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单词 暗示着
释义 〔uncertainty〕 Suspicion is doubt as to the innocence, truth, integrity, honesty, or soundness of someone or something;the word often suggests an uneasy feeling that the person or thing is evil: Suspicion 表示对人或事的清白、真实、正直、诚实或公正等品质的怀疑;该词还经常暗示着认为该人或事邪恶的忧虑感: 〔suave〕Urbane implies a high degree of refinement together with the assurance that comes from wide social experience: Urbane 暗示着相当高程度的修养以及来自广泛的社会经验的一种信心: 〔suggest〕a silence that suggested disapproval.沉默暗示着反对〔Asian〕The termAsian is now preferred for persons of South and East Asian ancestry (Indians, Southeast Asians, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Indonesians, Filipinos, and others) in place of the term Oriental, an older usage that denotes some of these groups.Oriental has been objected to on two grounds: because it suggests racial, rather than cultural identity,and because it identifies the place of origin in terms of its location relative to the West (i.e., "from the East"), rather than in absolute terms.这个名称亚洲 现在用来称呼南亚和东亚人的后裔(包括印度人,东南亚人,中国人,朝鲜人,日本人,印尼人,菲律宾人和其他人),而不用 oriental, 这是一个老的用法,用来指这些亚洲人中的一些人。反对使用oriental 这个词有两个理由: 因为它暗示着种族的而非文化的特征,还因为它把人与相对于西方(如“来自东方”)的出生地混为一谈,而不以很清楚的名称指称。〔relevant〕 Apposite implies a striking appropriateness and pertinence: Apposite 暗示着惊人的适当性及相关性: 〔religious〕 Religious implies adherence to religion in both belief and practice: Religious 暗示着在信仰和行为两方面对宗教的忠诚: 〔forgive〕Failure to protest police brutality may indicate a willingness to condone it. 反抗警察暴行的失败暗示着宽恕其行为。 〔caprice〕 whimsy can both mean a quaint or fantastic idea,butwhim more strongly suggests sudden inspiration, whimsy a playful or fanciful quality: whimsy 都可以表示一个古怪或怪诞的念头,但whim 更强烈地暗示着突发的灵感, 而whimsy 则更强烈地暗含一种开玩笑的或充满幻想的特性: 〔smell〕To be suggestive; have a touch of something:暗示着;有某物的迹像:〔equanimity〕 Equanimity implies mental balance and evenness of temperament,often as a characteristic state: Equanimity 暗示着精神上的平衡和性情上的平稳,经常指一种性格: 〔relinquish〕Cede connotes formal transfer,as of rights or territory: Cede 暗示着正式的转让:如权力或领地的让渡: 〔author〕The verbauthor, which had been out of use for a long period, has been rejuvenated in recent years with the sense "to assume responsibility for the content of a published text.” As such it is not quite synonymous with the verbwrite ; one can write, but not author, a love letter or an unpublished manuscript,and the writer who ghostwrites a book for a celebrity cannot be said to have "authored" the creation. The sentenceHe has authored a dozen books on the subject was unacceptable to 74 percent of the Usage Panel, probably because it implies that the fact of having a book published is worthy of special lexical distinction, a notion that sits poorly with conventional literary sensibilities,and which seems to smack of press agentry.The sentenceThe Senator authored a bill limiting uses of desert lands in California was similarly rejected by 64 percent of the Panel, though here the usage is common journalistic practice,and is perhaps justified by the observation that we do not expect that legislators will actually write the bills to which they attach their names. ·The verbcoauthor is well established in reference to scientific and scholarly publications, where it serves a useful purpose,since the people listed as authors of such works routinely include research collaborators who have played no part in the actual writing of the text,but who are nonetheless entitled to credit for the published results.