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单词 有价值
释义 〔recommend〕To praise or commend (one) to another as being worthy or desirable; endorse:推荐:向另外一个人称赞或推荐(某人或物),认为其有价值或合人心意;担保:〔Bench〕American baseball player considered among the greatest catchers in history. In 16 seasons with the Cincinnati Reds (1967-1983), he was the National League's most valuable player twice (1970 and 1972).班齐,钱宁·李:美国棒球选手,棒球史上最伟大的捕手。在效力于辛辛那提红袜队的16个赛季中(1967年-1983年),他两次成为国家棒球联盟的最有价值球员(1970年和1972年)〔count〕To have a specified importance or value:有价值:具有某种特殊的重要性或价值:〔heirloom〕A valued possession passed down in a family through succeeding generations.祖传遗物,传家宝:家庭内部代代相传的有价值之物〔Foxx〕American baseball player. In 20 seasons, mainly with the Philadelphia Athletics (1925-1935) and the Boston Red Sox (1936-1941), he hit 30 or more home runs and drove in 100 or more runs 12 years in a row. He was the American League's most valuable player three times.福克斯,詹姆斯·恩莫利:美国棒球选手。在20个赛季中,他的主要为费城体育队和波士顿红袜队效力(1936-1941年),在连续12年内,他每年击出30支或30支以上的全垒打以及100个或100个以上的打点。他三次成为国家棒球联盟的最有价值球员〔salt〕To give an appearance of value to by fraudulent means, especially to place valuable minerals in (a mine) for the purpose of deceiving.将良质矿石置于矿山:用欺骗的手法使…表面上看起来有价值,尤指为欺骗而(向矿藏中)放入贵重矿石〔Bird〕American basketball player and coach. As a forward for the Boston Celtics (1979-1992), he helped lead the team to three world championships between 1981 and 1986 and was named the National Basketball Association's most valuable player three times.柏德,拉瑞·乔:美国篮球选手和教练。波士顿凯尔特人队前锋(1979年-1992年),1981年至1986年间他协助该队三次获世界冠军并三次当选美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)最有价值球员〔set〕To regard as valuable or worthwhile.认为有价值或值得〔Sosa〕Dominican baseball player. A player for the Chicago Cubs (since 1992), in 1998 he broke Roger Maris's single-season record for home runs, hitting 66 to Mark McGwire's 70, and won the National League's most valuable player award.索塞,塞缪尔:多米尼加棒球选手。他自1992年一直效力于芝加哥俱乐部队,1998年打破罗杰·马里斯的单赛季全垒打记录,以66支全垒打屈居70支全垒打的马克·麦格威之后,索塞于同年成为国家棒球联盟的最有价值球员〔mine〕An abundant supply or source of something valuable:源泉,宝库:某些有价值物品的丰富源泉:〔value〕from Old French [from feminine past participle of] valoir [to be strong, be worth] 源自 古法语 源自valoir的阴性过去分词 [变得强大,有价值] 〔counterfeit〕To make fraudulent copies of something valuable.仿造,假冒:制造一些有价值东西的赝品〔turquoise〕A blue to blue-green mineral of aluminum and copper, mainly CuAl6(PO 4) 4(OH) 8·4H 2O, prized as a gemstone in its polished blue form. 绿松石,土耳其玉:一种蓝色到蓝绿色的铝和铜的矿石,主要CuAl6(PO 4) 4(OH) 8·4H 2O,蓝色的抛光后作为一种宝石而有价值 〔received〕Having been accepted as true or worthy:被普遍接受的:被当作真实或有价值而被接受的:〔worthy〕Having worth, merit, or value; useful or valuable.有价值的:具有价值或优点的;有用的或有价值〔sacrifice〕Forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim.牺牲:为了某个被认为更有价值或权利的人或物而放弃非常珍贵的东西〔Schmidt〕American baseball player. In 17 seasons with the Philadelphia Phillies (1972-1989), Schmidt hit 548 home runs and was the National League's most valuable player three times (1980, 1981, and 1986).施密特,麦克·杰克:美国棒球选手。在为费城费城人队效力的17个赛季中(1972年-1989年),施密特共打出548支全垒打并三次成为国家棒球联盟的最有价值球员(1980年、1981年、1986年)〔foist〕To pass off as genuine, valuable, or worthy:蒙混:作为真品、有价值或值得珍藏的东西蒙混:〔Maris〕American baseball player who spent most of his career with the New York Yankees (1960-1967). In 1961 he surpassed Babe Ruth's single-season record of 60 home runs and was named the American League's most valuable player for the second year in a row.马里斯,罗杰:美国棒球选手,大部分职业生涯都为纽约扬基队效力(1960年-1967年)。1961年他超过巴比·鲁思创下的单赛季60支全垒打的记录,并在当年和第二年蝉联美国棒球联盟最有价值球员〔appreciate〕"In principle, the modern university values nothing more than the free exchange of ideas necessary for the pursuit of knowledge" (Eloise Salholz). “原则上,现代大学并不比追求知识所必需的概念的自由交换更有价值” (埃路易斯·萨尔荷斯)。〔pay〕Yielding valuable metal in mining:有开采价值的:通过开采能产生有价值金属的:〔wealth〕An abundance of valuable material possessions or resources; riches.财富:有价值物质拥有物或资源的丰富;财富〔crown〕The highest, primary, or most valuable part, attribute, or state:最有价值者:最高的、首要的或最有价值的部分、特性或状态:〔blackmail〕Something of value extorted in this manner.勒索之物:通过此种手段强取的有价值之物〔replace〕"The steam engine began to supplant the muscular power of men and animals" (James Harvey Robinson).Tosupersede is to replace one person or thing by another held to be superior, more valuable or useful, or less antiquated: “蒸汽机开始取代人和动物的劳动” (詹姆士·哈维·罗宾逊)。Supersede 是指用另一个被认为更优秀、更有价值、更有用或者更年轻的人或物代替某人或某物:




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