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单词 暗指
释义 〔urge〕 Prick suggests driving as if with a spur: Prick 暗指似用刺激物来驱使: 〔lure〕Inveigle implies winning over by coaxing, flattery, or artful talk: Inveigle 暗指通过哄骗、奉承或花言巧语而达到目的: 〔burdensome〕Learning a new role is a long and arduous undertaking.Demanding, rigorous, and exacting imply the imposition of severe and uncompromising demands: 学习扮演一个新的角色是一项长期而又使人疲惫的任务。Demanding, rigorous和 exacting 暗指具有严格的且不易通融的要求的任务: 〔foolish〕 Foolish, the least emphatic and derogatory,usually implies poor judgment or lack of wisdom or soundness: Foolish, 强烈程度及贬低程度最轻,常暗指较低的评价或缺乏智慧及正确判断力: 〔pathetic〕"The emperor had been in a state of pitiable vacillation" (William Hickling Prescott).Sometimes the terms connote contemptuous pity,as for what is hopelessly inept or inadequate: “皇帝曾处于令人可怜的举棋不定状态” (威廉·希克林·普雷斯科特)。这两个词有时暗指轻蔑的同情,如令人绝望地无能或不合适的东西: 〔nimble〕 Spry usually suggests unexpected speed and energy of motion: Spry 经常暗指行动的难以预料的速度或动机: 〔conduct〕Manage suggests the manipulation or handling of a person, a group of persons, or, often, a complex organization: Manage 暗指对一个人、一群人或通常是一个复杂机构的操纵或控制: 〔advance〕 In the figurative sense, moreover, there is a distinction between the two terms deriving from the transitive and intransitive forms of the verbadvance. The nounadvancement (unlike advance ) often implies the existence of an agent or outside force. Thus,the advance of science means simply the progress of science, whereasthe advancement of science implies progress resulting from the action of an agent or force: 然而,在比喻义上,源自动词advance 的及物和不及物形态的两个词之间具有差别。 名词advancement (不象 advance )通常暗含行为或外部力量的存在。 因此科学的进步 简单地意味着在科学上取得的进步, 而科学的进展 暗指源自行为和力量的进步: 〔mug〕Probably from mug 1 [possibly in allusion to mugs decorated with grotesque faces] 可能源自 mug1 [可能暗指用鬼脸做装饰的大杯子] 〔save〕"The foundations of the capital were gradually reclaimed from the watery element" (William Hickling Prescott).Toredeem is to free someone from captivity or the consequences of sin or error or to save something from pawn or from deterioration or destruction;the term can imply the expenditure of money or effort: “首都的地基逐渐从含水物质中露出来” (威廉·希克林·普雷斯科特)。Redeem 是将某人从关押、犯罪恶果或谬误中解放出来, 或将某物从当铺或变坏的状况和毁灭状态中赎回或挽救回来;该词也暗指花费金钱和努力: 〔flock〕 Herd is used of a number of animals, especially cattle, herded by human beings;or of wild animals such as antelope, elephants, and zebras;or of whales and seals.Applied to people,it is used disparagingly of a crowd or of the massesand suggests the gregarious aspect of crowd psychology. Herd 用来指一群牛等由人放养的动物;或是羚羊、大象和斑马等野生动物;也可指鲸或海豹。用于指人时,是对一群人或群众的蔑称,并且暗指大众心理的群体性特征。〔estrange〕Disaffect usually implies discontent, ill will, and disloyalty within the membership of a group: Disaffect 通常暗指一群成员的不满、恶意和不忠: 〔malign〕 Defame connotes damage to reputation, character, or good name brought about by misrepresentation: Defame 暗指由于虚假的陈述而导致的对名誉、品质或好名声的损害: 〔absolute〕Of, relating to, or being a transitive verb when its object is implied but not stated. For example,inspires in We have a teacher who inspires is an absolute verb. 