动词author, 很长一段时间不再使用, 近年来又以“对某一出版作品的内容负有责任”的含义重新起用。因此,它已不完全同动词write 同义; 一个人可以写一封求爱信或未出版的草稿,但不是作者,某一人即使雇人写出一篇杰作也不能说是“创作”了作品。对句子他已就这个论题创作了十二部作品 74%的用法专题小组不能接受, 可能因为它暗示着一个事实,即一本已出版的书一定有特别的词汇意义上区别的价值,这是与传统文学观念不太相容的概念,并带有出版机构的意味。此句参议员提出了一个限制使用加利福尼亚地区沙漠土地的议案 ,同样有64%的用法专题小组成员不能接受, 虽然这里这种用法是新闻界实践的惯用。这恐怕是因为我们并不希望立法人员真的是写作一项议案然后在其上署上他们的名字吧。·动词coauthor 是在科学及学术发表论文的意义上建立的, 这里这个词的使用有一个重要意义,因为创作者名单上列出作为这部作品创作者的人通常包括共同研究人员,既使他们实际上并未参加写作,但不可否认地对出版物的结果做出了贡献〔common〕"He [Shakespeare] was not something sacred and aloof from the vulgar herd of men" (William Hazlitt).The word usually connotes the lack of refinement ofcommon : “他 不是来自粗俗的牧羊人的神圣且冷淡的东西” (威廉·海斯利特)。此单词常暗示着common 的缺乏教养: 〔spill〕One is not supposed to cry over spilled milk,but at one time the wordspill was associated with many tears. Old Englishspillan, the ancestor of Modern Englishspill, had meanings such as "to destroy, mutilate, kill.”The hints of its future life in connection with substances falling out of containers, often wastefully, were contained in the senses "to waste" and "to shed blood.”But many people, castles, and fortunes were "spilled" before people started spilling milk,at least judging from the recorded evidence.Spill is first recorded in the sense "to cause a substance to fall out of a container" in a work composed in the 14th century.Since then, much water, milk, and gravy have been spilled,while most of the senses having to do with destruction and bloodshed have become obsolete or archaic.对着打翻的牛奶哭是无济于事的,但spill 这个词曾经和眼泪有联系。 古英语单词spillan , 即现代英语单词spill 的祖先, 具有例如“毁灭,破坏,杀死”等意思。而其“浪费”及“使血流出”的含意则暗示着这个古词将来会与通常是浪费性质的从容器中溢出之物发生联系。但在人们开始洒牛奶之前就已“杀死”了许多人命,“毁坏”了许多城堡,“浪费”了许多财富,这一点至少可以从记载下来的证据判断出来。Spill 最初记录下来的意思是“使一物质溢出一容器”, 这一含意出现于14世纪的一本著作中。从那时起,这个词表达人们泼洒了大量的水、牛奶及肉汁,而这个词与毁灭及流血有联系的有关意思则都成了过时用法或古代用法〔young〕Youthful suggests characteristics, such as enthusiasm, freshness, or energy, that are associated with youth: Youthful 暗示着与青春有关的特性;如热情、朝气或精力: 〔sly〕Foxy implies cunning and craft and usually long experience in the use of trickery: Foxy 暗示着谋略和方法以及长期使用害人的手段: 〔sepulchral〕Suggestive of the grave; funereal.丧葬的:暗示着埋葬的;丧葬的〔miscellaneous〕 Assorted often suggests the purposeful arrangement of different but complementary elements: Assorted 经常暗示着不同但却互为补充的因素的有意安排: 〔relinquish〕 Relinquish, the least specific, sometimes connotes unwillingness or regret: Relinguish 是最不明确的,有些时候还暗示着不愿意或后悔: 〔miscellaneous〕 Miscellaneous implies a varied, often haphazard combination: Miscellaneous 暗示着一种不同的,经常是随意的组合: 〔talkative〕 Glib refers to fluent, easy, and smooth speechthat often suggests shallowness, lack of sincerity, or questionable motives: Glib 指流利、轻松和平滑的谈话,这种谈话常常暗示着浅薄、缺乏诚意或值得怀疑的动机: 〔dictatorial〕 Doctrinaire implies the imposition of one's theories, beliefs, or doctrines: Doctrinaire 暗示着强加某人的理论、信仰或教义: 〔equanimity〕 Composure is calmness that suggests the exercise of self-control: Composure 是一种暗示着自我控制训练的冷静: 〔relevant〕Germane implies close kinship and appropriateness: Germane 暗示着亲密的关系和适当性: 〔complete〕"Give us the tools, and we will finish the job" (Winston S. Churchill).Often, though, it suggests the addition of final details to what has already essentially been completed: “给我们工具,我们就会干完这些工作” (温斯顿·S·丘吉尔)。