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释义 | 〔zinjanthropus〕An extinct primate postulated from bones found in Tanzania in 1959 and originally designatedZinjanthropus boisei by Louis S.B. Leakey. It was later shown to be an australopithecine and renamed Australopithecus boisei. 东非人属:从1959年在坦桑尼亚发现的骨骼推测出的已灭绝灵长目动物,刘易斯S.B.利基最初将其命名为东非人属人 。后来证明是南方古猿并更名为 南方古猿属人 〔Arbuthnot〕Scottish physician and writer noted for his satirical anti-Whig pamphlets published asLaw Is a Bottomless Pit (1712) and later retitled The History of John Bull. 阿巴思诺特,约翰:(1667-1735) 苏格兰医生及作家,以其反对英国维新党的讽刺性小册子著名,出版有《法律是无底洞》 (1712年)后更名为 《约翰·布尔的身世》 〔Yale〕Colonial-born English merchant and philanthropist who made a series of contributions to the Collegiate School in Connecticut, which was renamed in Yale's honor (1718).耶鲁,伊莱休:(1649-1721) 生于殖民地的英国商人和慈善家,曾向康涅狄格的学院做过一系列捐献,为纪念他更名为耶鲁 (1718年).〔Harare〕The capital and largest city of Zimbabwe, in the northeast part of the country. Founded by the British in 1890, it is a manufacturing and tobacco-processing center. The name was changed in 1982 to honor a 19th-century leader. Population, 656,011.哈拉雷,索尔兹伯里:津巴布韦首都及最大城市,位于该国东北部,于1890年由英国人建成,是制造业和烟草加工业中心,该城市于1982年为纪念一个19世纪的领导人而更名。人口656,011〔Kaliningrad〕A city of extreme western European U.S.S.R. on the Baltic Sea near the Polish border. It was founded in 1255 by the Teutonic Knights and joined the Hanseatic League in 1340. As Königsberg it was an important Prussian city and the birthplace of Immanuel Kant (1724). Transferred to the U.S.S.R. in 1945, the city was renamed Kaliningrad in 1946. Population, 385,000.加里宁格勒,哥尼格斯堡:苏联欧洲部分最西端一城市,濒临波罗的海,毗邻波兰边境。该市由条顿骑士团于1255年建立,1340年加入汉萨同盟。该市旧称哥尼格斯堡,为当时重要的普鲁士城市之一,也是以马内利·康德的出生地(1724年)。1945年该市划归苏联管理,1946年更名为加里宁格勒。人口385,000〔Princeton〕A borough of central New Jersey north-northeast of Trenton. Founded by Quakers in 1696, it is the seat of Princeton University (established in 1746 as the College of New Jersey and renamed in 1896). George Washington defeated the British here in January 1777. Population, 12,016.普林斯顿:美国新泽西州中部一自治镇,位于特兰顿东北偏北部。1696年由贵格教派建立,是普林斯顿大学所在地(建于1746年,称新泽西学院,1896年更名)。1777年1月乔治·华盛顿在此地击败英军。人口12,016〔Sucre〕The constitutional capital of Bolivia, in the south-central part of the country southeast of La Paz. Founded in 1538 as Chuquisaca, it was renamed in 1840 to honor the first president of the country. Population, 86,609.苏克雷:玻利维亚宪法规定的首都,位于该国的中南部,拉巴斯东南方。建于1538年,当时的名称是丘基萨卡,1840年更名以纪念国家第一任总统,人口86,609〔Duke〕American tobacco-industry leader who with his brotherJames Buchanan Duke (1856-1925) organized the American Tobacco Company (1890) and endowed Trinity College, which was renamed Duke University in their honor (1924). 杜克,本杰明·牛顿:(1855-1929) 美国烟草工业领袖,1890年与其弟杰姆士·布坎南·杜克 (1856-1925年)组建美国烟草公司并出资捐助三一学院,后为纪念他们,三一学院于1924年更名为杜克大学 〔Harrisburg〕The capital of Pennsylvania, in the southeast-central part of the state west-northwest of Philadelphia. Settled in the early 1700's as Harris' Ferry, it was renamed in 1785 and became the capital in 1812. Population, 52,376.哈里斯堡:位于美国费城西北偏西、宾夕法尼亚州中部偏东南的该州首府,于17世纪早期建成并起名为哈里斯渡口,后于1785年更名,1812年成为宾州首府。人口52,376〔Roosevelt〕A river, about 644 km (400 mi) long, of northwestern Brazil. Originally known as the River of Doubt, it was renamed in honor of Theodore Roosevelt, who explored it in 1913.罗斯福河:巴西北部一条流程约644公里(400英里)的河流,该河最初名为道特河,后为纪念1913年在此探险的西奥多·罗斯福而更名 |
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