独立的:及物动词的宾语是暗指的而并非明确指出的,比如鼓舞 在 我们有一位鼓舞人的老师 中是作为一独立动词 〔reckless〕 Foolhardy implies injudicious or imprudent boldness: Foolhardy 暗指不明智的或不谨慎的莽撞: 〔polite〕 Courteous implies courtliness and dignity: Courteous 暗指宫廷式的典雅和高贵: 〔internecine〕In the first edition of theAmerican Heritage Dictionary 91 percent of the Usage Panel approved the use ofinternecine relating to internal struggle within a nation or organization that did not necessarily imply fatal or destructive conflict.The objection that had been overcome for most of the Panel was thatinternecine should imply such destruction because it came from the Latin wordinternecīnus, a variant ofinternecīvus, "fought to the death, murderous,” ultimately derived fromnecāre, "to kill.” Inter- in this compound is simply an intensive, supplying the notion of "all the way to" in the sense "fought to the death.”Internecine in English, first recorded in 1663, indeed meant "deadly, destructive,”but Samuel Johnson, inserting the word in his dictionary of 1755,thought thatinter- meant "mutual" and so defined it as "endeavoring mutual destruction.”This definition set the word incorrectly on its present course,and wheninternecine was further extended simply to mean "relating to internal struggle,” the original error was compounded.However, the point is that the meaning of words can be changed by mistakes and that mistaken meanings adhere to words.Only an occasional etymologist points out that the emperor's new clothes are patched.在美国经典辞书 第一版中, 百分之九十一的用法专题使用小组成员赞同internecine 与一个国家或组织内部的斗争有关, 但并不一定是致命的或有破坏性的冲突。为大多数小组成员说服的反对意见为internecine 应该暗指这种破坏, 因为它来源于拉丁词internecinus , 是internecivus 的变体,意为“战至死亡的,谋杀的”, 它最终来源于意为“杀害”的necare 。 在这个复合词中inter- 只是简单的一个强调成分, 在“战至死亡的”这个意义上加上“一直”这个概念。在英语中internecine 最早记载于1663年, 确实意味着“致死的,破坏性的”,但是塞缪尔·约翰逊在其1755年的字典中插入此词,认为inter- 意为“共同的”, 并且将它定义为“竭力造成共同破坏的”。这个定义造成此词今日用法的不准确,而且当internecine 更进一步被简单地引申为“关于内部斗争的”时, 其起源的错误就加重了。但是,重要的是词的意思被错误改变并且为错误意思所追随。只有偶尔的一个词源学家指出“皇帝的新衣服打满补丁”〔swing〕 Vibrate usually implies quick periodic oscillations;it often suggests trembling, pulsating, or quivering: Vibrate 通常暗指快速的周期性摇摆;常常表示颤抖、搏动或微颤: 〔accidental〕 Incidental refers to what is an adjunct to something else and does not necessarily imply the operation of chance: Incidental 指附加于另外的事物上,但不一定就暗指是由于偶然的因素: 〔flutter〕To move or fall in a manner suggestive of tremulous flight:拍动,飞舞:暗指以震颤飞翔的方式移动或坠落:〔ruin〕"The Boers had just wrecked a British military train" (Arnold Bennett).Whenwreck is used in its extended sense, as in referring to the ruination of a person or his or her hopes or reputation, it implies irreparable shattering: “布尔人刚刚毁了一辆英国军用火车” (阿诺德·贝奈特)。Wreck 用于其延伸意义时(如指毁坏一个人或他或她的希望或名声), 暗指无可挽回的毁灭: 〔elfin〕Relating to or suggestive of an elf.小精灵的:小精灵的或暗指小精灵的〔abstinence〕 Abstinence implies the willful avoidance of pleasures, especially of food and drink, thought to be harmful or self-indulgent: Abstinence 暗指自愿地节制饮食和饮酒这些被认为有害或自我放纵的东西: 〔severe〕 Severe implies adherence to rigorous standards or high principles;the term often suggests the imposition of harsh conditions: Severe 暗指遵守严格的标准或高度的原则;该词常暗示强加苛刻的条件: 〔parallel〕In its mathematical usageparallel is an absolute term— two lines either do or do not intersect—and as such does not admit of qualification as to degree.Some grammarians have arguedthat this restriction should apply as well to nontechnical uses of the word.According to this logic,one may not sayThe two roads have been made more parallel, except perhaps as a loose way of saying what is rendered more precisely by expressions