不过,它又常暗示着必需完成的另外一些细节: 〔scream〕 Scream generally denotes a prolonged penetrating soundindicative of physical suffering or emotion, such as fear: Scream 一般来讲表示一种延长的刺耳声音,暗示着经受了身体上或者情感上的痛苦,例如恐惧: 〔miscellaneous〕Mixed suggests a combination of differing but not necessarily conflicting elements: Mixed 暗示着一种由不同但不一定是互相对立的因素构成的组合: 〔caprice〕 Caprice strongly suggests lack of apparent motivationand can imply wanton and willful behavior: Caprice 强烈地暗示着缺乏一种明显的动机,可以用以暗指没有节制的和故意的举动: 〔hesitate〕Waver suggests a delay in taking action once a choice has been made,as if the decision were being reconsidered: Waver 暗示着做出选择后拖延着做出实际行动,好似重新考虑决定似的: 〔mirth〕 Mirth stresses lightheartedness and gaiety;it often suggests easy laughter: Mirth 强调的是心情轻松和欢愉,它通常暗示着轻松的笑声: 〔young〕Immature applies to what is not yet fully grown or developed;the term sometimes suggests that someone falls short of an expected level of maturity: Immature 用于未充分成长或发展的人和事;它有时暗示着某人达不到预期的成熟水平: 〔minimal〕Under the strict interpretation ofminimal, this sentence should mean only "Alcohol has an unpleasant effect when I have eaten nothing.”If the looser interpretation is allowed, however,the sentence can also mean “ . . . when I have eaten a bit.”Presented with the sentence, 29 percent of the Usage Panel said that it could have only the "eaten nothing" (that is, the strict) interpretation;34 percent said that it could have only the "eaten a bit" (that is, the looser) interpretation;and 37 percent said that it could have either meaning.Thus the looser sense ofminimal is accepted by 71 percent of the Panel and must be considered acceptable in nontechnical use. · In an analogous shift,the verbminimize is often used to mean "to reduce,” an extension of its strict etymological sense of "to reduce to the smallest possible level.”This looser usage is the result of the imprecision that usually attaches to the use of the verb in most nontechnical contexts.When a manager announces thatThe company wants to minimize the risk of accidents to line workers, we naturally interpret the manager as meaning that the risk is to be reduced to the smallest level consistent with considerations of efficiency and cost,not that risks are to be reduced to the lowest level logically possible.Even when used with allowable imprecision, however, the verbminimize should carry some implication that the relevant quantity is reduced as much as could reasonably be expected in the circumstances.Thusminimize retains at least an approximately superlative sense and so is inconsistent with modification by adverbs such asgreatly or considerably, which imply that the verb is being used as a simple synonym forlessen or reduce. 若句中的minimal 的意思比较严格, 那么这一句就只能理解为“当我什么没吃时喝酒会搞得我很难受。”但是如果比较宽泛的词义得到承认,那么这一句同时也有“…当我吃过一点东西时”这层意思。百分之二十九的用法专题使用小组成员认为这一词只能当“什么都不吃”(即严格意义上的词义)来讲;百分之三十四的成员说它只有“吃过一点”(即宽泛一些的)词义;百分之三十七的成员说两种含义都可适用。所以minimal 宽泛的含义被用法专题使用小组的百分之七十一的成员接受。 与其相类似的是,动词minimize 经常被用来指“减少”, 是其“减少到最可能小的水平”的严格意义上的延伸。