicine〕A poisonous, pale-yellow alkaloid, C22H 25NO 6, obtained from the autumn crocus and used in plant breeding to induce chromosome doubling and in medicine to treat gout. 秋水仙碱:一种有毒的、淡黄色生物碱,C22H 25NO 6,从秋天的番红花中提取,用于植物生长中的染色体加倍和用于治疗痛风 〔toxicity〕The quality or condition of being toxic.毒性:有毒的性质或状态〔henbane〕A poisonous Eurasian plant(Hyoscyamus niger) having an unpleasant odor, sticky leaves, and funnel-shaped greenish-yellow flowers. It is a source of the drug hyoscamine. 天仙子,莨菪:一种有毒的(天仙子 天仙子属) 欧亚植物,气味难闻,有粘性叶子,黄绿色花朵呈漏斗状。它是药物东莨菪硷的原料 〔detoxify〕To treat (an individual) for alcohol or drug dependence, usually under a medically supervised program designed to rid the body of intoxicating or addictive substances.解毒疗法:对酒精或毒品上瘾者进行的治疗,它通常是一种受医疗监督的、用以除去体内有毒或致人上瘾的物质的方案〔colchicum〕Latin [a plant with a poisonous root] 拉丁语 [一种长有毒根的植物] 〔sinister〕 Baleful intensifies the sense of menace;it suggests a deadly, virulent, or poisonous quality: Baleful 带有威胁的意味;指致命的、有毒的或剧毒的性质: 〔decontaminate〕To make safe by eliminating poisonous or otherwise harmful substances, such as noxious chemicals or radioactive material.消毒:通过消除有毒的或有害的物质,如有毒的化学物质或放射性物质,使…安全〔ketene〕A pungent, toxic, colorless gas, C2H 2O, used chiefly as an acetylation agent. 乙烯酮:一种有刺激性气味的有毒无色气体,C2H 2O,主要用作乙酰化剂 〔bloodroot〕A perennial wildflower(Sanguinaria canadensis), native to forests in eastern North America and having a fleshy rootstock exuding a poisonous red sap, a single lobed leaf, and a solitary white flower in early spring. Also called red puccoon 血根草:一种多年生的野生植物(美洲血根草) ,原产于北美洲东部的森林,根茎鲜艳,叶汁红色且有毒,叶单生,早春开白色单花 也作 red puccoon〔stingray〕Any of various rays of the family Dasyatidae, having a whiplike tail armed with one or more venomous spines capable of inflicting severe injury. Also called stingaree 刺鳐:任一种属于刺鲂科的鱼类,鞭形的尾部生有一个或多个有毒的背棘,能造成很严重的伤害 也作 stingaree〔toadeater〕[Originally referring to a charlatan's helper who ate (or pretended to eat) poisonous toads so that his employer could display his prowess in expelling the poison] [原来这个词是指江湖医生的助手,他吃下(或假装吃下)有毒的蟾蜍,这样他的主人就可以展示他的驱毒能力] 〔poisonwood〕A poisonous dioecious tree(Metopium toxiferum) of southern Florida and the West Indies, having pinnately compound leaves, yellow-green flowers clustered in axillary panicles, and yellow-orange drupes. It causes a rash on contact. 毒漆树:一种有毒的雌雄异株的树木(毒漆树 毒漆树属) ,产于美国佛罗里达南部和西印度群岛,有羽状复叶、构成腋生圆锥花序的黄绿色花簇和黄橙色的核果。它在接触皮肤后能诱发皮疹 〔gossypol〕A toxic pigment, C30H 30O 8, obtained from cottonseed oil and detoxified by heating, that has been experimentally shown to inhibit sperm production. 棉籽酚:一种有毒的色素,C30H 30O 8,经实验证明该色素抑制精子的繁殖。提炼自棉籽油,加热后可解毒 〔biocompatibility〕The property of being biologically compatible by not producing a toxic, injurious, or immunological response in living tissue:生物共生:在生物组织中不产生有毒、有害物质和免疫反应而能共存的特性:〔bioenvironmental〕Bioenvironmental engineers are studying the effects of toxic chemicals on life in the area.生态环境工程师正在研究该区域有毒化学药品对生命的影响〔buckeye〕Any of various North American trees or shrubs of the genusAesculus, having palmately compound, opposite leaves, erect panicles of white to red or yellow flowers, and large, shiny seeds with a large attachment scar. All parts of the plant are poisonous. 七叶树:一种北美洲的七叶树 属的树或灌木,有掌状对生复叶,直立的白色、红色或黄色圆锥花序,种子硕大而亮丽,附有一个巨大的瘢痕。