such asmore nearly parallel. Like the analogous objection that has been made to the comparison ofequal, the point betrays a misconception about the relation between mathematical concepts and their ordinary-language equivalents.Applied to objects in the world,parallel can only denote a rough approximation to a geometric ideal. A pair of rails or parked cars cannot be truly parallel in the mathematician's sense of the termbut only more or less so,just as a road or shelf cannot be truly straight in the geometric sensebut nonetheless may be described as very straight or relatively straight.The grammarians' compunctions make even less sense when applied to metaphorical uses ofparallel, as inThe difficulties faced by the Republicans are quite parallel to those that confronted the Democrats four years ago, in which the intended meaning has nothing to do with the possibility of intersectionbut instead suggests the structural correspondence of two distinct situations.In this sense, parallelism is clearly a matter of degreeand the wordparallel can be modified accordingly. See Usage Note at equal ,perfect ,unique 在数学用法中,parallel 是一个绝对的表达法—— 两条线要么相交,要么就不相交——它既没有限定性也没有程度差别。一些语法学家曾提出,这种限制也应该适用于该词在非科技方面的用法,按照这种逻辑,人们不能说这两条路已被修得更加平行了, 除非作为用例如更接近于平行 这样的表达方法更精确地表示的东西的不够精确的说出方法。 象对equal 的比较所做的类似反对一样, 这个观点使数学概念与普通用语中等价词之间的关系引起误解。当运用到世间的实物时,parellel 仅能指与几何理想状态大致接近的状况。 一对铁轨或停放的车辆不可能按数学家对于这个术语的理解来真正地相互并行,而不过是大致平行而已,正如公路和架子不可能是真正几何意义上的笔直,但仍可被描绘成很直的或相对而言的笔直。在用到parallel 的比喻用法时,语法学家的不安就更显得意义不大了, 例如:共和党人所面临的重重困难与四年前民主党人遇到的困难十分相似, 在这句话中,该词的引申意义与相交的可能性毫无关系,然而它暗指了两种不同情况结构上的一致。在此意义上,相似性明显是程度的问题,相应地,parallel 一词也能被其它词限定修饰了。 参见 equal,perfect,unique〔they〕Used to refer to the ones previously mentioned or implied.他们:用于指代前面提及或暗指过的人〔accompany〕Conduct implies guidance of others: Conduct 暗指受他人的领导: 〔teach〕Educate often implies formal instruction but especially stresses the development of innate capacities that leads to wide cultivation: Educate 经常暗指正式的教育但特别强调导致一般的教养的天生能力的发展: 〔sharp〕Acute suggests penetrating perception or discernment: Acute 暗指敏锐的感知力与辨认力: 〔grant〕Concede usually implies giving reluctantly in response to a strong claim: Concede 通常暗指回应强烈的要求而不情愿地给予: 〔dismay〕 Daunt suggests an abatement of courage: Daunt 暗指勇气的减少: 〔complete〕 Complete suggests the final stage in bringing an undertaking to fruition: Complete 暗指取得成功的最后一步: 〔tear〕 Rip implies rough or forcible tearing apart or away, often along a dividing line such as a seam or joint: Rip 暗指经常沿分割线,例如裂缝或接合线,粗暴的或用力的撕开或撕掉: 〔shelter〕 Cover suggests something, as bushes, that conceals: Cover 暗指提供庇护的某物,如灌木: 〔swing〕 Undulate implies smooth wavelike movement: Undulate 暗指波浪般平缓的运动: 〔grand〕simple but grandiose architecture); it often suggests pretentiousness, affectation, or pompousness ( 简洁但巨大的建筑); 其常暗指自以为是,虚假或自傲( 〔effort〕Pains implies attentive or laborious effort: Pains 暗指集中的或勤劳的努力: 〔infer〕When the mayor said that she would not rule out a business tax increase, she implied (not inferred ) that some taxes might be raised. 当市长说她不排除商业税增涨的可能性时,她暗指(不是 inferred ) 可能要提高某些税收。 〔foolish〕Silly suggests lack of point or purpose: Silly 暗指无意义或无目的: 〔flash〕Gleam implies transient or constant light that often appears against a dark background: Gleam 暗指在黑色的背景上不断出现的短暂亮光:




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