这一较宽泛的含义是非技术性文章使用这一动词的不精确性而带来的结果。当一个经理宣称公司试图将生产线上工人面临出事故的风险降至最低, 我们自然会认为经理的意思是工厂的事故风险将被降至一个同时又考虑效率和成本的最小程度,而不是逻辑上可以达到的最低程度。即使在可以允许不精确的程度内使用时,动词mininize 也应有一层隐含的意思, 即其相对数量已被减少到了情况所期望的合理的程度。这样,minimize 至少仍然保留着一种大致为最高级的意思, 因而它与这些副词如greatly 或 considerably 不能搭配使用, 因为这些副词暗示着这一动词被当成了lessen 或 reduce 简单同义词而使用 〔talkative〕 Garrulous implies excessive talkativeness and often suggests rambling, tiresome speech: Garrulous 暗指过分的健谈并常常暗示着一种东拉西扯的、令人厌烦的谈话: 〔choose〕Elect strongly suggests deliberation in making a selection, usually between alternatives: Elect 强烈地暗示着通常在两者之间作出挑选时的深思细想: 〔dramatic〕The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "suggestive of acting or of an emotional and often affected stage performance": 这些形容词的中心意思是“暗示着动作性的或使人联想起充满激情,通常是动人的舞台表演的”: 〔cause〕 Antecedent refers to what has gone before and implies a relationship—but not necessarily a causal one—with what ensues: Antecedent 指先发生并且暗示着与后继者之间的关系—虽不必然是因果关系—的原因: 〔relinquish〕Resign suggests unresisting submission or acquiescence, as that arising from hopelessness: Resign 暗示着不抵抗的屈服或默认,如因为毫无希望而产生的: 〔fellow〕A jolly good fellow might or might not be the ideal business associate,but the ancestor of our wordfellow definitely referred to a business partner. Fellow, borrowed into English from Old Norse,is related to the Old Icelandic wordfēlagi, meaning "a partner or shareholder of any kind.”Old Icelandicfēlagi is derived from fēlag, "partnership,” a compound made up offē, "livestock, property, money,” and lag, "a laying in order" and "fellowship.” The notion of putting one's property together lies behind the senses offēlagi meaning "partner" and "consort.”In Old Icelandicfēlagi also had the general sense "fellow, mate, comrade,” whichfellow has as well, indicating perhaps that most partnerships turned out all right for speakers of Old Icelandic.极好的伙伴可能是但也可能不是理想的商业伙伴,但fellow 这个词的前身确实是指商业伙伴。 Fellow 从古挪威语中借入英语,与古冰岛词felagi 有关, 意思是“任何一种形式的伙伴或股东”。古冰岛的felagi 源于 felag, “伙伴关系,” 一个由fe “家畜,财产,钱,”和 lag, “整齐的布置”和“伙伴关系” 组成的合成词。 将某人的财产放在一起的概念隐藏在felagi 的意义中, 意思是“伙伴”和“同事”。在古冰岛语中felagi 也有概括的含义“伙伴,同事,同志”, 这些意思fellow 也有, 暗示着也许大多数同伴关系对讲古冰岛语的人来说结果都不错〔well〕Used as an adjective applied to people,well usually refers to a state of health, whereasgood has a much wider range of senses. It has always been a first principle of grammatical criticism that there should be no difference without a distinction,and perhaps for this reason, some critics have insisted that the expressionfeel good cannot be used in reference to health. It is true that there is a distinction betweenfeel well and feel good, but both can be applied to a state of health.Thus a patient suffering from a chronic disease might appropriately say to a doctorI feel good today, which implies a relative lack of physical discomfort.By contrast,I feel well today would be appropriate if the patient believes that the ailment has disappeared. See Usage Note at good 用作形容词来形容人时,well 通常指健康状况, 但是good 的意思更加广泛。 在语法评论中,没有区别就没有差别一直是第一性原则,也许正是因为如此,一些批评家坚持认为feel good 这一表达方式不能用来指健康。 诚然,feel well 与 feel good 有区别, 但是两者都可用来指健康。所以一位患有慢性病的病人完全可以对医生说I feel good today(我今天感觉不错) , 这句话暗示着病痛相对减轻了。相反,I feel well today(我今天感到全好了) 也可以,如果病人确信病症已消失了 参见 good




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