这种植物的每一部分都有毒 〔poisonous〕a mephitic vapor;一种有毒的蒸汽;〔simoom〕Arabic samūm [poisonous, simoom] 阿拉伯语 samūm [有毒的,西蒙风] 〔atropine〕A poisonous, bitter, crystalline alkaloid, C17H 23NO 3, obtained from belladonna and other related plants. It is used to dilate the pupils of the eyes and as an antispasmodic. 阿托品,颠茄碱:一种有毒、味苦的结晶生物碱,C17H 23NO 3从颠茄或其它茄科植物中提取而得。用于扩大瞳孔,治疗痉挛 〔veratrine〕A poisonous mixture of colorless crystalline alkaloids extracted from sabadilla seeds and formerly used medicinally as a counterirritant.藜芦混碱:一种从沙巴草籽中提取的无色晶体生物碱的有毒混合物,以前在医疗中被用作对抗刺激剂〔mephitis〕A poisonous or foul-smelling gas emitted from the earth.臭气:从地里冒出的有毒或恶臭气体〔coyotillo〕A poisonous shrub(Karwinskia humboldtiana) native to Texas and Mexico, having small greenish flowers and black fruits. 洪堡鼠李:一种产于得克萨斯州和墨西哥的有毒灌木(洪堡鼠李) ,开有淡绿色的小花,结黑色的果实 〔ouabain〕A white poisonous glycoside, C29H 44O 12·8H 2O, extracted from the seeds of the African trees Strophanthus gratus and Acokanthera ouabaio, that is used as a heart stimulant and by some African peoples as a dart poison. 乌本苷:一种有毒的白色糖苷,C29H 44O 12·8H 2O,从非洲树木 旋花羊角拗 和 尖药木 的种子提炼出,用作强心剂并被一些非洲人用来制作标枪的有毒涂抹物 〔ozone〕A blue gaseous allotrope of oxygen, O3, formed naturally from diatomic oxygen by electric discharge or exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It is an unstable, powerfully bleaching, poisonous oxidizing agent with a pungent, irritating odor, used to deodorize air, purify water, treat industrial wastes and as a bleach. 臭氧:一种气态氧气的同素异形体,O3在紫外线辐射下通过电子放射或暴晒从双原子氧气自然形成。它是一种不稳定的具有强漂白性的,有毒的氧化剂,有臭的刺激性的气味,用来除去空气的异味,净化水,处理工业废物和作为漂白剂 〔miasma〕A poisonous atmosphere formerly thought to rise from swamps and putrid matter and cause disease.臭气,瘴气:有毒的空气,最初被认为源自烂池塘和腐烂物并可致病〔hepatotoxicity〕The quality or condition of being toxic or destructive to the liver.肝中毒:对肝有毒的或毁灭性的性质或状况〔combust〕As the fuels were combusting they gave off noxious vapors.当燃料在燃烧时,它们释放出有毒的烟〔aconite〕The dried poisonous roots of these plants, used as a source of drugs. Also called monkshood 乌头根:这种植物干燥后有毒的根,为毒品的一原料 也作 monkshood〔strophanthin〕A toxic glycoside or mixture of glycosides obtained from the seeds of certain plants of the genusStrophanthus, especially S. kombé, used medicinally as a cardiac stimulant. 羊角拗质:一种有毒的糖苷或糖苷混合物,取自于某些植物的种子羊角 属的,尤指 毒毛旋花 ,在医学上用作为心脏刺激剂 〔aflatoxin〕Any of a group of toxic compounds produced by certain molds, especiallyAspergillus flavus, that contaminate stored food supplies such as animal feed and peanuts. 黄麴毒素:由某些霉菌,特别是黄麴 产生的一组有毒复合物,可破坏贮存食品,例如动物食品以及花生 〔hydrastine〕A poisonous white alkaloid, C21H 21NO 6, obtained from the root of the goldenseal and formerly used locally to treat inflammation of mucous membranes. 白毛茛碱:一种有毒的白色的碱,C21H 21NO 6,提炼自白毛茛的根,以前在某些地区用于治疗粘膜炎 〔DDT〕A colorless contact insecticide, C14H 9Cl 5, toxic to human beings and animals when swallowed or absorbed through the skin. It has been banned in the United States for most uses since 1972. 滴滴涕:一种无色的、经接触传递的杀虫药剂,C14H 9Cl 5,当吞食或被表皮吸收时对人类和动物有毒。自从1972年以来,在美国许多应用上已被禁用 〔tabun〕A poisonous combustible liquid that is soluble in organic solvents, C5H 11N 2O 2P, used as a nerve gas in chemical warfare. 塔崩,二甲胺基氰磷酸乙酯:可溶于有机体溶媒的有毒易燃液体,C5H 11N 2O 2P,化学战争中用作神经毒气




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